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Priscilla Alderson [24]P. Alderson [9]
  1.  42
    Realist by inclination, childhood studies, dialectic and bodily concerns: an interview with Priscilla Alderson.Priscilla Alderson & Jamie Morgan - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (1):122-159.
    In this wide-ranging interview Priscilla Alderson discusses how she came to research parental and childhood consent and became a sociologist and how, late in her career, she became convenor of the critical realism group started by Roy Bhaskar at the Institute for Education in London. She discusses aspects of her seminal research over the years on multiple subjects, such as the rights of children, and reflects on what critical realism has added to her social research.
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  2.  55
    Living bioethics, clinical ethics committees and children's consent to heart surgery.Priscilla Alderson, Deborah Bowman, Joe Brierley, Martin J. Elliott, Romana Kazmi, Rosa Mendizabal-Espinosa, Jonathan Montgomery, Katy Sutcliffe & Hugo Wellesley - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (3):272-281.
    This discussion paper considers how seldom recognised theories influence clinical ethics committees. A companion paper examined four major theories in social science: positivism, interpretivism, critical theory and functionalism, which can encourage legalistic ethics theories or practical living bioethics, which aims for theory–practice congruence. This paper develops the legalistic or living bioethics themes by relating the four theories to clinical ethics committee members’ reported aims and practices and approaches towards efficiency, power, intimidation, justice, equality and children’s interests and rights. Different approaches (...)
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  3.  40
    Children’s consent and the zone of parental discretion.P. Alderson - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (2):55-62.
    This paper briefly reviews highlights from decades of debates in medicine, law, bioethics, psychology and social research about children’s and parents’ views and consent to medical treatment and research. There appears to have been a rise and later a fall in respect for children’s views, illustrated among many examples by a recent book on the zone of parental discretion, which is reviewed. A return to greater respect for children’s views and consent is advocated.
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  4.  34
    Health, illness and neoliberalism: an example of critical realism as a research resource.Priscilla Alderson - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (5):542-556.
    Neoliberalism, health and illness are all vast topics that range from global to local, personal to political. Critical realism offers valuable concepts, which help to extend and deepen analysis of...
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  5. Children's Competence to Consent to Medical Treatment.Priscilla Alderson, Katy Sutcliffe & Katherine Curtis - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (6):25-34.
    As a study involving diabetes care demonstrates, children sometimes have a much more sophisticated capacity for taking charge of their own health care decisions than is usually recognized in bioethics. Protecting these children from their disease means involving them in their treatment as much as possible, helping them to understand it and take responsibility for it so that they can navigate the multitude of daily decisions that become part of the diabetes medical regimen.
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  6.  42
    A critical realist analysis of consent to surgery for children, human nature and dialectic: the pulse of freedom.Priscilla Alderson, Katy Sutcliffe & Rosa Mendizabal - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (2):159-178.
    Consent can only be voluntary, freely given and uncoerced. Can this legal adult standard also apply to children? High-risk surgery is seldom a wanted choice, but compared with the dangers of the un...
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  7.  45
    Children’s informed signified and voluntary consent to heart surgery: Professionals’ practical perspectives.Priscilla Alderson, Hannah Bellsham-Revell, Joe Brierley, Nathalie Dedieu, Joanna Heath, Mae Johnson, Samantha Johnson, Alexia Katsatis, Romana Kazmi, Liz King, Rosa Mendizabal, Katy Sutcliffe, Judith Trowell, Trisha Vigneswaren, Hugo Wellesley & Jo Wray - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):1078-1090.
    Background: The law and literature about children’s consent generally assume that patients aged under-18 cannot consent until around 12 years, and cannot refuse recommended surgery. Children deemed pre-competent do not have automatic rights to information or to protection from unwanted interventions. However, the observed practitioners tend to inform young children s, respect their consent or refusal, and help them to “want” to have the surgery. Refusal of heart transplantation by 6-year-olds is accepted. Research question: What are possible reasons to explain (...)
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  8.  33
    Bodily integrity and autonomy of the youngest children and consent to their healthcare.Priscilla Alderson - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (4):291-296.
