Paul Joseph [4]P. Joseph [3]Pamela Bolotin Joseph [2]Posner Joseph [2]
Pierre-Alain Joseph [1]Parent Joseph [1]Polimeni Joseph [1]Peniel E. Joseph [1]

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  1.  44
    Acute Ischemic Lesions Associated with Impairments in Expression and Recognition of Affective Prosody.Wright Amy, Tippett Donna, Davis Cameron, Gomez Yessenia, Posner Joseph, Rorden Christopher & Hillis Argye - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  2.  33
    Improvement of Navigation and Representation in Virtual Reality after Prism Adaptation in Neglect Patients.Bertrand Glize, Marine Lunven, Yves Rossetti, Patrice Revol, Sophie Jacquin-Courtois, Evelyne Klinger, Pierre-Alain Joseph & Gilles Rode - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  3.  16
    ‘It’s All Public Anyway’: A Collaborative Navigation of Anonymity and Informed Consent in a Study with Identifiable Parent Carers.Pam Joseph - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (2):191-205.
    For qualitative researchers seeking the perspectives of people with unusual characteristics or circumstances, compliance with expectations about participant anonymity can be difficult, if not impossible. In the age of internet communications and emerging research methodologies, traditional strategies require ongoing re-examination to ensure cohesion between a project’s ethical framework and its research practice. This paper reflects on the approach to informed consent used in a study with parent carers whose children had high-level support needs. A two-step process of written consent was (...)
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  4.  7
    Images of Schoolteachers in America.Pamela Bolotin Joseph & Gail E. Burnaford (eds.) - 2000 - Routledge.
    This book explores images of schoolteachers in America from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, using a wide range of approaches to scholarship and writing. It is intended for both experienced and aspiring teachers to use as a springboard for discussion and reflection about the teaching profession and for contemplating these questions: _ What does it mean to be a teacher? What has influenced and sustained our beliefs about teachers? New in the second edition_ * The focus (...)
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  5.  51
    Mental disorders are not a homogeneous construct.Polimeni Joseph - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):419.
    The only commonality between the various psychiatric disorders is that they reflect contemporary problematic behaviors. Some psychiatric disorders have a substantial genetic component, whereas others are essentially shaped by prevailing environmental factors. Because psychiatric ailments are so heterogeneous, any universal explanation of mental illness is not likely to have any clinical or theoretical utility. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  6.  11
    The new human rights movement: reinventing the economy to end oppression.Peter Joseph - 2017 - Dallas, TX: BenBella Books.
    Society is broken. We can design our way to a better one. In our increasingly interconnected world, self-interest and social-interest are rapidly becoming indistinguishable. If the oceans die, if society fractures, or if global warming spirals out of control, personal success becomes meaningless. But our broken system incentivizes behavior that only makes these problems worse. If true human rights progress is to be achieved today, it is time we dig deeper-rethinking the very foundation of our social system. In this engaging, (...)
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  7.  14
    The Politics of "Good" and "Bad" Information: The National Security- Bureaucracy and the Vietnam War.Paul Joseph - 1977 - Politics and Society 7 (1):105-126.
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  8.  39
    Neural correlates of longitudinal recovery of naming in stroke.Sebastian Rajani, Long Charltien, Purcell Jeremy, Race David, Davis Cameron, Posner Joseph & Hillis Argye - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  9.  14
    The philosophy of being in the analytic, continental, and Thomistic traditions: divergence and dialogue.Li Vecchi & P. Joseph - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Frank Scalambrino & David K. Kovacs.
    This book provides a discussion of the philosophy of being according to three major traditions in Western philosophy, the Analytic, the Continental, and the Thomistic. The origin of the point of view of each of these traditions is associated with a seminal figure, Gottlob Frege, Immanuel Kant, and Thomas Aquinas, respectively. The questions addressed in this book are constitutional for the philosophy of being, considering the meaning of being, the relationship between thinking and being, and the methods for using thought (...)
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  10.  53
    Reconstructing the Dream. [REVIEW]Peniel E. Joseph - 2001 - CLR James Journal 8 (2):178-186.