Results for 'Palliative treatment'

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  1.  44
    Desires in palliative medicine. Five models of the physician‐patient interaction on palliative treatment related to hellenistic therapies of desire.Marli Huijer & Guy Widdershoven - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (2):143-159.
    In this paper, we explore the desires that play a role at the palliative stage and relate them to various approaches to patient autonomy. What attitude can physicians and other caregivers take to the desires of patients at the palliative stage? We examine this question by introducing five physicians who are consulted by Jackie, an imaginary patient with metastatic lung carcinoma. By combining the models of the physician-patient relationship developed by Emanuel and Emanuel (1992) and the Hellenistic approaches (...)
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    Palliative sedation, foregoing life-sustaining treatment, and aid-in-dying: what is the difference?Patrick Daly - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (3):197-213.
    After a review of terminology, I identify—in addition to Margaret Battin’s list of five primary arguments for and against aid-in-dying—the argument from functional equivalence as another primary argument. I introduce a novel way to approach this argument based on Bernard Lonergan’s generalized empirical method. Then I proceed on the basis of GEM to distinguish palliative sedation, palliative sedation to unconsciousness when prognosis is less than two weeks, and foregoing life-sustaining treatment from aid-in-dying. I conclude that aid-in-dying must (...)
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    Treatment redirection: moving from curative to palliative care.R. L. Potter - 1997 - Bioethics Forum 14 (2):3-9.
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    Palliative care ethical guidelines to assist healthcare practitioners in their treatment of palliative care patients.D. J. McQuoid-Mason & N. Naidoo - 2019 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 12 (1):14.
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    Limitation of treatment at the end of life: an empirical-ethical analysis regarding the practices of physician members of the German Society for Palliative Medicine.Jan Schildmann, Julia Hoetzel, Anne Baumann, Christof Mueller-Busch & Jochen Vollmann - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (6):327-332.
    Objectives To determine the frequencies and types of limitation of medical treatment performed by physician members of the German Society for Palliative Medicine and to analyse the findings with respect to clinical and ethical aspects of end-of-life practices. Design Cross-sectional postal survey. Setting Data collection via the secretary of the German Society for Palliative Medicine using the German language version of the EURELD survey instrument. Subjects All 1645 physician members of the German Society for Palliative Medicine. (...)
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    Palliative care for the terminally ill in America: the consideration of QALYs, costs, and ethical issues.Y. Tony Yang & Margaret M. Mahon - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (4):411-416.
    The drive for cost-effective use of medical interventions has advantages, but can also be challenging in the context of end-of-life palliative treatments. A quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) provides a common currency to assess the extent of the benefits gained from a variety of interventions in terms of health-related quality of life and survival for the patient. However, since it is in the nature of end-of-life palliative care that the benefits it brings to its patients are of short duration, it (...)
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    Compulsory Treatment in Chronic Anorexia Nervosa by All Means? Searching for a Middle Ground Between a Curative and a Palliative Approach.Manuel Trachsel, Verina Wild, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Tanja Krones - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):55-56.
  8. Palliative care ethics: a good companion.Fiona Randall - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. S. Downie.
    Palliative care is a recent branch of health care. The doctors, nurses, and other professionals involved in it took their inspiration from the medieval idea of the hospice, but have now extended their expertise to every area of health care: surgeries, nursing homes, acute wards, and the community. This has happened during a period when patients wish to take more control over their own lives and deaths, resources have become scarce, and technology has created controversial life-prolonging treatments. Palliative (...)
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    Inappropriate hemodialysis treatment and palliative care.Štefánia Andraščíková, Zuzana Novotná & Rudolf Novotný - 2020 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 10 (1-2):48-58.
    The paper discusses inappropriate (futile) treatment by analyzing the casuistics of palliative patients in the terminal stage of illness who are hospitalized at the Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics of the Faculty hospital with policlinic (FNsP). Our research applies the principles of palliative care in the context of bioethics. The existing clinical conditions of healthcare in Slovakia are characteristic of making a taboo of the issues of inappropriate treatment of palliative patients. Inductive-deductive and normative (...)
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  10.  61
    Can curative or life-sustaining treatment be withheld or withdrawn? The opinions and views of Indian palliative-care nurses and physicians.Joris Gielen, Sushma Bhatnagar, Seema Mishra, Arvind K. Chaturvedi, Harmala Gupta, Ambika Rajvanshi, Stef Van den Branden & Bert Broeckaert - 2011 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 14 (1):5-18.
