Results for 'Paraconsistent Set Theory'

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  1. (1 other version)On paraconsistent set theory.Newton Ca da Costa - 1986 - Logique Et Analyse 115 (361):71.
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  2. A new paraconsistent set theory: A/l.Roque da C. Caiero & Edelcio G. de Souza - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 40:115-141.
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  3. Transfinite numbers in paraconsistent set theory.Zach Weber - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (1):71-92.
    This paper begins an axiomatic development of naive set theoryin a paraconsistent logic. Results divide into two sorts. There is classical recapture, where the main theorems of ordinal and Peano arithmetic are proved, showing that naive set theory can provide a foundation for standard mathematics. Then there are major extensions, including proofs of the famous paradoxes and the axiom of choice (in the form of the well-ordering principle). At the end I indicate how later developments of cardinal numbers (...)
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    The inadequacy of a proposed paraconsistent set theory.Frode Bjørdal - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (1):106-108.
    We show that a paraconsistent set theory proposed in Weber (2010) is strong enough to provide a quite classical nonprimitive notion of identity, so that the relation is an equivalence relation and also obeys full substitutivity: a = b -> F(b)). With this as background it is shown that the proposed theory also proves the negation of x=x. While not by itself showing that the proposed system is trivial in the sense of proving all statements, it is (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Twist-Valued Models for Three-valued Paraconsistent Set Theory.Walter Carnielli & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2021 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 30 (2):187-226.
    Boolean-valued models of set theory were independently introduced by Scott, Solovay and Vopěnka in 1965, offering a natural and rich alternative for describing forcing. The original method was adapted by Takeuti, Titani, Kozawa and Ozawa to lattice-valued models of set theory. After this, Löwe and Tarafder proposed a class of algebras based on a certain kind of implication which satisfy several axioms of ZF. From this class, they found a specific 3-valued model called PS3 which satisfies all the (...)
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    Models for a paraconsistent set theory.Thierry Libert - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (1):15-41.
  7. Transfinite Cardinals in Paraconsistent Set Theory.Zach Weber - 2012 - Review of Symbolic Logic 5 (2):269-293.
    This paper develops a (nontrivial) theory of cardinal numbers from a naive set comprehension principle, in a suitable paraconsistent logic. To underwrite cardinal arithmetic, the axiom of choice is proved. A new proof of Cantor’s theorem is provided, as well as a method for demonstrating the existence of large cardinals by way of a reflection theorem.
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  8. Paraconsistent Set Theory.Marcelo Coniglio, Walter Carnielli & Marcelo Esteban Coniglio - 2016 - In Walter Carnielli & Marcelo Esteban Coniglio, Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
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    ZF and the axiom of choice in some paraconsistent set theories.Thierry Libert - 2003 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 11:91-114.
    In this paper, we present set theories based upon the paraconsistent logic Pac. We describe two different techniques to construct models of such set theories. The first of these is an adaptation of one used to construct classical models of positive comprehension. The properties of the models obtained in that way give rise to a natural paraconsistent set theory which is presented here. The status of the axiom of choice in that theory is also discussed. The (...)
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  10. A model of a strong paraconsistent set theory.O. Esser - 2003 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 44.
  11. Naive set theory, paraconsistency and indeterminacy I.Alan Weir - 1998 - Logique Et Analyse 41:219-66.
  12.  27
    Paraconsistent and Paracomplete Zermelo–Fraenkel Set Theory.Yurii Khomskii & Hrafn Valtýr Oddsson - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):965-995.
    We present a novel treatment of set theory in a four-valued paraconsistent and paracomplete logic, i.e., a logic in which propositions can be both true and false, and neither true nor false. Our approach is a significant departure from previous research in paraconsistent set theory, which has almost exclusively been motivated by a desire to avoid Russell’s paradox and fulfil naive comprehension. Instead, we prioritise setting up a system with a clear ontology of non-classical sets, which (...)
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    Paraconsistent Quasi-Set Theory.Décio Krause - unknown
    Paraconsistent logics are logics that can be used to base inconsistent but non-trivial systems. In paraconsistent set theories, we can quan- tify over sets that in standard set theories, if consistent, would lead to contradictions, such as the Russell set, R = fx : x =2 xg. Quasi-set theories are mathematical systems built for dealing with collections of indiscernible elements. The basic motivation for the development of quasi-set theories came from quantum physics, where indiscernible entities need to be (...)
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    Research on Set Theory Based on Paraconsistent Logic.Shi Jing - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):43.
