Results for 'Oscar Caicedo'

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  1.  12
    El impacto de la ciencia en la investigación filosófica. Vindicación de la Filosofía Científica.Oscar D. Caicedo, Samira Vargas, Emmanuel Alcocer & Laura Bustos - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
    Este escrito supone una defensa y un argumento en favor de la filosofía científica. Conceptos como naturalismo y cientificismo serán contrastados a la luz de la investigación filosófica, defendiendo un cientificismo crítico que, más que sostener que la ciencia es la única fuente de conocimiento fiable, sostiene que la actividad científica es una excelente creación cultural humana para adquirir conocimiento y que la filosofía que la desprecia o ignora, no es productiva. Se defiende que el diálogo entre la ciencia y (...)
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    Evolución cultural acumulativa y ‘efecto trinquete’ en animales no humanos. Una objeción a Tomasello.Oscar David Caicedo - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21 (1).
    RESUMEN:Michael Tomasello considera que, aunque todos los animales son el resultado (no acabado) de la evolución biológica y aunque en muchos animales no humanos la utilización de herramientas es latente (uno de los principales signos de rasgos culturales), solo en los humanos se produce la evolución cultural acumulativa y el efecto trinquete, esto es, la acumulación progresiva (e innovadora) de mejoras a lo largo de la historia sobre los artefactos creados. Contrario a esto, se sugiere em este artículo que algunos (...)
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    La ética como etología. Naturalización de un problema filosófico.Oscar Caicedo - 2022 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27 (2):53-71.
    Naturalizar ciertos problemas filosóficos no es tan problemático hoy como lo fue hace décadas. La excesiva especulación a la hora de reflexionar sobre ciertos temas, ha dado paso, paulatinamente, a una filosofía informada científicamente. En este artículo se intenta presentar un enfoque biologizado de la ética, teniendo en cuenta la información procedente de la etología, las ciencias cognitivas y las neurociencias. Interrogantes como ¿por qué somos buenos?, ¿por qué somos egoístas? o ¿por qué cooperamos?, preguntas todas ellas procedentes de la (...)
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    ¿Qué podemos conocer?Oscar David Caicedo Machacón & Eduardo Bermúdez Barrera - 2022 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 19.
    Los debates sobre el conocimiento, la realidad y la verdad han estado en el centro de la discusión filosófica desde hace décadas. El advenimiento de la Teoría Evolucionista del Conocimiento le ha revestido, no solo de hipótesis interesantes sobre los procesos que subyacen a las capacidades cognitivas en la tarea de conocer el mundo, sino que ha traído consigo nuevos problemas. En este artículo se intenta ofrecer una perspectiva naturalizada del problema del conocimiento, adentrándonos en los debates suscitados desde el (...)
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    Axiomatization of Crisp Gödel Modal Logic.Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez & Amanda Vidal - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (2):367-395.
    In this paper we consider the modal logic with both $$\Box $$ and $$\Diamond $$ arising from Kripke models with a crisp accessibility and whose propositions are valued over the standard Gödel algebra $$[0,1]_G$$. We provide an axiomatic system extending the one from Caicedo and Rodriguez (J Logic Comput 25(1):37–55, 2015) for models with a valued accessibility with Dunn axiom from positive modal logics, and show it is strongly complete with respect to the intended semantics. The axiomatizations of the (...)
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    Dignity of older home-dwelling women nearing end-of-life: Informal caregivers’ perception.Katrine Staats, Ellen Karine Grov, Bettina S. Husebø & Oscar Tranvåg - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (3):444-456.
    Background: Most older people wish to live in the familiar surroundings of their own home until they die. Knowledge concerning dignity and dignity loss of home-dwelling older women living with incurable cancer should be a foundation for quality of care within municipal healthcare services. The informal caregivers of these women can help increase the understanding of sources related to dignity and dignity loss Aim: The aim of this study was to explore informal caregivers’ perceptions of sources related to dignity and (...)
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  7. Bet hedging or not? A guide to proper classification of microbial survival strategies.Imke G. de Jong, Patsy Haccou & Oscar P. Kuipers - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (3):215-223.
    Bacteria have developed an impressive ability to survive and propagate in highly diverse and changing environments by evolving phenotypic heterogeneity. Phenotypic heterogeneity ensures that a subpopulation is well prepared for environmental changes. The expression bet hedging is commonly (but often incorrectly) used by molecular biologists to describe any observed phenotypic heterogeneity. In evolutionary biology, however, bet hedging denotes a risk‐spreading strategy displayed by isogenic populations that evolved in unpredictably changing environments. Opposed to other survival strategies, bet hedging evolves because the (...)