    Introduction: Decisions to withdraw or withhold curative or life-sustaining treatment can have a huge impact on the symptoms which the palliative-care team has to control. Palliative-care patients and their relatives may also turn to palliative-care physicians and nurses for advice regarding these treatments. We wanted to assess Indian palliative-care nurses and physicians’ attitudes towards withholding and withdrawal of curative or life-sustaining treatment. Method: From May to September 2008, we interviewed 14 physicians and 13 nurses (...)
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  11. The philosophy of palliative care: critique and reconstruction.Fiona Randall - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by R. S. Downie.
    It is a philosophy of patient care, and is therefore open to critique and evaluation.Using the Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine Third Edition as their ...
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    The ethics of palliative care: European perspectives.Henk ten Have & David Clark (eds.) - 2002 - Phildelphia, PA: Open University Press.
    As palliative care develops across many of the countries of Europe, we find that it continues to raise important ethical challenges. Palliative care practice requires ethical sensitivity and understanding. At the same time the very existence of palliative care calls for ethical explanation. Ethics and palliative care meet over some vital issues: 'the good death', sedation at the end of life, requests for euthanasia, futile treatment, and the role of research. Yet palliative care appears (...)
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  13.  36
    (1 other version)The concept of disease in palliative medicine.Joachim Widder & Monika Glawischnig-Goschnik - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):191-197.
    The paper first defines palliative treatment and distinguishes it from symptomatic treatment. Then, the palliative situation is delineated as inseparably linked to the finitude of human life. Given the objectives of palliative treatment — responding to symptoms, damage to the patients' self-image, and the proximity of death — a subjective concept of disease is described, that is regarded as the focus of palliative treatment. The essence of the concept of disease is analysed (...)
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  14.  14
    Palliative care and ethics.Timothy E. Quill & Franklin G. Miller (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hospice is the premiere end of life program in the United States, but its requirement that patients forgo disease-directed therapies and that they have a prognosis of 6 months or less means that it serves less than half of dying patients and often for very short periods of time. Palliative care offers careful attention to pain and symptom management, added support for patients and families, and assistance with difficult medical decision making alongside any and all desired medical treatments, but (...)
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    Palliative care and new technologies. The use of smart sensor technologies and its impact on the Total Care principle.Tabea Ott, Maria Heckel, Natalie Öhl, Tobias Steigleder, Nils C. Albrecht, Christoph Ostgathe & Peter Dabrock - 2023 - BMC Palliative Care 22 (50).
    Background Palliative care is an integral part of health care, which in term has become increasingly technologized in recent decades. Lately, innovative smart sensors combined with artificial intelligence promise better diagnosis and treatment. But to date, it is unclear: how are palliative care concepts and their underlying assumptions about humans challenged by smart sensor technologies (SST) and how can care benefit from SST? -/- Aims The paper aims to identify changes and challenges in palliative care due (...)
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  16.  37
    Palliative care and cancer trials.S. M. Brown - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (6):371-371.
    Two of the most important concepts in medicine are “curing” and “caring”. Patients should enter clinical trials with the understanding that they benefit from the treatment or that there may be some benefit to others. In many cancer trials, for example, the best that can be hoped for is a prolongation of life. Whether or not life is prolonged, we argue that there exists an obligation which can be termed a “bond of responsibility” to provide appropriate palliative care (...)
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  17.  95
    Understanding Palliative Cancer Chemotherapy: About Shared Decisions and Shared Trajectories.Susanne J. de Kort, Jeannette Pols, Dick J. Richel, Nelleke Koedoot & Dick L. Willems - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (2):164-174.
    Most models of patient-physician communication take decision-making as a central concept. However, we found that often the treatment course of metastatic cancer patients is not easy to describe in straightforward terms used in decision-making models but is instead frequently more erratic. Our aim was to analyse these processes as trajectories. We used a longitudinal case study of 13 patients with metastatic colorectal and pancreatic cancer for whom palliative chemotherapy was a treatment option, and analysed 65 semi-structured interviews. (...)
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  18.  96
    A Comparative Study of the Law of Palliative Care and End-of-Life Treatment.Danuta Mendelson & Timothy Stoltzfus Jost - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (1):130-143.
