Results for 'Olivier Apprill'

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  1.  22
    Institutional Psychotherapy Does Not Exist!Olivier Apprill - 2023 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 17 (2):169-182.
    Paying careful attention to the multiple meanings the word ‘institution’ has in French, this article traces the development of institutional psychotherapy’s clinical practice. Through a close reading of Jean Oury’s seminars and clinical writing alongside other key members of the GTPSI (Groupe de travail de psychothérapie et de sociothérapie institutionnelles or Working Group on Institutional Psychotherapy and Socio- therapy), this article argues that institutional psychotherapy’s specificity is in the way in which the clinical and the political are able to connect (...)
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    Leibniz et la Chine.Olivier Roy - 1972 - Paris: Vrin.
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    The social dimension of pain.Abraham Olivier - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (2):375-408.
    Contemporary pain literature increasingly acknowledges the need of a multidimensional approach to pain, which accounts for its complex biological, psychological and social components. This is reflected in the recently revised definition of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) and some contemporary philosophical positions. This paper addresses the need to offer a theoretical approach that integrates the biopsychosocial and qualitative multidimensionality of pain by developing the “social grounding view of pain”. My focus is on seeking a multidimensional philosophical (...)
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    Does it help to feel your body? Evidence is inconclusive that interoceptive accuracy and sensibility help cope with negative experiences.Giorgia Zamariola, Olivier Luminet, Adrien Mierop & Olivier Corneille - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (8):1627-1638.
    ABSTRACTIn four studies, we examined the moderating impact of Interoceptive Accuracy and Interoceptive Sensibility (IS, ass...
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    Lettres à Sophie: "lettres sur la religion, sur l''me humaine et sur l'existence de Dieu".Olivier Bloch - 2004 - Honoré Champion.
    Ce texte anonyme de 1770 s'inscrit dans l'esprit d'un grand nombre d'oeuvres antichrétiennes souvent clandestines, athées et matérialistes, inspirées tant par la littérature philosophique de l'âge classique que par l'érudition libertine. Inachevées, ces lettres cinglantes, hardies et humoristiques traitent seulement deux des thèmes annoncés.
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  6. Quelques héritages matérialistes du cartésianisme hétérodoxe: De regius à meslier en passant Par cyrano, rohault, cordemoy, Malebranche, et autres.Olivier Bloch - 2011 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 61:27-48.
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  7. Spinoza au XVIIIe siècle, coll. « Philosophie ».Olivier Bloch - 1991 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (1):119-120.
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    Ulrich Röseberg, Niels Bohr, 1885-1962; Leben und Werk eines Atomphysikers.Olivier Darrigol - 1987 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 40 (1):139-140.
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    Sueo Takeda, Die Idee der Chrono-Ontologie.Olivier Depré - 1987 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 85 (65):112-113.
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    Doctrine renouvellee de l’imagination et l’imaginaire dans les perspectives thomistes contemporaines.Olivier Lacombe - 1979 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 27 (1):77-83.
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  11. Heidegger and emancipation.G. Olivier - 1990 - South African Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):117-124.
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    Research traditions and evolutionary explanations in medicine.Pierre-Olivier Méthot - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (1):75-90.
    In this article, I argue that distinguishing ‘evolutionary’ from ‘Darwinian’ medicine will help us assess the variety of roles that evolutionary explanations can play in a number of medical contexts. Because the boundaries of evolutionary and Darwinian medicine overlap to some extent, however, they are best described as distinct ‘research traditions’ rather than as competing paradigms. But while evolu- tionary medicine does not stand out as a new scientific field of its own, Darwinian medicine is united by a number of (...)
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    Upward Categoricity from a Successor Cardinal for Tame Abstract Classes with Amalgamation.Olivier Lessmann - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):639 - 660.
