Results for 'P. Friedmann'

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  1. H. R. Marshall, Pain, Pleasure and Aesthetics.P. Friedmann - 1878 - Mind 3:404.
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  2. Descartes.Maxime Leroy, G. Friedmann, J. Luc, Lucie Prenant, P. Labérenne & N. Gutermann - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (3):18-18.
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    Psychoanalysis and Sociology: Outline of an Introduction to Some Current Problems.Georges Friedmann & Elaine P. Halperin - 1956 - Diogenes 4 (14):17-35.
    The relations between psychoanalysis and sociology pose a difficult problem. The complexity of psychoanalysis, the evolution of certain features of Freud's theories, the diversity of doctrines and interpretations encountered among its representatives (and this is often true even within the same country), on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the youthfulness, one might say, infancy, of sociology—that latecomer among the sciences of man, which derives its concepts and its methods from research itself and from the problems with which (...)
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  4. Cosmological horizons and entropy.P. C. W. Davies - unknown
    An analogue of Hawking's black hole area theorem is proved for Friedmann-type cosmological models with event horizons. The generalised second law of thermodynamics is investigated in cases where the horizon shrinks.
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  5. Black hole versus cosmological horizon entropy.Tamara M. Davis & P. C. W. Davies - unknown
    The generalized second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases when all event horizons are attributed with an entropy proportional to their area. We test the generalized second law by investigating the change in entropy when dust, radiation and black holes cross a cosmological event horizon. We generalize for flat, open and closed Friedmann–Robertson–Walker universes by using numerical calculations to determine the cosmological horizon evolution. In most cases, the loss of entropy from within the cosmological horizon is more (...)
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    Dark Energy Scenario in Metric f(R) Formalism.S. P. Hatkar, P. S. Dudhe & S. D. Katore - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (10):1067-1085.
    Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) space–time with bulk viscosity in the context of f(R) gravity is considered. The field equations are solved for the Power and Exponential volumetric expansion. Two types of functional relationship i.e. f(R) = R + bRm and f(R)=R-λ4R\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$ \,f(R) = R - \frac{{\lambda^{4} }}{R} $$\end{document} are investigated. The Phantom, Chaplygin gas and Tachyon fields are discussed. It is observed that the universe is open and inflationary.
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    Albert Einstein’s Epistemic Virtues and Vices.Vladimir P. Vizgin - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (4):175-195.
    The article is based on the concepts of epistemic virtues and epistemic vices and explores A. Einstein’s contribution to the creation of fundamental physical theories, namely the special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity, as well as to the development of a unified field theory on the basis of the geometric field program, which never led to success. Among the main epistemic virtues that led Einstein to success in the construction of the special theory of relativity are the (...)
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    The Conformal Metric Associated with the U(1) Gauge of the Stueckelberg–Schrödinger Equation.O. Oron & L. P. Horwitz - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (8):1177-1187.
    We review the relativistic classical and quantum mechanics of Stueckelberg, and introduce the compensation fields necessary for the gauge covariance of the Stueckelbert–Schrödinger equation. To achieve this, one must introduce a fifth, Lorentz scalar, compensation field, in addition to the four vector fields with compensate the action of the space-time derivatives. A generalized Lorentz force can be derived from the classical Hamilton equations associated with this evolution function. We show that the fifth (scalar) field can be eliminated through the introduction (...)
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    Brigitte Coste, Mably : pour une utopie du bon sens. Paris, Klincksieck, 1975. 15 × 24, 149 p./ Mably. Sur la théorie du pouvoir politique. Introduction,et notes par Peter Friedmann. Paris, Editions Sociales, 197 5. 11,5 × 17,5, 288 p. (Les Classiques du Peuple). [REVIEW]W. Voisé - 1977 - Revue de Synthèse 98 (87-88):363-364.
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  10. Causation in Perception.P. F. Strawson - 1962 - In Peter Strawson (ed.), Freedom and Resentment. Oxford University Press.
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  11. Pyrrhic victories for scientific realism.P. Kyle Stanford - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (11):553 - 572.
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    Constituting Objectivity. Transcendental Perspectives on Modern Physics.P. Kerszberg, J. Petitot & M. Bitbol (eds.) - 2009 - Hal Ccsd.