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  8. Well-Being Lessons for Improving Charities’ Online Recruitment.Maria Buenadicha-Mateos, Maria Isabel Sánchez Hernández, Oscar R. González-López & Juan Luis Tato-Jiménez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Oscar Masotta: la teoría como acción = Theory as action.Oscar Masotta - 2017 - Ciudad de México: RM Editorial. Edited by Clara Bolívar Moguel.
    Oscar Masotta (Buenos Aires, 1930- Barcelona, 1979) is all but forgotten now, except perhapsin the field of Lacanian studies. This is because in the 1970s,Masotta would challenge the master psychoanalyst on hisown turf, creating his own post-Lacanian school of psychoanalysisin Barcelona. But in 1965, aged just 27, Masottataught at the University of Buenos Aires, lectured at theDi Tella, and edited a book series on communication andmedia. A product of the newly open post-Perón era." Page 91.. This is the first (...)
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    War and Border Crossings: Ethics When Cultures Clash.Mohammed Abu-Nimer, Terence Ball, Linell Cady, Shaun Casey, Martin Cook, David Cortright, Richard Dagger, Amitai Etzoni, Félix Gutiérrez, Mitchell R. Haney, George Lucas, Oscar J. Martinez, Joan McGregor, Christopher McLeod, Jeffrie Murphy, Brian Orend, Darren Ranco, Roberto Suro, Rebecca Tsosie & Angela Wilson (eds.) - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    War and Border Crossings brings together renowned scholars to address some of the most pressing problems in public policy, international affairs, and the intercultural issues of our day. Contributors from widely varying disciplines discuss cross-cultural ethical issues and international topics ranging from American international policy and the invasion and occupation of Iraq to domestic topics such as immigration, the war on drugs, cross-cultural bioethics and ethical issues involving American Indian tribes. The culture clashes discussed in these essays raise serious questions (...)
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    Explaining and analyzing audiences: A social cognitive approach to selectivity and media use.Alexander van Deursen, Christian von Criegern, Sven Jöckel, Matthias Rickes & Oscar Peters - 2006 - Communications 31 (3):279-308.
    This study explored LaRose and Eastin's model of media attendance, within a European context. It extended the uses and gratifications paradigm within the framework of social cognitive theory by instituting new operational measures of gratifications sought, reconstructed as outcome expectations. Although the model of media attendance offers some promising steps forward in measuring media selectivity and usage, and to some extent is applicable to another context of media use, the relative importance of outcome expectancies in explaining media usage and selectivity (...)
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    Solute-diffusion-controlled dislocation creep in pure aluminium containing 0.026 at.% Fe.Oleg D. Sherby, Alfred Goldberg & Oscar A. Ruano † - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (23):2417-2434.
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    El misterio latinoamericano.Ricardo Yocelevzky Retamal & Óscar Cuellar Saavedra - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    América Latina es un concepto, una construcción intelectual que intenta dar cuenta de un grupo de estados nacionales, variable en su composición pero con un núcleo estable, las ex colonias españolas y portuguesas del continente americano. Hoy no hay en América Latina un programa de desarrollo nacional alternativo a la integración al mundo capitalista global. Las experiencias nacionales que la izquierda dirige no constituyen una imagen como la que representó Cuba en los años sesenta, ni desde el punto de vista (...)
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    Transitive Inference Remains Despite Overtraining on Premise Pair C+D-.Héctor O. Camarena, Oscar García-Leal, José E. Burgos, Felipe Parrado & Laurent Ávila-Chauvet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Examining Frailty Phenotype Dimensions in the Oldest Old.Sara Alves, Laetitia Teixeira, Oscar Ribeiro & Constança Paúl - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  16. Brainworkers: trabajadores del conocimiento.María Teresa Rojo López & Oscar Abellón García - 2004 - Aposta 5:4.
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    La Práctica de la Investigación en relación al Pensamiento Mágico, la Conjetura, el Paradigma Indiciario y la Ciencia Moderna.Gabriel Pulice, Federico Manson & Oscar Zelis - 2001 - Cinta de Moebio 12.
