Results for 'Omar Vecchio'

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  1. Tradizione e/o nichilismo?: letture e ri-letture di Cavalcare la tigre.Alessandra Colla, Carlo Terracciano & Omar Vecchio (eds.) - 1988 - Saluzzo, CN: Barbarossa.
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  2. Studi Filosofico-Giuridici Dedicati a Giorgio Del Vecchio Nel Xxv Anno di Insegnamento. --.Giorgio del Vecchio - 1930
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    (1 other version)Borrowing and the historical LGBTQ lexicon.Nicholas Lo Vecchio - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (1):167-192.
    Unlike most areas involving taboo, where language-internal innovations tend to dominate, homosexuality is characterized by a basic international vocabulary shared across multiple languages, notably English, French, Italian, Spanish and German. Historically, the lexis of nonnormative gender identity has shared space with that of sexual orientation. This lexicon includes (inexhaustively) the following series of internationalisms:sodomite, bugger, bardash, berdache, tribade, pederast, sapphist, lesbian, uranist, invert, homosexual, bisexual, trans, gay, queer. This common terminology has resulted from language contact in a broad sense, and (...)
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  4. Conflict between empiricism and idealism 277 the homo juridicus and the inadequacy of law as a Norm of life.Giorgio Del Vecchio & L. L. Zarrilli - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt.
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    Discorso d' inaugurazione.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1911 - Atti Del IV Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 3:315-316.
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  6. Il concetto del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1912 - Bologna,: Presso N. Zanichelli.
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    La fenomenologia dell'assurdo in Albert Camus.Marcello Del Vecchio - 1979 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    (1 other version)The formal bases of law.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1914 - New York,: A. M. Kelley. Edited by John Lisle, Hans Friedrich Reichel & Joseph Louis Paul Segond.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    The Structure of Personality.Omar Khayyam Moore & Alan Ross Anderson - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (2):212 - 236.
    Of course it has always been recognized, in philosophical circles at least, that such deductions are at best plausible inferences, rather than a species of logically valid inferences, and we will not pretend otherwise. Still, it seems interesting to consider the question: why do people have puzzles, games of chance, games of strategy, and aesthetic objects, universally in human societies?
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    Ciò che realmente una cosa è.Vecchio Sebastiano - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (1):139-145.
    The full significance of phenomenological experience was one of Pasolini's favourite subjects, declined in terms of 'Reality as Language'. Another semiotic theme of Pasolini as a cinema theorist, was the idea of individual existence as a sequence shot, to which the editing operation constituted by death gives order and sense. The article, based onFabbri, Peirce and Ricœur, suggests an interpretation of that idea, in the direction of the narrative constitution of personal identity – as an effect of final subjectivity.
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    Effect of Non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Resting-State Electroencephalography and Laser-Evoked Potentials in Migraine Patients: Mechanistic Insights.Eleonora Vecchio, Iege Bassez, Katia Ricci, Cristina Tassorelli, Eric Liebler & Marina de Tommaso - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  12. I presupposti filosofici della nozione del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1905 - Bologna,: N. Zanichelli.
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    Journal Reviewer Ratings: Issues of Particularistic Bias, Agreement, and Predictive Validity Within the Manuscript Review Process.Robert P. Vecchio - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (3):228-242.
    Reviewer evaluations and recommendations for 853 manuscript submissions, over a span of 4 years, are analyzed for evidence of particularistic bias, reviewer agreement, and predictive validity for forecasting a published manuscript's citation impact. Attributes of the submitters, their affiliated institutions, and the reviewers have little consistent association with reviewers' recommendations or editorial decision outcomes. Furthermore, reviewers' recommendations demonstrate a reasonable degree of agreement. However, neither reviewers' evaluative ratings across five dimensions nor publication recommendations can predict the number of citations that (...)
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    An Analytical Approach to Culture.Omar Lizardo - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (4):281-302.
    In this paper, I outline a general framework for cultural analysis consistent with an “analytic” approach to explanation in social science. The proposed approach provides coherent solutions to thorny problems in cultural theory. These include providing a coherent definition of culture (and the “cultural”), specifying the nature of cultural units (both simple and complex), and outlining the processes making possible episodes of cultural genesis, transformation, and reproduction within bounded units characterized as cultural causal systems.
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  15. A user’s guide to the evolutionary argument against naturalism.Omar Mirza - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (2):125-146.
    Alvin Plantinga has famously argued that metaphysical naturalism is self-defeating, and cannot be rationally accepted. I distinguish between two different ways of understanding this argument, which I call the "probabilistic inference conception", and the "process characteristic conception". I argue that the former is what critics of the argument usually presuppose, whereas most critical responses fail when one assumes the latter conception. To illustrate this, I examine three standard objections to Plantinga's evolutionary argument against naturalism: the Perspiration Objection, the Tu Quoque (...)
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  16. When mathematics touches physics: Henri Poincaré on probability.Jacintho Del Vecchio Junior - manuscript
    Probability plays a crucial role regarding the understanding of the relationship which exists between mathematics and physics. It will be the point of departure of this brief reflection concerning this subject, as well as about the placement of Poincaré’s thought in the scenario offered by some contemporary perspectives.