    This paper is devoted to the proof of the following upward categoricity theorem: Let K be a tame abstract elementary class with amalgamation, arbitrarily large models, and countable Löwenheim-Skolem number. If K is categorical in ‮א‬₁ then K is categorical in every uncountable cardinal. More generally, we prove that if K is categorical in a successor cardinal λ⁺ then K is categorical everywhere above λ⁺.
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    The Place of Philosophy in Africa.Abraham Olivier - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):502-520.
    Recently there has been a strong movement towards reflections about the “geography of reason,” especially among philosophers who deal with postcolonial thinking. There is also a renewed interest among different schools of thought, both analytical and continental, in the ways our “life world,” or “embodiment,” or “situated cognition,” shape our minds and eventually the philosophy we do. As a result, we have seen some recent publications on the nature and import of the concept of “place” by authors such as Edward (...)
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    Jean-Michel Berthelot: itinéraires d'un philosophe en sociologie (1945-2006).Jean-Christophe Marcel & Olivier Martin (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Tous les textes publiés dans l'ouvrage parlent directement de l'œuvre de Jean-Michel Berthelot. La première partie, " Sociologie de Jean-Michel Berthelot ", rassemble les contributions restituant des traits de son œuvre à l'aide d'études de cas précis ou de panoramas plus larges, et balise des domaines de recherche dans lesquels il s'est illustré : sociologie de l'éducation, du corps, des sciences, épistémologie des sciences sociales. La deuxième partie rend compte des perspectives ouvertes par ses travaux et de la manière dont (...)
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  16. La cité et l'homme.Leo Strauss & Olivier Berrichon-Sedeyn - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (1):111-111.
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    Signs of Radical Democracy? Deleuze, Badiou, Rancière and Tahrir Square, 2011.Bert Olivier - 2014 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 61 (139):1-21.
  18.  12
    (2 other versions)Construing and constructing others.Mark Snyder & Olivier Klein - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (1):53-67.
    When individuals hold expectations about other people, they can elicit from these targets behaviors that are consistent with their expectations, even if these expectations are independent of the target’s real characteristics. In this paper, we consider the role that this phenomenon, known as behavioral confirmation, plays in shaping the social perceptions of perceivers, targets, and outside observers. As well, we address the value of laboratory research on behavioral confirmation for understanding the dynamics and outcomes of social interactions in naturally occurring (...)
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    Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin.Christelle Veillard, Olivier Renaut & Dimitri El Murr (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    _Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin_ explore la manière dont les philosophes de l’Antiquité ont tracé une cartographie des vices, analysé leurs causes et leurs effets, et se sont interrogés sur leurs usages. _Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin_ explores how ancient philosophers described the vices, delineated their various kinds, accounted for their causes and effects, and reflected on how to use them.
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    Contribution of the basal ganglia to spoken language: Is speech production like the other motor skills?Alexandre Zenon & Etienne Olivier - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6):576-576.
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    Métaphysiques rebelles: genèse et structures d'une science au moyen âge.Olivier Boulnois - 2013 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Saint Paul et la philosophie: une introduction à l'essence du christianisme.Olivier Boulnois - 2022 - Paris: PUF.
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    Quelques noms grecs rares.Olivier Masson - 1966 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 110 (1-2):246-257.
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    Die Philosophie Victor Cousins und die Genese der französischen Ästhetik.Alain Patrick Olivier - 2013 - In Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert, Herta Nagl-Docekal, Erzsébet Rózsa & Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann (eds.), Hegels Ästhetik als Theorie der Moderne. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 265-278.
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  25. Réduire la Révolution en système?Olivier Ritz - 2017 - In Sophie Marchand, Élise Pavy-Guilbert & Michel Delon (eds.), L'esprit de système au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Hermann.
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  26. When pains are mental objects.Abraham Olivier - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 115 (1):33-53.
