Results for 'P. Jiménez'

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  1.  15
    An efficient algorithm for searching implicit AND/OR graphs with cycles.P. Jiménez & C. Torras - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 124 (1):1-30.
  2.  34
    Streaming big time series forecasting based on nearest similar patterns with application to energy consumption.P. Jiménez-Herrera, L. Melgar-GarcÍa, G. Asencio-Cortés & A. Troncoso - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (2):255-270.
    This work presents a novel approach to forecast streaming big time series based on nearest similar patterns. This approach combines a clustering algorithm with a classifier and the nearest neighbours algorithm. It presents two separate stages: offline and online. The offline phase is for training and finding the best models for clustering, classification and the nearest neighbours algorithm. The online phase is to predict big time series in real time. In the offline phase, data are divided into clusters and a (...)
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    Editorial: From Consumer Experience to Affective Loyalty: Challenges and Prospects in the Psychology of Consumer Behavior 3.0.María P. Martínez-Ruiz, Mónica Gómez-Suárez, Ana I. Jiménez-Zarco & Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Mechanical Model for Analyzing the Runaway Solutions in the Radiation Reaction Problem.J. L. Jiménez, J. A. E. Roa-Neri & P. Vargas - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (3):410-426.
    In order to understand the rise of runaway solutions in the radiation reaction problem a mechanical model is used. An alternative demonstration of Daboul’s theorem, through Hurwitz’s criterion, is given. The origin of runaway solutions in electrodynamics is discussed. They arise when the particle has a negative mechanical mass or when approximations are used in the equation of motion. In the 1-dimensional mechanical model an exact and linear equation of motion for the particle is obtained, the corresponding exact solution is (...)
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    Why nature matters: A systematic review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values.A. Himes, B. Muraca, C. B. Anderson, S. Athayde, T. Beery, M. Cantú-Fernández, D. González-Jiménez, R. K. Gould, A. P. Hejnowicz, J. Kenter, D. Lenzi, R. Murali, U. Pascual, C. Raymond, A. Ring, K. Russo, A. Samakov, S. Stålhammar, H. Thorén & E. Zent - 2024 - BioScience 74 (1).
    In this article, we present results from a literature review of intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values of nature conducted for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, as part of the Methodological Assessment of the Diverse Values and Valuations of Nature. We identify the most frequently recurring meanings in the heterogeneous use of different value types and their association with worldviews and other key concepts. From frequent uses, we determine a core meaning for each value type, which is (...)
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  6.  28
    Lucía Alvites, Madres e hijos/as de locutorio, Editorial Perú Migrante, Lima, Perú, 2001, 70 p.Ricardo Jiménez - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Desde Patterson, Estados Unidos, Génova, Italia, Buenos Aires, Argentina o Santiago de Chile, desafiando hasta cientos de miles de kilómetros de distancia, más de medio millón de mujeres tejen porfiadamente, cotidianamente, lazos de amor y cuidado con sus hijos e hijas en Perú. El hilo con que hilvanan estas nuevas formas de ser y hacer familias, transformando el mundo y transformándose, es el cable telefónico. Un nuevo cordón umbilical por el que van y vienen los afectos y cuidados, los enoj..
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    UREÑA, E.M.; ÁLVAREZ LÁZARO, P. (EDS.): La actualidad del Krausismo en su contexto europeo.Rafael V. Orden Jiménez - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:331.
    The most popular work of Francisco Sánchez, Quo nihil scitur (1581), transmits an absolutely sceptic thought. However, other writings like Carmen de Cometa anni M.D.LXXVII (1578), offer us different ideas about how Sánchez considers possible the scientific knowledge like, for example, his idea about the casual relations between natural objects.
