Results for 'Oejin Shin'

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  1.  18
    Teacher-student ratings of social, emotional, behavioural needs among high school freshmen students.Kevin Tan, Jenna White, Oejin Shin, Shongha Kim & Minh Dung Hoang Le - forthcoming - Tandf: Educational Studies:1-19.
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  2. Hisamatsu Shinʼichi Bukkyō kōgi.Shinʼichi Hisamatsu - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan. Edited by Yukio Kawasaki & Seishi Ishii.
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  3. Hisamatsu Shinʾichi chosaku shū.Shinʼichi Hisamatsu - 1970
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    Review of Sun-Joo Shin: The Logical Status of Diagrams[REVIEW]Sun-joo Shin - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (2):290-291.
  5.  21
    Treating Moral Harm as Social Harm: Toward a Restorative Ethics of Christian Responsibility.Wonchul Shin & Elizabeth M. Bounds - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):153-169.
    This essay explores small “ordinary” experiences of moral harm as problems of social injustice. Starting with two stories, we first argue against a dominant framework of personal responsibility that assigns responsibility to particular blameworthy agents. Instead we sketch an account of why structural responsibility for social harm must be considered, drawing on the work of Iris Marion Young and Pierre Bourdieu. Finally, drawing on Margaret Walker’s notion of moral repair and Christopher Marshall’s interpretation of the parable of the Good Samaritan, (...)
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    Successfully remembering a belief and the problem of forgotten evidence.Shin Sakuragi - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    The problem of forgotten evidence consists of a pair of scenarios originally proposed by Alvin Goldman. In the “forgotten good evidence” and “forgotten bad evidence” scenarios, subjects hold the same memory belief while irreversibly forgetting its original, though different, pieces of evidence. The two scenarios pose a series of challenges to current time slice (CTS) theories, which posit that memory beliefs are justified solely by contemporaneous states. Goldman’s two scenarios pose an apparent dilemma to CTS theories given a naïve picture (...)
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    Seoktan Lee Shin-Ui's the Characteristic and Interpretation of Deahak.Changho Shin - 2012 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 35:223-248.
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    Confucianism and Democratization in East Asia.Doh Chull Shin - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    For decades, scholars and politicians have vigorously debated whether Confucianism is compatible with democracy, yet little is known about how it affects the process of democratization in East Asia. In this book, Doh Chull Shin examines the prevalence of core Confucian legacies and their impacts on civic and political orientations in six Confucian countries: China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam. Analyses of the Asian Barometer and World Values surveys reveal that popular attachment to Confucian legacies has mixed (...)
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    Adjustment to Subtle Time Constraints and Power Law Learning in Rapid Serial Visual Presentation.Jacqueline C. Shin, Seah Chang & Yang Seok Cho - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Heiwa no seiji shisōshi.Shin Chiba (ed.) - 2009 - Tōkyō: Ōfū.
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    Religion in Time of Postmetaphysics.Shin-Hann Choi - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 82:493-509.
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    A Study of Humanitarian Intervention and its Implications of Moral Education.Shin Won Dong - 2017 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (115):69-103.
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  13. Tōyō-teki mu.Shin Ichi Hisamatsu & Jikai Fujiyoshi - 1987 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha. Edited by Jikai Fujiyoshi.
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    On Memory Knowledge.Shin Sakuragi - 2010 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 43 (1):61-77.
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    (1 other version)Axiomatization of the First‐Order Intermediate Logics of Bounded Kripkean Heights I.Shin'ichi Yokota - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (5):415-421.
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  16. Shin kagaku seishin.Hiroshi Kuriyama, Shin Satō & Chikio Hayashi (eds.) - 1987 - Tōkyō: Kokubunsha.
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  17. Kōfukuron nōto.Shinʾichi Eguchi - 1970
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  18. Meiji ronrigaku shi kenkyū.Shin'ichi Funayama - 1966 - Risosha.
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  19. Jitsuzon to genjitsu.Shinʾichi Mashita - 1948
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  20.  34
    Frege's Redundancy Thesis.Shin Sakuragi - 2006 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 39 (1):29-45.
  21. Some Simple Consequences of the Loss of Information in a Spacetime with a Horizon.Shin Takagi - 1990 - In Wojciech H. Zurek, Complexity, Entropy, and the Physics of Information. Addison-Wesley. pp. 53.
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    Three Boys on a Great Vehicle: ‘Mahayana Buddhism’ and a Trans-National Network.Shin'ichi Yoshinaga - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (1):52-65.