    In Why pains are not mental objects Guy Douglasrightly argues that pains are modes rather than objects ofperceptions or sensations. In this paper I try to go a stepfurther and argue that there are circumstances when pains canbecome objects even while they remain modes of experience.By analysing cases of extreme pain as presented by Scarry,Sartre, Wiesel, Grahek and Wall, I attempt to show thatintense physical pain may evolve into a force that, likeimagination, can make our most intense state of experiencebecome (...)
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    Érotique et politique chez Platon: erôs, genre et sexualité dans la cité platonicienne.Luc Brisson & Olivier Renaut (eds.) - 2017 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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  28. Slogans and Education.Olivier Reboul - 1974 - Diogenes 22 (86):55-72.
    The title of this essay may look surprising, if not provocative. What connection is to be found between education and slogans? The latter, first and foremost, are part of the world of publicity and propaganda; they obey a concise, punch-packing formula which aims not to instruct, but to provoke action. The word slogan is furthermore distinctly pejorative. Well…?Well, I shall raise two questions. First: does not education in effect make use of slogans, unintentionally? After all, the slogan is not confined (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir: Nourriture, Cuisine et Existentialisme.Véronique Olivier - 2012 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 28 (1):47-60.
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  30. The Human Subject in the Image of a Body: Neither Instrument nor Idol.Olivier Abel - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (172):55-71.
    The somewhat disturbing success of bioethics as a discipline is probably due to the unique nature of its subject matter. Indeed what is it that happens when scientific interest, with its particular resources and language, turns toward the study of the human body? Can this body be instrumentalized like any other object, or do the sciences have to give way here before a taboo subject? Have the sciences not, without their knowing it, taken on an unprecedented signification? The truly prodigious (...)
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  31. Art and transformation.G. Olivier - 1987 - South African Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):16-23.
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  32. A propos de Vico. Notes de lecture in Michel de Certeau. Le voyage mystique.P. Olivier - 1988 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 76 (2):283-300.
  33.  53
    A Strong Model of Paraconsistent Logic.Olivier Esser - 2003 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 44 (3):149-156.
    The purpose of this paper is mainly to give a model of paraconsistent logic satisfying the "Frege comprehension scheme" in which we can develop standard set theory (and even much more as we shall see). This is the continuation of the work of Hinnion and Libert.
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    Bulletin de Philosophie et Christianisme (2^ e partie) Dans la diversite des themes. I-Christianisme et modernite II-Sous l'inspiration de la theologie III-La question de Dieu.Paul Olivier - 2002 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 90 (3):461-470.
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    Binding the book of nature: microscopy as literature.Marc Olivier - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (2):173-191.
    From its ornamental and often bookish exterior to its use as an exegetical tool for understanding the Book of Nature, the 18th-century microscope was socialized as an instrument of letters as well as of science. This essay proposes a reading of the microscope as a literary artifact by examining its bindings, its texts and its illustrations. While the instrument promised to extend human sense perception and to give its user access to invisible worlds, it simultaneously threatened to alter received views (...)
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    Commentary on Pavón-Cuéllar (2022).Carlos Olivier Toledo - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (3):222-223.
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    Discourse, agency and the question of evil.Bert Olivier - 2003 - South African Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):328-347.
    This paper addresses the question of evil from an ethical and discourse-analytical perspective, taking Joan Copjec's commentary on Kant's notion of ‘radical evil' and its relation to human freedom as its point of departure. Specifically, Copjec's argument, that for Kant (and, one may add, for Lacan) the subject is always ‘in excess of itself', provides an important foil for, or corrective to what may seem to be the upshot of Foucault's notion of discourse (its heuristic value notwithstanding). The latter entails (...)
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    Des valeurs dans l’air du temps.Florian Olivier - 2018 - Philosophique 21.
    À propos de : Nathalie Heinich, Des valeurs. Une approche sociologique, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « Bibliothèque des Sciences humaines », 2017, 416 p. Si jusqu’à présent les articles publiés par Nathalie Heinich sur la question des valeurs restaient modestes dans leurs ambitions et à ce titre inconsistants dans leurs propositions, Des valeurs. Une approche sociologique constitue à l’inverse une somme soigneusement élaborée. Et au-delà des polémiques extra-scientifiques suscitées par l’obtention...
