Results for 'Patricia Arnold'

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  1.  51
    Patricia Sloane, The Visual Nature of Color, Primary Sources: Selected Writings on Color From Aristotle To Albers.Arnold Berleant & Patricia Sloane - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (3):518.
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    International Trade and Health Policy: Implications of the GATS for US Healthcare Reform.Patricia J. Arnold & Terrie C. Reeves - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (4):313-332.
    This paper examines the implications of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), the World Trade Organization’s agreement governing trade in health-related services, for health policy and healthcare reform in the United States. The paper describes the nature and scope of US obligations under the GATS, the ways in which the trade agreement intersects with domestic health policy, and the institutional factors that mediate trade-offs between health and trade policy. The analysis suggests that the GATS provisions on market access, (...)
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    Marginal Groups and Mainstream American Cultures.Yolanda Estes, Arnold Lorenzo Farr, Patricia Smith & Clelia Smyth (eds.) - 2000 - University Press of Kansas.
    They are often portrayed as outsiders: ethnic minorities, the poor, the disabled, and so many others—all living on the margins of mainstream society. Countless previous studies have focused on their pain and powerlessness, but that has done little more than sustain our preconceptions of marginalized groups. Most accounts of marginalization approach the subject from a distance and tend to overemphasize the victimization of outsiders. Taking a more intimate approach, this book reveals the personal, moral, and social implications of marginalization by (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Adrian Bell, Patricia Ashton, Charles Reitz, Don T. Martin, E. V. Johanningmeier, Rodman B. WeBb, Arnold B. Danzig, W. Ross Palmer, D. Scott Enright, Madhu Suri Prakash & Carol M. Thigpen - 1984 - Educational Studies 15 (2):155-204.
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    To Think Like God: Pythagoras and Parmenides, The Origins of Philosophy.Arnold Hermann - 2004 - Parmenides Publishing.
    This book is the scholarly & fully annotated edition of the award-winning _The Illustrated To Think Like God.__ _To Think Like God_ focuses on the emergence of philosophy as a speculative science, tracing its origins to the Greek colonies of Southern Italy, from the late 6th century to mid-5th century B.C. Special attention is paid to the sage Pythagoras and his movement, the poet Xenophanes of Colophon, and the lawmaker Parmenides of Elea. In their own ways, each thinker held that (...)
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    Commentary: A Consensus about “Consensus”?Mark P. Aulisio & Robert M. Arnold - 1999 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 27 (4):328-331.
    In “Bioethics and the Whole: Pluralism, Consensus, and the Transmutation of Bioethical Methods into Gold,” Patricia Martin identifies themes common to three emerging approaches to clinical bioethics--clinical pragmatism, ethics facilitation, and mediation-in order to develop an “ethical consensus method” that can serve as a “practical, step-by-step guide” for decision making She is to be applauded both for her identification of themes common to these three approaches and for her contribution to what we hope will be a growing literature on (...)
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    Pragmatic constraints on causal deduction.Patricia W. Cheng & Richard E. Nisbett - 1993 - In Richard E. Nisbett (ed.), Rules for reasoning. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 207--227.
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    Improving Informed Consent: The Medium Is Not the Message.Patricia Agre, Frances A. Campbell, Barbara D. Goldman, Maria L. Boccia, Nancy Kass, Laurence B. McCullough, Jon F. Merz, Suzanne M. Miller, Jim Mintz & Bruce Rapkin - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (5):S11.
  9. Introductory remarks to Pierre Hadot.Arnold I. Davidson - 1997 - In Arnold Ira Davidson (ed.), Foucault and his interlocutors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 195--202.
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  10. The Perils of Aphrodite.Arnold Cusmariu - manuscript
    Cinema is an effective medium for communicating the Platonist attitude toward Beauty as an attribute worthy of moral respect, as case studies can illustrate. Mine focuses on the work of the French actress Carole Bouquet, who launched her career in Buñuel’s Cet obscur objet du désir (That Obscure Object of Desire). Part 1 shows sins against Beauty to be a unifying theme of Bouquet’s films, which leave no doubt as to the appropriate response. Part 2 combines Plato’s distinction in the (...)
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    Improving Informed Consent: A Comparison of Four Consent Tools.Patricia Agre & Bruce Rapkin - 2003 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 25 (6):1.
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  12. The Idea of a Cultural Aesthetic.Arnold Berleant - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (11-12):113-122.
