Results for 'Patriarchal family'

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  1.  22
    Masculinities, femininities, and the patriarchal family: a reading of The Great Indian Kitchen.Roshan Karimpaniyil & Pranamya Bhat - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (1):102-115.
    This article seeks to examine the representation of masculinities and femininities in the renowned South Indian drama film The Great Indian Kitchen. The research construes the manner in which the two dominant genders promote and/or modify patriarchal norms within the institution of family. The functioning of women as ancillary members of patriarchy, the interplay between masculinities and femininities, their evolution in contemporary times, etc., are also critically engaged in the paper. The paper argues that the movie The Great (...)
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    Ideology and the Patriarchal Family: Nerval and Flora Tristan.Phyllis Zuckerman - 1976 - Substance 5 (15):146.
  3.  6
    Modernizing the Patriarchal Family in West Germany: Some Findings on the Redistribution of Family Work between Women.Maria S. Rerrich - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (1):27-37.
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  4. pp. 462-63. Susan Moller Okin suggests that one reasonable interpretation of Rawls's PL is that it requires that the family be internally subject to the two principles of justice. So, under this interpretation, patriarchal family forms might be disallowed by Rawls's theory. See Okin," Political Liberalism, Justice and Gender,".T. O. J. Rawls - 1994 - In Peter Singer, Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 105--23.
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    The Patriarchal Subject, Paradigm of Family and Woman Trafficking in China.Xiangning Xu - 2022 - CLR James Journal 28 (1):109-127.
    Instigated by the incident of the chained woman in Feng County, Jiang Su Province, this paper offers a phenomenological argument on the workhorses legitimizing and sustaining women trafficking in China. Specifically, I leverage the Imperial Man and the Paradigm of War by Nelson Maldonado-Torres and construct a pair of paralleled concepts: the Patriarchal Man and the Paradigm of Family. In analyzing the social media coverage of the chained woman and government responses, I argue that the Patriarchal Man (...)
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    All About Patriarchal Segregation of Work Regarding Family? Women Business-Owners in Bangladesh.Jasmine Jaim - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (2):231-245.
    This research critically analyses patriarchal practices of male family members in terms of social relationships in businesses of women. The extant literature, which seeks to explore the negative influences of the family on women’s entrepreneurship, mostly revolves around the impact of patriarchal segregation of work on businesses. As such, it concentrates almost exclusively on the aspect of material gains through domestic responsibilities and childcare of women at the household sphere. This feminist study takes the debate forward (...)
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    Something Old, Something New? Re-theorizing Patriarchal Relations and Privatization from the Outskirts of Family Law.Shelley A. M. Gavigan - 2012 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 13 (1):271-301.
    Canada has an enviable record of relatively progressive and egalitarian legislation and policy in relation to Canadian family forms. The country’s constitutional guarantees of equality and multiculturalism provide the legal foundation for this record. In particular, Canada’s leadership in the recognition of and support for same-sex relationships in family law and social policy is widely acknowledged. This is, however, also deeply contested terrain: Feminist legal scholars informed by critical political economy argue that recent family law advances in (...)
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  8.  61
    Family systems and the preferred sex of children.Ananya Basu & M. Das Gupta - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 8--5350.
    This is a broad overview of how the prevalent family systems in the developing world influence sex preference for children. Son preference is evident in the data in East Asia and South Asia, and in the Middle East and North Africa, where patriarchal family systems make sons more valuable than daughters to parents in terms of economic, physical, and emotional sustenance. In sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia, there is little difference between the levels of support (...)
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    The Patriarchal Mind as the Ignored Root of Interpersonal and Social Pathologies.Claudio Benjamin Naranjo - 2018 - World Futures 74 (3):135-157.
    The article begins with an integrative theory of neurosis and with the notion of the “patriarchal mind,” which I conceive as the psycho-social foundation of what we call “civilisation” and proceed to characterize as a despotic and repressive activity of the father on the mother and on the child in the family, and also of an analogous relation between the intellect on the emotional and on the instinctual sub-selves in the individual mind. Next, I propose that patriarchy entails (...)
