Results for 'Patricia Donovan'

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  1.  19
    Sterilizing the Poor and Incompetent.Patricia Donovan - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (5):7-8.
  2.  74
    Jacques Derrida and Gianni Vattimo (eds.), Religion. Trans. By David Webb and others.Patricia A. Johnson - 1999 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 46 (3):193-195.
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    Elimination of the Potential from the Schrödinger and Klein–Gordon Equations by Means of Conformal Transformations.Valerio Faraoni & Donovan M. Faraoni - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (5):773-788.
    The potential term in the Schrödinger equation can be eliminated by means of a conformal transformation, reducing it to an equation for a free particle in a conformally related fictitious configuration space. A conformal transformation can also be applied to the Klein–Gordon equation, which is reduced to an equation for a free massless field in an appropriate (conformally related) spacetime. These procedures arise from the observation that the Jacobi form of the least action principle and the Hamilton–Jacobi equation of classical (...)
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    Commentary on Schroll and Greenwood's Multistate Paradigm.Patricia 'Iolana - 2011 - Anthropology of Consciousness 22 (1):61-62.
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    Louise Michel, Trois Romans : Les Microbes humains, Le Monde nouveau, Le Claque-dents, textes établis, présentés et annotés par Claude Rétat et Stéphane Zékian.Patricia Izquierdo - 2014 - Clio 40:312-312.
    Cet ouvrage fait partie de la collection « Louise Michel : Œuvres » lancée par le laboratoire LIRE et par Xavière Gauthier dès 1999 afin de rendre son œuvre accessible et d’en montrer la complexité et l’intérêt littéraire. C’est la première édition critique de trois romans, Les microbes humains (p. 47-207), Le monde nouveau (p. 211-384) et Le claque-dents (p. 387-562) qui datent respectivement de 1886, 1888 et 1890 (p. 11). Pour le troisième tome uniquement, un tableau des correspondances ent...
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    Paul Ricoeur, reflections on the just (trans. By David pellauer).Patricia Altenbernd Johnson - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (1):55-57.
  7. Idealism, subjects and science.Patricia Kitcher - 2024 - In James Conant & Jesse M. Mulder, Reading Rödl: on Self-consciousness and objectivity. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  8.  41
    The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes’s L Eviathan.Patricia Springborg (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This Companion makes a new departure in Hobbes scholarship, addressing a philosopher whose impact was as great on Continental European theories of state and legal systems as it was at home. This volume is a systematic attempt to incorporate work from both the Anglophone and Continental traditions, bringing together newly commissioned work by scholars from ten different countries in a topic-by-topic sequence of essays that follows the structure of Leviathan, re-examining the relationship among Hobbes's physics, metaphysics, politics, psychology, and religion. (...)
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  9.  26
    Teaching children with autism to mind-read: the workbook. 2Rev Ed edition.Patricia Howlin, Simon Baron-Cohen & Julie A. Hadwin - unknown
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  10.  33
    Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Object.Patricia Sloane - 1971 - Journal of Critical Analysis 2 (4):28-33.
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  11.  30
    The Nature and process of law: an introduction to legal philosophy.Patricia Smith (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Unlike other works in philosophy of law, which focus on the nature of law in the abstract, this comprehensive anthology presents law as a "process," part and parcel of a system of government and defined constitutional procedures. Using the U.S. legal system as a model, it establishes the basis of law in political theory, then presents substantive issues in private and public law, illustrated throughout with important political documents and court cases and stimulating readings in history, law, and philosophy. The (...)
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  12.  39
    Veridical perceptions of cylindricality: A problem of depth discrimination and object identification.Patricia Cain Smith & Olin W. Smith - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (2):145.
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  13.  39
    Hestian Thinking in Antiquity and Modernity.Patricia J. Thompson - 2000 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 7 (2-3):71-82.