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  8. What information and the extent of information research participants need in informed consent forms: a multi-country survey.Juntra Karbwang, Nut Koonrungsesomboon, Cristina E. Torres, Edlyn B. Jimenez, Gurpreet Kaur, Roli Mathur, Eti N. Sholikhah, Chandanie Wanigatunge, Chih-Shung Wong, Kwanchanok Yimtae, Murnilina Abdul Malek, Liyana Ahamad Fouzi, Aisyah Ali, Beng Z. Chan, Madawa Chandratilake, Shoen C. Chiew, Melvyn Y. C. Chin, Manori Gamage, Irene Gitek, Mohammad Hakimi, Narwani Hussin, Mohd F. A. Jamil, Pavithra Janarsan, Madarina Julia, Suman Kanungo, Panduka Karunanayake, Sattian Kollanthavelu, Kian K. Kong, Bing-Ling Kueh, Ragini Kulkarni, Paul P. Kumaran, Ranjith Kumarasiri, Wei H. Lim, Xin J. Lim, Fatihah Mahmud, Jacinto B. V. Mantaring, Siti M. Md Ali, Nurain Mohd Noor, Kopalasuntharam Muhunthan, Elanngovan Nagandran, Maisarah Noor, Kim H. Ooi, Jebananthy A. Pradeepan, Ahmad H. Sadewa, Nilakshi Samaranayake, Shalini Sri Ranganathan, Wasanthi Subasingha, Sivasangari Subramaniam, Nadirah Sulaiman, Ju F. Tay, Leh H. Teng, Mei M. Tew, Thipaporn Tharavanij, Peter S. K. Tok, Jayanie Weeratna & T. Wibawa - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Background The use of lengthy, detailed, and complex informed consent forms is of paramount concern in biomedical research as it may not truly promote the rights and interests of research participants. The extent of information in ICFs has been the subject of debates for decades; however, no clear guidance is given. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the perspectives of research participants about the type and extent of information they need when they are invited to participate in (...)
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  9.  21
    Martín Hopenhayn y Ana Sojo (Compiladores), Sentido de pertenencia de sociedades fragmentadas. América Latina desde una perspectiva global, Grupo Editorial Siglo XX, Buenos Aires, 2011, 352 p. [REVIEW]Daniella Gac Jiménez - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Las profundas transformaciones que han venido ocurriendo en Latinoamérica como consecuencia de los procesos de globalización, han propiciado una serie de transformaciones sociales, institucionales y económicas, tales como las reformas en los Estados, apertura a los mercados financieros, incremento de la tercerización productiva, entre otras, que tienen como consecuencia la segregación y marginalización social progresiva, que no permite a ciertos sectores sociales incorporarse a las dinámicas ..
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    Residual stresses in ceramic-to-metal joints: diffraction measurements and finite element method analysis.M. Vila, C. Prieto, J. Zahr, J. L. Pérez-Castellanos, G. Bruno, M. Jiménez-Ruiz, P. Miranzo & M. I. Osendi - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (35):5551-5563.
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    Jaime Valdivieso, Identidad, latinoamericanismo y bicentenario, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile, 2010, 176 p. [REVIEW]Edison Carrasco Jiménez - 2011 - Polis 28.
    A través de una pluma de lenguaje llano y directo, Jaime Valdivieso enfrenta el viejo, pero ni menos importante ni nada resuelto problema de la identidad chilena y latinoamericana, en su libro Identidad, Latinoamericanismo y Bicentenario (2010). El libro está constituido por un conjunto de ensayos escritos y publicados por el autor, y que se recopilan para esta edición. El problema de la identidad dentro de este contexto, es constantemente arrastrado como las cadenas de un fantasma, la pesad..
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  12. Andrés Piquer y la filosofía española del siglo XVIII: a propósito de un libro del P. Mindán.Antonio Jiménez - 1992 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 8:429-440.
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  13.  26
    Norbert Lechner, Las sombras del mañana. La dimensión subjetiva de la política, Lom Ediciones, 2002, 132 p.Juan Jiménez A. - 2004 - Polis 7.
    El argumento general que presenta el texto de Lechner está bastante bien resumido por el propio autor, así que no vamos a intentar mejorarlo: “Nuestra sociedad se encuentra atravesada por la lucha que enfrenta la reivindicación de la auto-determinación democrática a la naturalización de lo social. En su lucha por ‘ser sujeto’ (tanto individual y colectivo) de su destino, los hombres se topan con múltiples problemas (pág. 99). Lo que se produce en la sociedad chilena es una autonomía de los (...)
