Results for 'O. Adʹi︠a︡a'

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  1. Dai︠a︡arshil khiĭgėėd Mongol khėlbichgiĭn asuudal: iltgėliĭn ėmkhėtgėl.O. Adʹi︠a︡a (ed.) - 2005 - Ulaanbaatar Khot: Mongol Ulsyn Shinzhlėkh Ukhaany Akademi Niĭgmiĭn.
    Collection of the papers on language and globalization.
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    Iv-1 Ordinis Quarti Tomus Primus: Panegyricus Ad Philippum Austriae Ducem - Institutio Principis Christiani - Lingua.O. Herding & F. Schalk (eds.) - 1969 - Brill.
    This is the first volume in the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus of Ordo IV which comprises works on moral issues. It presents the panegyric of Philip the Fair , the father of Charles V, and the Education of Princes . Both works equally instruct princes how to behave morally. The third work in this volume treats language and praises the Word of God.
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    bu/o+Ad Yapısının İndirgenme Olasılığı Üzerine.Metin Balpinar - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):297-297.
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    Ad Orionem Thebanum.O. Immisch - 1889 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 48 (1-4):167-167.
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  5. St. Augustine's Criticism of Origen in the Ad Orosium.Robert O'connell - 1984 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 30 (1-2):84-99.
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    Sde bdun la ʾjug paʾi sgo rigs lam legs bśad kun btus blo gsal lde mig ces bya ba bźugs so.Ơ Jam-Dbyaṅs-Rgya-Mtsho - 2003 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Study on Buddhist logic according to Candrakīrti.
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  7. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Vol 17: Volume 17: A Commentary on Mr. Pope’s Principles of Morality, or Essay on Man.O. M. Brack (ed.) - 2005 - Yale University Press.
    This volume is the first scholarly edition of Samuel Johnson’s translation of Jean Pierre de Crousaz’s _Commentaire sur la traduction en vers de M. Abbé Du Resnel, de l’Essai de M. Pope sur l’homme, _published in 1739. Included are notes comparing Johnson’s translation with the French original to show his method of translation and historical annotations. Of special interest are several lengthy footnotes that Johnson added to his translation. Among these are thoughts relating to the problem of evil, particularly the (...)
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    Argumentum Ad Baculum, Aristotelian Civic Fear, or Praeteritio: Threats in Anti-Choice Letters.Miriam O’Kane Mara - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (4):667-685.
    This essay investigates the rhetorical choices in archived letters to providers at a local abortion clinic through argumentum ad baculum and other fear appeal frames. Analysis of three types of threat—spiritual, physical, and professional—contained in the correspondence suggests that only the professional fear appeals correspond to true theat. The essay contends that while some of the letters contain either true threats or Aristotelian civic fear appeals, the writers more often make arguments that align with a new category I name sideways (...)
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    IV. M. Tullii Ciceronis epistularum ad M. Brutum liber I.O. E. Schmidt - 1890 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 49 (1):38-48.
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  10. Three Rawlsian Routes towards Economic Democracy.Martin O'Neill - 2008 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 9 (1):29-55.
    This paper addresses ways of arguing fors ome form of economic democracy from within a broadly Rawlsian framework. Firstly, one can argue that a right to participate in economic decision-making should be added to the Rawlsian list of basic liberties, protected by the first principle of justice. Secondly,I argue that a society which institutes forms of economic democracy will be more likely to preserve a stable and just basic structure over time, by virtue of the effects of economic democratization on (...)
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    The Demiurge in Ancient Thought: Secondary Gods and Divine Mediators.Carl Sean O'Brien - 2015 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    How was the world generated and how does matter continue to be ordered so that the world can continue functioning? Questions like these have existed as long as humanity has been capable of rational thought. In antiquity, Plato's Timaeus introduced the concept of the Demiurge, or Craftsman-god, to answer them. This lucid and wide-ranging book argues that the concept of the Demiurge was highly influential on the many discussions operating in Middle Platonist, Gnostic, Hermetic and Christian contexts in the first (...)
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    Ralph Hanna and David Lawton, eds., The Siege of Jerusalem. (Early English Text Society, O.S., 320.) Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, for the Early English Text Society, 2003. Pp. xcix, 224 plus black-and-white frontispiece; black-and-white figures and tables.Ruth Kennedy, ed., Three Alliterative Saints' Hymns: Late Middle English Stanzaic Poems. The Alliterative Katherine Hymn by Richard Spalding (Bodleian Library MS Bodley Rolls 22); the Alliterative John Evangelist Hymn (Lincoln Cathedral Library MS 91); the Alliterative John Baptist Hymn (British Library Additional MS 39574). (Early English Text Society, O.S., 321.) Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, for the Early English Text Society, 2003. Pp. cix, 120 plus black-and-white frontispiece and black-and-white figures; tables. [REVIEW]Ad Putter - 2006 - Speculum 81 (2):524-526.
