Results for 'Olaf Schlotte'

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    30 Gedanken zum Tod.Martin W. Schnell, Christian Schulz, Olaf Schlotte & Klaus Honnef (eds.) - 2016 - Berlin: Nicolai.
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    Lorenz Oken and "Naturphilosophie" in Jena, Paris and London.Olaf Breidbach & Michael Ghiselin - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (2):219 - 247.
    Although Lorenz Oken is a classic example of Naturphilosophie as applied to biology, his views have been imperfectly understood. He is best viewed as a follower of Schelling who consistently attempted to apply Schelling's ideas to biological data. His version of Naturphilosophie, however, was strongly influenced by older pseudoscience traditions, especially alchemy and numerology as they had been presented by Robert Fludd, whose works were current in Jena and available to him. According to those influences, parts of Oken's philosophical conception (...)
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  3. Out-of-body experience, heautoscopy, and autoscopic hallucination of neurological origin. Implications for neurocognitive mechanisms of corporeal awareness and self consciousness.Olaf Blanke & Christine Mohr - 2005 - Brain Research Reviews 50 (1):184-199.
  4. Hill's Heuristics and Explanatory Coherentism in Epidemiology.Olaf Dammann - 2018 - American Journal of Epidemiology 187 (1):1-6.
    In this essay, I argue that Ted Poston's theory of explanatory coherentism is well-suited as a tool for causal explanation in the health sciences, particularly in epidemiology. Coherence has not only played a role in epidemiology for more than half a century as one of Hill's viewpoints, it can also provide background theory for the development of explanatory systems by integrating epidemiologic evidence with a diversity of other error-independent data. I propose that computational formalization of Hill's viewpoints in an explanatory (...)
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  5. Internal representations--a prelude for neurosemantics.Olaf Breidbach - 1999 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 20 (4):403-419.
    Following the concept of internal representations, signal processing in a neuronal system has to be evaluated exclusively on the basis of internal system characteristics. Thus, this approach omits the external observer as a control function for sensory integration. Instead, the configuration of the system and its computational performance are the effects of endogeneous factors. Such self-referential operation is due to a strictly local computation in a network. Thereby, computations follow a set of rules that constitutes the emergent behaviour of the (...)
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  6. The science and the sciences.Olaf Breidbach - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    Die Philosophie im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert: in memoriam Konstanty Michalski (1879-1947).Olaf Pluta (ed.) - 1988 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
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    So̊ren Kiergaard, sein leben und seine werke.Olaf Peder Monrad - 1909 - Jena,: E. Diederichs.
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    Freedom. Its Meaning. Edited by Ruth Nanda Anshen. (George Allen & Unwin. 1942. Pp. 335. Price 16s.).Olaf Stapledon - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (70):180-.
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    Assessment by peer-review panels and by practical users of applied research on issues of Local Governments in Norway.Olaf Rieper - 1995 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 8 (1):45-62.
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    Causation in Population Health Informatics and Data Science.Olaf Dammann & Benjamin Smart - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Springer Verlag.
    This book covers the overlap between informatics, computer science, philosophy of causation, and causal inference in epidemiology and population health research. Key concepts covered include how data are generated and interpreted, and how and why concepts in health informatics and the philosophy of science should be integrated in a systems-thinking approach. Furthermore, a formal epistemology for the health sciences and public health is suggested. -/- Causation in Population Health Informatics and Data Science provides a detailed guide of the latest thinking (...)
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    The Etiological Stance: Explaining Illness Occurrence.Olaf Dammann - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (2):151-165.
    Models of illness causation play a crucial role in medicine and public health. In their recent paper on this topic, Michael Kelly, Rachel Kelly, and Federica Russo state that the integration of social, biological, and behavioral causes in one and the same etiologic mechanism remains to be clarified. In particular, they think that current models of illness causation do not appreciate "the truly integrated nature of bio-social-behavioral pathogenesis". In brief, Kelly, Kelly, and Russo suggest that two levels of explanation are (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science.Hermann Weyl & Olaf Helmer - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 2 (7):257-260.
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  14. Classes of network connectivity and dynamics.Olaf Sporns & Giulio Tononi - 2001 - Complexity 7 (1):28-38.
    Many kinds of complex systems exhibit characteristic patterns of temporal correlations that emerge as the result of functional interactions within a structured network. One such complex system is the brain, composed of numerous neuronal units linked by synaptic connections. The activity of these neuronal units gives rise to dynamic states that are characterized by specific patterns of neuronal activation and co-activation. These patterns, called functional connectivity, are possible neural correlates of perceptual and cognitive processes. Which functional connectivity patterns arise depends (...)
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  15. Etiological Explanations: Illness Causation Theory.Olaf Dammann - 2020 - Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press.