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    Introducing the Political Family: A New Road Map for Critical Family Law.Zvi Triger - 2012 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 13 (1):361-384.
    All families are political, each in its own way. Nevertheless, the diversity of family politics has not negated, by and large, patriarchal influence on the Political Family. This Article introduces the Political Family as a key concept in a scholarly and activist movement in family law studies which I identify as Critical Family Law. In Part I a reminder is offered that “alternative families” have existed since the dawn of history. However, I argue that (...)
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  11.  49
    Mos Maiorum C. W. Westrup: Introduction to Early Roman Law. Comparative Sociological Studies. The Patriarchal Joint Family. Vol. i, Part I, The House Community: Section I, Community of Cult. Part III, Patria Potestas: Section I, The Nascent Law. Pp. 279, 311. Copenhagen: Munksgaard. (London: Oxford University Press), 1944, 1939. Paper, 24s., 18s. net. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (3-4):121-122.
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    Patriarchal nature of mourning from an African perspective.Hundzukani P. Khosa-Nkatini - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):7.
    It is common in African culture for a widow to wear black or navy clothes as a sign of mourning her husband upon his death. Widows in Africa are expected to mourn for a certain period. In South Africa, most African ethnic groups expect them to mourn for a period of 12 months. Vows in the western culture state ‘until death do us part’, but this is not the case in the African traditions. A widow is still considered married even (...)
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    Overcoming patriarchal constraints:: The reconstruction of gender relations among mexican immigrant women and men.Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (3):393-415.
    This article examines how gender shapes the migration and settlement experiences of Mexican immigrant women and men. The article compares the experiences of families in which the husbands departed prior to 1965 to those in which the husbands departed after 1965 and argues that the lengthy spousal separations altered patterns of patriarchal authority and the traditional gendered household division of labor. This induced a trend toward more egalitarian conjugal relations upon settlement in the United States. Examining the changing contexts (...)
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  14. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.Friedrich Engels - 2010 - Penguin Books.
    The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884), was a provocative and profoundly influential critique of the Victorian nuclear family. Engels argued that the traditional monogamous household was in fact a recent construct, closely bound up with capitalist societies. Under this patriarchal system, women were servants and, effectively, prostitutes. Only Communism would herald the dawn of communal living and a new sexual freedom and, in turn, the role of the state would become superfluous.
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    The Family in Greek History (review).Cheryl Anne Cox - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (1):153-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Family in Greek HistoryCheryl Anne CoxCynthia B. Patterson. The Family in Greek History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. 286 pp. 6 figs. Cloth, $35.The purpose of Cynthia Patterson's book is to view family structures and family interests and ideals in the historical development of the Greek polis. In her study she takes us through nineteenth-century scholarship, the worlds of Homer and Hesiod, and (...)
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    Sophie Doesn't: Families and Counterstories of Self-Trust.Hilde Lindemann Nelson - 1996 - Hypatia 11 (1):91 - 104.
    Girls learn the lesson of cognitive deference most clearly, perhaps, growing up in patriarchal families. Taught to discount their own judgments and to depend on those of the family's dominant men, they lose self-trust and cannot take themselves seriously as moral deliberators. I argue that through the telling of counterstories, which undermine normative stories of oppression, it is sometimes possible for women to reclaim these families as places where they have cognitive authority.
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    Negotiating the foundations of the modern state: the emasculated citizen and the call for a post-patriarchal state at Gezi protests.Alev Çınar - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (3):453-482.
    Examining Turkey’s Gezi Park protests of 2013 as a representative case of the globally surging protest movements since 2011, this study claims that the basic aim of the protests is to contest the foundational rationality of the modern state, which, I argue, is based on a patriarchal social contract that empowers the state with the authority to represent the interests and speak on behalf of citizens using a logic of protection, and to construct, enforce, and monitor a regime of (...)