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    A strictly finitary non-triviality proof for a paraconsistent system of set theory deductively equivalent to classical ZFC minus foundation.Arief Daynes - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (8):581-598.
    The paraconsistent system CPQ-ZFC/F is defined. It is shown using strong non-finitary methods that the theorems of CPQ-ZFC/F are exactly the theorems of classical ZFC minus foundation. The proof presented in the paper uses the assumption that a strongly inaccessible cardinal exists. It is then shown using strictly finitary methods that CPQ-ZFC/F is non-trivial. CPQ-ZFC/F thus provides a formulation of set theory that has the same deductive power as the corresponding classical system but is more reliable in that (...)
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    A simple approach towards recapturing consistent theories in paraconsistent settings.Jc Beall - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (4):755-764.
    I believe that, for reasons elaborated elsewhere (Beall, 2009; Priest, 2006a, 2006b), the logic LP (Asenjo, 1966; Asenjo & Tamburino, 1975; Priest, 1979) is roughly right as far as logic goes.1 But logic cannot go everywhere; we need to provide nonlogical axioms to specify our (axiomatic) theories. This is uncontroversial, but it has also been the source of discomfort for LP-based theorists, particularly with respect to true mathematical theories which we take to be consistent. My example, throughout, is arithmetic; but (...)
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    Newton C. A. da Costa. On the theory of inconsistent formal systems. Notre Dame journal of formal logic, vol. 15 , pp. 497–510. - Newton C. A. da Costa. The philosophical import of paraconsistent logic. The journal of non-classical logic , vol. 1 , pp. 1–19. - Newton C. A. da Costa. On paraconsistent set theory. Logique et analyse, n.s. vol. 29 , pp. 361–371. - Newton C. A. da Costa, Jean-Yves Béziau, and Otávio Bueno. Paraconsistent logic in a historical perspective. Logique et analyse, vol. 38 , pp. 111–126. [REVIEW]Henry Kyburg - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (3):1183-1184.
  18.  44
    Naive Set Theory with Extensionality in Partial Logic and in Paradoxical Logic.Roland Hinnion - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (1):15-40.
    Two distinct and apparently "dual" traditions of non-classical logic, three-valued logic and paraconsistent logic, are considered here and a unified presentation of "easy-to-handle" versions of these logics is given, in which full naive set theory, i.e. Frege's comprehension principle + extensionality, is not absurd.
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  19. Outline of a Paraconsistent Category Theory.Otavio Bueno - unknown
    The aim of this paper is two-fold: (1) To contribute to a better knowledge of the method of the Argentinean mathematicians Lia Oubifia and Jorge Bosch to formulate category theory independently of set theory. This method suggests a new ontology of mathematical objects, and has a profound philosophical significance (the underlying logic of the resulting category theory is classical iirst—order predicate calculus with equality). (2) To show in outline how the Oubina-Bosch theory can be modified to (...)
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  20. Extensionality and Restriction in Naive Set Theory.Zach Weber - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (1):87-104.
    The naive set theory problem is to begin with a full comprehension axiom, and to find a logic strong enough to prove theorems, but weak enough not to prove everything. This paper considers the sub-problem of expressing extensional identity and the subset relation in paraconsistent, relevant solutions, in light of a recent proposal from Beall, Brady, Hazen, Priest and Restall [4]. The main result is that the proposal, in the context of an independently motivated formalization of naive set (...)
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    Topological Models for Extensional Partial Set Theory.Roland Hinnion & Thierry Libert - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (1):39-53.
    We state the consistency problem of extensional partial set theory and prove two complementary results toward a definitive solution. The proof of one of our results makes use of an extension of the topological construction that was originally applied in the paraconsistent case.
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    Philosophy of Mathematics: Set Theory, Measuring Theories, and Nominalism.Gerhard Preyer (ed.) - 2008 - Frankfort, Germany: Ontos.
    The ten contributions in this volume range widely over topics in the philosophy of mathematics. The four papers in Part I (entitled "Set Theory, Inconsistency, and Measuring Theories") take up topics ranging from proposed resolutions to the paradoxes of naïve set theory, paraconsistent logics as applied to the early infinitesimal calculus, the notion of "purity of method" in the proof of mathematical results, and a reconstruction of Peano's axiom that no two distinct numbers have the same successor. (...)
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  23.  36
    Independence Proofs in Non-Classical Set Theories.Sourav Tarafder & Giorgio Venturi - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):979-1010.