    In this time of increasing international involvement, one cannot but be struck by the fact of sharply different traditions concerning art and its practice.3 Recognizing that the arts are a salient part of every culture may lead us to wonder about their features and may make us curious about how and why the arts of other cultures differ from what we find more familiar. Perhaps we hope that the arts will offer us some insight into different cultures and their distinctive (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Logical consequence.Patricia A. Blanchette - 2001 - In Lou Goble (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 2001--115.
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    5. Moral Imagination.Patricia H. Werhane - 1999 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:89-108.
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    Can beings whose ethics evolved be ethical beings.Patricia A. Williams - 1993 - In Matthew H. Nitecki & Doris V. Nitecki (eds.), Evolutionary Ethics. SUNY Press. pp. 233--239.
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    Ensayos Andinos.Simón Pedro Arnold - 2009 - Editorial Verbo Divino.
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    Phänomenologie Als Platonismus: Zu den Platonischen Wesensmomenten der Philosophie Edmund Husserls.Thomas Arnold - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Husserl beruft sich immer wieder programmatisch auf Platon als den Gründervater der europäischen Philosophie, arbeitet jedoch die Bezüge der Phänomenologie zum Platonismus nie auf - obwohl er die "historische Rückbesinnung" auf die Urstiftung seines Denkens als wesentlichen Bestandteil der "Selbstbesinnung auf ein Selbstverständnis dessen hin, worauf man eigentlich hinaus will, als der man ist, als historisches Wesen" charakterisiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit will diese Reflexion leisten. Ihr Gegenstand ist mithin die Transformation Platonischer Gedanken in Husserls Phänomenologie. Dabei werden sechs Problemgebiete thematisiert: (...)
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    La función ético-política de la autobiografía femenina renacentista: el caso del Libro de la vida de santa Teresa de Jesús.Patricia Fernández Martín - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    Con el objetivo de demostrar que el sistema de control masculino renacentista tenía grietas de las que algunas mujeres eran plenamente conscientes, efectuamos un análisis del teresiano Libro de la vida a partir de los principales conceptos de la antropología filosófica clásica, asumiendo que una de las herramientas femeninas de expansión política es la publicación de una autobiografía en la que se explica no sólo cómo es el mundo sino también cómo debería ser. Así, se defiende que este libro de (...)
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  19. Logic and Social Doctrine: Dewey's Methodological Approach to Social Philosophy.Arnold Berleant - 1962 - Dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo
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    Prilastitev čutnosti in subverzija lepote.Arnold Berleant - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (1).
    Zaradi svoje vsenavzočnosti v izkustvu ima estetska čutnost mnoge manifestacije, tako očitne kot prikrite. Članek preučuje nekatere večinoma skrite načine, v katerih sta okus in estetska sodba, ki se kažeta v čutnem izkustvu, prefinjeno prisvojena in izrabljena. Te postopke opisujem kot prilastitev estetske čutnosti in imajo škodljive posledice za zdravje, družbo in okolje. Omenjene prakse so oblika estetske negacije, ki izkrivlja čutno izkustvo in manipulira z njim, kot je v interesu množičnega trženja in njegovih dobičkov. Ta vzorec imenujem prilastitev čutnosti. (...)
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    La noción de adecuación inclusiva conceptual Y su valor para explicar el cambio científico.Patricia King Dávalos - 2007 - Signos Filosóficos 9 (18):161-178.
    Una de las características del cambio científico que ofrece más resistencia a la elaboración de un modelo teórico que permita dar cuenta de él, la constituye su carácter social. Un intento importante para vencer esa resistencia, el realizado por David Hull, se apoya en la noción de adecuación inclus..
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    The Father of Cartesian Empiricism: Robert Desgabets on the physics and metaphysics of blood transfusion.Patricia Easton - unknown
    The period in the history of blood transfusion that I discuss is roughly 1628, the date of publication of Harvey’s work on blood circulation, De Motu Cordis, and 1668, the year of the first allegedly successful transfusion of blood into a human subject by a French physician Jean Denis, and the official order to prohibit the procedure. The subject of special interest in this history is Robert Desgabets, an early defender and teacher of the Cartesian philosophy at St. Maur, in (...)
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    The revolt against reason.Arnold Lunn - 1950 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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    Le problème cartésien Des vérités éternelles et la situation présente.Arnold Reymond - 1953 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 8 (2):155 - 170.