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  18.  5
    Hegel’s Family and the Problem of Modern Patriarchy.Lorenzo Rustighi - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-24.
    This paper addresses the problem of patriarchy in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right by focusing on his conceptualization of family life. The question is not whether the social order envisaged by Hegel is patriarchal or not: his account of the domestic relations between the sexes, in the first place, leaves no doubt about the fact that what he has in mind is a society ruled by men at all levels, while women have no access to public life broadly conceived (...)
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    Confucian family ideal and same-sex marriage: A feminist Confucian perspective.Sor-Hoon Tan - unknown
    This article engages the views of PRC Confucian scholars who responded to the United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's citing of Confucius in his majority opinion on same-sex marriage in 2015. It questions their separation of tolerance for homosexuality from legalization of same-sex marriage and argue that tolerance is not enough. The arguments in the mainland Confucian discourse about same-sex marriage highlights the historical and persistent entanglement of Confucianism with patriarchy. Instead of reviving traditional patriarchal society, further entrenching (...)
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  20.  19
    Inequality Regimes, Patriarchal Connectivity, and the Elusive Right to Own Land for Women in Pakistan.Ghazal Mir Zulfiqar - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):799-811.
    This study addresses the gap between policy and practice on the issue of women’s right to own rural land through a qualitative study conducted in Pakistan’s two largest provinces, Punjab and Sindh. A recent survey finds that only 4% of women own rural land in Pakistan. Given the relatively large agrarian economy, land is a key resource determining women’s agency. To understand the dynamics that maintain this status quo, I use two distinct strands of feminist theory. First is Joan Acker’s (...)
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    Hobbes on the Family.Nancy J. Hirschmann - 2013 - In Aloysius Martinich & Kinch Hoekstra, The Oxford Handbook of Hobbes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The family is ignored by many readers of Hobbes, but it plays a central role in Hobbes’s conception of the state and of human nature. This essay considers the various theories of whether the family exists in the state of nature, and in what form—patriarchal or not--and poses its own answer to the challenges posed by Hobbes’s ambiguous comments on women, children, the family, and the state.
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    Gender, the Family, and the Organic State in Hegel's Political Thought.Alison Stone - 1985 - In Thom Brooks, Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 143–164.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Women's Place in the Hegelian State The Organic State and Individual Freedom Tensions in the Organic Model: For and Against Sex Equality Animal State, Vegetal State: Hegel versus Early German Romanticism Notes Abbreviations References.
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  23. Chinese Sexism and the Confucian Virtue of Familial Continuity: A Philosophical Interpretation of the Problem of Gender Disparity Within the Cultural Boundary of Confucian China.Li-Hsiang Lee - 2002 - Dissertation, University of Hawai'i
    The connection between Chinese sexism and Confucianism has been a subject of study on the condition of Chinese women in the West since the rise of feminist consciousness in the 1970s. However Confucianism in feminist scholarship is inescapably construed as a misogynous ideology that is incapable of self-rectification in regards to the issue of gender parity. Hence, conceptually the eradication of Confucianism becomes the necessary condition for the liberation of Chinese women, and the adoption of Western ideology let it be (...)
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    ‘I Pray for the Factory to Continue Earning Money’: The Familial Factory Regime of the ‘Sun’ Food Factory in Turkey.Ermine Erdogan - 2016 - Feminist Review 113 (1):68-84.
