Pascual Jordan [30]Pamela Jordan [5]P. Jordan [4]Peter Jordan [4]
Prof Dr H. J. Jordan [3]Placidus Jordan [3]Peter N. Jordan [2]Patrick W. Jordan [1]

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  1.  21
    Quantenphyfikalifche bemerkungen zur biologie und pfychologie.Pascual Jordan - 1934 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):215-252.
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  2.  93
    When Are Tutorial Dialogues More Effective Than Reading?Kurt VanLehn, Arthur C. Graesser, G. Tanner Jackson, Pamela Jordan, Andrew Olney & Carolyn P. Rosé - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):3-62.
    It is often assumed that engaging in a one‐on‐one dialogue with a tutor is more effective than listening to a lecture or reading a text. Although earlier experiments have not always supported this hypothesis, this may be due in part to allowing the tutors to cover different content than the noninteractive instruction. In 7 experiments, we tested the interaction hypothesis under the constraint that (a) all students covered the same content during instruction, (b) the task domain was qualitative physics, (c) (...)
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  3.  68
    On the process of measurement in quantum mechanics.P. Jordan - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (4):269-278.
    It is the purpose of this note to comment on some important problems which have been already vividly discussed by several authors. Besides the well known former discussions of Schrödinger and J. v. Neumann I should like to mention here especially H. Margenau's article, “Critical Points in Modern Physical Theory,” which strongly influenced my present discussion.
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    (1 other version)When Are Tutorial Dialogues More Effective Than Reading?Danielle E. Matthews, Kurt VanLehn, Arthur C. Graesser, G. Tanner Jackson, Pamela Jordan, Andrew Olney & Andrew Carolyn P. RosAc - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):3-62.
    It is often assumed that engaging in a one‐on‐one dialogue with a tutor is more effective than listening to a lecture or reading a text. Although earlier experiments have not always supported this hypothesis, this may be due in part to allowing the tutors to cover different content than the noninteractive instruction. In 7 experiments, we tested the interaction hypothesis under the constraint that (a) all students covered the same content during instruction, (b) the task domain was qualitative physics, (c) (...)
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  5.  36
    Positive affective tone and team performance: The moderating role of collective emotional skills.Amy L. Collins, Peter J. Jordan, Sandra A. Lawrence & Ashlea C. Troth - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):167-182.
  6.  27
    Assessments of Acoustic Environments by Emotions – The Application of Emotion Theory in Soundscape.André Fiebig, Pamela Jordan & Cleopatra Christina Moshona - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:573041.
    Human beings respond to their immediate environments in a variety of ways, with emotion playing a cardinal role. In evolutionary theories, emotions are thought to prepare an organism for action. The interplay of acoustic environments, emotions, and evolutionary needs are currently subject to discussion in soundscape research. Universal definitions of emotion and its nature are currently missing, but there seems to be a fundamental consensus that emotions are internal, evanescent, mostly conscious, relational, manifest in different forms, and serve a purpose. (...)
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  7.  29
    Early years of quantum mechanics: some reminiscences.Pascual Jordan - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra, The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 294--299.
  8.  33
    Exploring Initiative as a Signal of Knowledge Co‐Construction During Collaborative Problem Solving.Cynthia Howard, Barbara Di Eugenio, Pamela Jordan & Sandra Katz - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1422-1449.
    Peer interaction has been found to be conducive to learning in many settings. Knowledge co-construction has been proposed as one explanatory mechanism. However, KCC is a theoretical construct that is too abstract to guide the development of instructional software that can support peer interaction. In this study, we present an extensive analysis of a corpus of peer dialogs that we collected in the domain of introductory Computer Science. We show that the notion of task initiative shifts correlates with both KCC (...)
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  9.  27
    Ergänzende Bemerkungen über Biologie und Quantenmechanik.Pascual Jordan - 1935 - Erkenntnis 5 (1):348-352.
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  10. Physics of the 20th Century.Pascual Jordan - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:627.
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  11.  39
    UK Conference Report: Confidentiality and Collaboration—The Ethics of Information Sharing in Health and Social Care.Martin Gill & Peter Jordan - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (1):74-78.
    (2012). UK Conference Report: Confidentiality and Collaboration—The Ethics of Information Sharing in Health and Social Care. Ethics and Social Welfare: Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 74-78. doi: 10.1080/17496535.2012.651888.
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  12. Antwort auf das Wort.Placidus Jordan - 1969 - München,: Kösel-Verlag.