    From 1915–1916 there was in Kyoto a trans-national group of Buddhists named the Mahayana Association, which published an English Buddhist periodical, Mahayanist. Two members of the Mahayana Association, William Montgomery McGovern and M. T. Kirby, were among the earliest cases of Westerners ordained in the tradition of Mahayana Buddhism in Japan. Kirby explored the temples of Jōdo Shinshū and the monastic life of Rinzai Zen and Theravada Buddhism in search of salvation. McGovern, on the other hand, had been searching for (...)
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  23.  30
    Structuring Memory Through Inference‐Based Event Segmentation.Yeon Soon Shin & Sarah DuBrow - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (1):106-127.
    Shin and DuBrow propose that a key principle driving event segmentation relates to causal analyses: specifically, that experiences that are attributed as having the same underlying cause are grouped together into an event. This offers an alternative to accounts of segmentation based on prediction error.
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  24.  39
    Rethinking Mircea Eliade’s Philosophical Foundations.Shin Ahn - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:19-25.
    This paper examines philosophical foundations of Mircea Eliade's creative hermeneutics. Analyzing his concept of “terror of history” and autobiography, I will argue that his philosophy of religion is useful for Korean scholars to recognize the meaning of Korean religions, which have been overlooked by Western scholars of religions. Paying attention to the continuities between his life and thought, I will explain Eliade’s “primitive ontology” and defend recent criticisms of his method and theory. His views on “new humanism” and “cosmic religion” (...)
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  25.  14
    How implicit image of woman changed in Japanese sixth-grade children after a gender equality education lesson.Shin Akita & Kazuo Mori - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (2):153-159.
    Ninety-two Japanese elementary school sixth-graders (46 boys and 46 girls; 11–12 years old) learned the quota system as part of gender equality education. We used a group performance implicit association test (Mori, Uchida, and Imada, 2008) to evaluate the lesson's effect by assessing the children's image of “woman” before and after the class. The results showed that the image of “woman” among boys improved significantly from neutral to positive through the lesson. We also found that girls’ implicit image of “woman” (...)
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  26.  43
    The Formation of Modern Concept of Sovereignty and its Significance - Focusing on the Relationship with Human Rights in International Relations -.Shin Won Dong - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (118):137-169.
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    Bilingual Object Naming: A Connectionist Model.Shin-Yi Fang, Benjamin D. Zinszer, Barbara C. Malt & Ping Li - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:179499.
    Patterns of object naming often differ between languages, but bilingual speakers develop convergent naming patterns in their two languages that are distinct from those of monolingual speakers of each language. This convergence appears to reflect interactions between lexical representations for the two languages. In this study, we developed a self-organizing connectionist model to simulate semantic convergence in the bilingual lexicon and investigate the mechanisms underlying this semantic convergence. We examined the similarity of patterns in the simulated data to empirical data (...)
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  28. Activating Academic Voice: Explorations of the Media Landscape.Shin Mizukoshi - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):147-163.
    This essay examines the role of voice-centred media practices in promoting public engagement and enhancing academic research in a media environment dominated by platform capitalism. It argues that developing academic researchers’ media literacy is essential to their understanding of how communication spaces are created and managed. Through the ‘Let’s Read the “Terms of Service” Out Loud!’ workshop, participants explored the often-overlooked implications of digital media and platform use. This activity raises awareness of the personal data exchange inherent in platform capitalism. (...)
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  29. Tetsugaku nyūmon.Shinʼichirō Nishi - 1948
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    Jinmei no tokubetsu o iwazu/iu.Shin'ya Tateiwa - 2022 - Tōkyō-to Taitō-ku: Chikuma Shobō.
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  31. Ryōshi rikigaku to watakushi.Shin'ichirō Tomonaga - 2002 - Tōkyō: Misuzu Shobō. Edited by Yoshio Yamaguchi.
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  32. Sokumuteki jitsuzon.Shin®Ichi Hisamatsu, Yukio Kawasaki & Seishi Ishii - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan. Edited by Yukio Kawasaki & Seishi Ishii.
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  33. Les problèmes de la traduction et la modernitè japonaise.Shin-Ichi Ichikawa - 1999 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 92:91-100.
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  34. Sengo Nihon no daigaku gakumon o dame ni shita kyōju hyaku-ichinin.Shinʼichi Ikeda - 1978
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    Aktualʹnye problemy i︠u︡ridicheskoĭ nauki: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik stateĭ.S. S. Manʹshin & V. N. Safonov (eds.) - 1998 - Kursk: Izd-vo Regionalʹnogo otkrytogo sot︠s︡. in-ta.
