Results for 'Oliver Dickinson'

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  1.  20
    Snodgrass (A.M.) Archaeology and the Emergence of Greece. Pp. x + 485, figs, ills, maps. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006. Cased, £60. ISBN: 978-0-7486-2333-. [REVIEW]Oliver Dickinson - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):256-259.
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    A theory of actions and habits: The interaction of rate correlation and contiguity systems in free-operant behavior.Omar D. Perez & Anthony Dickinson - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (6):945-971.
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  3. The intentionality of animal action.Cecilia Heyes & Anthony Dickinson - 1990 - Mind and Language 5 (1):87–103.
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    Directed Movement and Simulations at the Draper Museum of natural History.Greg Dickinson EricAoki & Brian L. Ott - 2010 - In Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott, Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. University of Alabama Press. pp. 238.
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    The World of the Founding Fathers: Their Basic Ideas on Freedom and Self-government.Saul Kussiel Padover & Alexander Hamilton - 1960 - New York: T. Yoseloff.
    "One of the outstanding authorities on the early days of the Republic, Saul K. Padover offers in this volume a generous sampling of the letters, essays, speeches, discourses, and personal documents--many of them previously unpublished--of the men who made America. Included are extensive selections from the papers and speeches of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. There are also copious extracts from the private and public utterances of secondary, but important, figures of the (...)
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    Note concerning thought and reality.Oliver Lodge - 1905 - Mind 14 (54):294-295.
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  7. Womanizing Nietzsche: Philosophy's Relation to the "Feminine".Kelly Oliver - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    In ____Womanizing Nietzsche,__ Kelly Oliver uses an analysis of the position of woman in Nietzsche's texts to open onto the larger question of philosophy's relation to the feminine and the maternal. Offering readings from Nietzsche, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, Freud and Lacan, Oliver builds an innovative foundation for an ontology of intersubjective relationships that suggests a new approach to ethics.
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    Rigour and Intuition.Oliver Tatton-Brown - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (6):1757-1781.
    This paper sketches an account of the standard of acceptable proof in mathematics—rigour—arguing that the key requirement of rigour in mathematics is that nontrivial inferences be provable in greater detail. This account is contrasted with a recent perspective put forward by De Toffoli and Giardino, who base their claims on a case study of an argument from knot theory. I argue that De Toffoli and Giardino’s conclusions are not supported by the case study they present, which instead is a very (...)
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    The metaphysics of singletons.Alex Oliver - 1992 - Mind 101 (401):129-140.
  10. Dopamine responses comply with basic assumptions of formal learning theory.Pascale Waelti, Anthony Dickinson & Wolfram Schultz - 2001 - Nature 412 (6842):43–8.
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    Kant on Moral Autonomy.Oliver Sensen (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The concept of autonomy is one of Kant's central legacies for contemporary moral thought. We often invoke autonomy as both a moral ideal and a human right, especially a right to determine oneself independently of foreign determinants; indeed, to violate a person's autonomy is considered to be a serious moral offence. Yet while contemporary philosophy claims Kant as the originator of its notion of autonomy, Kant's own conception of the term seems to differ in important respects from our present-day interpretation. (...)
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    Catholic social teaching: A communitarian democratic capitalism for the new world order.Oliver F. Williams - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (12):919 - 932.
    Catholic Social Teaching has taken a remarkable turn with the May 1991 document on economic ethics,Centesimus Annus. During their one hundred year history, church documents were notable for their courageous championing of the rights of the least advantaged; they were much less distinguished for their understanding of how markets and incentives function in capitalism. Most business leaders admired church teaching for its compassion but had little respect for its competence. With this most recent document, however, there is a growing conviction (...)
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    Can business ethics be theological? What athens can learn from jerusalem.Oliver F. Williams - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (6):473 - 484.
    The work of philosophers in business ethics has been important in providing a systematic framework to analyze moral obligations of corporations and their many stakeholders. Yet the field of ethics as defined by the philosophers of the past two centuries is too narrow to do justice to what is at stake in the business world. Ethics in the theological perspective is not primarily concerned with analyzing situations so that one can make right decisions, but rather with reflecting on what is (...)