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  13.  14
    (1 other version)Atom und Weltall.Pascual Jordan - 1960 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
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  14.  5
    Aufbruch zur Vernunft: ein Naturforscher zur deutschen Besinnung.Pascual Jordan - 1976
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  15. Dorothy Day: Writings From Commonweal.P. Jordan - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (4):507.
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  16.  30
    Das Problem der Freiheit vom Standpunkte der Empirischen Wissenschaften.Prof Dr H. J. Jordan - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):155-158.
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  17.  10
    Die Physik des 20. Jahrhunderts; Einführung in den Gedankeninhalt der modernen Physik.Pascual Jordan - 1936 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
    Das vorliegende Buch versucht in einer systematischen Ge­ samtübersicht den Gedankeninhalt der modernen Physik zu er­ läutern. Mit Einzelheiten der experimentellen Technik sollte der Leser dabei ebensowenig belastet werden, wie mit den mathe­ matischen Formulierungen der Theorie; ohne uns zu sehr in der Fülle betrachtenswerter Einzelheiten zu verlieren, wollen wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf die entscheidenden Tatsachen und Einsichten, auf die leitenden Gesichtspunkte der Forschung richten - und auf die geistige Einstellung, welche der modernen Physik ihr charakteristisches philosophisches Gepräge gibt, und (...)
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  18.  18
    Die weltanschauliche Bedeutung der modernen Physik.Pascual Jordan - 1971 - München,: Klinger-Verl..
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  19. Erkenntnis Und Besinnung Grenzbetrachtungen Aus Naturwiss. Sicht.Pascual Jordan - 1972 - Stalling.
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  20. Erkenntnis und Besinnung.Pascual Jordan - 1972 - Oldenburg,: Hamburg Stalling.
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  21. Forschung macht Geschichte.Pascual Jordan - 1954 - Frankfurt am Main,: V. Klostermann.
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  22.  65
    Het Probleem der Vrijheid.Prof Dr H. J. Jordan - 1937 - Synthese 2 (1):109-116.
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  23.  28
    In Search of Pantalone and the Origins of the Commedia dell'Arte.Peter Jordan - 2010 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 252 (2):207-232.
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  24.  21
    Legitimacy and the Field of Science and Religion.Peter N. Jordan - 2020 - Zygon 55 (3):792-804.
    Prompted by the concerns about legitimacy that Josh Reeves expresses in his book Against Methodology in Science and Religion: Recent Debates on Rationality and Theology, this article considers how the field of science and religion, and the disciplines and scholars that comprise it, should think about the pursuit of legitimacy today. It begins by examining four features of any conferral of legitimacy on an object. It then looks more closely at distance and its effects on judgments of legitimacy. It first (...)
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  25. La dimensión divina.Placidus Jordan - 1972 - Barcelona,: Herder.
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  26.  36
    Leven en Levensverschijnselen.Prof Dr H. J. Jordan - 1936 - Synthese 1 (1):53-65.
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  27.  12
    La física del siglo XX.Pascual Jordan - 1950 - México,: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
  28. La physique et le secret de la vie organique, coll. « Sciences d'aujourd'hui ».Pascual Jordan, André Metz & Maurice Mareschal - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (4):544-544.
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  29. La physique et le secret de la Vie organique traduit de l'allemand, d'après la 6 e édition.Pascual Jordan, André Metz, Maurice Mereschal & André George - 1960 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (2):214-215.
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  30.  84
    Minimalist engagement: Rowan Williams on christianity and science.Peter N. Jordan - 2016 - Zygon 51 (2):387-404.
    During his time as Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams addressed the relations between Christianity and science at some length. While many contemporary theologians have explored the natural sciences in detail and have deployed scientific ideas and concepts in their theological work, Williams's writings suggest that theology has little need for natural scientific knowledge. For Williams, the created order's relationship to God renders the content of scientific theories about how finite causes are materially constituted and interact of little theological importance. At (...)
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  31.  34
    Naturerkenntnis gibt den Glauben frei- Abbruch einer Mauer.Pascual Jordan - 1963 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 15 (2):154-164.
    Die nachfolgenden Texte sind ein Vorabdruck aus dem Buche "Der Naturwissenschaftler vor der religiösen Frage", welches vom Verfasser unter Förderung durch einen Forschungsauftrag der Klopstock-Stiftung zur Zeit bearbeitet wird. Teil I und II gehören zum Kapitel "Naturerkenntnis als Glaubensanfechtung" ; Teil III gehört zum Kapitel "Die Physik im 20..Jahr-hundert". - Das Buch soll im Herbst 1963 erscheinen.
