Results for 'Oliver Hülden'

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  1. Points, particles, and structural realism.Oliver Pooley - 2006 - In Dean Rickles, Steven French & Juha T. Saatsi (eds.), The Structural Foundations of Quantum Gravity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 83--120.
    In his paper ``What is Structural Realism?'' James Ladyman drew a distinction between epistemological structural realism and metaphysical (or ontic) structural realism. He also drew a suggestive analogy between the perennial debate between substantivalist and relationalist interpretations of spacetime on the one hand, and the debate about whether quantum mechanics treats identical particles as individuals or as `non-individuals' on the other. In both cases, Ladyman's suggestion is that an ontic structural realist interpretation of the physics might be just what is (...)
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    Thinking Antagonism: Political Ontology After Laclau.Oliver Marchart - 2018 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    A systematic treatment of Hume's conception of imagination in all the main topics of his philosophy.
  3. On the Mathematics and Metaphysics of the Hole Argument.Oliver Pooley & James Read - forthcoming - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We make some remarks on the mathematics and metaphysics of the hole argument, in response to a recent article in this journal by Weatherall ([2018]). Broadly speaking, we defend the mainstream philosophical literature from the claim that correct usage of the mathematics of general relativity `blocks' the argument.
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  4. Universal Law and Poverty Relief.Oliver Sensen - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (2):177-190.
    In this article, I examine what Kant’s Formula of Universal Law requires of an individual agent in situations of great need, e.g.: if you can easily help a drowning child, or if you know of a famine situation in another country. I first explain why I do not simply apply the standard interpretation of how one can derive concrete duties from Kant’s Universal Law formulation of the Categorical Imperative. I then glean an alternative procedure from Kant’s texts and give the (...)
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  5. Uncoordinated Norms of Belief.Oliver Traldi - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):625-637.
    If it is ethically wrong to hold some beliefs, there may be a conflict between the demands of morality and the demands of rationality. A recent theory holds that no such conflict exists: any morally wrong belief is also irrational to hold, made irrational through a phenomenon of radical moral encroachment. In this paper, I argue that radical moral encroachment fails to coordinate ethical and epistemic norms, given plausible epistemological principles and various substantive accounts of which beliefs are morally wrong, (...)
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    Are bio-ontologies metaphysical theories?Oliver M. Lean - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11587-11608.
    Bio-ontologies are digital frameworks for handling biological and biomedical data. They consist of theoretical entities and relations with explicitly defined logical structures and precise definitions, whose purpose is to provide a shared language for representing information to be distributed and integrated across diverse scientific contexts. It is tempting to view bio-ontologies as clear and formal expressions of a scientific community’s ontological commitments about their domain of inquiry, and to view their integration as tantamount to the metaphysical unification of science that (...)
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    The Role of the Americas in History.Leopoldo Zea & Amy Oliver - 1992 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This first-time translation makes available to English-speaking readers a seminal essay in Latin American thought by one of Latin America's leading intellectuals. Originally published in Mexico in 1957, The Role of the Americas in History explores the meaning of the history of the Americas in relation to universal history. Amy A. Oliver's introduction provides an excellent overview of such major themes in Zea's thought as marginality, humanism, Catholicism and Protestantism, philosophy of history, and liberation.
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    The constitution as a law of lawmaking: Comments on Frank Michelman’s Constitutional Essentials.Oliver Gerstenberg - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (7):1014-1022.
    A crucial insight in Michelman’s ‘Constitutional Essentials’ is that constitutions may serve a justificatory or proceduralizing aim in modern liberal democracies. Yet the pervasiveness of moral disagreement – all-the-way-up; all-the-way-down – suggests, as I will argue, a democratic-experimentalist turn, which focuses on a non-hierarchical process of stakeholder deliberation and the court’s role in instigating and overseeing that process, ensuring non-domination. I believe that Frank is exactly right in arguing that a liberally justification-worthy political framework-law-in-place is normatively necessary for democratic politics (...)
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  9. An Appearance of Succession Requires a Succession of Appearances.Oliver Rashbrook - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (3):584-610.