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  17. Another Look at the Modal Collapse Argument.Omar Fakhri - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (1):1-23.
    On one classical conception of God, God has no parts, not even metaphysical parts. God is not composed of form and matter, act and potency, and he is not composed of existence and essence. God is absolutely simple. This is the doctrine of Absolute Divine Simplicity. It is claimed that ADS implies a modal collapse, i.e. that God’s creation is absolutely necessary. I argue that a proper way of understanding the modal collapse argument naturally leads the proponent of ADS to (...)
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    External Dynamics Contextualizing the FDA’s Role in E-Cigarette Regulation.Omar Gaidarov & Rachel Asher - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (10):32-34.
    The authors of the target article articulate the complicated, often conflicting demands of U.S. Food and Drug Administration roles as justification for the FDA’s delay in releasing guidelines...
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    Harnessing the Power Within: The Consequences of Salesperson Moral Identity and the Moderating Role of Internal Competitive Climate.Omar S. Itani & Nawar N. Chaker - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (4):847-871.
    The purpose of this research is to examine the notion of salesperson moral identity as a prosocial individual trait and its associated effects on customer and coworker relationships. In addition, this study examines the underlying processes in which these effects occur as well as the moderating role of internal competitive climate. Our empirical investigation of business-to-business (B2B) sales professionals reveals that moral identity has both direct and indirect effects on a salesperson’s customer- and team-directed outcomes. Specifically, our results demonstrate that (...)
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    Is “Globalizing Democracy” Possible?Omar Dahbour - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Today 4:255-260.
    Comparing Carol Gould’s Globalizing Democracy and Human Rights to other recent discussions of global justice, Dahbour argues that her work offers two important theoretical departures: It grounds global rights and democracy along foundationalist rather than constructivist lines; and it rejects the notion that just global institutions require the equal input of all those affected by their activities, defending instead that only those engaged in the “common activity” of institutions should participate in the decision-making. On the basis of this common activity (...)
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    Lo Stato moderno e i suoi problemi.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1967 - Torino,: G. Giappichelli.
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    Sull'idea di una scienza del diritto universale comparato.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1909 - Torino [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Politikuri ideologiebi.Omar Gogiašvili - 2004 - Tʻbilisi: Tʻbilisis universitetis gamomcʻemloba.
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    The Economics of John Rae.Omar Hamouda, C. Lee & Douglas Mair (eds.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    John Rae made a wide-ranging contribution to economics, in particular through his work on Capital Theory and Technical Change. Although Rae was held in high esteem by some of the great names of the past who have openly acknowledged his originality and their indebtedness to him, he has not yet received all the attention he deserves. In _The Economics of John Rae_, respected economists, redress the general neglect of Rae as a classical economist and examine his role as a political (...)
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    Modern Logic and Tasks for Experiments on Problem Solving Behavior.Omar Khayyam Moore & Scarvia B. Anderson - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (1):86-86.
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  26. Sieyès y Rousseau: una perspectiva comparada del republicanismo moderno.Omar Noria Siso - 2006 - In Luis Castro Leiva & Arturo Serrano (eds.), Para leer a Luis Castro Leiva. Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
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    Un intento de solución a la paradoja del mentiroso: algunos aportes desde la fenomenología.Omar Valencia - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 9:45-69.
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    A reformulação do conceito de predicatividade segundo Poincaré.Jacintho Del Vecchio Junior - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (2):391-416.
  29. I presupposti Filosofi della Nozione del Diritto.G. Del Vecchio - 1906 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 14 (1):12-12.
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  30. Law and economics.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1936 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 1 (4):341.
  31. L'idée d'une science du droit universel comparé.Giorgio del Vecchio - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (3):15-16.
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    Mímesis y pr'xis: República I, II, III y X.Ariel Vecchio - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 62:31-63.
    This paper presents an updated reading of the Platonicconfrontation of Republic I, II, III and X with poets. Specifically, opposing the traditional readings that tend to focus on the ontological plane, this writing will investigate the Platonic warning about the plasticity and, consequently, the functionality of images. It is proposed as a contribution to redirect the criticism of poets to one of the central topics of Rep., the tension between appearance and reality, to account for their connection with the forms (...)
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  33. Passio, affectu, virtus : il sistema delle passioni nei trattati morali di Guglielmo d'Alvernia.Silvana Vecchio - 2005 - In Franco Morenzoni & Jean-Yves Tilliette (eds.), Autour de Guillaume d'Auvergne (+1249). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
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  34. Astorga, Omar, La institución imaginaria del 'Leviathan': Hobbes como intérprete de la política moderna, Caracas, Universidad Central de Venezuela: Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y Humanístico, 2000. Curran, Eleanor, Reclaiming the Rights of the Hobbesian Subject, New York/Basingstoke, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007. [REVIEW]Omar Astorga - 2008 - Hobbes Studies 21 (1):104.
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    Physician Responsibility to Discuss Palliative Unproven Therapies With Out-of-Option Patients.Omar Kawam, Jon C. Tilburt & Zubin Master - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):31-33.