    Since the Supreme Court of New Jersey decided the Quinlan case a quarter of a century ago, three American Supreme Court decisions and a host of state appellate decisions have addressed end-of-life issues. These decisions, as well as legislation addressing the same issues, have prompted a torrent of law journal articles analyzing every aspect of end-of-life law. In recent years, moreover, a number of law review articles, many published in this journal, have also specifically addressed legal issues raised by (...) care. Much less is known in the United States, however, as to how other countries address these issues. Reflection on the experience and analysis of other nations may give Americans a better understanding of their own experience, as well as suggest improvements to their present way of dealing with the difficult problems in this area.This article offers a conceptual and comparative analysis of major legal issues relating to end-of-life treatment and to the treatment of pain in a number of countries. In particular, it focuses on the law of Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Poland, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Japan. (shrink)
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    A palliative care approach in psychiatry: clinical implications.Mattias Strand, Manne Sjöstrand & Anna Lindblad - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundTraditionally, palliative care has focused on patients suffering from life-threatening somatic diseases such as cancer or progressive neurological disorders. In contrast, despite the often chronic, severely disabling, and potentially life-threatening nature of psychiatric disorders, there are neither palliative care units nor clinical guidelines on palliative measures for patients in psychiatry.Main textThis paper contributes to the growing literature on a palliative approach in psychiatry and is based on the assumption that a change of perspective from a curative (...)
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  20.  42
    Suffering in Advanced Dementia: Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges and Questions about Palliative Sedation.Jeffrey T. Berger - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (4):364-366.
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    Palliative sedation: not just normal medical practice. Ethical reflections on the Royal Dutch Medical Association's guideline on palliative sedation.Rien Janssens, Johannes J. M. van Delden & Guy A. M. Widdershoven - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (11):664-668.
    The main premise of the Royal Dutch Medical Association's (RDMA) guideline on palliative sedation is that palliative sedation, contrary to euthanasia, is normal medical practice. Although we do not deny the ethical distinctions between euthanasia and palliative sedation, we will critically analyse the guideline's argumentation strategy with which euthanasia is demarcated from palliative sedation. First, we will analyse the guideline's main premise, which entails that palliative sedation is normal medical treatment. After this, we will (...)
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  22.  31
    Palliative care nursing involvement in end-of-life decision-making: Qualitative secondary analysis.Pablo Hernández-Marrero, Emília Fradique & Sandra Martins Pereira - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1680-1695.
    Background: Nurses are the largest professional group in healthcare and those who make more decisions. In 2014, the Committee on Bioethics of the Council of Europe launched the “Guide on the decision-making process regarding medical treatment in end-of-life situations” (hereinafter, Guide), aiming at improving decision-making processes and empowering professionals in making end-of-life decisions. The Guide does not mention nurses explicitly. Objectives: To analyze the ethical principles most valued by nurses working in palliative care when making end-of-life decisions and (...)
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  23.  53
    Normativity unbound: Liminality in palliative care ethics.Hillel Braude - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (2):107-122.
    This article applies the anthropological concept of liminality to reconceptualize palliative care ethics. Liminality possesses both spatial and temporal dimensions. Both these aspects are analyzed to provide insight into the intersubjective relationship between patient and caregiver in the context of palliative care. Aristotelian practical wisdom, or phronesis, is considered to be the appropriate model for palliative care ethics, provided it is able to account for liminality. Moreover, this article argues for the importance of liminality for providing an (...)
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  24. Rawlsian Justice and Palliative Care.Carl Knight & Andreas Albertsen - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (8):536-542.
    Palliative care serves both as an integrated part of treatment and as a last effort to care for those we cannot cure. The extent to which palliative care should be provided and our reasons for doing so have been curiously overlooked in the debate about distributive justice in health and healthcare. We argue that one prominent approach, the Rawlsian approach developed by Norman Daniels, is unable to provide such reasons and such care. This is because of a (...)
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  25.  25
    Dignity of individuals with dementia, palliative care, and futile treatment.Rudolf Novotný, Zuzana Novotná, Štefánia Andraščíková & Martin Kmec - 2023 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 13 (1-2):38-50.
    Case studies are used to reflect on the treatment of patients with dementia hospitalized at the Geriatric Department of the Faculty hospital in Prešov, emphasizing human dignity in clinical practice. The discussion is focused on the palliative care of patients with severe dementia. The biomedical method, which respects human dignity is defined by means of inductive, deductive, and normative bioethical methods. They make it possible to provide guidelines for palliative care and individualized prognosis strategy. An analysis of (...)
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  26.  40
    Palliative care versus euthanasia. The German position: The German general medical council's principles for medical care of the terminally ill.Stephan W. Sahm - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (2):195 – 219.