    Theory of illness causation is an important issue in all biomedical sciences, and solid etiological explanations are needed in order to develop therapeutic approaches in medicine and preventive interventions in public health. Until now, the literature about the theoretical underpinnings of illness causation research has been scarce and fragmented, and lacking a convenient summary. This interdisciplinary book provides a convenient and accessible distillation of the current status of research into this developing field, and adds a personal flavor to the discussion (...)
  16. Neonatal sepsis as a cause of retinopathy of prematurity: An etiological explanation.Olaf Dammann & Brian Stansfield - 2023 - Progress in Retina and Eye Research 98 (101230).
    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a complex neonatal disorder with multiple contributing factors. In this paper we have mounted the evidence in support of the proposal that neonatal sepsis meets all requirements for being a cause of ROP (not a condition, mechanism, or even innocent bystander) by means of initiating the early stages of the pathomechanism of ROP occurrence, systemic inflammation. We use the model of etiological explanation, which distinguishes between two overlapping processes in ROP causation. It can be shown (...)
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    Oktober 1732 - Dezember 1733.Michael Schlott & Rüdiger Otto - 2015 - In Johann ChristophHG Gottsched (ed.), Briefwechsel : Unter Einschluss des Briefwechsels von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched. De Gruyter. pp. 303-582.
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    Erasmus en Leuven.Olaf Hendriks - 1946 - Bussum,: P. Brand.
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    Die ‚epochale Metapher‘ aus Sicht der kognitiv–linguistischen Metapherntheorie.Olaf Jäkel - 2014 - In Benjamin Specht (ed.), Epoche Und Metapher: Systematik Und Geschichte Kultureller Bildlichkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 59-84.
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    Briefwechsel (1731-1733): Unter Einschluss des Briefwechsels von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched.Michael Schlott & Rüdiger Otto - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766) is considered to be one of the greatest scholars of the Early German Enlightenment. As a professor for poetics in Leipzig, he worked towards a reformation of the German language and a renaissance in German drama. His extensive correspondence and social contacts made him a ‚European event‘ and his papers are being presented here in a standard edition: 25 volumes, approx. 6,000 letters to and from Gottsched, predominantly in German, are being published with a critical apparatus (...)
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    Verzeichnis der Absendeorte.Michael Schlott & Rüdiger Otto - 2015 - In Michael Schlott & Rüdiger Otto (eds.), Briefwechsel (1731-1733): Unter Einschluss des Briefwechsels von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched. De Gruyter.
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  22. Beyond the "isms".Olaf Stapledon - 1942 - London: Secker & Warburg.
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  23. Heisenberg and Gödel in the light of constructivist evolutionary epistemology.Olaf Diettrich - 1994 - Ludus Vitalis 2 (2):119-134.
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  24. Zum Verhaltnis Von Spekulativer Philosophie Und Biologie Im 19 Jahrhundert.Olaf Breidbach - 1985 - Philosophia Naturalis 22 (3):385-399.
    In his study on 'schelling's and hegel's verhaltnis zur naturwissenschaft' of 1844 m j schleiden, one of the leading biologists of that time, opposed the speculative idealism. his work marks the change of the german biology to a science that is founded on materialistic assumptions. it gives the essence of a discussion that is not only interesting in a historical perspective but accentuated an ongoing controversy.
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  25. Observational research.Olaf M. Dekkers & Jane P. Vandenbroucke - 2016 - In Miriam Solomon, Jeremy R. Simon & Harold Kincaid (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Replik zu den Kommentaren.Olaf L. Müller - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 76 (3):456-459.
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    (1 other version)Early physics and astronomy: a historical introduction.Olaf Pedersen - 1974 - New York: American Elsevier. Edited by Mogens Pihl.
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    Księga Natury.Olaf Pedersen - 1992 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 14.
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  29. Mennesket og teknikken.Olaf Pedersen - 1950 - København,: A. Frost-Hansen.
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    A Modern Theory of Ethics: A Study of the Relations of Ethics and Psychology.Olaf Stapledon - 2009 - Methuen & Co.
    Note: The University of Adelaide Library eBooks @ Adelaide.
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  31. Language matters: reflexive notes on representing the Irish language revival in Catholic West Belfast.Olaf Zenker - 2010 - In Olaf Zenker & Karsten Kumoll (eds.), Beyond Writing Culture: Current Intersections of Epistemologies and Representational Practices. Berghahn Books.
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  32. Prologue: Opening doors beyond writing culture.Olaf Zenker & Karsten Kumoll - 2010 - In Olaf Zenker & Karsten Kumoll (eds.), Beyond Writing Culture: Current Intersections of Epistemologies and Representational Practices. Berghahn Books.
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  33. Probieren - Verfahren, Zwiespalt, Schweigen und Hoffnung in der Wissenschaft.Olaf Dammann - manuscript
    Dieser Aufsatz beschreibt und erörtert fünf Aspekte der gegenwärtigen Wissenschaft: Verfahren, Zwiespalt, Schweigen, Hoffnung, und Probieren.