  13. The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, AD 200-1000. [REVIEW]James O'donnell - 1998 - The Medieval Review 1.
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    Epistolae et epistolae ad eum datae, quas cum proemio ac notis germanice scriptis. Nicolai Stenonis, Gustav Scherz, Joanne Raeder.Charles O'malley - 1955 - Isis 46 (1):72-74.
  15. That busyness that is not business: Nervousness and character at the turn of the last century.Michael O'Malley - 2005 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 72 (2):371-406.
    From 1897 through about 1912, film producers would shoot their footage and then make a contact print of the entire film on a roll of photographic paper. Mailed to the Library of Congress, these rolls of paper established copyright. The films document a very busy world indeed. They show people thronging streets, working, shopping; they show crowds shuffling through gates at Ellis Island or welcoming returning war heroes. More than just documentary, the films include satire ad commentary on the nature (...)
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    The Greek Philosophical Vocabulary.J. O. Urmson - 1990 - Duckworth.
    J.O. Urmson's The Greek Philosophical Vocabulary contains some five hundred alphabetically arranged entries, each aiming to provide useful information on a particular word used by Greek philosophers. The book includes a wealth of quotations ranging from the fifth century BC to the sixth century AD.
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    Tshad ma legs par bśad pa thams cad kyi chu bo yoṅs su ʾdu ba rigs paʾi gźun lugs kyi rgya mtsho.. Chos-Grags-Rgya-Mtsho, Tshe-Brtan-Phun-Tshogs & nor-Braṅ O.-Rgyan - 1987 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljoṅs mi dmaṅs dpe skrun khaṅ. Edited by Tshe-Brtan-Phun-Tshogs & nor-Brang O.-Rgyan.
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    Servius on the Saturnian Metre.O. J. Todd - 1940 - Classical Quarterly 34 (3-4):133-.
    On Virgil's statement that in honour of Bacchus ‘Ausonii … coloni versibus incomptis ludunt’, Servius remarks: ‘id est, carminibus Saturnio metro compositis, quod ad rhythmum solum vulgares componere consuerunt….’Obviously Servius is drawing a distinction between the Saturnian and other metres, as well as between the ordinary man and the man of letters. The unlettered compose their verses in the Saturnian metre, which is founded on rhythmus alone; the literary circles write theirs on some other basis.
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    Existence and History.Calvin O. Schrag - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):28 - 44.
    The central task which defines the intention of my investigation has to do with a statement and further elucidation of some of the central issues arising in an analysis, description, and interpretation of human existence. My argument throughout will be that human existence must be understood from an historical point of view, and I will seek to delineate the peculiar methodology and distinctive categories of interpretation which are demanded by such an approach. The human self is historical and must be (...)
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  20. Ṿikuḥe Shpinozah be-aspaḳlaryah Yehudit: mi-Daṿid Niyeṭo ʻad Daṿid Ben-Guryon.Menaḥem Dorman - 1990 - [Tel Aviv]: ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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  21. The Anglo-Saxon Connection: Irish Metalwork, AD 400-800.Raghnall Ó Floinn - 2009 - In Floinn Raghnall Ó (ed.), Anglo-Saxon/Irish Relations before the Vikings. pp. 231.
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    The Prose of the World.Claude Lefort & John O'Neill (eds.) - 1973 - Northwestern University Press.
    The work that Maurice Merleau-Ponty planned to call _The Prose of the World,_ or _Introduction to the Prose of the World,_ was unfinished at the time of his death. The book was to constitute the first section of a two-part work whose aim was to offer, as an extension of his Phenomenology of Perception, a theory of truth. This edition's editor, Claude Lefort, has interpreted and transcribed the surviving typescript, reproducing Merleau-Ponty's own notes and adding documentation and commentary.
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    (1 other version)Ambigua ad Iohannem, iuxta Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae Latinam interpretationem. [REVIEW]Dominic O'meara - 1991 - Speculum 66 (2):445-446.
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    Patterns of Perfection in Damascius' Life of Isidore.Dominic O'Meara - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (1):74 - 90.