    Children's autonomy includes, as far as possible, self-determination, bodily integrity and the right to influence outcomes. Limits to bodily integrity, which involves no touching without the child's consent or tacit agreement, are discussed. The clinical, legal and ethics literature tends to agree that children may give valid consent to major recommended treatment from around 12 years but may not refuse it until they are legal adults. Research shows that young children are more aware of their bodily integrity and autonomy, of (...)
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  9.  96
    In the genes or in the stars? Children's competence to consent.P. Alderson - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (3):119-124.
    Children's competence to refuse or consent to medical treatment or surgery tends to be discussed in terms of the child's ability or maturity. This paper argues that the social context also powerfully influences the child's capacity to consent. Inner attributes and external influences are discussed using an analogy of the genes and the stars.
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  10.  81
    Examining Ethics in Practice: health service professionals' evaluations of in-hospital ethics seminars.Priscilla Alderson, Bobbie Farsides & Clare Williams - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (5):508-521.
    This article reviews practitioners’ evaluations of in-hospital ethics seminars. A qualitative study included 11 innovative in-hospital ethics seminars, preceded and followed by interviews with most participants. The settings were obstetric, neonatal and haematology units in a teaching hospital and a district general hospital in England. Fifty-six health service staff in obstetric, neonatal, haematology, and related community and management services participated; 12 attended two seminars, giving a total of 68 attendances and 59 follow-up evaluation interviews. The 11 seminars facilitated by an (...)
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  11. Equipoise as a means of managing uncertainty: personal, communal and proxy.P. Alderson - 1996 - Journal of Medical Ethics 22 (3):135-139.
    Equipoise is advocated as a means of achieving high scientific and ethical standards in randomised trials. As used in the context of research the word describes a state of uncertainty characterised by the belief that in a trial no arm is known to offer greater harm or benefit than any other arm. Clinicians who lack personal equipoise are advised to accept clinical or communal equipoise, based on current unresolved disagreement among the medical profession. Equipoise is mainly discussed in the literature (...)
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  12.  40
    Theories of consent.P. Alderson & C. Goodey - unknown
  13.  30
    The ‘three domains of reality’: do we need them? A reply.Priscilla Alderson - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (5):924-927.
    This is a brief reply to the roundtable entitled ‘Does critical realism need the concept of three domains of reality?’ in which Dave Elder-Vass, Tom Fryer, Ruth Porter Groff, Cristián Navarrete and...
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  14.  8
    Bottom Set Citizen: Ability Grouping in Schools—Meritocracy’s Undeserving.Priscilla Alderson - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (6):1046-1050.
  15.  39
    Living bioethics, theories and children’s consent to heart surgery.Priscilla Alderson, Deborah Bowman, Joe Brierley, Nathalie Dedieu, Martin J. Elliott, Jonathan Montgomery & Hugo Wellesley - forthcoming - Clinical Ethics:147775092210910.
    Background This analysis is about practical living bioethics and how law, ethics and sociology understand and respect children’s consent to, or refusal of, elective heart surgery. Analysis of underlying theories and influences will contrast legalistic bioethics with living bioethics. In-depth philosophical analysis compares social science traditions of positivism, interpretivism, critical theory and functionalism and applies them to bioethics and childhood, to examine how living bioethics may be encouraged or discouraged. Illustrative examples are drawn from research interviews and observations in two (...)
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  16.  29
    582 Index 2001, Volume 8.H. H. Abu-Saad, H. A. Akinsola, P. Alderson, G. Anderson, A. E. Armstrong, W. Austin, P. J. Barker, G. Benhamou-Jantelet, M. Bergsten & M. E. Cameron - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (6).
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  17.  55
    Consent and the Social Context.Priscilla Alderson - 1995 - Nursing Ethics 2 (4):347-350.
    A series of eight multidisciplinary conferences on consent to health care and research was held in London during the period 1992 to 1995. The aim was to present a rich and varied account of consent from the perspectives of academics (especially social scientists), practitioners, and people affected by personal experience. This report summarizes some of the main contributions.
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  18.  69
    Commentary on the "Family Rule".P. Alderson - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (6):497-498.