    Thompson (1994) proposed a re-visioning of the oikos/polis dichotomy in classical philosophy. She offers a dual systems paradigm based on two ancient Greek mythemes---Hestia, goddess of the oikos, or domestic “homeplace,” and Hermes, god of the polis, or public “marketplace,” as an alternative to gender as the primary analytic lens to advance feminist theory. This paper applies hestian/hermean lenses of analysis, described in two propadeutic papers (SPCW 1996; 1997), to the writings of 6th-5th century BCEPythagorean women philosophers and 19th century (...)
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  14.  13
    Medieval Islamic Political Thought.Patricia Crone - 2004 - Edinburgh University Press.
  15.  20
    Otras miradas: mujeres artistas, nuevas tecnologías y capitalismo transnacional.Patricia Mayayo - 2007 - Polis 17.
    A principios de los años noventa, muchas pensadoras y artistas feministas vieron en las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación una especie de territorio virgen plagado de promesas para las mujeres, una euforia tecnofílica que se ha ido diluyendo en gran medida con los años. En este artículo presentamos una lectura menos triunfalista de la revolución digital: como han puesto de manifiesto algunas creadoras feministas contemporáneas, lejos de llevar aparejada esa alianza subversiva entre mujeres y máquinas que auguraban algunas teóricas, la (...)
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  16.  30
    Froid comme l'enfer : les femmes battues qui tuent.Patricia Mercader - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 176 (2):95-104.
    Bien étudiée par les sociologues nord-améri-cains, spécialement par des féministes, la problématique des femmes battues qui tuent appelle une compréhension clinique. Centré sur huit cas, cet article montre comment leur aptitude à la symbolisation a été systématiquement entravée. Grandissant dans des familles où les femmes étaient strictement confinées à la sphère domestique, où un strict contrôle de leur sexualité n’empêchait pas de sévères négligences, qui parfois allaient jusqu’à les exposer à des abus sexuels, elles ont été confrontées à un véritable (...)
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  17.  34
    Note on Ernst Cassirer's Years in Sweden.Patricia Mindus - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia 103 (2):277-304.
    In this article, some recent literature on Ernst Cassirer and foremost on the years he spent in Sweden (1935-41) is presented against the background of the contemporary streaming of ideas. Sweden's philosophical panorama was then characterized to a large extent by the so-called Uppsala school of Axel Hägerström and Adolph Phalén, that developed a strong criticism of subjectivism as well as a non-cognitivist and language-centred form of meta-ethics. Cassirer engaged in dialogue with both the theoretical and practical philosophy he encountered (...)
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  18.  29
    Measuring Legitimacy.Patricia J. Misutka - 2010 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 21:67-78.
    As Oil Sands operators face increasing criticism within the global environmental debate, companies are using a range of global, regional and industry-basedmeasurement frameworks as a means of accounting for environmental impacts and responding to stakeholder pressure. Through examination of an Oil Sands study group, this preliminary study considers the practical role of measurement frameworks in demonstrating sustainability accountability, and ultimately as sources of legitimacy. But responsiveness to stakeholders is not even across frameworks. Those most tied to the economic performance and (...)
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  19.  70
    Aprendizaje basado en problemas.Patricia Morales & Victoria Landa - 2004 - Theoria 13 (1):145-157.
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  20. Genetically Based Animal Models of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Patricia Murphy - 2010 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 31 (3):179.
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affects children, adolescents, and adults. Research suggests ADHD has a heritable component. The present article presents and assesses several genetic animal models of ADHD. The paper reviews the literature involving the following genetic animal models of ADHD: the spontaneously hypertensive rat ; the Wistar–Kyoto hyperactive rat; the coloboma mouse; the fast kindling rat; the acallosal mouse; the whirler mouse; and the genetically hypertensive rat. Research investigating animal models of ADHD has concentrated on hyperactivity, but impulsiveness, learning, (...)