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  14. Is plural denotation collective?Alex Oliver & Timothy Smiley - 2008 - Analysis 68 (1):22–34.
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    “Business for Peace” (B4P): can this new global governance paradigm of the United Nations Global Compact bring some peace and stability to the Korean peninsula?Oliver F. Williams & Stephen Yong-Seung Park - 2019 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 8 (2):173-193.
    North Korea is under strict UN economic sanctions because it violated UN policy in its development of nuclear weapons and long range missiles as well as for its militant rhetoric. South Korea and Japan, as close allies of the USA, are unsure of the future. Is there a way to bring some peace and stability to the Korean peninsula? Some argue that this is a hopeless task as long as the current leadership of North Korea is in power. This article (...)
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    A realistic rationalism?Alex Oliver - 2000 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 43 (1):111 – 135.
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    Ernst Cassirer and the Symbolic Mediation of Technological Artefacts.Oliver Alexander Tafdrup - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):49-70.
    The concept of mediation plays a central part in several positions of contemporary philosophy of technology. Especially Don Ihde and Peter-Paul Verbeek have served to establish mediation as one of the core concepts in the postphenomenologically rooted philosophical analysis of human-technology-world relations. While meditation theory provides many important conceptual and empirical contributions to our knowledge of how material artefacts shape our embodied being in the world, too little attention has arguably been given to the development of concepts that enable a (...)
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  18. Archaeological theory in the new millennium: introducing current perspectives.Oliver J. T. Harris - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Craig N. Cipolla.
    Provides an accessible account of the changing world of archaeological theory. It charts the emergence of the new emphasis on relations as well as engaging with current theoretical trends and the thinkers archaeologists regularly employ. This book will be an essential guide to cutting-edge theory for students and for professionals wishing to reacquaint themselves with this field. Oliver J.T. Harris is lecturer in archaeology in the School of Archaeology & Ancient History, University of Leicester. Craig N. Cipolla is lecturer (...)
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    The Psychology and Philosophy of Natural Numbers†.Oliver R. Marshall - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (1):40-58.
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  20. The Look of Love.Kelly Oliver - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (3):56-78.
    I begin to suggest an alternative to the notion of vision based in alienation and hostility put forth by Jean-Paul Sartre, Sigmund Freud, and Jacques Lacan. I diagnose this alienating vision as a result of a particular alienating notion of space presupposed by their theories. I develop lrigaray's comments about light and air to suggest an alternative notion of space that opens up the possibility that vision connects us to others rather than alienates us from them.
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    Superblindsight, inverse Anton, and tweaking a-consciousness further.Oliver Kauffmann - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):290-294.
    It is argued that Block's thought experiment on superblindsight and “the Inverse Anton's syndrome” are not cases of A-consciousness without P-consciousness. “Weak dispositional states” should be excluded from the set of A-conscious states, and a subject's being reflectively conscious of a P-conscious state is suggested as a better candidate for A-consciousness. It is further pointed out that dreams, according to Block's own criterion but contrary to what he claims, are A-unconscious and it is argued that Block should not accept the (...)
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  22. Introduction : rhetoric/memory/place.Carole Blair, Greg Dickinson & Brian L. Ott - 2010 - In Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott, Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. University of Alabama Press.
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    Dialogue in Peirce, Lotman, and Bakhtin.Oliver Laas - 2016 - Sign Systems Studies 44 (4):469-493.
    The notion of dialogue is foundational for both Juri Lotman and Mikhail Bakhtin. It is also central in Charles S. Peirce’s semeiotics and logic. While there are several scholarly comparisons of Bakhtin’s and Lotman’s dialogisms, these have yet to be compared with Peirce’s semeiotic dialogues. This article takes tentative steps toward a comparative study of dialogue in Peirce, Lotman, and Bakhtin. Peirce’s understanding of dialogue is explicated, and compared with both Lotman’s as well as Bakhtin’s conceptions. Lotman saw dialogue as (...)
