Results for 'Ondřej Suchý'

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  1.  13
    Hedonic diversity games: A complexity picture with more than two colors.Robert Ganian, Thekla Hamm, Dušan Knop, Šimon Schierreich & Ondřej Suchý - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 325 (C):104017.
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  2. Glock, Hans Johann (2018). Semantics: Why rules ought to matter. In: Beran, Ondrej; Kolman, Vojtech; Koren, Ladislav. From rules to meanings: New essays on inferentialism. London, 63-80.Hans Johann Glock, Ondrej Beran, Vojtech Kolman & Ladislav Koren (eds.) - 2018
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    Who calls the shots? The ethics of adolescentself-consent for HPV vaccination.Suchi Agrawal & Stephanie R. Morain - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (8):531-535.
    While the human papillomavirus vaccine is medically indicated to reduce the risk of genital warts and certain types of cancer, rates of HPV vaccination repeatedly fall short of public health goals. Individual-level factors contributing to low vaccination rates are well documented. However, system-level barriers, particularly the need for parental consent, have been less explored. To date, there is no legal or ethical consensus in the USA regarding whether adolescents might permissibly self-consent to the HPV vaccine. Consequently, there is considerable variability (...)
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    Meager-Additive Sets in Topological Groups.Ondřej Zindulka - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1046-1064.
    By the Galvin–Mycielski–Solovay theorem, a subset X of the line has Borel’s strong measure zero if and only if $M+X\neq \mathbb {R}$ for each meager set M.A set $X\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ is meager-additive if $M+X$ is meager for each meager set M. Recently a theorem on meager-additive sets that perfectly parallels the Galvin–Mycielski–Solovay theorem was proven: A set $X\subseteq \mathbb {R}$ is meager-additive if and only if it has sharp measure zero, a notion akin to strong measure zero.We investigate the (...)
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    Filosofický problém svobodné vůle.Ondřej Havlíček - 2013 - E-Logos 20 (1):2-24.
    Problém svobodné vůle je tradičně považován za ryze metafyzický, a tedy neempirický. Díky současnému rozvoji kognitivních věd však narůstá množství argumentů založených na empirických poznatcích. Tento článek podává stručný přehled několika takových poznatků. Na jedné straně jde o výzkumy zabývající se otázkou kauzální potence vědomí a uvědomění si příčin svých akcí. Nejslavnější, avšak patrně nikoli nejvýznamnější, jsou zde bezpochyby experimenty Benjamina Libeta. Na druhé straně jde o zkoumání samotného prožitku svobodné agence. Zda danou akci vnímám jako svoji vlastní, závisí pravděpodobně (...)
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  6. The genealogy of colonial hardship: The inspiration and constellation of Dussel's philosophy of liberation.Ondrej Lansky - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (4):555-574.
  7.  28
    A unifying causal framework for analyzing dataset shift-stable learning algorithms.Suchi Saria, Bryant Chen & Adarsh Subbaswamy - 2022 - Journal of Causal Inference 10 (1):64-89.
    Recent interest in the external validity of prediction models has produced many methods for finding predictive distributions that are invariant to dataset shifts and can be used for prediction in new, unseen environments. However, these methods consider different types of shifts and have been developed under disparate frameworks, making it difficult to theoretically analyze how solutions differ with respect to stability and accuracy. Taking a causal graphical view, we use a flexible graphical representation to express various types of dataset shifts. (...)
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  8. Actualité philosophique et non philosophique de M. Heidegger.J. Suchy - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (6):732-739.
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  9. How Discernment between Good and Evil shapes the Dynamics of the Human Journey: Introduction.Ondřej Fischer & Ivana Noble - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (4):1-7.
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    Iris Murdoch between buddhism and christianity: moral change, conceptual loss/recovery, unselfing.Ondřej Beran & Kai Marchal - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 83 (1):180-199.
    The article discusses Iris Murdoch’s philosophical relationship to Buddhism. First, we argue that Murdoch was not, and did not identify herself as, a Buddhist. Then we suggest caution regarding Murdoch’s interpretations of Buddhism. On the one hand, she applies the limited viewpoint of her era. On the other hand, her approach is motivated by insights tracing affinities between Buddhism and Husserl’s and Sartre’s analyses of consciousness, as well as Platonic ideas of unselfing and self-purification. Murdoch’s reflections on Buddhism serve primarily (...)
