Results for 'Pata Suyemoto'

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  1.  30
    Riding Like a Girl: Feminine Virtues and Women’s Identity.Catherine A. Womack & Pata Suyemoto - unknown
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    Riding Like a Girl.Catherine A. Womack & Pata Suyemoto - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jesús Ilundáin‐Agurruza & Michael W. Austin, Cycling ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 81–93.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Start Line Lap One, Where Cycling Practice Meets Feminist Ethics Lap Two, Words from Our Teammates or The Dirt Documentaries Lap Three, Different Lines, Same Course Last Lap, How Women Cyclists Transform Cycling.
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  3. Śikshaṇa, śīla va sãskāra.Gajānana Śrīpata Khaira - 1966
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  4. Metafizika pata: kosnoi︠a︡zychie ustalogo cheloveka.F. I. Girenok - 1995 - Moskva: Labirint.
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    Metafizika pata: (kosnoi︠a︡zychie ustalogo cheloveka).F. I. Girenok - 2014 - Moskva: Akademicheskiĭ proekt.
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    Una mano a la pata: protegiendo los animales.Jessica Cohn - 2017 - North Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press.
    Encourage readers to learn about the various animals that need help and what they can do to make a difference through volunteerism in this inspiring. Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Readers will discover different programs and organizations that work to protect animals, animal habitats, and endangered species through vibrant images and charts and informational text. Featuring a list of helpful and useful websites, this nonfiction title encourages readers to take part in animal activism in any way they can from baking homemade dog (...)
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    Materia poetica: models of corporeality and onto-poetic pata-physics of the post-mechanical age.Milan Jaros - 2005 - Technoetic Arts 3 (1):3-12.
    In the course of the twentieth century natural sciences became an integral part not only of the industrial production but also of the semiotics of audio-visual and literary cultures. In the absence of legitimating traditions the techno-scientific models and relations appear to be a readily available habitual source of creative dynamics. Yet this domination contains a paradox. The application of analogy in, for example, visual culture does not work the same way as in mathematics. In the latter when a relation (...)
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  8. Bhāratīya darśanoṃ meṃ antarnihita samarūpatā =.Vāgīśa Kumāra - 1990 - Dillī: Parimala Pablikeśansa.
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    The labial–coronal effect revisited: Japanese adults say pata, but hear tapa.Sho Tsuji, Nayeli Gonzalez Gomez, Victoria Medina, Thierry Nazzi & Reiko Mazuka - 2012 - Cognition 125 (3):413-428.
  10.  21
    『탄트라정수(Tantrasāra)』 제11장에 나타난 샥티파타(śaktipāta)의 고찰. 심준보 - 2019 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 56 (56):241-268.
    샥티파타(śaktipāta)는 ‘샥티(śakti)의 하강(pāta, decent; to fall)’의 뜻이다. 샥티란 쉬바교의 절대 원리이자 종교적으로는 신(īśvara), 철학적으로는 의식(cit)으로 이해되는 쉬바(śiva)의 작용적 측면인데, 샥티가 하강한다는 것은 쉬바의 상태가 현전하는 것을 말한다. 즉 신이 개아에 현전하여 개아는 신의 상태가 된다. 본고는 아비나바굽타의 저작인 『탄트라정수』 제 11장을 통해 샥티파타에 대한 내용을 고찰한다. 10세기 인도 카쉬미르의 불이론 쉬바파의 대학자 아비나바굽타는 자신의 대작인 『탄트라광명』의 요약서 『탄트라정수』(TS)를 쓰면서 제 11장에 샥티파타의 내용을 다룬다. 그는 먼저 쉬바파 이원론의 샥티파타론을 제시하고 이를 논파한다. 그는 샥티파타는 바른 지식으로 생긴다는 주장을 소개하고, 바른 지식의 (...)
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  11.  49
    The philosophy of classical yoga.Georg Feuerstein - 1980 - Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International.
    This is the first comprehensive and systematic analytical study of the major philosophical concepts of classical yoga. The book consists of a series of detailed discussions of the key concepts used by Pata-jali in his Yoga-Sutra to describe and explain the enigma of human existence and to point a way beyond the perpetual motion of the wheel of becoming. Feuerstein's study differs from previous ones in that it seeks to free Pata-jali's aphoristic statements from the accretions of later (...)
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  12. "Yogasūtra" aura "Visuddhimagga" kā tulanātmaka anuśīlana.Piṅkī Bhanoṭa - 1997 - Naī Dillī: Klāsikala Pabliśiṅga Kampanī.