    This paper explores the factory regime in the ‘Sun'1 food processing factory in Turkey, drawing on participant observation in the factory, informal interviews with women workers and in-depth interviews with the managers of the factory's ‘gherkin department’ in which I worked. This paper argues that the ‘Sun’ bottling and canning factory is best understood through my concept of the ‘familial factory regime’. By ‘familial factory regime’ I mean a factory regime in which the features of the extended patriarchal (...) are used to manage the labour force by obtaining women workers’ consent. Indeed, the paper suggests that there is a tendency for patriarchy to be reconstituted in the workplace through the presence of a familial factory regime. 1‘Sun’ is a pseudonymous name of the factory, which I gave it because of the heat. (shrink)
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    Mediating Effect of Filial Piety Between the Elderly’s Family Resource Contribution and Their Family Power: Evidence from China.Xin Liu & Shuying Bai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the development of rationalism, although the concept of filial piety is still an important factor affecting family relations, its rules have changed. Based on the resource theory and by measuring family power via the role played in family decision-making, this study explored the mediating role of filial piety norms between elderly’s family resource contributions and family power in intergenerational cohabitation families in Mengzhou city, China. Using a stratified sampling method, 1,200 elderly people were recruited (...)
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  26.  7
    Divergent approaches to the ‘family farm’: celebrate, reform, or abolish?Michaela Hoffelmeyer, Kathleen Sexsmith & Leland Glenna - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1309-1316.
    As the United Nations declared the beginning of the “Decade of Family Farming” in 2017, scholars were increasingly questioning the romanticized and uncritical use of the term to mask some structural inequalities, including patriarchal ownership, colonialism, heteronormativity, family and child labor exploitation, poor labor standards, and environmental destruction. This introduction to a special symposium on the family farm differentiates scholarly approaches to studying family farming into three categories: celebratory, reformist, and abolitionist. After summarizing the papers (...)
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  27.  18
    Non-abusing mothers’ agency after disclosure of the child’s extra-familial sexual abuse.Hanife Serin - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (4):532-546.
    This qualitative study analysed the agency of eight non-abusing mothers in the Turkish Cypriot Community after disclosure that their child had been sexually abused by someone outside the family. The aim was to discover how, after disclosure, such mothers act to protect their children in the contexts of their family and community. The data were gathered via semi-structured in-depth interviews and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. In the nuclear family context, maternal agency emerged in the form of (...)
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  28.  31
    The philosopher’s family: Plato and Derrida.Sean Gaston - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (6):3-14.
    It appears that a long, monotonous and patriarchal tradition in the history of philosophy has insisted on the absence of the family. Prompted by Derrida’s Glas, this article suggests that any ethic...
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  29. Ferdinand Tonnies on gender, women and the family.W. Stafford - 1995 - History of Political Thought 16 (3):391-415.
    The paper will show that on women and the family his writings exhibit a contradictory stance between nineteenth-century patriarchalism and progressive ideas; he appears to oscillate, as it were, between Hegel or Ruskin and Engels or J.S. Mill. This seems curious to a late twentieth-century reader, but was by no means eccentric in the context of German feminist and socialist discourse of his time. His philosophy of gender cannot be dismissed as a mere collection of tired patriarchalist cliches; like (...)
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    Slovenia's Socialist Superwoman: Feeding the Family, Nourishing the Nation.Andreja Vezovnik & Tanja Kamin - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):79-96.
    This article explores how the Slovenian women's lifestyle magazine Naša žena (Our Woman) helped the Yugoslavian socialist project construct and shape the ideal socialist woman, and argues that she became the crucial ally in implementing socialist ideas in the everyday lives of Slovenians. The article shows how texts on food preparation and consumption, as well as those touching on household management and family care, published in Naša žena from 1960 to 1991 played an important part in the ‘civilising’ process (...)
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    Natalia Ginzburg, Clara Sereni and Lia Levi: Jewish Italian women recapturing cities, families and national memories.F. K. Clementi - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (2):132-147.
    To this day, the Italian Jewish literary postwar canon is undisputedly ruled by Primo Levi, Giorgio Bassani and Carlo Levi. This study of three major Italian Jewish women writers – Natalia Ginzburg, Clara Sereni and Lia Levi – highlights the presence in Italian literature of a subversive Jewish écriture feminine. These writers’ formal independence and subversive redeployment of narrative and thematic strategies not only consolidated a strong female voice in Italian literature but also produced a specific Italian brand of Jewish (...)