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    Truth-Maker Semantics for Some Substructural Logics.Ondrej Majer, Vít Punčochář & Igor Sedlár - 2023 - In Federico L. G. Faroldi & Frederik Van De Putte, Kit Fine on Truthmakers, Relevance, and Non-classical Logic. Springer Verlag. pp. 207-222.
    Fine (J Philos Log 43:549–577, 2014) developed a truthmaker semantics for intuitionistic logic, which is also called exact semantics, since it is based on a relation of exact verification between states and formulas. A natural question arises as to what are the limits of Fine’s approach and whether an exact semantics of similar kind can be constructed for other important non-classical logics. In our paper, we will generalize Fine’s approach and develop an exact semantics for some substructural logics. In particular, (...)
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  12.  56
    Irelevantnosť Turingovho testu v súčasnom hlbokom učení.Ondrej Hriadel - 2021 - Pro-Fil 22 (2):28.
    The role of artificial intelligence in the Turing test is to imitate human beings to such an extent that people will not realize it is a machine. With the rise of deep learning (a subcategory of AI), the situation is changing rapidly as the new systems do not focus on imitating human intelligence but emphasize thorough solutions to specific issues. The main difference between predefined AI and deep learning (DL) is that these systems are self-learning and have verifiable results. Firstly, (...)
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    Playing Nice and Teaching Good.Carolyn Suchy-Dicey - 2007 - Philosophy Now 63:6-7.
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    Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology.Ondřej Švec & Jakub Čapek (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    _Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology_ offers a complex analysis of the pragmatic theses that are present in the works of leading phenomenological authors, including not only Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, as it is often the case within Hubert Dreyfus’ tradition, but also Husserl, Levinas, Scheler, and Patocka. Starting from a critical reassessment of existing pragmatic readings which draw especially on Heidegger’s account of Being-in-the-world, the volume’s chapters explore the following themes as possible justifications for speaking about the pragmatic turn in phenomenology: the (...)
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    Mukaøovský’s Structuralism and Semiotics.Ondřej Sládek - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):184.
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    Inferior parietal lobule involved in representation of “what” in a delayed-action Libet task.Ondřej Bečev, Radek Mareček, Martin Lamoš, Bartosz Majchrowicz, Robert Roman & Milan Brázdil - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 93 (C):103149.
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    Meta-awareness as a solution to the problem of Awareness of Intention.Ondřej Bečev - 2019 - E-Logos 26 (2):35-47.
    Awareness of intention je fenomenální zkušenost prožitku motorické intence, charakterizovaná jako vědomé uchopení akce, kterou se agent chystá provést. Typicky bývá ztotožňována s okamžikem, kdy si participant vzpomíná, že se rozhodl provést svou akci, reportovaným prostřednictvím pozice ručičky na ciferníku Libetových hodin. Intenzivní výzkum prožitku jednání (sense of agency) v posledních letech přinesl velké množství poznatků, ale také kritiku metodologických slabin, mezi které patří závislost výsledků na metodě reportování a závislost na arbitrárních vlastnostech reportovacích nástrojů. Filozofové si zase všímají intervenujících (...)
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    3D reconstruction of grains in polycrystalline materials using a tessellation model with curved grain boundaries.Ondřej Šedivý, Tim Brereton, Daniel Westhoff, Leoš Polívka, Viktor Beneš, Volker Schmidt & Aleš Jäger - 2016 - Philosophical Magazine 96 (18):1926-1949.
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    Roman References in Early Modern Central European Confessional Architecture.Ondřej Jakubec - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):250-267.
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    Buttoning up the gold collar — The child in neoliberal visions of early education and care.Ondrej Kaščák & Branislav Pupala - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):319-337.
    This study refers to the discursive transformation in perceptions of preschool age children generated by central European Union policy on early childhood education and care. This policy is representative of the pervasion of contemporary entrepreneurial culture and curricula within preschool education. At the same time, the field is also starting to become subordinated to the neoliberal trend of economising the social. This study highlights the fact that, within discourses on the child, these trends are encouraging a particular conception of childhood (...)
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    Critical issues in contemporary education: Prolegomena.Ondrej Kaščák & Branislav Pupala - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (1):3-10.