    A familiar slogan in the literature on temporal experience is that ‘a succession of appearances, in and of itself, does not amount to an experience of succession’. I show that we can distinguish between a strong and a weak sense of this slogan. I diagnose the strong interpretation of the slogan as requiring the support of an assumption I call the ‘Seems→Seemed’ claim. I then show that commitment to this assumption comes at a price: if we accept it, we either (...)
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    Helen Knight and Margaret Macdonald on the meaning of ‘good’.Oliver Thomas Spinney - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-19.
    I argue that Helen Knight and Margaret Macdonald expressed views on the nature of ‘good’ in aesthetic contexts which anticipate to a striking extent the dispute between Peter Geach and R. M. Hare over ethical uses of ‘good’ several years later. I show that Knight introduced a distinction between uses of adjectives later drawn also by Geach, and that she employed that distinction, as Geach did, in order to defend a descriptivist approach to ‘good’ according to which ‘good’ is not (...)
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  11. Vorurteil.Klaus Reisinger, Oliver R. Scholz & B. Six - 2001 - In H. Gründer (ed.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Schwabe. pp. 12--1250.
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    “Who is There That Doesn’t Calculate?” Homo Economicus as a Measuring Instrument in Non-Market Accounting.Oliver Schlaudt - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (6):842-868.
    Contemporary approaches to “non-market accounting” depend critically on methods of “monetization,” i.e., determining prices for goods outside the market. Monetization constitutes a case of economic measurement in a narrow sense that has not yet been analyzed in the literature on measurement in economics. Monetization, I will argue, uses homo economicus—originally created as a model to explain existing prices—as a measuring device, one that generates new prices for goods that are not traded on markets. Homo economicus, though long contested in microeconomics, (...)
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    Research Handbook of Responsible Management.Oliver Laasch, Roy Suddaby, R. E. Freeman & Dima Jamali (eds.) - 2020 - Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Outlining both historical foundations and the latest research trends, this Research Handbook offers a unique and cutting-edge overview of the numerous avenues to responsible management.Opening with a conceptual mapping of the field, thought leaders such as Henry Mintzberg and Archie Carroll present foundational and controversial views. Frameworks such as sustainability management, responsible leadership, humanistic and biomimetic management are introduced. Glocal approaches include responsible management with Chinese characteristics, West African Yoruba, and American Pragmatism. Exploring frameworks for the responsible management process, such (...)
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  14.  10
    Die Vorsokratiker: Griechisch/Deutsch.Jaap Mansfeld & Primavesi Oliver (eds.) - 2012 - Reclam.
  15.  10
    Adequacy as an epistemically just social practice in Spinoza's philosophy.Oliver Toth - 2025 - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    Spinoza is usually understood to be internalist about the representation of adequate ideas and externalist about the representation of inadequate ideas. Existing readings of Spinoza's social epistemology do not challenge this view; they argue that the social context of the mind is an empowering enabling condition for acquiring knowledge. In this article, I argue that Spinoza is an externalist about the representation of both adequate and inadequate ideas: adequate ideas are constituted by the relation between the mind's real essence and (...)
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  16. Common morality: Comment on Beauchamp and Childress.Oliver Rauprich - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (1):43-71.
    The notion of common morality plays a prominent role in some of the most influential theories of biomedical ethics. Here, I focus on Beauchamp and Childress’s models in the fourth and fifth edition of Principles of Biomedical Ethics as well as on a revision that Beauchamp proposed in a recent article. Although there are significant differences in these works that require separate analysis, all include a role for common morality as starting point and normative framework for theory construction in combination (...)
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  17.  20
    Nochmals Odysseus. Zum normativen Status vorausschauender Autorisierungen von Zwangsbehandlungen für Situationen einer temporären Kompetenzbeeinträchtigung.Oliver Hallich - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):563-584.
    Zusammenfassung Mit dem Ausdruck „Odysseus-Anweisung“ werden dokumentierte Behandlungswünsche kompetenter Personen für Phasen einer vorübergehenden Kompetenzbeeinträchtigung bezeichnet, mittels derer diese Personen ein Handeln _gegen_ ihre Präferenzen in der vorausgesehenen Situation der Kompetenzbeeinträchtigung autorisieren. Im Zentrum der ethischen Diskussion der Odysseus-Anweisungen steht im Allgemeinen die Frage nach ihrer „moralischen Autorität“ oder „Respektabilität“. Es wird gefragt, ob Odysseus-Anweisungen moralische Autorität in dem Sinne besitzen, dass sie bei Einschlägigkeit und Anwendbarkeit in der Akutsituation ein Handeln gegen den Patientenwillen moralisch geboten machen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag (...)