    In September 1998 the Bundesrztekammer, i.e., the German Medical Association, published new principles concerning terminal medical care. Even before publication, a draft of these principles was very controversial, and prompted intense public debate in the mass media. Despite some of the critics' suspicions that the principles prepared the way for liberalization of active euthanasia, euthanasia is unequivocally rejected in the principles. Physician-assisted suicide is considered to violate professional medical rules. In leaving aside some of the notions customarily used in the (...)
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    Chinese physicians’ perceptions of palliative care integration for advanced cancer patients: a qualitative analysis at a tertiary hospital in Changsha, China.Xin Li, Kaveh Khoshnood, Xing Liu, Xin Chen, Yuqiong Zhong, Rui Liu, Xiaomin Wang & Jessica Hahne - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundLittle previous research has been conducted outside of major cities in China to examine how physicians currently perceive palliative care, and to identify specific goals for training as palliative care access expands. This study explored physicians’ perceptions of palliative care integration for advanced cancer patients in Changsha, China.MethodsWe conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews with physicians (n = 24) specializing in hematology or oncology at a tertiary hospital.ResultsMost physicians viewed palliative care as equivalent to end-of-life care, while a (...)
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  28. Fatal Licence: Commentary on the 'Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care (Voluntary Euthanasia) Amendment Bill 2008'. [REVIEW]Brian Pollard - 2010 - Bioethics Research Notes 22 (2):19.
    Pollard, Brian The extreme difficulties in attempting to make safe euthanasia law, with an argument of treatment in case of patients who can ask for death to escape from pain and patients who are not in a position to ask, are documented. Published findings of five large inquiries into the issue show that it would not be possible to make such law without endangering the lives of some of those who did not want to die.
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  29.  72
    Palliative opioid use, palliative sedation and euthanasia: reaffirming the distinction.Guy Schofield, Idris Baker, Rachel Bullock, Hannah Clare, Paul Clark, Derek Willis, Craig Gannon & Rob George - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):48-50.
    We read with interest the extended essay published from Riisfeldt and are encouraged by an empirical ethics article which attempts to ground theory and its claims in the real world. However, such attempts also have real-world consequences. We are concerned to read the paper’s conclusion that clinical evidence weakens the distinction between euthanasia and normal palliative care prescribing. This is important. Globally, the most significant barrier to adequate symptom control in people with life-limiting illness is poor access to opioid (...)
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  30.  13
    In search of philosophical foundations for palliative care and termination of life-prolonging treatments - Focusing on Nietzsche and Epicurus -. 권미연 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 88:211-234.
    오늘날 발달한 의학기술로 인해 우리는 연명치료와 호스피스 · 완화의료 등 죽음과 관련된 의료, 즉 웰다잉(Well-dying)의 문제에 관심을 가지게 되었다. 웰다잉 문제의 핵심은 임종기 환자의 삶의 질뿐만 아니라 죽음의 질의 문제이다. 이러한 문제들은 우리에게 연명치료 중단 및 호스피스・완화의료의 증대와 관련하여 법적, 제도적 과제와 함께 임종기 환자의 죽음교육의 문제를 제기한다. 이 논문은 연명치료 중단과 호스피스 · 완화의료에서 비종교인에 대한 죽음교육의 문제를 다루고 있다. 비종교인들이 내세 관념 없이도 평안한 죽음을 맞이하기 위해서 해결해야 할 과제는 죽음의 두려움을 어떻게 극복하는가의 문제이다. 이 논문은 비종교인의 죽음에 (...)
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    Cure palliative simultanee e sviluppo delle virtù.Claudia Navarini - 2020 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  32. Aquinas on Euthanasia, Suffering, and Palliative Care.Jason T. Eberl - 2003 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 3 (2):331-354.
    Euthanasia, today, is one of the most debated issues in bioethics. Euthanasia, at the time of Thomas Aquinas, was an unheard-of term. Nevertheless, while there is no direct statement with respect to “euthanasia” per se in the writings of Aquinas, Aquinas’s moral theory and certain theological commitments he held could be applied to the euthanasia question and thus bring Aquinas into contemporary bioethical debate. In this paper, I present the relevant aspects of Aquinas’s account of natural law and his theological (...)
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    Embracing life & facing death: a Jewish guide to palliative care.Daniel S. Brenner (ed.) - 2002 - New York: CLAL.
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    Pernicious encroachment into end-of-life decision making: Federal intervention in palliative pain treatment.Jane N. Bolin - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):34 – 36.