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    The placenta economy: From trashed to treasured bio-products.Karen A. Foss, Elizabeth Dickinson & Charlotte Kroløkke - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (2):138-153.
    This article examines the human placenta not only as a scientific, medical and biological entity but as a consumer bio-product. In the emergent placenta economy, the human placenta is exchanged and gains potentiality as food, medicine and cosmetics. Drawing on empirical research from the United States, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Japan, the authors use feminist cultural analysis and consumer theories to discuss how the placenta is exchanged and gains commodity status as a medical supplement, smoothie, pill and anti-ageing lotion. (...)
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  25. Musik in der deutschen Philosophie.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Oliver Fürbeth - 2007 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 33:91-92.
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  26. To sleep, perchance to REM? The rediscovered role of emotion and meaning in dreams.Mark Solms & Turnbull & Oliver - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala, Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press.
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    Sābūr Ibn Sahl, Dispensatorium Parvum (al-Aqrābādhīn al-Saghīr)Sabur Ibn Sahl, Dispensatorium Parvum.Daniel Martin Varisco & Oliver Kahl - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):177.
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    Folk psychology won't go away: Response to Allen and Bekoff.Cecilia Heyes & Anthony Dickinson - 1995 - Mind and Language 10 (4):329-332.
    Responding to Allen and Bekoff's (this issue) critique of Heyes and Dickinson's (1990) analysis of the intentionality of animal action, we reiterate that our approach does not assume that a hypothesis can be definitively falsified by the results of a single experiment, and argue that the evolutionary analysis favoured by Allen and Bekoff insulates intentional accounts of animal behaviour from rejection in the usual‘holistic’process of scientific evaluation. Specifically, we present data showing that the maintenance of behaviour on an omission (...)
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    Dispensatorium Parvum.Oliver Kahl (ed.) - 1994 - Brill.
    This source publication of one of the earliest Arabic pharmacopoeias is framed by a philological analysis of the unique manuscript, a biographical sketch of its author, an etymological survey of terms, a glossary, and indices.
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    Engaging change.Craig Gaskell & Kate Dickinson - 2011 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education:1-8.
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    Human freedom in the best of all possible worlds.Oliver A. Johnson - 1954 - Philosophical Quarterly 4 (15):147-155.
  32. On pre-enactments: constructing time loops between the artistic and the political.Oliver Marchart - 2019 - In Reinhold Gorling, Barbara Gronau & Ludger Schwarte, Aesthetics of standstill. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
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    A re-examination of the problem of induction.W. Donald Oliver - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (25):769-780.
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    Knowledge, myth, and action.W. Donald Oliver - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (1):5-11.
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  35. Science education outstanding paper awards.Ronald D. Simpson & J. Steve Oliver - 1991 - Science Education 75 (1):157-158.
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    Local contour symmetry facilitates scene categorization.John Wilder, Morteza Rezanejad, Sven Dickinson, Kaleem Siddiqi, Allan Jepson & Dirk B. Walther - 2019 - Cognition 182 (C):307-317.
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    Christophorus Barck: Wort und Tat bei Homer. (Spudasmata, 34) Pp. xiv + 180. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1976. Paper, DM. 28.80.Oliver Taplin - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (1):103-103.
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    Brain Plasticity and Phenomenal Consciousness.Oliver Kauffmann - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (7-8):46-70.
    The following two questions are addressed: to what extent and in what sense are concepts of consciousness subject to plasticity? And what is the relation between brain plasticity and phenomenal consciousness in particular? To answer these questions I discuss the extension thesis of the mind and also take advantage of a number of results from experimental brain science that demonstrate the brain's plasticity with respect to the processing of sensory information and associated qualitative expression. Interpretations of these results in the (...)
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    Endothelial ontogeny and the establishment of vascular heterogeneity.Oliver A. Stone, Bin Zhou, Kristy Red-Horse & Didier Y. R. Stainier - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2100036.