    In this paper we extend to non-classical set theories the standard strategy of proving independence using Boolean-valued models. This extension is provided by means of a new technique that, combining algebras (by taking their product), is able to provide product-algebra-valued models of set theories. In this paper we also provide applications of this new technique by showing that: (1) we can import the classical independence results to non-classical set theory (as an example we prove the independence of $\mathsf {CH}$ (...)
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    Generalized Algebra-Valued Models of Set Theory.Benedikt Löwe & Sourav Tarafder - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (1):192-205.
    We generalize the construction of lattice-valued models of set theory due to Takeuti, Titani, Kozawa and Ozawa to a wider class of algebras and show that this yields a model of a paraconsistent logic that validates all axioms of the negation-free fragment of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.
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    Notes on inconsistent set theory.Zach Weber - 2012 - In Francesco Berto, Edwin Mares, Koji Tanaka & Francesco Paoli, Paraconsistency: Logic and Applications. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 315--328.
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    The Difficulties in Using Weak Relevant Logics for Naive Set Theory.Erik Istre & Maarten McKubre-Jordens - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 365-381.
    We discuss logical difficulties with the naive set theory based on the weak relevant logic DKQ. These are induced by the restrictive nature of the relevant conditional and its interaction with set theory. The paper concludes with some possible ways to mitigate these difficulties.
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    Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation.Walter Carnielli & Marcelo Esteban Coniglio - 2016 - Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Edited by Marcelo Esteban Coniglio.
    This book is the first in the field of paraconsistency to offer a comprehensive overview of the subject, including connections to other logics and applications in information processing, linguistics, reasoning and argumentation, and philosophy of science. It is recommended reading for anyone interested in the question of reasoning and argumentation in the presence of contradictions, in semantics, in the paradoxes of set theory and in the puzzling properties of negation in logic programming. Paraconsistent logic comprises a major logical (...)
  28. How to construct Remainder Sets for Paraconsistent Revisions: Preliminary Report.Rafael Testa, Eduardo Fermé, Marco Garapa & Maurício Reis - 2018 - 17th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NON-MONOTONIC REASONING.
    Revision operation is the consistent expansion of a theory by a new belief-representing sentence. We consider that in a paraconsistent setting this desideratum can be accomplished in at least three distinct ways: the output of a revision operation should be either non-trivial or non-contradictory (in general or relative to the new belief). In this paper those distinctions will be explored in the constructive level by showing how the remainder sets could be refined, capturing the key concepts of paraconsistency (...)
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  29. Paraconsistency: Logic and Applications.Francesco Berto, Edwin Mares, Koji Tanaka & Francesco Paoli (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    A logic is called 'paraconsistent' if it rejects the rule called 'ex contradictione quodlibet', according to which any conclusion follows from inconsistent premises. While logicians have proposed many technically developed paraconsistent logical systems and contemporary philosophers like Graham Priest have advanced the view that some contradictions can be true, and advocated a paraconsistent logic to deal with them, until recent times these systems have been little understood by philosophers. This book presents a comprehensive overview on paraconsistent (...)
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    Modal Aggregation and the Theory of Paraconsistent Filters.Peter Apostoli - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):175-190.
    This paper articulates the structure of a two species of weakly aggregative necessity in a common idiom, neighbourhood semantics, using the notion of a k-filter of propositions. A k-filter on a non-empty set I is a collection of subsets of I which contains I, is closed under supersets on I, and contains ∪{Xi ≤ Xj : 0 ≤ i < j ≤ k} whenever it contains the subsets X0,…, Xk. The mathematical content of the proof that weakly aggregative modal logic (...)
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    A Strong Model of Paraconsistent Logic.Olivier Esser - 2003 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 44 (3):149-156.
    The purpose of this paper is mainly to give a model of paraconsistent logic satisfying the "Frege comprehension scheme" in which we can develop standard set theory (and even much more as we shall see). This is the continuation of the work of Hinnion and Libert.
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    (1 other version)Paraconsistency.Newton C. A. Da Costa - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (1):119-145.
    In this expository paper, we examine some philosophical and technical issues brought by paraconsistency (such as, motivations for developing a paraconsistent logic, the nature of this logic, and its application to set theory). We also suggest a way of accommodating these issues by considering some problems in the philosophy of logic from a new perspective.
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    Old Quantum Theory: A Paraconsistent Approach.Bryson Brown - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:397 - 411.