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    Idéogrammes archéologiques non identifiés du Linéaire B.Jean-Pierre Olivier & Frieda Vandenabeele - 1970 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 94 (2):301-309.
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    Kypriaka XV-XVII.Olivier Masson - 1984 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 108 (1):71-89.
    XV, Les rois de Paphos avant et après le siège de 498 : l'Étewandros connu par les bracelets du « trésor de Curium » peut être le roi Ituandar de la liste assyrienne de 672. Pillage de Paphos en 498. Contrairement à ce qu'on avait pu croire, l'onomastique des rois postérieurs au siège reste grecque. XVI, Notes sur le « trésor de Curium » : les récits de la fouille de la nécropole de Courion, dans la correspondance de Cesnola, montrent (...)
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    Linéaire B *85 = a 4.Jean-Pierre Olivier - 1967 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 91 (2):371-374.
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    Médecins conseils de compagnies d'assurances et médecins experts judiciaires.Michel Olivier - 1996 - Médecine et Droit 1996 (16):5-9.
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  43. Newman, Blondel, Le Roy et le modernisme.P. Olivier - 1992 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 80 (3):419-440.
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    Nature, Capitalism, and the Future of Humankind.Bert Olivier - 2005 - South African Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):121-136.
    This paper addresses the question regarding the relation between capitalism and nature, on the one hand, and that of the continued existence of life, including humankind, on earth in light of the disturbing evidence that has emerged since the early 1970s, concerning massive environmental degradation, on the other. It is argued that the evidence of such destruction is there for every one to see; what is less obvious – in fact, mostly ignored or denied – is the connection between capital (...)
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  45. No recording please! This is ART. Or: what do Cynthia Hawkins and Walter Benjamin have in common (not)?B. Olivier - 1996 - South African Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):8-14.
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    Philosophy and Laughter: Introductory Notes.Abraham Olivier - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (4):490-499.
    Until recently, few philosophers worked on laughter, and it was typically viewed negatively. However, the last four decades have witnessed a significant increase in philosophical writings about and positive views of laughter. This introductory paper attempts to show that, in line with this development, contributions to this special issue explore various fresh theoretical, thematic, historical, and critical aspects of laughter and its relation to philosophy. These contributions can be divided roughly into two intersecting groups, with one group focused on the (...)
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    Philosophy and the arts: collected essays.Bert Olivier - 2009 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This collection of philosophical essays addresses important issues in the arts, encompassing painting, sculpture, photography, film and architecture.
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    Prospection à Malia : Deux documents hiéroglyphiques.Jean-Pierre Olivier & Sylvie Müller - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):65-70.
    Κατά τη διάρκεια της δεύτερης επιφανειακής αρχαιολογικής έρευνας που καλύπτει την πεδιάδα των Μαλίων, βρέθηκαν δυό ενεπίγραφες μαρτυρίες σε κρητική ιερογλυφική γραφή : η άκρη μιας ράβδου από άργιλο με τέσσερεις όψεις (σώζονται οι τρείς) όπου αναγνωρίζονται τέσσερα σημεία και ένα θραύσμα λαβής από αμφορέα που φέρει τρία σημεία. Το πρώτο εύρημα επιβεβαιώνει την ύπαρξη στα Μάλια τουλάχιστον και ενός άλλου αποθέτη αρχείων σε ιερογλυφική γραφή, εκτός από αυτούς του Ανακτόρου και της συνοικίας Μ.
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  49.  8
    Projections: philosophical themes on film.Bert Olivier - 2002 - Port Elizabeth, South Africa: University of Port Elizabeth.
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    Pour un recueil photographique des idéogrammes « archéologiques » du Linéaire B.Jean-Pierre Olivier - 1969 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93 (2):830-837.
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