    The establishment of distinct cellular identities was pivotal during the evolution of Metazoa, enabling the emergence of an array of specialized tissues with different functions. In most animals including vertebrates, cell specialization occurs in response to a combination of intrinsic (e.g., cellular ontogeny) and extrinsic (e.g., local environment) factors that drive the acquisition of unique characteristics at the single‐cell level. The first functional organ system to form in vertebrates is the cardiovascular system, which is lined by a network of endothelial (...)
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  40. Mr. Russell and some recent criticisms of his views.Oliver Strachey - 1915 - Mind 24 (93):16-28.
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    Portraits in Silicon. Robert Slater.Oliver Strimpel - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):134-135.
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    Arabidopsis Thaliana Flammeus (ATF14), 2014.Oliver Sutherland - 2016 - Philosophy of Photography 7 (1):161-170.
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    A further manuscript source for Proclus' hymns.Oliver Thomas - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):828-831.
    In November 2014 I had the pleasure of examining Bruxellensis 11377–80. This paper manuscript was owned by Pierre Pantin at his death in 1611; it occupies no. 30 in his catalogue, where the first text, on fols 1–4, was misidentified as ‘Hymni Homeri’. The next owner, André Schott, repeated the error; Omont uses a page-numeration that completely excludes the current fols 1–4.
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    A New Culture of Energy: Beyond East and West by Luce Irigaray (review).Oliver Thorne - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A New Culture of Energy: Beyond East and West by Luce IrigarayOliver Thorne (bio)A New Culture of Energy: Beyond East and West. By Luce Irigaray, translated by Stephen Seeley, Stephen Pluháček and Antonia Pont. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022. Pp. v + 121. Paperback $25.00, isbn 978-0-231177-13-9.A New Culture of Energy: Beyond East and West, Luce Irigaray's most recent contribution to the traditions and discourses of Eastern (...)
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  45. Creating Problemata with the hippocratic corpus.Oliver Thomas - 2015 - In Robert Mayhew, The Aristotelian Problemata Physica : Philosophical and Scientific Investigations. Boston: Brill.
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    Kant’s “Theory of Music”.Oliver Thorndike - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:416-438.
    One thing to expect from a theory of absolute music is that it explains what makes it so significant to us. Kant rightly observes that the essence of absolute music is our affective response to it. Yet none of the standard 18 th century theories, arousal theory and aesthetic rationalism, can explain both the universality of a judgment of taste and its subjective emotional content. The paper argues that Kant’s own aesthetic theory of aesthetic ideas is on the right path (...)
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    Nine passages of aeschylus, agamemnon.Oliver Thomas - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):491-500.
    The Watchman's bed is not ‘supervised’ by dreams; instead, fear ‘stands in attendance’. The images are medical. He is ill; dream-filled sleep would be a good doctor, but the bad doctor fear is already on the job, preventing him from sleeping well.
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    Cultures of Commemoration: War Memorials, Ancient and Modern.Polly Low & Graham Oliver - 2012 - British Academy.
    P. J. Rhodes: Preface Polly Low and Graham Oliver: Comparing Cultures of Commemoration in Ancient and Modern Societies Polly Low: The Monuments ot the War Dead in Classical Athens: Forms, Contexts, Meanings Alison Cooley: Commemorating the War Dead of the Roman World Angelos Chaniotis: The Ritualised Commemoration of War in the Hellenistic City: Memory, Identity, Emotion Avner Ben-Amos: Two Neo-Classical Monuments in Modern France: The Pantheon and Arc de Triomphe Graham Oliver: Naming the Dead, Writing the Individual: Classical (...)
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    Erratum zu: Écrits sur le système pénitentiaire en France et à l’étranger.Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Siiri Krause - 2021 - In Norbert Campagna, Oliver Hidalgo & Skadi Krause, Tocqueville-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
    Erratum zu:N. Campagna et al.,Tocqueville-Handbuch, sur le système pénitentiaire en France et à l’étra.
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    Education and social integration.William Oliver Stanley - 1953 - New York,: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University.
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