    In recent years, many philosophers of modern physics came to the conclusion that the problem of how objectivity is constituted (rather than merely given) can no longer be avoided, and therefore that a transcendental approach in the spirit of Kant is now philosophically relevant. The usual excuse for skipping this task is that the historical form given by Kant to transcendental epistemology has been challenged by Relativity and Quantum Physics. However, the true challenge is not to force modern physics into (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Probabilistic Metaphysics.P. Suppes - 1974 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 91 (2):270-273.
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  14. Elementary logic of science and mathematics.P. H. Nidditch - 1960 - Glencoe, Ill.,: Free Press.
  15. Method in Madness: Case Studies in Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.P. W. Halligan & J. C. Marshall (eds.) - 1996 - Psychology Press.
  16.  13
    The passions: a study of human nature.P. M. S. Hacker - 2017 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    The place of the emotions among the passions -- The analytic of the emotions I -- The analytic of the emotions II -- The dialectic of the emotions -- Pride, arrogance, and humility -- Shame, embarrassment, and guilt -- Envy -- Jealousy -- Anger -- Love -- Friendship -- Sympathy and empathy.
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    The Self as a Center of Narrative Gravity.P. Cole & D. Johnson - unknown
    This is a well-behaved concept in Newtonian physics. But a center of gravity is not an atom or a subatomic particle or any other physical item in the world. It has no mass; it has no color; it has no physical properties at all, except for spatio-temporal location. It is a fine example of what Hans Reichenbach would call an abstractum. It is a purely abstract object. It is, if you like , a theorist's fiction. It is not one of (...)
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  18. N. J. Smelser.P. P. F. - 1969 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:492.
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    Leibniz et Spinoza.James Daniel Collins - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):110-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:110 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY analogo, e che l"'analogia entis" constituisce nello spinozismo ancora uno dei principali presupposti della metafisica, sebbene il termine "analogia" non sia quasi mai usato da Spinoza. Non costituisce obiezione il fatto che per Spinoza non c'~ altro ente reale che l'ente necessario. Si ~ veduto, e meglio si vedr~tnel seguito, chela necessit~ spettante a Dio non puo essere confusa in nessun modo con quella che (...)
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  20. Reason and Argument.P. Geach - 1976 - Mind 87 (347):445-446.
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    Nación e historia. La justificación e interpretación histórica de las naciones a finales del siglo XIX y en la primera mitad del XX.Rafael E. Acevedo P. - 2014 - Co-herencia 11 (21):191-227.
    El propósito de este texto es ofrecer una visión general de la relación entre nación e historia en los debates que se generaron por parte de los historiadores y otros intelectuales de las ciencias sociales a finales del siglo XIX y durante gran parte del siglo XX. La reflexión central que se plantea consiste entonces en estudiar y mostrar cómo al mismo tiempo que las naciones modernas eran objeto de un proceso de redefinición política, en el escenario intelectual de las (...)
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  22.  33
    Natural Law: An Introduction and Re-Examination.Howard P. Kainz - unknown
    The Nuremberg Trials of leading National Socialists established the principle that individuals may be legally punished, even by death, for obeying the laws of their country. Is there then a higher law by which enacted valid positive laws may be judged, so that persons subject to such laws would be duty-bound to defy them? In recent years the theory of natural law has been revived by a number of philosophers and jurists, who however often disagree sharply among themselves about the (...)
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    Is Realism about Consciousness Compatible with a Scientifically Respectable Worldview?P. Goff - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (11-12):83-97.
    Frankish's argument for illusionism -- the view that there are no real instances of phenomenal consciousness -- depends on the claim that phenomenal consciousness is an 'anomalous phenomenon', at odds with our scientific picture of the world. I distinguish two senses in which a phenomenon might be 'anomalous': its reality is inconsistent with what science gives us reason to believe, its reality adds to what science gives us reason to believe. I then argue that phenomenal consciousness is not anomalous in (...)
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  24.  55
    Philosophy in Africa: trends and perspectives.P. O. Bodunrin (ed.) - 1985 - Ile-Ife, Nigeria: University of Ife Press.
  25. Markov Learning Models for Multiperson Interactions.P. SUPPES - 1960
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  26. Bohr's Interpretation of the Quantum Theory.P. K. Feyerabend - 1961 - In Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell (eds.), Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York.
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  27. Les structures rythmiques.P. Fraisse & A. Michotte - 1960 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 150:387-388.
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  28. Pronominalization and discourse coherence, discourse structure, and pronoun interpretation.P. C. Gordon - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):486-486.
  29. Gordon Baker's late interpretation of Wittgenstein.P. M. S. Hacker - 2007 - In Guy Kahane, Edward Kanterian & Oskari Kuusela (eds.), Wittgenstein and His Interpreters: Essays in Memory of Gordon Baker. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 88--122.