    In this article, it is shown that, following the precedent set in particular by Marinus' "Life of Proclus", Damascius, in his "Life of Isidore", uses biography so as to illustrate philosophical progress through the Neoplatonic scale of virtues. Damascius applies this scale, however, to a wide range of figures belonging to pagan philosophical circles of the fifth century AD: they show different degrees and forms of progress in this scale and thus provide an edificatory panorama of patterns of philosophical perfection. (...)
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    Antonio Chiesa: Dizionario italiano latino integrativo antico e moderno ad uso delle scuole superiori e dell'università. (Studi pubblicati dall'Istituto di Filologia Classica, Università di Bologna.) Pp. 480. Bologna: Università, Istituto di Filologia Classica, 1966. Cloth. [REVIEW]O. A. W. Dilke - 1967 - The Classical Review 17 (3):393-393.
  26. Towards Paris: The Growth of Leibniz's Paris Mathematics out of the Pre-Paris Metaphysics.O. Bradley Bassler - 1999 - Studia Leibnitiana 31 (2):160-180.
    Dieser Artikel konzentriert sich auf zwei der frühesten Schriften aus Leibniz' Pariser Zeit, die „Accessio ad Arithmeticam Infinitorum“ und die „De Minimo et Maximo. De corporibus et mentibus“ , und er beurteilt die Beziehung zwischen den in der AAI angegebenen mathematischen Ergebnissen und dem Wandel in Leibniz' Metaphysik, der in MM und in den damit in Verbindung stehenden Schriften und Briefen zum Ausdruck gebracht wird. Sowohl Leibniz' mathematische Ergebnisse als auch der Wandel seiner Haltung in der Metaphysik können als Resultat (...)
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    Social Thought in the Soviet Union. [REVIEW]Z. O. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (3):568-568.
    This is a collection of twelve original essays on Soviet social sciences, with an emphasis on changes since Stalin's death. The lot of the Russian social scientist and the Russian philosopher has never been very easy--any discussion affecting authority was always difficult under conditions of religious and political oppression as well as. To this tradition the Soviet era has added an integrated view of the world which the scholar must use as his mental set. Philosophical reasoning has particularly suffered under (...)
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    Decision-Making as a Broader Concept.Jacinta O. A. Tan, Anne Stewart & Tony Hope - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (4):345-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Decision-Making as a Broader ConceptJacinta O. A. Tan (bio), Anne Stewart (bio), and Tony Hope (bio)KeywordsCompetence, decision-making, capacity, anorexia nervosa, autonomy, values, identityWe thank Demian Whiting for the thoughtful critique of aspects of our paper (Tan et al. 2006a). A primary aim of our research was to provide empirical grounds on which to stimulate discussion about the nature of decision-making capacity (DMC). Whiting criticizes in particular the concept of (...)
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  29. (1 other version)The Evolution of Vagueness.Cailin O'Connor - 2013 - Erkenntnis (S4):1-21.
    Vague predicates, those that exhibit borderline cases, pose a persistent problem for philosophers and logicians. Although they are ubiquitous in natural language, when used in a logical context, vague predicates lead to contradiction. This paper will address a question that is intimately related to this problem. Given their inherent imprecision, why do vague predicates arise in the first place? I discuss a variation of the signaling game where the state space is treated as contiguous, i.e., endowed with a metric that (...)
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  30. The Euthyphro Argument (9d–11b).Brendan O'Sullivan - 2010 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 44 (4):657-675.
    A sizable literature exists concerning the structure of Socrates' argument at Euthyphro 9d–11b. Although there is some dispute, a substitutional reading has emerged as a leading interpretation. However, some rear‐guard maneuvers are in order to defend this reading against its competitors. In this paper, I articulate a substitutional reading and argue that it is invalid on two counts: one, Socrates oversteps the logic of his reductio ad absurdum, and two, he illicitly substitutes coreferring expressions in explanatory contexts. Next, I defend (...)
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    An analysis of the disagreement about added value by regional climate models.Elisabeth A. Lloyd, Melissa Bukovsky & Linda O. Mearns - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11645-11672.
    In this paper we consider some questions surrounding whether or not regional climate models “add value,” a controversial issue in climate science today. We highlight some objections frequently made about regional climate models both within and outside the community of modelers, including several claims that regional climate models do not “add value.” We show that there are a number of issues involved in the latter claims, the primary ones centering on the fact that different research questions are being pursued by (...)
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    Putnam's Argument against Cultural Imperialism.Maria Caamaño - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 159–161.