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    Elements of Autonomy in Kant’s Lectures on Ethics.Oliver Sensen - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 83–101.
  19. Logical form and logical space in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Oliver Thomas Spinney - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-23.
    In this article I offer a novel explanation of Wittgenstein’s claim, in his Tractatus, that to represent the logical form of a proposition would require our being positioned outside of logic. The account here presented aims to exploit a connection, widely noticed, between the logical forms of objects and those of the propositions in which the names of those objects figure. I show that the logical forms of propositions may, on Wittgenstein’s view, be identified with places in logical space, and (...)
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  20. Towards a logical reconstruction of CF-induction.Yoshitaka Yamamoto, Oliver Ray & Katsumi Inoue - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 330--343.
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    Cultures of Commemoration: War Memorials, Ancient and Modern.Polly Low & Graham Oliver - 2012 - British Academy.
    P. J. Rhodes: Preface Polly Low and Graham Oliver: Comparing Cultures of Commemoration in Ancient and Modern Societies Polly Low: The Monuments ot the War Dead in Classical Athens: Forms, Contexts, Meanings Alison Cooley: Commemorating the War Dead of the Roman World Angelos Chaniotis: The Ritualised Commemoration of War in the Hellenistic City: Memory, Identity, Emotion Avner Ben-Amos: Two Neo-Classical Monuments in Modern France: The Pantheon and Arc de Triomphe Graham Oliver: Naming the Dead, Writing the Individual: Classical (...)
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    The Psychology and Philosophy of Natural Numbers†.Oliver R. Marshall - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (1):40-58.
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    Augustin und Kierkegaard: Selbstwerdung, Innerlichkeit und Glaube im Zeichen,existenzieller Obdachlosigkeit‘.Oliver Victor - 2024 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (1):67-92.
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  24. A Comparison of Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques for Estimating Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models With Small Sample Sizes.Oliver Lüdtke, Esther Ulitzsch & Alexander Robitzsch - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    With small to modest sample sizes and complex models, maximum likelihood estimation of confirmatory factor analysis models can show serious estimation problems such as non-convergence or parameter estimates outside the admissible parameter space. In this article, we distinguish different Bayesian estimators that can be used to stabilize the parameter estimates of a CFA: the mode of the joint posterior distribution that is obtained from penalized maximum likelihood estimation, and the mean, median, or mode of the marginal posterior distribution that are (...)
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  25. Too Much Time Has Been Spent on the Time Devoted to Homework : Motivation Is the Key Constant in Homework Research.Ulrich Trautwein, Oliver Ludtke, Benjamin Nagengast & Barbara Flunger - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay (ed.), Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Individuality in Early Modern Philosophy.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2022 - In Charles Wolfe Dana Jalobeanu (ed.), Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences. Springer.
  27.  39
    Alonzo Church.Oliver Marshall & Harry Deutsch - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Alonzo Church (1903–1995) was a renowned mathematical logician, philosophical logician, philosopher, teacher and editor. He was one of the founders of the discipline of mathematical logic as it developed after Cantor, Frege and Russell. He was also one of the principal founders of the Association for Symbolic Logic and the Journal of Symbolic Logic. The list of his students, mathematical and philosophical, is striking as it contains the names of renowned logicians and philosophers. In this article, we focus primarily on (...)
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    Response to My Interlocutors.Oliver D. Crisp - 2021 - Philosophia Christi 23 (1):63-74.
    In this essay I respond to my interlocutors in the symposium on my monograph, Analyzing Doctrine. Addressing each of them in the order in which their essays are printed, I consider and reply to comments by William Lane Craig, Steven Nemes, N. Gray Sutanto, Jordan Wessling and Joanna Leidenhag.
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    Strafe als Vergeltung. Plädoyer für einen hermeneutischen Retributivismus.Oliver Hallich - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 75 (3):383-405.