    This paper summarizes the problematic aspects of a globalized neoliberal culture in education. Linking to the particular studies of this monothematic volume it discusses the consequences of the globalization of a testing culture in schools, the issues of developing civic literacy in the context of current education practice and the issues of forming a historic consciousness in present schools relating to the existing social discourse. Language teaching, currently dominated by the concept of language literacy or the concept of language education (...)
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  22.  52
    Global Probability for Possible Worlds.Ondrej Majer - unknown
    In the majority of papers on probability in the framework of possible worlds the existence of a global probability distribution is taken for granted. The aim of the article is to discuss the epistemic aspect of this assumption in the connection to the status assigned to possible worlds. Two questions are discussed in particular: the justification of the global probability distribution and compatibility of the global probability assumption with the structure of the universe of the possible worlds.
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    Probabilities in possible worlds.Ondrej Majer - 2003 - In Hans Rott & Vitezslav Horak, Possibility and Reality. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 139-148.
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  24. Subjektivní pravděpodobnost a realistické možné světy.Ondrej Majer - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 49:495-505.
    [Subjective probability and realistic possible worlds].
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  25. Teoria zdarzeń sekwencyjnych.Ondrej Majer - 2002 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    The article deals with the problem of inductive learning and predicting in dynamic processes, which can be formally represented as time series of atomic events. The central notion of sequential event is characterised as a finite subsequence of adjacent atomic events in a series. In the first part of the article an algorythmic model of learning is introduced. The criterion of learning is based on the frequency of a particular sequential event and on the time-distance of its previous occurrences from (...)
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    Prvý verejný spor V maďarskej filozofii: Spor O kantovu filozofiu na prelome 18. a 19. storočia.Ondrej Mészáros - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (10).
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    Attention Bias and Recognition of Sexual Images.Ondřej Novák, Klára Bártová, Václav Vagenknecht & Kateřina Klapilová - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  28. Education in the epoch of scientific-technological revolution.Ondrej Pavllk - 1972 - Paideia 2:189.
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    Filosofická víra pod kárným dohledem „orthodoxie“.Ondřej Sikora - 2024 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2024 (66):237-251.
    Commentary on the previous article of Stanislav Sousedík.
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    Voda stačí.Ondřej Sikora - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (2):307-324.
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  31. Zur Frage von Qualität und Quantität.Michal Suchý - 1964 - In Igor Hrusovský, Magda Stítna, Frantisek Mestitz & Slovenská Akadémia Vied, Das Dialektische Gesetz. Bratislava: Vydavatel̕stvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied.
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    Love in the Absence of Judgment.Ondřej Beran - 2019 - Philosophy and Literature 43 (2):519-534.
    Love—for most of its theorists—involves thinking about certain further things that define what love is. Thus, according to some theories, love amounts to unconditional concern about the beloved’s well-being.1 Other theories, such as Troy Jollimore’s, suggest that love is a kind of appreciative response to the qualities of the beloved person.2 These viewpoints seem to require a particular kind of epistemic focus on the part of the lovers. You have to be clear about what promotes your beloved’s well-being; spare an (...)
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    Misunderstanding the Talk(s) of the Divine: Theodicy in the Wittgensteinian Tradition.Ondřej Beran - 2017 - Sophia 56 (2):183-205.
    The paper discusses the unique approach to the problem of evil employed by the Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion and ethics that is primarily represented by D. Z. Phillips. Unlike traditional solutions to the problem, Phillips’ solution consists in questioning its meaningfulness—he attacks the very ideas of God’s omnipotence, of His perfect goodness and of the need to ‘calculate’ God’s goodness against the evil within the world. A possible weakness of Phillips’ approach is his unreflected use of what he calls ‘our (...)
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  34.  30
    Who Should Have Children? (Us?) When Should We Have Children?Ondřej Beran - 2022 - SATS 23 (1):55-74.
    This paper has two main parts. First, it overviews the topic of environmental grief and related emotions. Specifically, it stresses the need to think of emotions in at least partly cognitive terms and to consider an existential rather than medical account of environmental emotions. The second part is a reflection on the currently endemic worries about having children. I will argue that it is misplaced to analyse this attitude universally as an argument-based decision. Rather, if it relates to environment grief, (...)