  35.  58
    Towards a palliative care approach in psychiatry: do we need a new definition?Anna Lindblad, Gert Helgesson & Manne Sjöstrand - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (1):26-30.
    Psychiatry today is mainly practised within a curative framework. However, many mental disorders are persistent and negatively affect quality of life as well as life expectancy. This tension between treatment goals and the actual illness trajectory has evoked a growing academic interest in ‘palliative psychiatry’, namely the application of a palliative care approach in patients with severe persistent mental illness. Recently, Trachsel et al presented a working definition of palliative psychiatry. This first official attempt to capture (...)
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    The Acrobatics of Dying: A Psychodynamic Framework for Palliative Care.Rugnone Laura, Traina Maria Luisa, Lenzo Vittorio, Venturella Noemi, Ruvolo Giuseppe & Falgares Giorgio - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):353-363.
    This article aims at summing up the reflections of a small group of psychologists who work in the domain of palliative treatment. The theory and methodology supporting it are borrowed by a group analysis approach; the group's purpose is a research based on the workers' experience elaboration, which aims at finding out both the specificities of the work apparatus with the people accompanied to the conclusion of their lives, and the main thematic areas of the relationship between healthcare (...)
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    Ethical dilemmas in palliative care: a study in Taiwan.T. -Y. Chiu - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (5):353-357.
    Objectives—To investigate the incidence and solution of ethical dilemmas in a palliative care unit.Design—Health care workers recorded daily all dilemmas in caring for each patient.Setting—Palliative care unit of National Taiwan University Hospital in Taiwan.Patients—Two hundred and forty-six consecutive patients with terminal cancer during 1997-8.Main measurement—Ethical dilemmas in the questionnaire were categorised as follows: telling the truth; place of care; therapeutic strategy; hydration and nutrition; blood transfusion; alternative treatment; terminal sedation; use of medication, and others.Results—The type and frequency (...)
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    Improving the evidence base in palliative medicine: a moral imperative.P. W. Keeley - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10):757-760.
    The difficulties of undertaking good quality effectiveness research in palliative medicine are well documented. Much of the ethical literature in this area focuses on the vulnerability of the palliative care population. It is clear that a wider ethical approach will need to be used to justify research in the terminally ill. Some themes of ethical thought are underutilised in considering the ethics of palliative care research. Three arguments to justify the need for effectiveness research in palliative (...)
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    Physician-assisted suicide in the united states: The underlying factors in technology, health care and palliative medicine – part one.Robert F. Rizzo - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (3):277-289.
    In an age of rapid advances inlife-prolonging treatment, patients and caregivers areincreasingly facing tensions in making end-of-lifedecisions. An examination of the history of healthcare in the United States reveals technological,economic, and medical factors that have contributed tothe problems of terminal care and consequently to themovement of assisted suicide. The movement has itsroots in at least two fundamental perceptions andexpectations. In the age of technological medicineenergized by the profit motive, dying comes at a highprice in suffering and in personal economic (...)
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  40. Terminal Sedation as Palliative Care: Revalidating a Right to a Good Death.George P. Smith - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (4):382-387.
    Not everyone finds a in suffering. Indeed, even those who do subscribe to this interpretation recognize the responsibility of each individual to show not only sensitivity and compassion but render assistance to those in distress. Pharmacologic hypnosis, morphine intoxication, and terminal sedation provide their own type of medical to the terminally ill patient suffering unremitting pain. More and more states are enacting legislation that recognizes this need of the dying to receive relief through regulated administration of controlled substances. Wider legislative (...)
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    Death without distress? The taboo of suffering in palliative care.Nina Streeck - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (3):343-351.
    Palliative care names as one of its central aims to prevent and relieve suffering. Following the concept of “total pain”, which was first introduced by Cicely Saunders, PC not only focuses on the physical dimension of pain but also addresses the patient’s psychological, social, and spiritual suffering. However, the goal to relieve suffering can paradoxically lead to a taboo of suffering and imply adverse consequences. Two scenarios are presented: First, PC providers sometimes might fail their own ambitions. If all (...)
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    Addressing the Concerns Surrounding Continuous Deep Sedation in Singapore and Southeast Asia: A Palliative Care Approach.Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (3):461-475.
    The application of continuous deep sedation in the treatment of intractable suffering at the end of life continues to be tied to a number of concerns that have negated its use in palliative care. Part of the resistance towards use of this treatment option of last resort has been the continued association of CDS with physician-associated suicide and/or euthanasia, which is compounded by a lack clinical guidelines and a failure to cite this treatment under the aegis (...)