    Gordon Baker and I had been colleagues at St John’s for almost ten years when we resolved, in 1976, to undertake the task of writing a commentary on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. We had been talking about Wittgenstein since 1969, and when we cooperated in writing a long critical notice on the Philosophical Grammar in 1975, we found that working together was mutually instructive, intellectually stimulating and great fun. We thought that we still had much to say about Wittgenstein’s philosophy, and (...)
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  30. Essays in jurisprudence in honor of Roscoe Pound.Ralph Abraham Newman (ed.) - 1962 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
    The foundations of law. The digest title, De diversis regulis iuris antiqui, and the general principles of law, by P. Stein. Equity in Chinese customary law, by W. Y. Tsao. Prolegomena to the theory and history of Jewish law, by H. Cohn. Juridical evolution and equity, by J.P. Brutau. Reflections on the sources of the law, by P. Lepaulle. The true nature and province of jurisprudence from the viewpoint of Indian philosophy, by M.J. Sethna. On the functions and aims of (...)
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  31. Education and Conversation: Exploring Oakeshott’s Metaphor.P. Fairfield & D. Bakhurst (eds.) - 2016
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  32.  21
    Aristotelian metaphysics and eucharistic theology: John Buridan and Marsilius of Inghen on the ontological status of accidental being.P. J. J. M. Bakker - 2001 - In J. M. M. H. Thijssen & Jack Zupko (eds.), The metaphysics and natural philosophy of John Buridan. Boston: Brill.
  33. Proudhon.P. P. G. - 1969 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:140.
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  34. (1 other version)Les principales théories de la logique contemporaine.P. Hermant & A. van de Waele - 1909 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 67:639-641.
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  35. Sense-of-beauty and beauty+ idealist aesthetics and marxism-leninism.P. Hsiao - 1975 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 6 (3-4):137-170.
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  36. Enseigner au CÉGEP, qu'est-ce que cela veut dire?P. Inchauspé - 1990 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 10:21-50.
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  37. The Grammar of Faith.P. L. Holmer - 1978
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  38. Two kinds of mental agency.P. Hieroymi - 2009 - In Lucy O'Brien & Matthew Soteriou (eds.), Mental actions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  39.  43
    The emergence of consciousness.P. R. Zelazo & P. D. Zelazo - 1973 - In H. Jasper, L. Descarries, V. Castellucci & S. Rossignol (eds.), Consciousness: At the Frontiers of Neuroscience. Lippincott-Raven.
  40. Concerning an appeal for philosophy.P. K. Feyerabend - 1994 - Common Knowledge 3 (3):10-13.
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  41. Mathematics and reality in Maxwell's dynamical physics: The natural philosophy of James Clerk Maxwell.P. Harman - 1987 - In P. Achinstein & R. Kagon (eds.), Kelvin’s Baltimore Lectures and Modern Theoretical Physics. MIT Press. pp. 267--297.
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    The flow of time.P. J. Zwart - 1972 - Synthese 24 (1-2):133 - 158.
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  43. Hunting as a morally suspect activity.P. N. Cohn & A. Linzey - 2009 - In Andrew Linzey (ed.), The link between animal abuse and human violence. Portland, Ore.: Sussex Academic Press. pp. 317--328.
  44. Taking rights seriously.P. Barsa - 1996 - Filosoficky Casopis 44 (2):291-305.
  45. La questione femminile nella cultura ebraica contemporanea tra comunitarismo E liberalismo.P. Levi & B. Greenberg - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  46. A left-hemisphere advantage for gesture-language signs in the dolphin.P. Morrelsamuels, L. M. Herman & T. Bever - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):501-501.
  47. Milestones in 150 Years of the Chemical Industry.P. J. T. Morris, W. A. Campbell, H. L. Roberts & J. K. Smith - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (6):680.
  48. Spinoza: lire la correspondance.P.-F. Moreau - 2004 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1:3-8.
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  49. The Internal Sense of Prehension (Wahm) in Islamic Philosophy.P. Morewedge - 1992 - In James T. H. Martin (ed.), Philosophies of being and mind: ancient and medieval. Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books.
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  50. Form and Function of Relation in ViSistadvaita Philosophy.P. Srirama Murti - 1992 - In Vashishtha Narayan Jha (ed.), Relations in Indian philosophy. Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications. pp. 147--185.
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