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  21.  59
    Community, Assimilation, and the Unfamiliar.Tim Donovan - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (3):244-265.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.3 (2002) 244-265 [Access article in PDF] Community, Assimilation, and the Unfamiliar Tim Donovan Fellowship We are five friends, one day we came out of the house one after the other, first one came and placed himself beside the gate, then the second came, or rather he glided through the gate like a little ball of quicksilver, and placed himself near the first one, and (...)
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  22.  48
    Feminism and Aesthetics.Josephine Donovan - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (3):605-608.
    In response to the discussion between William W. Morgan and Annette Kolodny in the Summer 1976 issue of Critical Inquiry I would like to address the issue of separating judgments based on feminism as an ideology from purely aesthetic judgments. Peripherally this included the issue of "prescriptive criticism," so labeled by Cheri Register in Feminist Literary Criticism: Explorations in Theory.1 In the same book, as Kolodny points out,2 I called for criticism that exists in the "prophetic mode." Kolodny indicates reservations (...)
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  23.  24
    Fatiamento da Paisagem | Landscape slicing.Patricia Stuart Guibes - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (1):571-580.
    A partir do fatiamento horizontal de uma fotografia, este ensaio apresenta uma reflexão sobre perda de referências e dissolução de perspectivas. As imagens alongadas, seis fatias de um todo, são compreendidas como questionamentos sobre a impermanência da paisagem urbana.
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  24.  17
    Bibliography.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 235-258.
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    4. Cooperating and Trusting.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 63-94.
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    1. Introduction.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-11.
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  27.  77
    Logical form and ontological decisions.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (17):599-600.
  28.  12
    Notes.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 205-234.
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  29.  19
    Poderá a neurobiologia ensinar-nos alguma coisa acerca da consciência?Patricia Churchland - 2005 - Critica.
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  30. Religion and the brain".Patricia Smith Churchland - 2013 - In Jeffrey Foss, Science and the World: Philosophical Approaches. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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  31.  8
    La experiencia de lo sagrado: enfoque interdisciplinario.Patricia Andrea Ciner (ed.) - 2004 - San Juan: Editorial Fundación Universidad Nacional de San Juan.
  32. Men and Markets : Global Capital and the International Economy.Patricia Clavin - 2017 - In Glenda Sluga & Patricia Clavin, Internationalisms: a twentieth-century history. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  33.  13
    Affect and Control: Rethinking the Body ‘Beyond Sex and Gender’.Patricia Ticineto Clough - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (3):359-364.
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  34. Gendered security/national security : political branding and population racism.Patricia Ticineto Clough & Craig Willse - 2018 - In The user unconscious: on affect, media, and measure. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  35.  12
    The Trajectory of Targets and Critical Lures in the Deese/Roediger–McDermott Paradigm: A Systematic Review.Patricia I. Coburn, Kirandeep K. Dogra, Iarenjit K. Rai & Daniel M. Bernstein - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Deese/Roediger–McDermott paradigm has been used extensively to examine false memory. During the study session, participants learn lists of semantically related items, referred to as targets. Critical lures are items which are also associated with the lists but are intentionally omitted from study. At test, when asked to remember targets, participants often report false memories for critical lures. Findings from experiments using the DRM show the ease with which false memories develop in the absence of suggestion or misinformation. Given this, (...)
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  36.  51
    The New Politics of Community Revisited.Patricia Hill Collins - 2020 - The Pluralist 15 (1):54-73.
    the term community remains firmly entrenched in everyday speech and public discourse, circulating widely across disparate situations, with vastly different meanings attached to its use. Yet despite its seeming simplicity, the construct of community may underpin the social and political organization of power relations and the politics they engender. The myriad ways that community, power relations, and politics have informed one another suggest a potential theoretical richness for this word of power.Scholarly perspectives of community cluster around two competing focal points. (...)
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  37.  28
    Bayesian animals sense ecological constraints to predict fitness and organize individually flexible reproductive decisions.Patricia Adair Gowaty & Stephen P. Hubbell - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):215-216.