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    A syntactical definition of probability and of degree of confirmation.Olaf Helmer & Paul Oppenheim - 1945 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):25-60.
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    Philosophy and living.Olaf Stapledon - 1939 - Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng.,: Penguin Books.
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  36. Zitierte Zeichenreihen.Olaf Müller - 1996 - Erkenntnis 44 (3):279 - 304.
    We use quotation marks when we wish to refer to an expression. We can and do so refer even when this expression is composed of characters that do not occur in our alphabet. That's why Tarski, Quine, and Geach's theories of quotation don't work. The proposals of Davidson, Frege, and C. Washington, however, do not provide a plausible account of quotation either. (Section I). The problem is to construct a Tarskian theory of truth for an object language that contains quotation (...)
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    Perelman versus gödel.Olaf Helmer - 1937 - Mind 46 (181):58-60.
  38. Goethe contra Newton on Colours, Light, and the Philosophy of Science.Olaf Müller - 2017 - In Marcos Silva (ed.), How Colours Matter to Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
    Goethe carried out an enormous number of experiments before criticizing Newton's theory of light and colours in the Farbenlehre (1810). He managed to show that Newton's reasoning is based on a rather narrow choice of experiments, in which parameters such as the distance between the prism and the screen are fixed arbitrarily: Newton's famous spectrum (with its green centre) occurs only at a specific distance. Once you reduce the distance, the green centre disappears, and you see the two border spectra (...)
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    Dynamics in responsible behaviour in search of mechanisms for coping with responsibility.Olaf Fisscher, André Nijhof & Herman Steensma - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (2-3):209 - 224.
    In this article the authors focus on the emergence, or disappearance, of notions of responsibility in social dynamic processes. Hence, the starting point in this article is concrete behavior within organisational settings. This article presents a systematic overview of mechanisms related to acting upon a sense of moral responsibility. Some of these mechanisms are based on individual characteristics, others are embedded in the social context wherein responsible behaviour emerges or disappears. In this article, various mechanisms are identified and labelled in (...)
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  40. Concepts of Rationality before 1800 and Today.Olaf Breidbach - 2012 - Annuario Filosofico 28:261-274.
    Concepts of enlightenment were developed and transmitted to modern times. From that perspective, one has to understand classic and romanticism as a kind of culmination of European enlightenment, thereby describing romanticisms as a European phenomenon. Here, our ideas of freedom, personality and governance, the concept of science, the idea of rationality and, in particular, the disciplinarily defined rationality originated. It is the Kantian perspective, by which we now look on rationality. It is the Hegelian idea of system and coherence, we (...)
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    Das Organische in Hegels Denken: Studie zur Naturphilosophie und Biologie um 1800.Olaf Breidbach - 1982 - Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Nachruf auf Erika Krauße.Olaf Breidbach - 2004 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 12 (1):51-59.
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    Thinking and imagination: between science and art.Olaf Breidbach - 2015 - Aurora, Colorado: The Davies Group, Publishers. Edited by Federico Vercellone.
  44. Brill Online Books and Journals.Olaf Briese, R. Jeremy Kaus, Joachim Petzold, Thomas Hoeren, Manfred Walther & Wolfgang von Löhneysen - 1995 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 47 (1).
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  45. Springflut des Bösen.Olaf Briese - 1994 - Philosophische Rundschau 41 (3):245.
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    Vermenschlichung Gottes oder Vergötterung des Menschen?: Die zwei anthropotheistischen Lesarten von Feuerbachs Das Wesen des Christentums.Olaf Briese - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 69 (4):309-322.
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    Gott und die Welt Zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Religion.Olaf Diettrich - 2008 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 50 (1):1-15.
    ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDie Kirche sieht sich in der Zuständigkeit für die Verwaltung des Transzendenten. Gestützt auf die Genesis erhebt sie aber auch den Erklärungsanspruch für die Entstehung der irdischen Welt. Jedoch weicht sie hier mehr und mehr der naturwissenschaftlichen Konkurrenz. Selbst die Evolutionstheorie wird heute nicht mehr rundweg abgelehnt. Die Neubewertung des Realitäts-begriffs und der Naturgesetze durch die evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie zeigt jedoch, dass auch der Erklärungsanspruch empirischer Weltbilder überdacht werden muss, was nicht ohne Einfluss auf das Verhältnis zu den religiösen Weltbildern bleibt.Viel (...)
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  48. Kann es eine ontologiefreie evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie geben?Olaf Diettrich - 1997 - Philosophia Naturalis 34 (1):71-105.
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    Diskussionsbeitrag zum Thema: Homosexualität und ethische Selbstverwirklichung.Olaf Düsterbehn - 1962 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 6 (1):374-377.
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    Die Divina comedia als Zeugnis des Glaubens: Dante und die Liturgie. Mit 5 Bildtafeln nach Mosaiken von Ravenna.Olaf Graf - 1965 - Herder.
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