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    Afterword to the Polish Edition of Thomistic Evolution : A Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in the Light of Faith by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., James Brent, O.P., Thomas Davenport, O.P., and John Baptist Ku, O.P. [REVIEW]O. P. Mariusz Tabaczek & Monika Metlerska-Colerick - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):225-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Afterword to the Polish Edition of Thomistic EvolutionA Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in the Light of Faith by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., James Brent, O.P., Thomas Davenport, O.P., and John Baptist Ku, O.P.*Mariusz Tabaczek O.P.Translated by Monika Metlerska-Colerick[End Page 225]Thomistic Evolution: A Catholic Approach to Understanding Evolution in the Light of Faith, by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, O.P., James Brent, O.P., Thomas Davenport, O.P., and John Baptist (...)
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  34. Science in context: readings in the sociology of science.Barry Barnes & David O. Edge (eds.) - 1982 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    This collection of eighteen readings provides a basic text for undergraduates taking sociology of science courses. A general survey of articles published between 1961 and 1981, the book is also a useful overview for students taking courses in social and political studies of science; science, technology, and society; and "social issues" components of courses in the environmental sciences, geography, philosophy, and history of science. The editors have organized the book around "the relationship between the subculture of science and the wider (...)
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    Ethical Practice in Clinical Medicine by William J. Ellos.Kevin O'Rourke - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):358-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:358 BOOK REVIEWS ing and his arguments seem more tentative and relativistic than those offered in his previously published works (Truth and Other Enigmas, 1978; The Interpretation of Frege's Phuosophy, 1981, etc.). Yet he uses his mastery of powerful logical techniques in order to support the chosen positions. This fact might give great satisfaction to a logician, hut the metaphysician may he somewhat disappointed by the meager results attained, (...)
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    The Legal Lacunae of Human-Animal Hybrids and Chimeras within Patent Law.Maureen O’Sullivan - 2018 - Journal of Animal Ethics 8 (1):62-79.
    This article compares and contrasts the patenting of animals, humans, and biotechnological inventions in the United States, at the European Patent Office, and within the European Union. It shows that morality is not a concern of U.S. legislative instruments or courts and patents have been granted liberally on living organisms, from microorganisms to mammals, in North America since the 1980s. By way of contrast, both European legislative instruments enshrine a morality bar that must be employed to deny patentability. Their implementation, (...)
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    Aggressive and Co-Operative Behaviour Amongst Insects.O. W. Richards - 1954 - Diogenes 2 (5):57-68.
    It has sometimes been said that it is useless to try to prevent wars since man has an ineradicable combative instinct. The term instinct is very ambiguous in its application to humans, and it may be interesting to see what occurs amongst the insects, many of whose species show the highest development of instinctive behaviour.Many insect species are predatory, but if they depend on other distinct species, the relation is analogous to hunting or to a crude form of agriculture. Aggressive (...)
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  38. The ethics of scientific communication under uncertainty.Robert O. Keohane, Melissa Lane & Michael Oppenheimer - 2014 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 13 (4):343-368.
    Communication by scientists with policy makers and attentive publics raises ethical issues. Scientists need to decide how to communicate knowledge effectively in a way that nonscientists can understand and use, while remaining honest scientists and presenting estimates of the uncertainty of their inferences. They need to understand their own ethical choices in using scientific information to communicate to audiences. These issues were salient in the Fourth Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with respect to possible sea level rise (...)
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  39. Turning the Tide on Tax.Martin O'Neill - 2015 - In Daisy-Rose Srblin (ed.), Values Added: Rethinking Tax for the 21st Century. Fabian Society. pp. 11-16.
  40. Edmund Burke and the Natural Law. [REVIEW]O. F. M. Rumold Fennessy - 1959 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 9:181-184.
    The purpose of this book is to show that “far from being an enemy of Natural Law, Burke was one of the most eloquent and profound defenders of Natural Law morality and politics in Western civilization”. Professor Stanlis rightly points out that Burke was for too long treated as a utilitarian in politics, and he blames such writers as Morley, Stephen and Vaughan, who were mainly responsible for this interpretation. He might have added that Burke himself must bear part of (...)
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    Are Ethics Committee Members Competent to Consult?Diane Hoffmann, Anita Tarzian & J. Anne O'Neil - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (1):30-40.
    A significant amount of discussion in the bioethics community has been devoted to the question of whether individuals performing ethics consultations in healthcare institutions have any special expertise. In addition, articles in the lay press have questioned the “added value” that bioethicists bring to ethical dilemmas. Those at the forefront of the bioethics community have argued repeatedly that those doing ethics consults cannot simply be well-intentioned individuals, that some training in bioethics, group process, and facilitation is necessary to competently execute (...)