  38.  32
    What if within-sex variation is greater than between-sex variation?Patricia Adair Gowaty - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):389-390.
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    Intersubjectivity evolved to fit the brain, but grammar co-evolved with the brain.Patricia M. Greenfield & Kristen Gillespie-Lynch - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):523-524.
    We propose that some aspects of language evolved to fit the brain, whereas other aspects co-evolved with the brain. Cladistic analysis indicates that common basic structures of both action and grammar arose in phylogeny six million years ago and in ontogeny before age two, with a shared prefrontal neural substrate. In contrast, mirror neurons, found in both humans and monkeys, suggest that the neural basis for intersubjectivity evolved before language. Natural selection acts upon genes controlling the neural substrates of these (...)
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  40.  78
    Identificatory love.Patricia S. Greenspan - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 50 (3):321 - 341.
  41.  30
    Reconceiving practical reasons.Patricia Greenspan - manuscript
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  42.  30
    Priming patient safety: A middle‐range theory of safety goal priming via safety culture communication.Patricia S. Groves & Jacinda L. Bunch - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12246.
    The aim of this paper is discussion of a new middle‐range theory of patient safety goal priming via safety culture communication. Bedside nurses are key to safe care, but there is little theory about how organizations can influence nursing behavior through safety culture to improve patient safety outcomes. We theorize patient safety goal priming via safety culture communication may support organizations in this endeavor. According to this theory, hospital safety culture communication activates a previously held patient safety goal and increases (...)
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  43.  37
    Desiring security/securing desire: (Re)re‐thinking alterity in security discourse.Patricia Molloy - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (3):304-328.
    This essay rearticulates historical and contemporary security discourse as a politics of desire bound to a masculinist and racialized notion of Selfhood. The Persian Gulf War and the Canada/Spain Turbot War are presented as case studies which typify how the securing of desire through warfare proceeds from an idea of the desirous rival a Other. The essay counters Guardian and Lananian narratives of a desire which emanates from a sense of lack, and leads to violence, with Levinas's understanding of desire (...)
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  44. The philosopher-monkey: Learning and the discordant harmony of the faculties.Patricia Farrell - 2009 - In Edward Willatt & Matt Lee, Thinking Between Deleuze and Kant: A Strange Encounter. Continuum.
  45. Addressing Perspectives with Toolbox Methodology.Michael O'Rourke, Shannon Donovan, Jesse Engebretson, Lissy Goralnik, Chad Gonnerman, Valerie Imbruce, Paul Kjellberg, Marisa Rinkus & Brian Robinson - 2024 - In Rick Szostak, Handbook of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Administration. Cheltenham, UK: EE Publishing. pp. 171-193.
    The Toolbox dialogue method enables members of heterogeneous groups to identify, share, and compare their perspectives on topics of common interest, such as research questions or complex problems (Hubbs et al. 2020). These interactions occur in dialogue, typically in relatively brief (eg, two-to four-hour) workshop settings, where participants jointly consider their responses to abstract and often philosophical statements that express positions on the topics. By expressing positions on topics that matter to the group, these statements structure a dialogue that enhances (...)
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  46.  21
    Parmenidean Clues in the Search for the Sophist.Patricia Kenig Curd - 1988 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 5 (4):307 - 320.
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    "Parmenides" 131c-132b: Unity and Participation.Patricia Kenig Curd - 1986 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 3 (2):125 - 136.
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    Parmenides142b5-144e7: The “unity is many” arguments.Patricia Kenig Curd - 1990 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):19-35.
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    Review of D econstructing the Mind. [REVIEW]Patricia Kitcher - 1998 - Journal of Philosophy 95 (12):641-644.
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    Emmanuelle Santinelli, Des femmes éplorées? Les veuves dans la société aristocratique du haut moyen âge. [Villeneuve d'Ascq]: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2003. Paper. Pp. 414; 6 graphs and 21 tables. €29.85. [REVIEW]Patricia Skinner - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):268-270.
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