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    Opening Death’s Door: Psilocybin and Existential Suffering in Palliative Care.Duff R. Waring - 2022 - In Tomas Zima & David N. Weisstub, Medical Research Ethics: Challenges in the 21st Century. Springer Verlag. pp. 235-262.
    A signal challenge of twenty-first century psychiatry is the effective treatment of existential/spiritual suffering in palliative care. This chapter will concentrate on research to assess the therapeutic potential of psilocybin to assuage that suffering. If a “psychedelic experience” can facilitate an acceptance of impending death, and reduce the existential suffering of those who endure it, it could prove to be a valuable intervention where one is sorely needed. The therapeutic use of psilocybin with dying patients (hereinafter patients) raises (...)
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  44.  18
    Parental experience of hope in pediatric palliative care: Critical reflections on an exemplar of parents of a child with trisomy 18.Marta Szabat - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 2 (2):e12341.
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the experience of hope that appears in a parent's blog presenting everyday life while caring for a child with Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome). The author, Rebekah Peterson, began her blog on 17 March 2011 and continues to post information on her son Aaron's care. The analysis of hope in the blog is carried out using a mixed methodology: initial and focused coding using Charmaz's constructed grounded theory and elements of Colaizzi's method. Each (...)
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  45. Rethinking Guidelines for the Use of Palliative Sedation.Jeffrey T. Berger - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (3):32-38.
    Current guidelines treat palliative sedation to unconsciousness as an effective medical treatment for terminally ill patients who need relief from severe symptoms, yet also restrict its use in ways that are extraordinary for medical treatments. A closer look at the kinds of cases in which palliative sedation is used suggests a way of adjusting the guidelines to resolve this seeming contradiction.
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    Leadership in palliative medicine: moral, ethical and educational.Nathan Emmerich - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):55.
    Making particular use of Shale’s analysis, this paper discusses the notion of leadership in the context of palliative medicine. Whilst offering a critical perspective, I build on the philosophy of palliative care offered by Randall and Downie and suggest that the normative structure of this medical speciality has certain distinctive features, particularly when compared to that of medicine more generally. I discuss this in terms of palliative medicine’s distinctive morality or ethos, albeit one that should still be (...)
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    Be known, be available, be mutual: A qualitative ethical analysis of social values in rural palliative care.Anna-Greta Mamhidir, Mona Kihlgren & Venke Soerlie - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics (1):19-.
    Background: Although attention to healthcare ethics in rural areas has increased, specific focus on rural palliative care is still largely under-studied and under-theorized. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the values informing good palliative care from rural individuals' perspectives. Methods: We conducted a qualitative ethnographic study in four rural communities in Western Canada. Each community had a population of 10, 000 or less and was located at least a three hour travelling distance (...)
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    The Limits of Surrogates’ Moral Authority and Physician Professionalism: Can the Paradigm of Palliative Sedation Be Instructive?Jeffrey T. Berger - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (1):20-23.
    With narrow exception, physicians’ treatment of incapacitated patients requires the consent of health surrogates. Although the decision-making authority of surrogates is appropriately broad, their moral authority is not without limits. Discerning these bounds is particularly germane to ethically complex treatments and has important implications for the welfare of patients, for the professional integrity of clinicians, and, in fact, for the welfare of surrogates. Palliative sedation is one such complex treatment; as such, it provides a valuable model for (...)
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    The potential impact of decision role and patient age on end-of-life treatment decision making.B. J. Zikmund-Fisher, H. P. Lacey & A. Fagerlin - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):327-331.
    Background: Recent research demonstrates that people sometimes make different medical decisions for others than they would make for themselves. This finding is particularly relevant to end-of-life decisions, which are often made by surrogates and require a trade-off between prolonging life and maintaining quality of life. We examine the impact of decision role, patient age, decision maker age and multiple individual differences on these treatment decisions. Methods: Participants read a scenario about a terminally ill cancer patient faced with a choice (...)
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    Euthanasia and palliative care in pulmonology.Е.В Яковлева & Е.А Бородулина - 2022 - Bioethics 15 (1):58-62.
    Currently, euthanasia is officially allowed only in a number of countries, in most countries, as well as in the Russian Federation, it is prohibited by law. However, in clinical practice, there are a large number of incurable patients who experience intractable pain, so the problem of euthanasia is relevant. Aim: to analyze the current state of the problem of euthanasia and palliative care in pulmonology. Material and methods: review of domestic and foreign literature on the problem of euthanasia over (...)
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