    El presente ensayo intenta aportar algunos elementos para repensar la "cientificidad", los criterios de validación o validez de distintas prácticas y teorías en relación al hombre. Nuestro punto de perspectiva está influenciado por los problemas epistemológicos y metodológicos que se nos han apareci..
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    How Did Spain Perform In PISA 2018? New Estimates Of Children’s PISA Reading Scores.John Jerrim, Luis Alejandro Lopez-Agudo & Oscar David Marcenaro-Gutierrez - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (2):177-198.
    International large-scale assessments have gained much attention since the beginning of the twenty-first century, influencing education legislation in many countries. This includes Spain, where they have been used by successive governments to justify education policy change. Unfortunately, there was a problem with the PISA 2018 reading scores for this country, meaning the OECD refused to initially release the results. Therefore, in this paper we attempt to estimate the likely PISA 2018 reading scores for Spain, and for each region within. The (...)
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    Equivalence and quantifier rules for logic with imperfect information.Xavier Caicedo, Francien Dechesne & Theo Janssen - 2008 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 17 (1):91-129.
    In this paper, we present a prenex form theorem for a version of Independence Friendly logic, a logic with imperfect information. Lifting classical results to such logics turns out not to be straightforward, because independence conditions make the formulas sensitive to signalling phenomena. In particular, nested quantification over the same variable is shown to cause problems. For instance, renaming of bound variables may change the interpretations of a formula, there are only restricted quantifier extraction theorems, and slashed connectives cannot be (...)
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    The meaning of education: from self as an antidote to globalization.Marc Pallarès-Piquer, Jordi Planella-Ribera, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll & Javier Albar - 2019 - Cinta de Moebio 65:254-266.
    Resumen: Vivimos tiempos en los que se ha pasado de concebir un acto de educar que proponía una relación medial a un acto de educar inscrito en una globalización que dicta la disolución del sujeto en una esfera vasta e impersonal. Esto nos ha portado a analizar el yo del alumnado que hoy acude a las aulas. A partir de una revisión teórica basada en el análisis hermenéutico de contenido y confrontación con la literatura sobre el tema, los resultados principales (...)
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  21. An algebraic approach to intuitionistic connectives.Xavier Caicedo & Roberto Cignoli - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (4):1620-1636.
    It is shown that axiomatic extensions of intuitionistic propositional calculus defining univocally new connectives, including those proposed by Gabbay, are strongly complete with respect to valuations in Heyting algebras with additional operations. In all cases, the double negation of such a connective is equivalent to a formula of intuitionistic calculus. Thus, under the excluded third law it collapses to a classical formula, showing that this condition in Gabbay's definition is redundant. Moreover, such connectives can not be interpreted in all Heyting (...)
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    Ewald, Oscar. Kants kritischer Idealismus als Grundlage von Erkenntnistheorie und Ethik.Oscar Ewald - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
  23.  23
    Omitting uncountable types and the strength of [0,1]-valued logics.Xavier Caicedo & José N. Iovino - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (6):1169-1200.
    We study a class of [0,1][0,1]-valued logics. The main result of the paper is a maximality theorem that characterizes these logics in terms of a model-theoretic property, namely, an extension of the omitting types theorem to uncountable languages.
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    Implicit connectives of algebraizable logics.Xavier Caicedo - 2004 - Studia Logica 78 (1-2):155 - 170.
    An extensions by new axioms and rules of an algebraizable logic in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi is not necessarily algebraizable if it involves new connective symbols, or it may be algebraizable in an essentially different way than the original logic. However, extension whose axioms and rules define implicitly the new connectives are algebraizable, via the same equivalence formulas and defining equations of the original logic, by enriched algebras of its equivalente quasivariety semantics. For certain strongly algebraizable logics, all (...)
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    On extensions of $L{\omega \omega }(Q1)$.Xavier Caicedo - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (1):85-93.
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    A formal system for the non-theorems of the propositional calculus.Xavier Caicedo - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19:147.
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    Continuous operations on spaces of structures.Xavier Caicedo - 1995 - In Michał Krynicki, Marcin Mostowski & Lesław W. Szczerba (eds.), Quantifiers: Logics, Models and Computation: Volume Two: Contributions. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 263--296.
  28. Standard Gödel Modal Logics.Xavier Caicedo & Ricardo O. Rodriguez - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (2):189-214.