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  32.  24
    Two families of Orthodox churches: is it possible to unite?Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:88-97.
    The Fourth Ecumenical Council in 451 divided the Ecumenical Orthodoxy into two large parts. The first is Orthodox churches, which include the four ancient patriarchates, along with the younger recognized and unrecognized autocephalous Orthodox Churches, which today are numbered around the world However, in spite of the later division of Orthodoxy with the national churches, they all represent a single church community with a common faith nnyam nature and expression of church life. The basis of the true apostolic faith they (...)
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  33.  19
    Individuality Combined with Entrepreneurial Spirit: Breaking Patriarchal Codes in Prabha Khaitan’s A Life Apart.Shalini Yadav - 2022 - Feminist Theology 30 (3):353-364.
    Writing about “self” as an autobiography became an elite device in the hands of many Indian women post independence, who wished to write about their lives and exerted strenuously to break the restrictions imposed on them within the “four-walled peripheries” to construct their own identity and exhibit their individuality in various fields such as sports, business, film industry, defense, and in various other professions. They assertively voiced in the form of writing their life narratives to discard the burden of (...) dominance where with a prevalent sense of gender discrimination, they are considered feeble, inept, or subjugated. This article explores and cognizes the course of an inspirational and tear-jerking narrative, A Life Apart, crafted by a well-off industrialist and writer, Prabha Khaitan who flouted her community codes and stated against injustices and hypocrisies prevalent in the male-dominated society. It analyses how Prabha footsteps the arduous trail between the passion for love, work, and independence and the pull of traditions and family restrictions to be her own woman creating her own identity. (shrink)
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    Contentious Source: Master Song, the Patriarch’s Voice.Hwa Yeong Wang - 2021 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 1 (36):83-116.
    This paper introduces Song Siyeol, known as Master Song (Songja 宋子), who had a great influence on Korean philosophy and politics in late Joseon (18-19th century). Among his Great Compendium, there are substantial body of writings and comments related to women. As his views directly and indirectly contributed to shaping orthodox Korean Neo- Confucian views regarding women, his writings are an invaluable resource for understanding women and gender in the late Joseon period. This paper presents his views on women, focusing (...)
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    ‘Better the devil you know’: feminine sexuality and patriarchal liberation in The Witch.Melody Blackmore & Catherine Pugh - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (3):256-271.
    At the end of 2015‘s The Witch, isolated and beaten protagonist, Thomasin, ultimately rejects her puritanical upbringing to become a witch, accepting the invitation of the Devil (in the guise of the family’s goat Black Philip). This essay will discuss Thomasin’s sexual deliverance in terms of her turning away from the authoritarian ‘Law of the Father’ towards female liberation that comes in the form of the Witch. Thomasin transitions from girl to woman, but does not want to do so (...)
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    Subjugation by superstition: Gender, small business and family in Bangladesh.Jasmine Jaim - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (3):380-391.
    This feminist research explores how superstition is used by in-law's family to subordinate women business-owners in a highly patriarchal developing context. Whereas the exploration of gender subordination regarding women's entrepreneurship is almost exclusively confined to developed nations, little is known regarding the way women are subjugated in managing their small businesses in a patriarchal developing nation. This research generates data by conducting a case study on a woman's business in Bangladesh. This study yields unique insights by unfolding (...)
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  37. Memorable Fiction. Evoking Emotions and Family Bonds in Post-Soviet Russian Women’s Writing.Marja Rytkӧnen - 2012 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 2 (1):59-74.
    This article deals with women-centred prose texts of the 1990s and 2000s in Russia written by women, and focuses especially on generation narratives. By this term the author means fictional texts that explore generational relations within families, from the perspective of repressed experiences, feelings and attitudes in the Soviet period. The selected texts are interpreted as narrating and conceptualizing the consequences of patriarchal ideology for relations between mothers and daughters and for reconstructing connections between Soviet and post-Soviet by revisiting (...)