    Retributivism is usually taken to be a theory of the justification of punishment. In this contribution, I develop an alternative understanding of retributivism. Rather than as a theory of the justification of punishment, I propose to regard it as a hermeneutic theory, i.e.a theory about how we understand punishments. I start with an explanation of what "hermeneutical retributivism" is. In what follows, I examine the ramifications of this view. It leads to a different assessment of the relation between retributive theories (...)
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    Reassessing Rigvedic Strata.Oliver Hellwig, Salvatore Scarlata & Paul Widmer - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4):847-865.
    It is commonly assumed that linguistically the Rigveda is a heterogeneous collection of texts. Since the early days of Vedic scholarship, researchers have tried to correlate grammatical properties with individual parts of the Rigveda, aiming at identifying layers and strata. In this article we review stratifications proposed in previous literature and assess the support for these strata by performing statistical analyses with allomorphic linguistic features that have been claimed to bear signals of stratification. In addition, we run a cluster analysis (...)
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    The Qur’an and Pluralism: A Skeptical View.Oliver Leaman - 2021 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Pluralism in Islamic Contexts - Ethics, Politics and Modern Challenges. Springer Verlag. pp. 47-58.
    The idea that religions should be pluralist is often supported by commentators. It opposes the more rigid suggestion that a particular religion is the only valid route to the truth and salvation. A problem with the latter idea of course is that it makes dialogue meaningless, since the only point to talking to those in other faiths would be to try to convince them of the truth of your own religion. It is not difficult to find indications in many religions (...)
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    The Number Sense Represents Multitudes and Magnitudes.Oliver R. Marshall - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Clarke and Beck's view that numbers are both second-order and sensible is based on an empirically dubious claim, which is required to show that what they call the “weak sensitivity principle” is satisfied. The explanatory benefits that they say are gained by positing a sensory relation to numbers are also gained by positing such a relation to multitudes of objects.
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    Verzeihen, laut und leise.Oliver Hallich - 2023 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (3):355-376.
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    (1 other version)Scepticism.Oliver A. Johnson - 1981 - Philosophy 56 (218):591-592.
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    Hazhó’ó Baa Nitsáhákeesgo Anílééh: considering Navajo and non-Navajo perspectives on navigating a Tribal IRB process for education research.Oliver George Tapaha & M. Nathan Tanner - forthcoming - Ethics and Behavior.
    Rooted in a desire to conduct ethical research with Indigenous People rather than on them, this autoethnographic document-based case study relies on anti-colonial praxis and places the Navajo and non-Navajo perspectives of two researchers navigating the Navajo Nation Human Research Review Board’s (NNHRRB) processes for conducting human subjects research within Kirkness and Barnhardt’s (1991) “Four Rs” framework of respect, relevance, reciprocity, and responsibility. This case analyzes and presents thematic assertions drawn from entries of both authors’ reflective journals they kept while (...)
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    Ulysses revisited. On the normative status of prospective authorizations of compulsory treatment for phases of a temporary inhibition of competence.Oliver Hallich - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (4):563-584.
    Definition of the problem “Ulysses contracts” are advance directives by means of which a patient authorizes compulsory treatment for a phase of a temporary inhibition of competence. Ethical discussion of Ulysses contracts usually focuses on the question of the “moral authority” or the “binding force” of Ulysses contracts, i.e., of whether Ulysses contracts should be honored or whether the competent patient’s prospective wishes for compulsory treatment are overridden by the patient’s actual preferences in the situation of treatment. Arguments In this (...)
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  37. Images >> Yevgen Samborsky and the Art of Possibility.Oliver Aas - 2023 - Diacritics 51 (4):101-115.
    Yevgen Samborsky is a multihyphenate, whose work spans not only painting but also video work, installation, and community-based creative projects. His visual language is entirely intermedial: he draws on photography, graffiti, hyperrealism, and internet machine aesthetics. His indebtedness to the digital image has been particularly strong in the last two years, which he has spent watching the news from back home on his com­puter. He has taken pictures of destroyed cultural institutions like the Kharkiv Art Museum or the Odessa Museum (...)
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  38. The Interdependence of Planning, Programming and Budgeting.Oliver Bakreski - 2024 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 77 (1):295-327.