    We prove strong completeness of the □-version and the ◊-version of a Gödel modal logic based on Kripke models where propositions at each world and the accessibility relation are both infinitely valued in the standard Gödel algebra [0,1]. Some asymmetries are revealed: validity in the first logic is reducible to the class of frames having two-valued accessibility relation and this logic does not enjoy the finite model property, while validity in the second logic requires truly fuzzy accessibility relations and this (...)
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    Projective Well-Orderings and Bounded Forcing Axioms.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):557 - 572.
    In the absence of Woodin cardinals, fine structural inner models for mild large cardinal hypotheses admit forcing extensions where bounded forcing axioms hold and yet the reals are projectively well-ordered.
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  30. Effect of estrogen in the progesterone production in granulosa cells.R. E. Caicedo, J. L. Zumaquero & J. D. Quintero - 2005 - Scientia 17 (1):47-56.
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    Mujer afrodescendiente: espiritualidad y sanación desde el territorio.Aura Dalia Caicedo Valencia & Diego Agudelo Grajales - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (178).
    Este artículo tiene como propósito presentar los resultados de la investigación realizada a partir de la sistematización de la experiencia significativa de Ambulua. Su objetivo es reconocer en la espiritualidad de la mujer afrodescendiente aportes significativos que contribuyen a la sanación como construcción de paz en el territorio. La sistematización de la experiencia se realizó a partir de talleres participativos y análisis documental; esta permitió la reconstrucción de «un camino andado» e identificar aprendizajes significativos en la búsqueda de la esencia (...)
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    Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chuaqui, Newton C. A. Da Costa & Carlos A. Di Prisco - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1430-1440.
  33.  24
    BPFA and projective well-orderings of the reals.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Sy-David Friedman - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1126-1136.
    If the bounded proper forcing axiom BPFA holds and ω 1 = ${\mathrm{\omega }}_{1}^{\mathrm{L}}$ , then there is a lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{3}^{1}$ well-ordering of the reals. The argument combines a well-ordering due to Caicedo-Veličković with an absoluteness result for models of MA in the spirit of "David's trick." We also present a general coding scheme that allows us to show that BPFA is equiconsistent with R being lightface ${\mathrm{\Sigma }}_{4}^{1}$ , for many "consistently locally certified" relations R on $\mathrm{\mathbb{R}}$ (...)
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    Projective Well-orderings of the Reals.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Ralf Schindler - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (7):783-793.
    If there is no inner model with ω many strong cardinals, then there is a set forcing extension of the universe with a projective well-ordering of the reals.
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    Un enfoque continental de la prevención de conflictos: un análisis de las iniciativas de "diplomacia preventiva" en África.Jeronimo Delgado Caicedo & Sophie Lizarazu-Catalá - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:105-135.
    Desde su descolonización en los años sesenta, África ha sido entendida en el imaginario global como un lugar de conflictos armados, inestabilidad política y pobreza. Sin embargo, durante las últimas décadas, el continente ha atravesado un importante proceso de estabilización, democratización y pacificación. Desde el liderazgo de Mandela en África en la década de 1990 hasta la creación y consolidación de la Unión Africana (UA) desde 2002, los esfuerzos pacificadores han transformado radicalmente el continente. En este proceso han participado numerosos (...)
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    Meeting of the Assocaition for Symbolic Logic: Caracas, Venezuela, 1983.Xavier Caicedo, Rolando Chauqui, Newton C. D. da Costa & Carlos A. Di Prisco - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1430 - 1440.
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    Ryle.Oscar P. Wood & George Pitcher (eds.) - 1970 - London,: Macmillan.
  38.  57
    A formal system for the non-theorems of the propositional calculus.Xavier Caicedo Ferrer - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (1):147-151.
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    Downward transference of mice and universality of local core models.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo & Martin Zeman - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):385-419.
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    Dignity-preserving dementia care.Oscar Tranvåg, Karin A. Petersen & Dagfinn Nåden - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):861-880.
    Research indicates the essentiality of dignity as a vital component for quality of life, reconfirming the emphasis on dignity preservation in the international code of nursing ethics. Applying Noblit and Hare’s meta-ethnography, the aim of the study was to develop a theory model by synthesizing 10 qualitative articles from various cultural contexts, exploring nurse and allied healthcare professional perception/practice concerning dignity-preserving dementia care. “Advocating the person’s autonomy and integrity,” which involves “having compassion for the person,” “confirming the person’s worthiness and (...)
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    Relational interactions preserving dignity experience.Oscar Tranvåg, Karin Anna Petersen & Dagfinn Nåden - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (5):577-593.