    Just what forms do (or should) our cognitive attitudes towards scientific theories take? The nature of cognitive commitment becomes particularly puzzling when scientists' commitments are) inconsistent. And inconsistencies have often infected our best efforts in science and mathematics. Since there are no models of inconsistent sets of sentences, straightforward semantic accounts fail. And syntactic accounts based on classical logic also collapse, since the closure of any inconsistent set under classical logic includes every sentence. In this essay I present some evidence (...)
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    A paraconsistent theory of belief revision.Edwin D. Mares - 2002 - Erkenntnis 56 (2):229 - 246.
    This paper presents a theory of belief revision that allows people to come tobelieve in contradictions. The AGM theory of belief revision takes revision,in part, to be consistency maintenance. The present theory replacesconsistency with a weaker property called coherence. In addition to herbelief set, we take a set of statements that she rejects. These two sets arecoherent if they do not overlap. On this theory, belief revision maintains coherence.
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  35. The non-triviality of dialectical set theory.Ross T. Brady - 1989 - In Graham Priest, Richard Routley & Jean Norman, Paraconsistent Logic: Essays on the Inconsistent. Philosophia Verlag. pp. 437--470.
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    Is Cantor’s Theorem a Dialetheia? Variations on a Paraconsistent Approach to Cantor’s Theorem.Uwe Petersen - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):860-877.
    The present note was prompted by Weber’s approach to proving Cantor’s theorem, i.e., the claim that the cardinality of the power set of a set is always greater than that of the set itself. While I do not contest that his proof succeeds, my point is that he neglects the possibility that by similar methods it can be shown also that no non-empty set satisfies Cantor’s theorem. In this paper unrestricted abstraction based on a cut free Gentzen type sequential calculus (...)
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    Perfect validity, entailment and paraconsistency.Neil Tennant - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):181 - 200.
    This paper treats entailment as a subrelation of classical consequence and deducibility. Working with a Gentzen set-sequent system, we define an entailment as a substitution instance of a valid sequent all of whose premisses and conclusions are necessary for its classical validity. We also define a sequent Proof as one in which there are no applications of cut or dilution. The main result is that the entailments are exactly the Provable sequents. There are several important corollaries. Every unsatisfiable set is (...)
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    Depth relevance of some paraconsistent logics.Ross T. Brady - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):63 - 73.
    The paper essentially shows that the paraconsistent logicDR satisfies the depth relevance condition. The systemDR is an extension of the systemDK of [7] and the non-triviality of a dialectical set theory based onDR has been shown in [3]. The depth relevance condition is a strengthened relevance condition, taking the form: If DR- AB thenA andB share a variable at the same depth, where the depth of an occurrence of a subformulaB in a formulaA is roughly the number of (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logics and Translations.Itala M. Loffredo D’Ottaviano & Hércules de Araújo Feitosa - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1-2):77-95.
    In 1999, da Silva, D'Ottaviano and Sette proposed a general definition for the term translation between logics and presented an initial segment of its theory. Logics are characterized, in the most general sense, as sets with consequence relations and translations between logics as consequence-relation preserving maps. In a previous paper the authors introduced the concept of conservative translation between logics and studied some general properties of the co-complete category constituted by logics and conservative translations between them. In this paper (...)
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  40. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Fourth volume: HyperUncertain Set (Collected Papers).Fujita Takaaki & Florentin Smarandache - 2025 - Gallup, NM, USA: NSIA Publishing House.
    This book represents the fourth volume in the series Collected Papers on Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. This volume specifically delves into the concept of the HyperUncertain Set, building on the foundational advancements introduced in previous volumes. The series aims to explore the ongoing evolution of uncertain combinatorics through innovative methodologies such as graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization. These approaches integrate and extend core concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theories, (...)
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    A Bridge Between Q-Worlds.Andreas Döring, E. V. A. Benjamin & Masanao Ozawa - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):447-486.
    Quantum set theory (QST) and topos quantum theory (TQT) are two long running projects in the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics (QM) that share a great deal of conceptual and technical affinity. Most pertinently, both approaches attempt to resolve some of the conceptual difficulties surrounding QM by reformulating parts of the theory inside of nonclassical mathematical universes, albeit with very different internal logics. We call such mathematical universes, together with those mathematical and logical structures within them that (...)
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    Rough Sets and 3-Valued Logics.A. Avron & B. Konikowska - 2008 - Studia Logica 90 (1):69-92.