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    Children's perspectives of the family: A phenomenological inquiry. [REVIEW]Roberta A. Davilla & Judy C. Pearson - 1994 - Human Studies 17 (3):325 - 341.
    As researchers and as adults, caution must be maintained in perpetuating the rational approach to all family experience. Limiting the study of the family to the adult and, more communicatively competent, older siblings creates an artificial barrier that blocks insight into early childhood socialization practices and understandings.This study has raised the notion that children have valuable experiences that they quickly learn, embody, re-produce, and can present to researchers. As family members, they create and perpetuate those practices that (...)
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  39. Sir Mark Potter And The Protection Of The Traditional Family: Why Same Sex Marriage Is (Still) A Feminist Issue. [REVIEW]Rosie Harding - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (2):223-234.
    In Wilkinson v. Kitzinger, the petitioner (Susan Wilkinson) sought a declaration of her marital status, following her marriage to Celia Kitzinger in British Columbia, Canada in August 2003. The High Court refused the application, finding that their valid Canadian marriage is, in United Kingdom law, a civil partnership. In this note, I focus on Sir Mark Potter’s adjudication of the human rights issues under Articles 8, 12 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights (E.C.H.R.), highlighting his restatement of (...)
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    Breadwinning Wives and “Left-Behind” Husbands: Men and Masculinities in the Vietnamese Transnational Family.Brenda S. A. Yeoh & Lan Anh Hoang - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (6):717-739.
    This article explores an aspect of women’s transnational labor migration that has been understudied in many labor-sending countries: how men experience shifts in the household labor division triggered by women’s migration. In so doing, we shed light on the diverse ways notions of masculinity and gender identities are being reworked and renegotiated in the transnational family. Drawing on qualitative data collected from in-depth interviews with carers of left-behind children in Northern Vietnam, we show how men are confronted with the (...)
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    Korean immigrant women's challenge to gender inequality at home: The interplay of economic resources, gender, and Lim - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (1):31-51.
    Based on in-depth interviews with 18 Korean immigrant working couples, this study explores Korean immigrant working wives' ongoing challenge to male dominance at home and to the unequal division of family work. A main factor in wives' being less obedient to their husbands is their psychological resources such as pride, competence, and honor, which they gain from awareness of their contribution to the family economy. Under immigrant family circumstances in which working for family survival is prioritized, (...)
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    Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China's New Global Family in Wolf Warrior 2.Paul Amar - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):419-448.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 419 Paul Amar Insurgent African Intimacies in Pandemic Times: Deimperial Queer Logics of China’s New Global Family inWolf Warrior 2 This essay offers a new paradigm of “deimperial queer analysis” that reveals the tension between the People’s Republic of China’s extractive expansionism in Africa and its claim to solidarity with Africans against white supremacy and Northern imperialism. (...)
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  43. Scars from Home: Social Geography, Familial Relations, and Patriarchy.Saba Fatima - forthcoming - In Georgi Gardiner & Micol Bez, The Philosophy of Sexual Violence. Routledge.
    In this narrative, Fatima examines the interplay of critical consciousness, relational dynamics, and patriarchy within social-geographical spaces. Drawing on personal experiences, the chapter explores how patriarchal norms, internalized and perpetuated within intimate relationships and community networks, shape gendered expectations and limit agency from childhood through adulthood. While acknowledging the harms inflicted by these norms, it highlights the dual role of these spaces in fostering both oppression and connection. The essay looks at why simplistic solutions like geographic escape ignore the (...)
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    L'assassinat du savant Abū Marwān al-Ṭubnī: drame familial et judiciaire.Christian Müller - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (2):425-448.
