Results for 'Oleg Danilyan'

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  1.  40
    Oleg B. Zaslavskii. The little in a non-Euclidean world: On the artistic space in Tom Stoppard's film and play “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead”. Abstract. [REVIEW]Oleg B. Zaslavskii - 2005 - Sign Systems Studies 33 (2):343-343.
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    (1 other version)The Ethics Laws as a Basis for Building a Cosmic Civilization. The Sofia Republic.Oleg Bazaluk & Svitlana Balinchenko - 2020 - Filosofiâ I Kosmologiâ 24:131-139.
    The authors investigated the relevance of consequentialism in commercial space exploration as well as in the actively developing space market. The authors conclude that space expansion and colonization of space objects will lead to a revision of the foundational consequentialism provisions. Consequentialism, formed during the history of terrestrial civilization, loses its effectiveness under conditions of space commercialization. The basics of planetary thinking are different from those of cosmic thinking. Therefore, considering the meaning of the terms “cosmic expansion” and “colonization of (...)
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  3. Sustainable development of civilization and the global environmental problem.Victor I. Danilov-Danilyan - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin (eds.), Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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    Srednovekovnata obrazovanost : tri studii.Oleg Georgiev - 2002 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Atelie Ab.
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  5. Chto takoe respublikanskai︠a︡ tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡.Oleg Kharkhordin (ed.) - 2009 - Sankt-Peterburg: Evropeĭskiĭ universitet v Sankt-Peterburge.
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  6. General response in a dialectical key.Oleg Mendic - 1971 - In Rocco Caporale & Antonio Grumelli (eds.), The culture of unbelief. Berkeley,: University of California Press. pp. 109--14.
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  7. Nauka i obshchestvo: Sov. i zarubezh. uchenye otvechai︠u︡t na anketu "Lit. gazety": [Sbornik.Oleg Moroz & A. M. Lepikhov (eds.) - 1977 - Moskva: Znanie.
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    The doctrine of love in latin patristics of the IV-v centuries: A literature review of Russian approach.Pavenkov Oleg, Rubtcova Mariia & Pavenkov Vladimir - 2016 - Synesis 8 (2):167-181.
    The paper consists of brief literature review of fundamentals and ways of the Russian approach to the studying of the doctrine of love in Latin Patristic IV-V centuries. This topic is peripheral theme for the Russian science; however, it has some development. The literature review describes the most popular ideas and the reasons for their choice.
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    Filosofskiĭ slovarʹ Svi︠a︡toĭ Rusi.Oleg Platonov - 2017 - Moskva: Rodnai︠a︡ strana.
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    Formal hermeneutics based on Frege duality.Oleg Prosorov - 2005 - In Emar Maier, Corien Bary & Janneke Huitink (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9. Nijmegen Centre for Semantics. pp. 286--298.
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  11. Iskushenie svobodoĭ.Oleg Semak - 2005 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteĭi︠a︡. Edited by A. A. Korolʹkov.
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    Geneze sémantiky hudby a básnictví v moderní české estetice: dvě studie o Otakaru Zichovi.Oleg Sus, Ladislav Soldâan & Duésan Jeérâabek - 1992 - Brno: Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity. Edited by Ladislav Soldán & Dušan Jeřábek.
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  13. Структурные парадоксы русской литературы и поэтика псевдооборванного текста.Oleg B. Zaslavskii - 2006 - Sign Systems Studies 1:261-269.
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    Ancestral war and the evolutionary origins of heroism.Oleg Smirnov, Holly Arrow, Douglas Kennett & John Orbell - manuscript
    Primatological and archaeological evidence along with anthropological accounts of hunter-gatherer societies indicate that lethal between-group violence may have been sufficiently frequent during our ancestral past to have shaped our evolved behavioral repertoire. Two simulations explore the possibility that heroism (risking one's life fighting for the group) evolved as a specialized form of altruism in response to war. We show that war selects strongly for heroism but only weakly for a domain-general altruistic propensity that promotes both heroism and other privately costly, (...)
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    Ontologii v refleksivnom prostranstve.Oleg Sergeevich Anisimov - 2002 - Moskva: Vestnik ASMB.
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    Russkiĭ umostroĭ.Oleg Arin - 2015 - Moskva: ITRK.
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  17.  31
    Greek and Roman Aesthetics.Oleg V. Bychkov & Anne Sheppard (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This anthology of philosophical texts by Greek and Roman authors brings together works from the late fifth century BC to the sixth century AD that comment on major aesthetic issues such as the perception of beauty and harmony in music and the visual arts, structure and style in literature, and aesthetic judgement. It includes important texts by Plato and Aristotle on the status and the role of the arts in society and in education, and Longinus' reflections on the sublime in (...)
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  18.  24
    Criminal Liability for Unlawful Engagement in Economic, Commercial, Financial or Professional Activities: In Search of Optimal Criteria.Oleg Fedosiuk - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):301-317.