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  32. Neuere Gesichtspunkte der kosmologischen Theorienbildung.Pascual Jordan - 1951 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 61:8.
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  33.  13
    Physik im Vordringen.Pascual Jordan - 1949 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
    Seit langem war es mein Wunsch, den beiden anderen in dieser 1 Sammlung erschienenen, für weitere Leserkreise bestimmten Büchern ) ein drittes - in sich selbständiges, aber ergänzendes und ab­ schließendes nachfolgen zu lassen, welches verschiedene Themen wieder aufnimmt, die dort noch nicht zu ihrem vollen Rechte kommen konnten. Das Manuskript war gegen Ende des Krieges fertig, und das Buch ist damals als demnächst erscheinend angekündigt worden - aber die seitherigen Zeitumstände haben sein wirkliches Er­ scheinen bis jetzt hinausgezögert. In (...)
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  34.  32
    Physics of the 20th century.Pascual Jordan - 1944 - New York,: Philosophical library. Edited by Eleanor Oshry.
    This Dover edition, first published in 1968, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the work originally published in 1959 under the title Science for ...
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  35.  17
    Quantenlogik und das Kommutative Gesetz.Pascual Jordan, Leon Henkin, Patrick Suppes & Alfred Tarski - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):353-353.
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  36.  5
    Science and the Course of History.Pascual Jordan - 1955 - Yale University Press.
    Wray Jean overloads on scholastic and extracurricular activities in order to find her identity and ease the pain of her father's death from cancer.
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  37. Science and the Course of History.Pascual Jordan - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (29):84-84.
  38. (1 other version)Schwerkraft und Weltall.Pascual Jordan - 1952 - Braunschweig,: F. Vieweg.
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  39.  14
    The Expanding Earth.Pascual Jordan - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra, The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 60--70.
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  40.  46
    The Gospel is Hard A Friend Remembers Dorothy Day.Patrick Jordan - 2013 - The Chesterton Review 39 (1/2):314-320.
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  41.  22
    Values and Ethics in Mental Health Practice.Peter Jordan - 2012 - Ethics and Social Welfare 6 (4):425-426.
  42. Verdrängung und Komplementarität: 2, verb. und erw. Aufl.Pascual Jordan - 1951 - Stromverlag.
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  43.  14
    Zur Axiomatik der Verknüpfungsbereiche.P. Jordan - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):361-361.
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  44.  12
    Zeit und Ewigkeit.Pascual Jordan - 1970 - Karlsruhe,: Badenia Verlag. Edited by Johannes Baptist Lotz & Max Müller.
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  45.  75
    'Well, I've Not Done Any Work Today. I Don't Know Why I Came to School'. Perceptions of Play in the Reception Class.Iris Keating, Hilary Fabian, Pam Jordan, Di Mavers & Joy Roberts - 2000 - Educational Studies 26 (4):437-454.
    The place of play in the education of young children has been the focus of much interest in the past. But the findings from this research project demonstrate that there remains a significant amount of confusion about the role that play has in young children's education. In particular we found that there is a clear distinction between the rhetoric and reality of play in the reception class. Further, there was evidence of real anguish for some early years workers who were (...)
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  46. Natural language tutoring: A comparison of human tutors, computer tutors and text.K. VanLehn, A. C. Graesser, G. T. Jackson, P. Jordan, A. Olney & C. P. Rosé - unknown
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  47. Forschung und Lebensordnung.Eleonore von Dungern & Pascual Jordan (eds.) - 1965 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
    Der Mensch als Naturwesen, von P. Jordan.--Die Zukunft des Menschen bei Teilhard de Chardin, von E. Benz.--Christlicher Schöpfungsglaube und naturwissenschaftliche Entwicklungstheorie; zur Aussage Teilhard de Chardins, von H. Dolch.--Weltverwandlung und Sinnesverwirklichung; zwei Zentralbegriffe der Keyserlingschen Philosophie, von G. Böhme.--Zu einer Zukunftssynthese von Geist und Natur, von H. Mislin.--Das Phänomen Mensch in der Deutung Teilhards, von J. Piveteau.--Biographische Notizen.
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    (1 other version)Hermes Hans. Einführung in die Verbandstheorie. Second, enlarged edition of XXII 222. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1967, xii + 209 pp. [REVIEW]Pascual Jordan - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (4):677-677.
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