    Comparative study of Yogasūtra, aphoristic work on the Yoga school in Indic philosophy by Patāñjali and Visuddhimagga, treatise on Buddhist philosophy by Buddhaghosa.
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  13.  26
    Engagement against/for secrecy.Mark Losoncz - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (2):419-428.
    This essay discusses engagement against state secrecy and engagement for secrecy, free from interference. By exploring divisions introduced by state secrecy (through exclusion, subjection and oppression), it identifies the distortions of equal participation in political communities. The author introduces the notion of pata-politics in order to describe the false relation to the secrecy effect. Furthermore, the text examines key issues of today’s intelligence studies (such as democratic intelligence oversight and the balance of powers doctrine), with special emphasis on the (...)
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  14.  13
    Občanská společnost z pohledu pluralisty.Marek Loužek - 2013 - E-Logos 20 (1):1-15.
    Cílem stati je zasadit občanskou společnost do kontextu politické filozofie a vysvětlit ji z pluralistického pohledu. První část diskutuje klasické pojetí občanské společnosti. Druhá část zkoumá občanskou společnost v době komunismu a po něm. Třetí část analyzuje spor mezi korporativismem a pluralismem. Čtvrtá část odlišuje politickou moc a vliv. Pátá část vyzdvihuje roli politických stran. Šestá část upozorňuje na podezřelost univerzálních mravních nároků.
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  15.  31
    La dionisización del dios Pan.Silvia Porres Caballero - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:63-82.
    Pan es un dios peculiar en muchos aspectos. Al contrario que los restantes dioses del panteón griego, él no es antropomorfo, sino que tiene patas, cola y cuernos de carnero. Un dios con características tan arcaicas sólo puede sobrevivir confinado a la Arcadia, una región que conserva numerosos arcaísmos religiosos. Sin embargo, a partir del 490 a.C. en que se instaura su culto en Atenas, el dios comienza a cambiar. En su evolución, Pan se asimila cada vez más a Dioniso. (...)
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    K materialistickému pojetí výchovy.František Kozel - 1966 - V Praze,: Státní pedagogické nakl..
    Studie se pokouší objasnit výchovu z hlediska možností, jež pro rozvoj člověka získal revoluční boj dělnické třídy a jeho výsledek - socialistická společnost. Výchovu pojímá jako proces analyzovatelný pouze ze stanoviskamarxistické filosofie. První kapitola chápe historii člověka jako základ pro zkoumání výchovného procesu, druhá se zabývá člověkem jako rezultátem vlastní životní aktivity. Třetí, jádro práce, vymezuje výchovný proces. Čtvrtásleduje jeho průběh a pátá hodnotí moc výchovy.
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  17. Mis gatos.Jose Guillermo Anjel Rendo - 2014 - Escritos 22 (49):505-517.
    Gatos extraños los de los techos de las casas de Istanbul. Siempre con el pelo aplanado y duro, con hambre. A esos gatos los veo a diario delante de mi ventana mirándose entre ellos mientras mastico mi comida en la mesa de la cocina. Lo hago lentamente y mirándolos de reojo, sospechando de sus movimientos cortos, de sus colas levantadas. Seguro planean asaltarme o esperan a que me levante de la mesa para venirse hasta la vidriera y tratar de abrir (...)
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    The final stages of purification in classical yoga.Ian Whicher - 1998 - Asian Philosophy 8 (2):85 – 102.
    This paper attempts to clarify the processes undergone by the yoga practitioner in the later stages of purification according to the classical Yoga of Pata jali. Through a process termed the sattvification of consciousness, the mental processes of the yogin are remolded, reshaped and restructured leading to a transformation of the mind and its functioning. The mind thus can be seen not only as a vehicle of spiritual ignorance, but of liberating knowledge culminating in authentic identity. Yoga philosophy, far (...)
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  19.  36
    Book review. "Sexual abuse during childhood". María Beatriz Müller. (Book review. "Abuso sexual en la infancia"). [REVIEW]Carlos Alberto Rosas-Jiménez - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (2):266-268.
    Abuso sexual en la infancia es el libro escrito por María Beatriz Müller con el objetivo de dar una explicación del éxito judicial que ha tenido a lo largo de los años el Síndrome de Alienación Parental, propuesto por el médico Richar Gardner en la década de los 80. A lo largo de la lectura del libro se verá cómo la postulación de este supuesto síndrome en ámbitos médicos, psicológicos y judiciales, así como otras propuestas carentes de evidencia científica, han (...)
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