    In the paper we explore the idea of describing Pawlak’s rough sets using three-valued logic, whereby the value t corresponds to the positive region of a set, the value f — to the negative region, and the undefined value u — to the border of the set. Due to the properties of the above regions in rough set theory, the semantics of the logic is described using a non-deterministic matrix (Nmatrix). With the strong semantics, where only the value t (...)
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    A bridge between q-worlds.Benjamin Eva, Masanao Ozawa & Andreas Doering - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):447-486.
    Quantum set theory and topos quantum theory are two long running projects in the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics that share a great deal of conceptual and technical affinity. Most pertinently, both approaches attempt to resolve some of the conceptual difficulties surrounding QM by reformulating parts of the theory inside of nonclassical mathematical universes, albeit with very different internal logics. We call such mathematical universes, together with those mathematical and logical structures within them that are pertinent to (...)
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    Paraconsistency in classical logic.Gabriele Pulcini & Achille C. Varzi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5485-5496.
    Classical propositional logic can be characterized, indirectly, by means of a complementary formal system whose theorems are exactly those formulas that are not classical tautologies, i.e., contradictions and truth-functional contingencies. Since a formula is contingent if and only if its negation is also contingent, the system in question is paraconsistent. Hence classical propositional logic itself admits of a paraconsistent characterization, albeit “in the negative”. More generally, any decidable logic with a syntactically incomplete proof theory allows for a (...)
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    Paraconsistent Logics and Translations.Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano & Hércules de A. Feitosa - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1/2):77 - 95.
    In 1999, da Silva, D'Ottaviano and Sette proposed a general definition for the term translation between logics and presented an initial segment of its theory. Logics are characterized, in the most general sense, as sets with consequence relations and translations between logics as consequence-relation preserving maps. In a previous paper the authors introduced the concept of conservative translation between logics and studied some general properties of the co-complete category constituted by logics and conservative translations between them. In this paper (...)
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    About the coexistence of “classical sets” with “non-classical” ones: A survey.Roland Hinnion - 2003 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 11:79-90.
    This is a survey of some possible extensions of ZF to a larger universe, closer to the “naive set theory” (the universes discussed here concern, roughly speaking : stratified sets, partial sets, positive sets, paradoxical sets and double sets).
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    Nelson algebras, residuated lattices and rough sets: A survey.Lut School of Engineering Science Jouni Järvinen Sándor Radeleczki Umberto Rivieccio A. SOftware Engineering, Finlandb Institute Of Mathematics Lahti, Uned Hungaryc Departamento de Lógica E. Historia Y. Filosofía de la Ciencia & Spain Madrid - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):368-428.
    Over the past 50 years, Nelson algebras have been extensively studied by distinguished scholars as the algebraic counterpart of Nelson's constructive logic with strong negation. Despite these studies, a comprehensive survey of the topic is currently lacking, and the theory of Nelson algebras remains largely unknown to most logicians. This paper aims to fill this gap by focussing on the essential developments in the field over the past two decades. Additionally, we explore generalisations of Nelson algebras, such as N4-lattices (...)
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    Consistency and Decidability in Some Paraconsistent Arithmetics.Andrew Tedder - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Logic 18 (5):473-502.
    The standard style of argument used to prove that a theory is unde- cidable relies on certain consistency assumptions, usually that some fragment or other is negation consistent. In a non-paraconsistent set- ting, this amounts to an assumption that the theory is non-trivial, but these diverge when theories are couched in paraconsistent logics. Furthermore, there are general methods for constructing inconsistent models of arithmetic from consistent models, and the theories of such inconsistent models seem likely to (...)
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  49. Paradox and Paraconsistency: Conflict Resolution in the Abstract Sciences.John Woods - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In a world plagued by disagreement and conflict one might expect that the exact sciences of logic and mathematics would provide a safe harbor. In fact these disciplines are rife with internal divisions between different, often incompatible, systems. Do these disagreements admit of resolution? Can such resolution be achieved without disturbing assumptions that the theorems of logic and mathematics state objective truths about the real world? In this original and historically rich book John Woods explores apparently intractable disagreements in logic (...)
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  50. On Partial and Paraconsistent Logics.Reinhard Muskens - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (3):352-374.
    In this paper we consider the theory of predicate logics in which the principle of Bivalence or the principle of Non-Contradiction or both fail. Such logics are partial or paraconsistent or both. We consider sequent calculi for these logics and prove Model Existence. For L4, the most general logic under consideration, we also prove a version of the Craig-Lyndon Interpolation Theorem. The paper shows that many techniques used for classical predicate logic generalise to partial and paraconsistent logics (...)
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