    Background: Dignity experience in the daily lives of people living with dementia is influenced by their relational interactions with others. However, literature reviews show that knowledge concerning crucial interactional qualities, preserving their sense of dignity, is limited. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore and describe crucial qualities of relational interactions preserving dignity experience among people with dementia, while interacting with family, social network, and healthcare professionals. Methodology: The study was founded upon Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, and an exploratory (...)
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    The Picture of Dorian Gray.Oscar Wilde - 2021 - New York, NY: Chartwell.
    Dorian Gray pays a hefty price for years of sin and vice in this completely unabridged edition of The Picture of Dorian Gray.
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  43. What is speciesism?Oscar Horta - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (3):243-266.
    In spite of the considerable literature nowadays existing on the issue of the moral exclusion of nonhuman animals, there is still work to be done concerning the characterization of the conceptual framework with which this question can be appraised. This paper intends to tackle this task. It starts by defining speciesism as the unjustified disadvantageous consideration or treatment of those who are not classified as belonging to a certain species. It then clarifies some common misunderstandings concerning what this means. Next, (...)
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    Compactness and normality in abstract logics.Xavier Caicedo - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 59 (1):33-43.
    We generalize a theorem of Mundici relating compactness of a regular logic L to a strong form of normality of the associated spaces of models. Moreover, it is shown that compactness is in fact equivalent to ordinary normality of the model spaces when L has uniform reduction for infinite disjoint sums of structures. Some applications follow. For example, a countably generated logic is countably compact if and only if every clopen class in the model spaces is elementary. The model spaces (...)
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    A note on the alienation motif in Marx.Oscar J. Hammen - 1980 - Political Theory 8 (2):223-242.
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    The Paradox of Sustainable Degrowth and a Convivial Alternative.Oscar Krüger - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (2):233-251.
    Insofar as development implies economic growth, the term ‘sustainable development’ appears to some as a contradiction in terms. However, such conclusions still lack a thorough examination of the conceptual structure of the two terms between which there is a purported contradiction. In order to address this issue, the present paper scrutinises some of the assumptions which underwrite the ideologies of sustainability and of development. It is argued that there are key assumptions which both ideas have in common, and that sustainable (...)
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  47. A simple solution to Friedman's fourth problem.Xavier Caicedo - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (3):778-784.
    It is shown that Friedman's problem, whether there exists a proper extension of first order logic satisfying the compactness and interpolation theorems, has extremely simple positive solutions if one considers extensions by generalized (finitary) propositional connectives. This does not solve, however, the problem of whether such extensions exist which are also closed under relativization of formulas.
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    Completud de dos cálculos logicos de Leibniz.Xavier Caicedo & Alejandro Martín - 2001 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 16 (3):539-558.
    Este trabajo se encuadra dentro de una nueva visión de la lógica de Leibniz, la cual pretende mostrar que sus escritos fueron ricos no solamente en proyectos ambiciosos sino también en desarrollos lógico-matematicos concretos. Se demuestra que su “Caracteristica Numerica” que asigna pares de números a las proposiciones categóricas es una semántiea para la cual la silogística aristotélica es correcta y completa, y que el sistema algebraico presentado en Fundamentos de un Cálculo Lógico es una lógica algebraica similar a la (...)
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    Definability and automorphisms in abstract logics.Xavier Caicedo - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (8):937-945.
    In any model theoretic logic, Beth’s definability property together with Feferman-Vaught’s uniform reduction property for pairs imply recursive compactness, and the existence of models with infinitely many automorphisms for sentences having infinite models. The stronger Craig’s interpolation property plus the uniform reduction property for pairs yield a recursive version of Ehrenfeucht-Mostowski’s theorem. Adding compactness, we obtain the full version of this theorem. Various combinations of definability and uniform reduction relative to other logics yield corresponding results on the existence of non-rigid (...)
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    Foundations of Mathematics.Andrés Eduardo Caicedo, James Cummings, Peter Koellner & Paul B. Larson (eds.) - 2016 - American Mathematical Society.
    This volume contains the proceedings of the Logic at Harvard conference in honor of W. Hugh Woodin's 60th birthday, held March 27–29, 2015, at Harvard University. It presents a collection of papers related to the work of Woodin, who has been one of the leading figures in set theory since the early 1980s. The topics cover many of the areas central to Woodin's work, including large cardinals, determinacy, descriptive set theory and the continuum problem, as well as connections between set (...)
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