    Planning is a significant process function and counterpoises a very complex,dynamic and specific activity, which means that its subject consists of all forms of socialactivity, activities and life. Planning and programming are equally important to allentities regardless of their size and goals, as they all have experienced painful problemswith their planning efforts. Some emerge from the planning process itself, and somefrom the implementing procedure. Therefore the question arises: „How to help overcomefailures in planning from failures in implementation?” Hence, the management (...)
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    Attitudes Toward Market and Political Self-Interest.Henry M. Oliver Jr - 1954 - Ethics 65 (3):171-180.
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    The supplement of the digital.Oliver Ruf - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 28.
    ‘Communication’ is the basic concept of an aesthetic media theory and, under the title ‘communication aesthetics’, is particularly suitable for defining a capacity of that phenomenon that also describes a holistic experience of so-called digitality in a new way. In the passage through this concept of communication, ‘communication aesthetics’ is therefore also the basic term for studies of digital media cultures and is used here as an example to determine the relevant phenomena of mediality, materiality and the contemporary technological body (...)
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    The possibility of knowing the essence of bodies through scientific experiments in Spinoza’s controversy with Boyle.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1):86-110.
    In this paper, I argue for a novel reading of Spinoza’s position in his exchange with Boyle about Boyle’s experiment with nitre. Boyle claimed to have shown through experiments that nitre ceased to be nitre after heating. Spinoza disagreed and proposed the alternative hypothesis that nitre has changed its state and not its nature. Spinoza’s position was construed in the literature as rational scepticism denying that experiments can yield knowledge of essences because all sensory experience is underdetermined and open to (...)
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  42. Philosophie und ihre Form. Spuren von Sören Kierkegaard im Denken Ludwig Wittgensteins.Oliver Victor - 2020 - In Bernhard Ritter & Dennis Sölch (eds.), Wittgenstein und die Philosophiegeschichte. Freiburg i. Br.: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Foucault und das Politische: transdisziplinäre Impulse für die politische Theorie der Gegenwart.Oliver Marchart & Renate Martinsen (eds.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Das Werk Michel Foucaults hat das Feld politiktheoretisch informierter Analysen erheblich erweitert und dazu beigetragen, Grundbegriffe der Politischen Theorie neu zu verstehen. Der Band unternimmt erstmalig eine Bestandsaufnahme zum Spektrum der aktuellen Arbeiten mit und zu Foucault in der Politischen Theorie. Die Beiträge thematisieren Foucaults Konzeptionen von Freiheit, Kritik, Wahrheit, Macht oder Staat, verorten Foucault im Verhältnis zu Latour, Bourdieu oder Haraway und problematisieren Foucault u.a. vor dem Hintergrund der Geschichte des Marxismus und der Gegenwart des Neoliberalismus. Der Inhalt• Foucault, (...)
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    Alfabetización mediática y digital en México. Un análisis bibliométrico 2000-2021.Rubén Oliver Espinoza & Janneth Trejo Quintana - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:52-82.
    Se explora el desarrollo del campo de la Alfabetización Mediática y Digital en México, entre 2000 y 2021, mediante el análisis bibliométrico de publicaciones en Scopus y Web of Science, a partir del uso de frases sinónimas. Se observa una incipiente y dispersa producción científica en dicha área del conocimiento para el periodo de estudio.
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    Freedom and the subject of theory: essays in honour of Christina Howells.Christina Howells, Oliver Davis & Colin Davis (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association.
    Freedom and the subject in Jean-Paul Sartre -- Freedom and necessity in Jacques Derrida -- Freedom and the subject in contemporary philosophy and theory -- Theorizing pathologies and therapeutics of freedom.
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    Idealismus als Theorie der Repräsentation?Ralph Schumacher & Oliver R. Scholz - 2001
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    The concept of duration as key to the logical forms of reason and to their psychological processes.Christian Oliver Weber - 1925 - [Lincoln, Neb.,:
    Nebraska University Studies, V25, No. 2-4.
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    The problem of time in science and philosophy.Oliver L. Reiser - 1926 - Philosophical Review 35 (3):236-252.
  49. Time, the Physical Magnitude.Oliver Costa de Beauregard - 1987 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 99:1-335.
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    Wittgenstein über die Seele.Eike von Savigny & Oliver R. Scholz - 1995
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