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  14.  29
    A Fault Analysis Method for Three-Phase Induction Motors Based on Spiking Neural P Systems.Zhu Huang, Tao Wang, Wei Liu, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez & Pengpeng Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    The fault prediction and abductive fault diagnosis of three-phase induction motors are of great importance for improving their working safety, reliability, and economy; however, it is difficult to succeed in solving these issues. This paper proposes a fault analysis method of motors based on modified fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems with real numbers for fault prediction and abductive fault diagnosis. To achieve this goal, fault fuzzy production rules of three-phase induction motors are first proposed. Then, the rMFRSNPS is presented (...)
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  15.  22
    There is more to public health than just epidemiology (La salud pública es más que epidemiología).Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 25 (2):2526-2526.
    One of the great challenges for students of any discipline is to be able to put into practice the knowledge learned in theory. Public health does not escape this challenge. Research Methods for Public Health is a book that seeks to help students understand in a simple way how to enter into the practice of public health research. This book stands out for its easy reading, but especially because it emphasizes the existence of quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as (...)
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  16.  32
    The Computational Complexity of Tissue P Systems with Evolutional Symport/Antiport Rules.Linqiang Pan, Bosheng Song, Luis Valencia-Cabrera & Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-21.
    Tissue P systems with evolutional communication rules are computational models inspired by biochemical systems consisting of multiple individuals living and cooperating in a certain environment, where objects can be modified when moving from one region to another region. In this work, cell separation, inspired from membrane fission process, is introduced in the framework of tissue P systems with evolutional communication rules. The computational complexity of this kind of P systems is investigated. It is proved that only problems in class P (...)
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  17.  36
    Theology and Politics in Thomas Hobbes's Trinitarian Theory.Andrés Jiménez Colodrero - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):62-77.
    This article intends to analyse the Hobbesian version of the Christian dogma of the Trinity as it is observed in the corresponding sections of Leviathan , De Cive and Heresy , and alluded to in other texts (controversy with Bramhall). It shall be important to specify: (a) As a starting point, the exact place of such concept within the general problem expressed by the difference between "political theology" and "theologico-political problem" (C. Altini); (b) The main items of the philosopher's Trinitarian (...)
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  18.  23
    Fernández-Savater, Amador (2020). Habitar y gobernar: Inspiraciones para una nueva concepción política.Héctor Jiménez García - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 70:239-243.
    Fernández-Savater, Amador (2020)Habitar y gobernar: Inspiraciones para una nueva concepción políticaBarcelona: Ned Ediciones, 381 p. ISBN 978-84-18273-03-2.
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  19.  16
    Tuning Frontiers of Efficiency in Tissue P Systems with Evolutional Communication Rules.David Orellana-Martín, Luis Valencia-Cabrera, Bosheng Song, Linqiang Pan & Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Over the last few years, a new methodology to address the P versus NP problem has been developed, based on searching for borderlines between the nonefficiency of computing models and the presumed efficiency. These borderlines can be seen as frontiers of efficiency, which are crucial in this methodology. “Translating,” in some sense, an efficient solution in a presumably efficient model to an efficient solution in a nonefficient model would give an affirmative answer to problem P versus NP. In the framework (...)
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  20.  22
    Groupoids and relative internality.Léo Jimenez - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):987-1006.
    In a stable theory, a stationary type $q \in S\left$ internal to a family of partial types ${\cal P}$ over A gives rise to a type-definable group, called its binding group. This group is isomorphic to the group $Aut\left$ of permutations of the set of realizations of q, induced by automorphisms of the monster model, fixing ${\cal P}\,\mathop \cup \nolimits \,A$ pointwise. In this article, we investigate families of internal types varying uniformly, what we will call relative internality. We prove (...)
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  21.  37
    Judith L. Leaf, Sin miedo a la muerte. Una mirada budista sobre el encuentro con la muerte, Editorial Maitri, Santiago, 2004, 204 p. [REVIEW]Gustavo Jiménez Lagos - 2004 - Polis 8.