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    Structuralism in Literature. [REVIEW]B. O. G. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (1):148-149.
    Structuralism is a contemporary intellectual movement with both methodological and substantive implications. Nowhere has its impact been stronger than in poetics and literary criticism. Scholes book is designed to introduce English speaking audiences to structuralist developments in European literary thought. After detailing the background of structuralism in the work of Saussure and Jakobson and relating formalist and proto-structuralist modes of literary criticism to structuralist methods, the author examines specific micro and macropoetics of fiction. His object is to explain other’s theories, (...)
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    Rediscovering the Imprecatory Psalms: A Thomistic Approach.O. P. Gabriel Torretta - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (1):23-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rediscovering the Imprecatory Psalms:A Thomistic ApproachGabriel Torretta O.P.WHILE DEBATING the structure of the new Liturgy of the Hours, some members of the Consilium for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy (Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia) drew attention to certain so-called imprecatory psalms1 that contained material they deemed problematic for the modern person of prayer, describing the passages as “offensive to modern sensibilities”2 and arguing that (...)
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    Hans Haaksma, met medewerking van Ad Vlot en Paul Cliteur, Van Riessen, filosoof van de techniek, Damon, 1999, ISBN 90 5573 113 1, 136 blz. [REVIEW]J. O. Kroesen - 1999 - Philosophia Reformata 64 (2):165-167.
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  45. Acting out our sensory experience.J. Kevin O'Regan & Alva Noë - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):1011-1021.
    The most important clarification we bring in our reply to commentators concerns the problem of the “explanatory gap”: that is, the gulf that separates physical processes in the brain from the experienced quality of sensations. By adding two concepts (bodiliness and grabbiness) that were not stressed in the target article, we strengthen our claim and clarify why we think we have solved the explanatory gap problem, – not by dismissing qualia, but, on the contrary, by explaining why sensations have a (...)
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    (1 other version)The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy and Philosophers.Jonathan Ree & J. O. Urmson (eds.) - 1960 - Boston: Routledge.
    On its first appearance in 1960, J.O. Urmson's _Concise encyclopedia of Western philosophy and philosophers_ established itself as a classic. Its contributors included many of the leading philosophers of the English-speaking world: Ryle, Hare, Strawson, Ayer, Dummett, Williams and many others. They wrote with an authority and individuality which made the _Encyclopedia_ into a lively and engaging introduction to philosophy as well as a convenient reference work. For this edition, supervised by Jonathan Rée, the original articles have been revised and (...)
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    Logic and the Grammarian.Rev Hugh P. O'Neill - 1928 - Modern Schoolman 4 (7):106-107.
    Father Hugh P. O'Neill, professor of the Classics at St. Stanislaus Seminary, Florissant, gives us in this paper a few of the ways in which training in Logic can be of assistance to the grammarian. Father O'Neill's thoughts run in an original and thought-provoking vein, and we feel fortunate in being able to present his articlewhich may prove an added incentive to many.
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    Probabilistic Argumentation: An Equational Approach.D. M. Gabbay & O. Rodrigues - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (3):345-382.
    There is a generic way to add any new feature to a system. It involves identifying the basic units which build up the system and introducing the new feature to each of these basic units. In the case where the system is argumentation and the feature is probabilistic we have the following. The basic units are: the nature of the arguments involved; the membership relation in the set S of arguments; the attack relation; and the choice of extensions. Generically to (...)
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    Using the social robot probo as a social story telling agent for children with ASD.Bram Vanderborght, Ramona Simut, Jelle Saldien, Cristina A. Pop, Alina S. Rusu, Sebastian Pintea, Dirk Lefeber & Daniel O. David - 2012 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 13 (3):348-372.
    This paper aims to study the role of the social robot Probo in providing assistance to a therapist for robot assisted therapy with autistic children. Children with autism have difficulties with social interaction and several studies indicate that they show preference toward interaction with objects, such as computers and robots, rather than with humans. In 1991, Carol Gray developed Social Stories, an intervention tool aimed to increase children’s social skills. Social stories are short scenarios written or tailored for autistic individuals (...)
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    Kant's Pre-Critical Ethics. Second Edition. [REVIEW]D. O. D. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):178-178.
    The second edition of this well-known work differs from the first in several respects. A short laudatory foreword by H. J. Paton has been added, and the bibliography brought up to date. Professor Schilpp adds as an appendix a previously printed journal article, "On the Nature of the Ethical Problem."--D. D. O.
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