Olivier Martin [5]Oscar Martín [4]Oliver Martin [3]Olive Martin [2]
Opal-Dawn Martin [1]Olwenn Martin [1]O. Martin [1]
  1.  55
    The ethics of using chapter XI as a management strategy.Mahmoud Salem & Opal-Dawn Martin - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (2):95 - 104.
    In the past decade, the use of the Chapter XI has soared to the detriment of many creditors, workers, and consumers. A good number of cases were not based on imminent insolvency, but on firms attempts to avoid litigation claims against them, to terminate labor or other contractual obligations, or to gain new financing.These filings for Chapter XI highlight the use of bank-ruptcy as a strategic option used by management in running a viable organization. This usage is even advised by (...)
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    “A Moment of Science, Please”: Activism, Community, and Humor at the March for Science.Olwenn Martin, Jamie Lewis, Neil Stephens, Photini Vrikki & Hauke Riesch - 2021 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 41 (2-3):46-57.
    In April 2017, scientists and science sympathizers held marches in the United Kingdom as part of a coordinated international March for Science movement that was held in over 600 cities worldwide. This article reports from participant-observation studies of the marches that took place in London and Cardiff. Supplemented with data from 37 interviews from marchers at the London event, the article reports on an analysis of the placards, focusing on marchers’ concerns and the language and images through which they expressed (...)
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    Allegory and the Spaces of Love.Oscar Martín - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (3/4):132-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Allegory and the Spaces of LoveOscar Martín (bio)Writing about Spanish sentimental fiction from 1450 to 1550 is not an easy task, as we are discussing a genre with a difficult theoretical configuration. The investigation of sentimental fiction, however, has been sorting out the classifications that applied to a hodgepodge of works previously labeled as “sentimental novel” (“novela sentimental”). This label, once attached uncritically to a bunch of heterogeneous texts (...)
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    Beyond compromise.Oliver Martin - 1947 - Ethics 58 (2):118-122.
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    Icônes.Olive Martin - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):1-232.
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    Jean-Michel Berthelot: itinéraires d'un philosophe en sociologie (1945-2006).Jean-Christophe Marcel & Olivier Martin (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Tous les textes publiés dans l'ouvrage parlent directement de l'œuvre de Jean-Michel Berthelot. La première partie, " Sociologie de Jean-Michel Berthelot ", rassemble les contributions restituant des traits de son œuvre à l'aide d'études de cas précis ou de panoramas plus larges, et balise des domaines de recherche dans lesquels il s'est illustré : sociologie de l'éducation, du corps, des sciences, épistémologie des sciences sociales. La deuxième partie rend compte des perspectives ouvertes par ses travaux et de la manière dont (...)
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    La Mesure en psychologie de binet à Thurstone, 1900–1930.Olivier Martin - 1997 - Revue de Synthèse 118 (4):457-493.
    Le psychologue français Alfred Binet est à l'origine du développement de tests mentaux destinés à diagnostiquer le « niveau intellectuel » des enfants. Initialement conçus comme des tests cliniques, leur importation aux États-Unis dans les années 1910 a considérablement modifié leur usage, leur portée pratique et leur interprétation. Devenus les instruments de politiques eugéniques ou héréditaristes, utilisés dans des processus de sélection de grande échelle, les tests ont transformé la conception que les psychologues se faisaient de l'intelligence: initialement conçue comme (...)
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  8. La sociologie des sciences au prisme de ses manuels.Olivier Martin - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 109:415-428.
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    Post storyboard, d’après le film Touki Bouki de Djibril Mambety Diop.Olive Martin - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):41-41.
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    Rethinking Renoir, a reply to Michael Abecassis.O. Martin - 2004 - Film-Philosophy 8 (1).
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    The given and the interpretative elements in perception.Oliver Martin - 1938 - Journal of Philosophy 35 (13):337-345.
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  12.  27
    The Philosophy of Human Nature.Oliver Martin - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (3):452 - 465.
    The author devotes a good number of pages to clarifying the relations between PHN, experimental psychology, and metaphysics. It is this thesis, a problem of the order of knowledge, that we wish to question. We shall first present some of the difficulties that give rise to the problem. Second, we shall indicate the kind of knowledge which PHN is. Third, we shall attempt to demonstrate that in the body of his work the kind of knowledge represented is that of the (...)
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  13. Une sociologie des pratiques scientifiques. Usages des mathématiques en sciences humaines et sociales.Olivier Martin - 2000 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 109:375-392.
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  14.  36
    Why Theory?Oscar Martín & Simone Pinet - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (3/4):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why Theory?Oscar Martín (bio) and Simone Pinet (bio)Theory is, of course, a medieval word, brought from Greek into Latin from a common root (theastai) that also gives us theater, linked through shared meanings related to speculation, contemplation, and so forth. It is used in the Bible, and its English modern use, according to the Oxford english dictionary, probably comes from a medieval Latin translation of Aristotle. The dictionary does (...)
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    El ecocidio, la matabilidad inimputable de la vida y el dispositivo biopolítico de la excepción. Nuevas fronteras para el derecho como obligación.Castor Mari Martín Bartolomé Ruiz & Óscar Martín - 2023 - Universitas Philosophica 40 (80):43-64.
    En la presente investigación proponemos profundizar en el concepto de ecocidio y sus implicaciones ético-políticas, relacionándolo con los conceptos de soberanía y estado de excepción de Giorgio Agamben. El concepto de excepción, en la tradición jurídica y filosófica, está referido al ámbito de la vida de las personas y no al daño producido a la vida en la naturaleza. Sin embargo, partiendo del presupuesto de que hay una interdependencia de la vida humana con la vida de la naturaleza, se analizan (...)
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    Irene Zaderenko and Alberto Montaner, eds., A Companion to the “Poema de mio Cid,” in collaboration with Peter Mahoney. (Brill’s Companions to Mediaeval Philology 1.) Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2018. Pp. xv, 538; 12 color and 1 black-and-white figures and 3 maps. $261. ISBN: 978-9-0043-6000-6. Table of contents available online at https://brill.com/view/title/31997. [REVIEW]Óscar Martín - 2021 - Speculum 96 (1):270-271.
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