    Hablar sobre la muerte puede parecer filosófico o teológico. Entrenarse y trabajar periódicamente con la propia mortalidad o con enfermos terminales es otro asunto. Las teorías no sirven de nada cuando morimos, o cuando el que esta muriendo es un ser humano cercano. La muerte en el mejor de los casos produce paz; en condiciones no tan ventajosas es incómoda; en condición habitual, nos aterra y desagrada; y, a veces, nos congela en el pánico. En Estados Unidos y Europa occidental, (...)
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  22.  46
    Asociación entre desempeño académico y hábitos alimenticios.Hernán Óscar Cortez Gutiérrez, Milton Milcíades Cortez Gutiérrez, Juan Herber Grados Gamarra, Santiago Linder Rubiños Jiménez & Braulio Pedro Espinoza Flores - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (2):1-13.
    El objetivo de nuestra investigación es determinar el impacto de hábitos alimenticios en el desempeño académico. Fue evaluada los hábitos alimenticios según instrumentos validados y establecido su normalidad con Shapiro-Wilk W=0.97 y significancia p-valor=0.34. Tenemos que el consumo alimenticio también tiene distribución normal e impacta en el desempeño académico con una correlación de Pearson de 0.24 y significancia p-valor=0.04. La regresión logística establece el punto de corte de consumo igual a 38 para tener la probabilidad de un 50% de buen (...)
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  23.  31
    Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez, Transmisión y difusión de la literatura caballeresca: Doce estudios de recepción cultural hispánica . Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2013. Paper. Pp. 213; 2 tables. €22. ISBN: 978-84-8409-573-6. [REVIEW]Wendell P. Smith - 2014 - Speculum 89 (2):519-522.
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  24.  19
    Jiménez Guirao, Jordi (ed.) (2021). Tres mirades sobre Hegel.Clàudia Sánchez Vidal - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 71:247-248.
    Jiménez Guirao, Jordi (ed.) (2021)Tres mirades sobre HegelSabadell: Edicions Enoanda, 91 p.ISBN 978-84-123469-4-7.
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  25.  25
    Ciencia, lengua y cultura nacional: La transferencia de la ciencia del lenguaje en Colombia, 1867-1911, de Andrés Jiménez Ángel (2018), Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 442 p. [REVIEW]Renan Silva - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):291-297.
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    Mosaics from Spain J. M. Blázquez, G. López Monteagudo, M. L. Neira Jiménez, M. P. San Nicolas Pedraz: Mosaicos romanos de Lérida y Albacete. (Corpus de mosaicos de España, 8.) Pp. 124; 19 figs and 44 plates. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Departamento de Historia Antigua y Arqueología, 1989. J. M. Blázquez, G. López Monteagudo, M. L. Neira Jiménez, M. P. San Nicolas Pedraz: Mosaicos romanos del Museo Arqueológico Nacional. (Corpus de mosaicos de España, 9.) Pp. 134; 18 figs and 48 plates. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Departamento de Historia Antigua y Arqueología, 1989. [REVIEW]Roger Ling - 1991 - The Classical Review 41 (01):191-193.
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  27.  26
    Comparativa de las ventajas de los sistemas hidropónicos como alternativas agrícolas en zonas urbanas.Vanessa Albuja, Juan Andrade, Carlos Lucano & Michelle Rodriguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):45-54.
    Este trabajo surge a partir de la investigación general de las técnicas hidropónicas teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas para de esta forma poder encontrar aquel factor determinante a través de una comparación de técnicas hidropónicas que permitan clasificarlas y escoger la mejor opción que genere menos impacto ambiental negativo y demuestre ser más productivo en los entornos urbanos. Adicionalmente, un factor determinante en las ciudades es su espacio limitado por lo que la mejor opción también deberá incluir un (...)
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  28. La educación para la ciudadanía democrática y su relación con el enfoque en las capacidades en la propuesta de Martha Nussbaum.Diego Jimenez Bósquez - 2017 - In Marcial Blondet, Gonzalo Gamio & Ismael Muñoz (eds.), Ética, agencia y desarrollo humano. Lima, Perú: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Fondo Editorial.