    We agree with Lynch et al. that patients with chronic diseases and Band-Aid treatments are unlikely to benefit from a version of Operation Warp Speed or by deprioritizing standards of scientific ev...
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    Self-Determination Without Nationalism: A Theory of Postnational Sovereignty.Omar Dahbour - 2012 - Temple University Press.
    How do groups—be they religious or ethnic—achieve sovereignty in a postnationalist world? In Self-Determination without Nationalism, noted philosopher Omar Dahbour insists that the existing ethics of international relations, dominated by the rival notions of liberal nationalism and political cosmopolitanism, no longer suffice. Dahbour notes that political communities are an ethically desirable and historically inevitable feature of collective life. The ethical principles that govern them, however—especially self-determination and sovereignty—require reformulation in light of globalization and the economic and environmental challenges of (...)
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    An Introduction to The Problems [David Mills Daniel and Megan Daniel, Briefly: Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy].Omar W. Nasim - 2010 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 30 (2):155-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:February 19, 2011 (11:48 am) E:\CPBR\RUSSJOUR\TYPE3002\russell 30,2 040 red.wpd russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies n.s. 30 (winter 2010–11): 155–82 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U. issn 0036-01631; online 1913-8032 eviews AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PROBLEMSz Omar W. Nasim Science Studies / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (eth) 8092 Zürich, Switzerland [email protected] David Mills Daniel and Megan Daniel. BrieXy: Russell’sz The Problems of Philosophy. London: scm (...)
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    Explorations in employee envy: Feeling envious and feeling envied.Robert Vecchio - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (1):69-81.
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    Awareness of Jordanian Researchers About Predatory Journals: A Need for Training.Omar F. Khabour, Karem H. Alzoubi & Wesal M. Aldarabseh - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (6):1-12.
    The use of the open publishing is expected to be the dominant model in the future. However, along with the use of this model, predatory journals are increasingly appearing. In the current study, the awareness of researchers in Jordan about predatory journals and the strategies utilized to avoid them was investigated. The study included 558 researchers from Jordan. A total of 34.0% of the participants reported a high ability to identify predatory journals, while 27.0% reported a low ability to identify (...)
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    Scritti vari di filosofia del diritto: raccolti per l'inaugurazione della Biblioteca Giorgio Del Vecchio.Giovanni Ambrosetti & Giorgio Del Vecchio (eds.) - 1961 - Milano : A.: Giuffrè.
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    Achieving Top Performance While Building Collegiality in Sales: It All Starts with Ethics.Omar S. Itani, Fernando Jaramillo & Larry Chonko - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):417-438.
    While previous literature provides evidence of the positive relationship between ethical climate and job satisfaction, the possible mechanisms of this relationship are still underexplored. This study aims to enhance scholars’ and practitioners’ understanding of the ethical climate–job satisfaction relationship by identifying and testing two of the possible mechanisms. More specifically, this study fills an existing research gap by examining social and interpersonal mechanisms, referred to in this study as workplace isolation of colleagues and salesperson’s teamwork, of the ethical climate–job satisfaction (...)
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  42. Development of materials for automotive disc brake.Omar Maluf, Maurício Angeloni, Marcelo Tadeu Milan, Dirceu Spinelli & Waldek Wladimir Bose Filho - 2007 - Minerva 4 (2):149-158.
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    Bertrand Russell and the Edwardian philosophers: constructing the world.Omar W. Nasim - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction -- Stout's proto-new-realism -- Situating G.F. Stout -- Stout's doctrine of primary and secondary qualities -- Stout and the Brentano School -- Representative function of presentations -- Sensible space and real space -- Cook Wilson's geometrical counter-example -- Stout's central question -- Ideal constructions -- Ideal constructions in psychology and epistemology -- British new realism : the language of madness -- Stout's criticisms of Alexander -- Alexander's response -- The nature of sensations, images, and other presentations -- What is (...)
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    Back to the soil: retroviruses and transposons.Omar Bagasra & D. Gene Pace - 2010 - In Günther Witzany (ed.), Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms. Springer. pp. 161--187.
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    The History of Political and Social Concepts: A Critical Introduction.Omar Dahbour - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (2):317-319.
  46. (2 other versions)Filosofía del derecho.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1929 - Barcelona,: Bosch. Edited by Luis Recaséns Siches.
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  47. (1 other version)Il concetto della natura e il principio del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1908 - Milano: Fratelli Bocca.
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  48. Il sentimento giuridico.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1908 - Roma [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Sulla positività come carattere del diritto.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1911 - Modena,: A.F. Formiggini.
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    Schmaus’s Functionalist Approach to the Explanation of Social Facts: An Assessment and Critique.Omar Lizardo - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (4):453-492.
    In this paper, I provide a critical examination of Warren Schmaus’s recently systematized “functionalist” approach to the study of collective representations. I examine both the logical and the conceptual viability of Schmaus’s brand of “functionalism” and the relation between his rational reconstruction and philosophical critique of Durkheim and the latter’s original set of proposals. I conclude that, due to its reliance on certain problematic philosophical theses, Schmaus’s functionalism ultimately falls short of providing a coherent alternative to the Durkhemian position or (...)
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