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  35.  26
    The Concept of Legal Language: What Makes Legal Language ‘Legal‘?Ondřej Glogar - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (3):1081-1107.
    Many legal theorists and linguists have addressed the notion of legal language from different perspectives. Despite that, the definitions of legal language vary. Almost all of the approaches conclude that legal language entails several types of communication. Nevertheless, not all of these categories are sufficiently researched. Some types of legal communication seem to be neglected. This lack of interest might be rooted in the uncertainty of whether these texts or utterances even fall under the scope of the concept of legal (...)
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    Normativita nespolupráce.Ondřej Beran - 2010 - Filosofie Dnes 2 (2):41-57.
    Tento článek se zabývá problematikou (organizované) nespolupráce a černého pasažérismu; jeho cílem je ukázat „spolupráci“ a „nespolupráci“ jako relativní pojmy odpovídající různým úrovním popisu. Závěrem naznačuje, že fenomén organizovaného obcházení pravidel může představovat problém pro naturalistické varianty teorie společenské smlouvy.
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  37. Nerozumění.Ondřej Beran - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57:683-708.
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  38. The Research and Teaching of Aesthetics in the Visegrad Countries: A Survey (Aesthetics in Central Europe).Ondřej Dadejík, Oliver Bakoš, Mária Valentová, Jana Sošková, Tomáš Hlobil, Jakub Stejskal, Piotr J. Przybysz, Monika Bokiniec & Zoltán Papp - 2009 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:203-218.
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    Filozofia a filozofi na prešporskej král'ovskej akadémii na prelome 19. a 20. storočia.Ondrej Mészáros - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (10).
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    Journal for Philosophy English menu.Ondrej Mészáros - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (10):784-795.
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    Súčasný stav historiografie maďarskej filozofie.Ondrej Mészáros - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (1).
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    From rules to meanings. New essays on inferentialism.Ondřej Beran, Vojtěch Kolman & ‎Ladislav Koreň (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Inferentialism is a philosophical approach premised on the claim that an item of language acquires meaning in virtue of being embedded in an intricate set of social practices normatively governed by inferential rules. Inferentialism found its paradigmatic formulation in Robert Brandom's landmark book Making it Explicit, and over the last two decades it has established itself as one of the leading research programs in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of logic. While Brandom's version of inferentialism has received wide (...)
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  43. Pragmatic Perspectives in Phenomenology.Svec Ondrej & Jakub Čapek (eds.) - 2017
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    Nietzsche o Kantovi.Ondřej Sikora - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (4):663-679.
    To what extent is Nietzsche’s critique of Kant empty rhetoric, and to what extent is it a substantive argument to be taken seriously? Within the broad Nietzschean- Kantian polemics, the study is concerned with the ethical domain. It starts from the title phrase “the Chinese of Königsberg” (“Das Königsberger Chinesenthum”) found in Nietzsche’s late book The Antichrist, and goes back to earlier forms of Kant-critique. At its core is the universalist, uniforming claim of the categorical imperative expressed by the motif (...)
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    „Nesvobodná vůle je mytologie“: Nietzsche a Kant.Ondřej Sikora - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (3):194-210.
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  46. Historism in Hegel and Marx.J. Suchy - 1975 - Filosoficky Casopis 23 (2):254-260.
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  47. L'éthique marxiste aujourd'hui.J. Suchy, B. Hlavova, A. Smidkeova & J. Miedzgova - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (6):656-699.
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  48. Nitobe Inazō to bushidō.Tokuhei Suchi - 1984 - Tōkyō: Seijisha. Edited by Inazō Nitobe.
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    Jako kus ztuhlé lávy. Polemika s historickými fakty v podání Stanislava Sousedíka.Ondřej Švec - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):165-173.
    A Riposte to Stanislav Sousedík’s View of Historical Facts.
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    “One is what one does”: from pragmatic to performative disclosure of the who.Ondřej Švec - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 53 (2):209-227.
    After taking into consideration the most relevant criticisms questioning the capacity of the thinking “I” to grasp itself in a transparent and undistorting way, I will ask what remains of first-person authority with regard to one’s own identity. I argue that first-person authority is not to be abandoned, but rather reformulated in terms of public commitments that nobody else can take up in my place. After recovering the original meaning of Heidegger’s claim “one is what one does,” I turn to (...)
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