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  25. Quelques considérations sur la nature de la logique et de son objet: Exposé.Arnold Reymond - 1951 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 45 (2).
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  26. Société romande de philosophie. Dixième rapport annuel.Arnold Reymond - 1934 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 22 (93):358.
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  27. Théodore Flournoy.Arnold Reymond - 1920 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 8 (37):317.
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    Logic.Arnold Ruge (ed.) - 1913 - London,: Macmillan.
    Provides the theory in logic, knowledge phenomenon, the relations of logic and scientific methods, ideologies, relations and logical methods, logic and languages with logic in the aspects of science in valid thinking.
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  29. How music fills our emotions and helps us keep time.Patricia V. Agostino, Guy Peryer & Warren H. Meck - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):575-576.
    Whether and how music is involved in evoking emotions is a matter of considerable debate. In the target article, Juslin & Vll (J&V) argue that music induces a wide range of both basic and complex emotions that are shared with other stimuli. If such a link exists, it would provide a common basis for considering the interactions among music, emotion, timing, and time perception.
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    Pierre Hadot: l'enseignement des antiques, l'enseignement des modernes.Arnold I. Davidson, Frédéric Worms & Gwenaëlle Aubry (eds.) - 2010 - Paris: Éditions Rue d'Ulm.
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    Oorspronkelijk bewustzijn: een kritiek van de neuromane rede.Arnold Ziegelaar - 2016 - Leusden: ISVW Uitgevers.
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    When the Nation Conquered the State: Arendt’s Importance Today.Kathleen R. Arnold - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (2):355-381.
    This essay focuses on the contemporary relevance of Hannah Arendt’s work insofar as it relates to US racism, imperialism, and migration. While Arendt denied that US migration policy and racism were linked or even similar to exercises of racialized sovereignty, totalitarian tactics, and mass displacement in Europe, I suggest that her analyses help us to understand important racialized dialectics between prison and camp, citizen and stateless, and external displacement and internal displacement. In effect, this essay suggests that many of Arendt’s (...)
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    Anti-Semitic Surprises Found Throughout the Literary World.Arnold Ages & Ian Boyd - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2-3):401-405.
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  34. The uses of meditation in psychotherapy.Patricia Carrington - 1978 - In A. A. Sugarman & R. E. Tarter (eds.), Expanding Dimensions of Consciousness. Springer.
  35. Religion and the brain".Patricia Smith Churchland - 2013 - In Jeffrey Foss (ed.), Science and the World: Philosophical Approaches. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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    Moral Reasoning in a Pluralistic World.Patricia Marino - 2015 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Moral diversity is a fundamental reality of today’s world, but moral theorists have difficulty responding to it. Some take it as evidence for skepticism – the view that there are no moral truths. Others, associating moral reasoning with the search for overarching principles and unifying values, see it as the result of error. In the former case, moral reasoning is useless, since values express individual preferences; in the latter, our reasoning process is dramatically at odds with our lived experience. Moral (...)
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  37. Chomsky and Egan on computational theories of vision.Arnold Silverberg - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (4):495-524.
  38. Constitutions and Leadership.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Erich Hula: Some remarks on the man and his work.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  40. The Rise of Relativism in Political and Legal Philosophy.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  41. An Introduction to Barth's “Dogmatics” for Preachers.Arnold B. Come - 1963
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  42. The Gospel and The Sermon on the Mount.Arnold T. Ohrn - 1948
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  43. The Ethical Factor in Business Decisions: Essays toward Criteria.Arnold Berleant - 1983 - Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1):69-71.
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  44. The Music in My Philosophy.Arnold Berleant - 2012 - ASA Newsletter.
    Music has not been as prominent in philosophy or as influential in aesthetics as the visual arts, at least in the Western tradition. Reflecting on my years of experience as both a philosopher and a musician, I am increasingly intrigued by speculating if and how today’s aesthetic discourse might have taken a different direction if music been its central focus. It is tempting to wonder whether, in some cases, the musical art may indeed have had an influence, even if less (...)
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    World Conqueror and World Renouncer: A Study of Buddhism and Polity in Thailand against a Historical Background.Arnold L. Green & S. J. Tambiah - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):385.
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  46. Civil Service.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  47. Federalism and Business Regulation.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  48. Limited-Purpose Federations.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  49. The German army in retrospect.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  50. United States Defense in Europe.Arnold Brecht - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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