    This article focuses on the problem of criminal liability for unlawful engagement in economic activities, analyses the emergence and development of this norm in criminal law and the ways of its optimal explanation. Special attention is paid to the problem of identification of illegality of activities, based on specific tax and economic regulation. The study concludes that criminal liability must be limited to a violation of fundamental requirements for the legality of business, and does not include particular abuses occurring in (...)
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  19. The crisis of the messianic claim: Scholem, Benjamin, Baudelaire.Oleg Gelikman - 2014 - In Anna Glazova & Paul North (eds.), Messianic thought outside theology. New York: Fordham University Press.
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  20. The problem of individuation in De Divisione Naturae (John Scot Eriugena)-Body and individuality.Oleg Georgiev - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (1):47-56.
  21. Metodologicheskie problemy prazvitii︠a︡ matematicheskogo poznanii︠a︡.Oleg Ivanovich Kedrovskiĭ - 1977 - Vyshcha Shkola.
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  22. Iskusstvo i ideologii︠a︡.Oleg Alekseevich Makarov - 1977
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  23. Lunacharskiĭ.Oleg Aleksandrovich Pavlovskiĭ - 1980 - Moskva: Myslʹ.
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  24. Розвиток газового ринку в сучасній енергетичній стратегії україни.Oleg Shvydkyi - 2013 - Схід 6 (126):186-191.
    У статті досліджуються проблеми функціонування газового ринку України в контексті критеріїв ефективності, відкритості, транспарентності, міжнародної конкурентоспроможності. Оцінений потенціал нарощування власного видобутку газу із традиційних та нетрадиційних джерел з урахуванням природно-ресурсних, технологічних, соціально-економічних, управлінських і геополітичних факторів. Окреслені шляхи розвитку розвідки, видобутку, транспортування, зберігання й дистрибуції природного газу. Обґрунтована необхідність розширення та організаційно-правового оформлення міжнародного співробітництва зі світовими ТНК у цих сферах. Підкреслено критичну значущість для України активної політики енергоефективності й газозаміщення.
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    Geneze sémantiky hudby a básnictví v moderní české estetice: dvě studie o Otakaru Zichovi.Oleg Sus, Ladislav Soldán & Dusan Jerábek - 1992 - Brno: Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity. Edited by Ladislav Soldán & Dušan Jeřábek.
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  26. Filosofii︠a︡ Kuby.Oleg Sergeevich Ternovoĭ - 1972
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    La filosofía en Cuba, 1790-1878.Oleg Sergeevich Ternovoĭ - 1981 - La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
  28. Маленький человек в неевклидовом мире: О художественном пространстве в фильме и пьесе т. стоппарда “розенкранц и гильденстерн мертвы”.Oleg B. Zaslavskii - 2005 - Sign Systems Studies 2:343-367.
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    Structural paradoxes of Russian literature and poetics of pseudobroken text.Oleg B. Zaslavskii - 2006 - Sign Systems Studies 34 (1).
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    Coping Behavior of Orthodox Religious Students in Russia.Oleg Pavenkov, Ilya Shmelev & Mariia Rubtcova - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (44):205-224.
    This article presents a study of coping behavior regarding Orthodox religious students in Russia. The paper analyzes the investigation results concerning psychological features of modern Orthodox students from two universities in Russia. The data collection methods are: Folkman and Lazarus’s coping-test, Smirnov’s psychometric techniques "Questionnaire of religious activity" and Shcherbatykh’s "Test for revealing of the level of individual religiosity". The study suggests that coping behavior is connected with the level of religiosity.
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  31. A Marxist Perspective on Contemporary Religious Revivals.Oleg Mandić - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Vladimir F. Ern and Semyon L. Frank: A Dispute on the Distinguishing Features of Russian Philosophy.Oleg V. Marchenko - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (4):289-301.
    This article addresses the famous 1910 debate between Vladimir F. Ern and Semyon L. Frank centered around the problem of identifying the distinguishing features of Russian philosophy. The debate was a continuation of Ern’s debates with Russian philosophers associated with the international journal Logos (Sergei I. Hessen, Fyodor A. Stepun, Boris V. Yakovenko, and others). The author shows that Ern’s understanding of an original Russian philosophy is organically related to his overall philosophical doctrine. As for Frank, his views during the (...)
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    Discursive thinking through of education: learning from those who transform the universe.Oleg Bazaluk - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book is a contribution to the philosophical discourse on education. Education is considered as a tool of philosophy. Education (paideia) and politics (politeia) are equal in importance for building a sustainable society free from feud and unhappiness. Discursive thinking through of education is based on Plato's dialogues and the results of epistemological, metaphysical and ethical research in the fields of cosmology, biology and neuroscience. The author demonstrates the potential of the threefold scheme of philosophy, a Platone philosophandi ratio triplex, (...)
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ Zhan-Li︠u︡ka Nansi.Oleg Domanov - 2008 - Novosibirsk: In-t filosofii i prava SO RAN. Edited by V. P. Gorin.