    The “family rule” paper by Dr Foreman proposes a way of resolving the present uncertainty about medical law on children's consent and refusal. This commentary reviews how doctors' decisions are already well protected by English law and respected by the courts. The “family rule” appears to be likely only to complicate the already diffuse law on parental consent, and to weaken further the competent minor's position in cases of uncertainty and disagreement. It leaves the difficult questions about defining and assessing (...)
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  19.  60
    Doctors, ethics and special education.P. Alderson & C. Goodey - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (1):49-55.
    This discussion paper is drawn from a qualitative research project comparing the effect of special and ordinary schools on the lives of children, young people and their families. Special schools are recommended by health professionals who seldom know how ineffective these schools are. We question the beneficence and justice of health professionals' advice on education for children with disabilities and other difficulties. Cooperation with local education authorities (LEAs) plays a considerable part in the work of community paediatricians, clinical medical officers, (...)
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  20.  27
    Ethical map reading in neonatal care.P. Alderson - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (1):17-20.
    This paper suggests that medical ethics is often based on assumptions, commonly shared in modern medicine, which can cause problems and which need to be questioned. Two contrasting yet complementary ways of thinking about ethical dilemmas in neonatal care are described as the 'separation' and the 'attachment' approaches. The contribution of medical ethics to the substance and quality of discussions between doctors and parents is considered.
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  21. Living bioethics, theories and children’s consent to heart surgery.Priscilla Alderson, Deborah Bowman, Joe Brierley, Nathalie Dedieu, Martin J. Elliott, Jonathan Montgomery & Hugo Wellesley - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (4):418-426.
    Background This analysis is about practical living bioethics and how law, ethics and sociology understand and respect children’s consent to, or refusal of, elective heart surgery. Analysis of underlying theories and influences will contrast legalistic bioethics with living bioethics. In-depth philosophical analysis compares social science traditions of positivism, interpretivism, critical theory and functionalism and applies them to bioethics and childhood, to examine how living bioethics may be encouraged or discouraged. Illustrative examples are drawn from research interviews and observations in two (...)
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  22.  24
    The Foetus as Transplant Donor: Scientific, Social and Ethical Perspectives.Priscilla Alderson - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (1):50-51.
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  23.  29
    The Sociology of Health and Healing.Priscilla Alderson - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):217-218.
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  24.  37
    Why I wrote Children's Consent to Surgery.Priscilla Alderson - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (3):159-162.
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  25.  33
    Crucial Decisions at the Beginning of Life: Parents' Experiences of Treatment Withdrawal from Infants.P. Alderson - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):e1-e1.
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  26.  57
    The ethics of space in clinical practice.Priscilla Alderson - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (2):85-91.
    The views of parents and staff about physical and symbolic space and its effects on ethical clinical practice are reported. Researchers observed four neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in southern England, and interviewed 40 senior staff and the parents of 80 babies. The adults' concerns include: how space affects the sharing of information and responsibility for the babies; respect and welcoming policies; access, freedom of movement and accessibility of staff; family friendly space and privacy; aesthetic values; and 'baby-led' space. The (...)
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  27.  74
    Prenatal Screening, Ethics and Down’s Syndrome: a literature review.Priscilla Alderson - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (4):360-374.
    This article reviews the literature on prenatal screening for Down’s syndrome. To be evidence based, medicine and nursing have to take account of research evidence and also of how this evidence is processed through the influence of prevailing social and moral attitudes. This review of the extensive literature examines how appropriate widely-held understandings of Down’s syndrome are, and asks whether or not practitioners and prospective parents have access to the full range of moral arguments and social evidence on the matter. (...)
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  28.  46
    Book Review: Children as research subjects: science, ethics and law. [REVIEW]Priscilla Alderson - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (2):174-176.
  29.  43
    Book Review: Friedman Ross, L,'Children, Families and Health Care Decision-Making', New York: Oxford University Press. [REVIEW]Priscilla Alderson - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 3 (2):209-210.
  30.  43
    The Ethics and Politics of Human Experimentation. By P. M. McNeill. Pp. 315. (Cambridge University Press, 1993.) £35.00/US$ 59.95. [REVIEW]Priscilla Alderson - 1995 - Journal of Biosocial Science 27 (1):121-123.
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