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  36. Jidai ni ikiru shisō.Shinʾichi Mashita - 1971
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  37. Kyōgaku no setsu.Shinʼichirō Nishi - 1939
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  38. (1 other version)Rei no igo to kōzō.Shinʾichirō Nishi - 1937 - Edited by Natsujirō[From Old Catalog] Koito.
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  39. Stochastic description of complex and simple spike firing in cerebellar Purkinje cells.Soon-Lim Shin - unknown
    Cerebellar Purkinje cells generate two distinct types of spikes, complex and simple spikes, both of which have conventionally been considered to be highly irregular, suggestive of certain types of stochastic processes as underlying mechanisms. Interestingly, however, the interspike interval structures of complex spikes have not been carefully studied so far. We showed in a previous study that simple spike trains are actually composed of regular patterns and single interspike intervals, a mixture that could not be explained by a simple rate-modulated (...)
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  40.  6
    The Covenantal Interpretation of the Business Corporation.Kihyoung Shin - 2001 - United Press of America.
    The purpose of this book is to compare and analyse covenantal and contractual models, which are used to arrange and order complex relationships of the business corporation. This book will show that covenant and contract are different concepts for envisioning responsible relationships, and that covenantal interpretation is superior to contractual interpretation. The difference and superiority of the covenantal model comes from its connectional understanding of human nature, the purpose of the business corporation, and moral values. Thus, this book argues that (...)
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  41. The Universal Aspects of Korean Buddhist Precepts.Sung-Hyun Shin - 2003 - In Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt, Buddhist thought and culture in India and Korea. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 129.
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    Maximizing Local Effect of HIV Prevention Resources.Shin-Yi Wu, Deborah Cohen, Lu Shi & Thomas Farley - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (3):127-132.
    Comparing estimates of the cost-effectiveness of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) interventions can help communities select an HIV prevention portfolio to meet local needs efficiently. The authors developed a spreadsheet tool to estimate the relative cost-effectiveness of 26 HIV prevention interventions. HIV prevalence of the population at risk and the cost per person reached were the two most important factors determining cost-effectiveness. In low-prevalence populations, the most cost-effective interventions had a low per-person cost. Among the most cost-effective interventions overall were showing (...)
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  43. Peirce and the logical status of diagrams.Sun-Joo Shin - 1994 - History and Philosophy of Logic 15 (1):45-68.
    In this paper, I aim to identify Peirce?s great contribution to logical diagrams and its limit.Peirce is the first person who believed that the same logical status can be given to diagrams as to symbolic systems.Even though this belief led him to invent his own graphical system, Existential Graphs, the success or failure of this system does not determine the value of Peirce?s general insights about logical diagrams.In order to make this point clear, I will show that Peirce?s revolutionary ideas (...)
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  44. The Iconic Logic of Peirce's Graphs.Sun-joo Shin - 2003 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 39 (1):127-133.
  45. Valid Reasoning and Visual Representation.Sun-joo Shin - 1991 - Dissertation, Stanford University
    This thesis challenges a general prejudice against visualization in the history of logic and mathematics, by providing a semantic analysis of two graphical representation systems--a traditional Venn diagram representation system and an extension of it. While Venn diagrams have been used to solve problems in set theory and to test the validity of syllogisms in logic, they have not been considered valid proofs but heuristic tools for finding valid formal proofs. ;I present Venn diagrams which have been used in logic (...)
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    Seeing The Gardener Vallier: Cézanne and Merleau-Ponty’s Aesthetics of Doubt.Shin Young Park - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 9 (1):17-29.
    This article looks closely at one of Paul Cézanne’s portraits of Vallier painted the last year of his life to examine how his (“fugitive”) vision works through his use of colors. The French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who in his phenomenology views the body as the primary locus of having and therefore knowing the world, emphasizes the vital role of the body of the artist that must be offered to the world in order to truly manifest the world in painting. It (...)
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  47.  21
    Schleiermacher und Spinoza im Blick auf den Begriff der Anschauung.Shin-Hann Choi - 2013 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 67:289-309.
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  48. N.F. Fedorov i ego voronezhskoe okruzhenie: 1894-1901: statʹi, pisʹma, vospominanii︠a︡ v Voronezhe.A. N. Akinʹshin - 1998 - Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo gos. universiteta. Edited by O. Lasunskiĭ.
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    Schleiermachers Begriff der Menschheit.Shin-Hann Choi - 2012 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 63 (null):75-95.
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  50. Ningengakuteki yuibutsuron no tachiba to taikei.Shin'ichi Funayama - 1971
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