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  29. La clave mitológica de "A capa" (1963), un filme de Manoel de Oliveira.F. Jiménez Calderón - 2005 - Humanitas 57:447-462.
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  30. Pyrrhic victories for scientific realism.P. Kyle Stanford - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (11):553 - 572.
  31. Elementary logic of science and mathematics.P. H. Nidditch - 1960 - Glencoe, Ill.,: Free Press.
  32. Method in Madness: Case Studies in Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.P. W. Halligan & J. C. Marshall (eds.) - 1996 - Psychology Press.
  33.  13
    The passions: a study of human nature.P. M. S. Hacker - 2017 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    The place of the emotions among the passions -- The analytic of the emotions I -- The analytic of the emotions II -- The dialectic of the emotions -- Pride, arrogance, and humility -- Shame, embarrassment, and guilt -- Envy -- Jealousy -- Anger -- Love -- Friendship -- Sympathy and empathy.
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  34. The relevance of Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology to the psychological sciences.P. M. S. Hacker - unknown
    P. M. S. Hacker 1. The ‘confusion of psychology’ On the concluding page of what is now called ‘Part II’ of the Investigations, Wittgenstein wrote.
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  35. N. J. Smelser.P. P. F. - 1969 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:492.
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  36.  95
    The Self as a Center of Narrative Gravity.P. Cole & D. Johnson - unknown
    This is a well-behaved concept in Newtonian physics. But a center of gravity is not an atom or a subatomic particle or any other physical item in the world. It has no mass; it has no color; it has no physical properties at all, except for spatio-temporal location. It is a fine example of what Hans Reichenbach would call an abstractum. It is a purely abstract object. It is, if you like , a theorist's fiction. It is not one of (...)
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  37. Reason and Argument.P. Geach - 1976 - Mind 87 (347):445-446.
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  38. An orrery of intentionality.P. M. S. Hacker - 2001 - Language and Communication 21 (2):119-141.
    P.M.S. Hacker 1. _The problems of Intentionality_ The problems of intentionality have exercised philosophers since the dawn of their subject. In the last century they were brought afresh into the limelight by Brentano. Famously he remarked that.
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    Is Realism about Consciousness Compatible with a Scientifically Respectable Worldview?P. Goff - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (11-12):83-97.
    Frankish's argument for illusionism -- the view that there are no real instances of phenomenal consciousness -- depends on the claim that phenomenal consciousness is an 'anomalous phenomenon', at odds with our scientific picture of the world. I distinguish two senses in which a phenomenon might be 'anomalous': its reality is inconsistent with what science gives us reason to believe, its reality adds to what science gives us reason to believe. I then argue that phenomenal consciousness is not anomalous in (...)
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  40. Bohr's Interpretation of the Quantum Theory.P. K. Feyerabend - 1961 - In Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell (eds.), Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York.
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  41. Les structures rythmiques.P. Fraisse & A. Michotte - 1960 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 150:387-388.
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  42. Pronominalization and discourse coherence, discourse structure, and pronoun interpretation.P. C. Gordon - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):486-486.
  43. Education and Conversation: Exploring Oakeshott’s Metaphor.P. Fairfield & D. Bakhurst (eds.) - 2016
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  44. Functional neurosurgical intervention: neuroethics in the operating room.P. J. Ford & J. M. Henderson - forthcoming - Neuroethics. Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy.
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  45. Philosophical Subjects Essays Presented to P. F. Strawson /Edited by Zak van Straaten. --. --.Zak Van Straaten & P. F. Strawson - 1980 - Clarendon Press Oxford University Press, 1980.
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  46. Mended Speech: The Crisis of Religious Studies and Theology.P. Joseph Cahill - 1982
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  47. Timothy Smiley (ed.), Philosophical Dialogues Plato, Hume, Wittgenstein.P. Foley - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (2):304-305.
  48. Das Proömium der Theogonie.P. Friedländer - 1914 - Hermes 49 (1):1-16.
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  49. Proudhon.P. P. G. - 1969 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:140.
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  50. (1 other version)Les principales théories de la logique contemporaine.P. Hermant & A. van de Waele - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 67:639-641.
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