    [es] La muerte violenta del sabio Abū Marwān al-Ṭubnī en 457/1065 despertó una gran curiosidad dadas las circunstancias excepcionales en las que se produjo: al-Ṭubnī fue encontrado muerto en su lecho, atravesado por más de sesenta puñaladas, recayendo sobre los miembros de su propia familia, que vivían en diversas partes de la casa, las principales sospechas. Basado en una serie de fuentes historiográficas y jurídicas, este artículo reconstruye las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por las autoridades policiales así como las discusiones (...)
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    Individualism, efficiency, and domesticity: Ideological aspects of the exploitation of farm families and farm women. [REVIEW]Jane Adams - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (4):2-17.
    A complex conjuncture of ideological constructions obscured and rationalized the systematic exploitation of farm women. First, farming and homemaking, to which people cling in an attempt to avert the alienation of wage labor, provide a basis for evaluating one's labor in terms that, ironically, makes them vulnerable to super-exploitation. Second, agrarian ideologies, with their strongly patriarchal bias, did not allow women to understand themselves as public actors. Modernizing elite ideologies, specifically the equation of entrepreneurial individualism and efficiency with “progress” (...)
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    Negotiating Patriarchy: South Korean Evangelical Women and the Politics of Gender.Kelly H. Chong - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (6):697-724.
    Based on ethnographic research, this study investigates the meaning and impact of women’s involvement in South Korean evangelicalism. While recent works addressing the “paradox” of women’s participation in conservative religions have highlighted the significance of these religions as unexpected vehicles of gender empowerment and contestation, this study finds that the experiences and consequences of Korean evangelical women’s religiosity are highly contradictory; although crucial in women’s efforts to negotiate the injuries of the modern Confucian-patriarchal family, conversion, for many women, (...)
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  47.  21
    Philosophical dimensions of cultural policy.Alla Guzhva - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):92-104.
    Against the background of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, the question of an effective cultural policy that would support national identity, contribute to the purification of consciousness from propaganda myths and preserve the heritage of Ukrainian culture is becoming more acute. Since cultural policy is related to both aesthetic-artistic and cultural-anthropological dimensions of social life, in order to identify the effective influence of cultural policy on dominant social practices, it is necessary to find out the universal principles of its functioning. (...)
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    Resisting Marriage, Reclaiming Right: An (Early) Modern Critique of Marriage.Kelin Emmett - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (4):721-740.
    Moderata Fonte's dialogueThe Worth of Women(1600) contains stinging critiques of marriage and the dowry system as well as of women's inequality. I argue that Fonte's critique of male dominance, particularly in marriage, employs a modern method of argument, which anticipates the later contractarian critiques of political authority. Given that women are naturally men's equals, Fonte argues that men's de facto authority over women is illegitimate and based on force. Moreover, by treating marriage as an artificial institution rather than as a (...)
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  49. ‘Troubling’ Chastisement: A Comparative Historical Analysis of Child Punishment in Ghana and Ireland.Michael Rush & Suleman Lazarus - 2018 - Sociological Research Online 1 (23):177-196.
    This article reviews an epochal change in international thinking about physical punishment of children from being a reasonable method of chastisement to one that is harmful to children and troubling to families. In addition, the article suggests shifts in thinking about physical punishment were originally pioneered as part and parcel of the dismantling of national laws granting fathers’ specific rights to admonish children under conventions of patria potestas. A comparative historical framework of analysis involving two case studies of Ireland and (...)
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    The ‘tyranny of reproduction’: Could ectogenesis further women’s liberation?Kathryn MacKay - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):346-353.
    This paper imagines what the liberatory possibilities of (full) ectogenesis are, insofar as it separates woman from female reproductive function. Even before use with human infants, ectogenesis productively disrupts the biological paradigm underlying current gender categories and divisions of labour. I begin by presenting a theory of women’s oppression drawn from the radical feminisms of the 1960s, which sees oppression as deeply rooted in biology. On this view, oppressive social meanings are overlaid upon biology and body, as artefacts of culture (...)
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