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    Value Added Tax Fraud: Conception and the Basis of Legal Evaluation (text only in Lithuanian).Oleg Fedosiuk - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):169-187.
    Evasion of value added tax (VAT) is a pressing criminal justice problem; however, there still are no theoretical studies on the specific nature of this offense and the basis of its legal evaluation. This article is an attempt to explain the preconditions of the origin of this type of fraud and its connection with the Value Added Tax Law, to formulate the conceptual understanding of the offense, to reveal the important aspects of its legal evaluation and to discuss relevant examples (...)
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    Muzica și sensul sincretic al nostalgiei.Oleg Garaz - 2011 - Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință.
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    Ars vel scientia (disciplina)?: iz istorii︠a︡ta na prakticheskata rat︠s︡ionalnost v Antichnostta i Rannoto latinsko srednovekovie.Oleg Georgiev - 2020 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Tvorcheskoe nasledie Rerikhov i sovremennoe poznanie mira: materialy regionalʹnykh obshchestvenno-nauchnykh konferent︠s︡iĭ, 2002-2003.Oleg Mikhaĭlovich Glazunov & L. M. Bakunin (eds.) - 2003 - Irkutsk: Izd-vo Instituta geografii SO RAN.
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    Oblichatʹ i lit︠s︡emeritʹ: genealogii︠a︡ rossiĭskoĭ lichnosti.Oleg Kharkhordin - 2016 - Sankt-Peterburg: Evropeĭskiĭ universitet v Sankt-Peterburge.
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  40. Ėsteticheskiĭ ideal i sovremennostʹ.Oleg Vladimirovich Larmin - 1964 - Izd-Vo Moskovskogo Universiteta.
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  41. Ėsteticheskoe vospitanie v period razvitogo sot︠s︡ializma.Oleg Vladimirovich Larmin - 1976 - Moskva: Znanie.
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  42. Розвиток законодавства про створення й діяльність політичних партій.Oleg Leonov - 2011 - Схід 3 (110):103-110.
    У статті висвітлюються та досліджуються процеси становлення й розвитку законодавства про створення й діяльність політичних партій у сучасній Україні. Автор аналізує чинне законодавство України та формулює необхідність його вдосконалення, зауважуючи, що головною запорукою успіху законотворчої діяльності держави в царині розбудови законодавства щодо політичних партій є активна участь громадян у суспільно-політичному житті країни, залучення громадськості до обговорення стану й перспектив розвитку законодавства, принаймні того, що безпосередньо регулює реалізацію громадянських прав і свобод.
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  43. Пошуки нових підходів до ведення сільського господарства в українській рср у період "розвинутого соціалізму".Oleg Malyarchuk - 2015 - Схід 3 (135).
    National scientists have elaborated the reform's gist, approaches, stages and consequences in the Ukrainian agricultural sector during the XX - XXI centuries. These studies have been conducted by N. Zhulkanych, S. Zhyvora, M. Zyza, M. Lendiel, E. Mazur, O. Malyarchuk, V. Nechytailo and many others. The paper aims to perform the comprehensive study of general trends and peculiar features of the agricultural development of the Ukrainian SSR in 1963-1990 and to define actual advances and drawbacks on the basis of analysis (...)
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  44. Država i pravo.Oleg Mandić - 1962 - Zagreb,: Narodne novine.
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    Sistem i interpretacija prava.Oleg Mandić - 1971 - Zagreb,: "Narodne novine.".
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  46. The Marxist school of Sociology: What is Sociology in a Marxist sense?Oleg Mandić - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  47. V poiskakh garmonii.Oleg Moroz - 1978 - Moskva: Atomizdat.
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    On a multilattice analogue of a hypersequent S5 calculus.Oleg Grigoriev & Yaroslav Petrukhin - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
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    The Formation of Students’ Competencies during their Participation in Competitions of Applied Scientific Researches.Oleg N. Galaktionov, Yuriy V. Sukhanov, Aleksey S. Vasilyev, Artur S. Kozyr & Yelena A. Kempy - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (68):15-27.
    The relevance of the problem under study is due to the need to improve the practical skills and competencies of students in the course of training in order to prepare them for competition with other job seekers in employment. In this regard, this article is aimed at identifying the expediency of students’ participation in competitive selections and grants as a factor that creates conditions for effective practice-oriented learning. The leading method for the study of this problem is a pedagogical experiment, (...)
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    Nikolai O. Lossky’s Intuitivism and Personalism in the Context of Russian Philosophy.Oleg T. Ermishin - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (4):302-309.
    This article is dedicated to Nikolai O. Lossky’s intuitivism and personalism and their significance in the context of Russian philosophy. The author demonstrates how Lossky’s study of Russian philosophy influenced his work and allowed him to take a second look at a number of philosophical issues, indicating ways to develop them further. As a result of his research, Lossky discovered ideas close to his own in the works of various other Russian philosophers. Lossky became especially interested in two authors, Vladimir (...)
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