Results for 'Notburga Ott'

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  1. Fertility and Division of Work in the Family.Notburga Ott - 1995 - In Edith Kuiper & Jolande Sap (eds.), Out of the margin: feminist perspectives on economics. New York: Routledge. pp. 80--99.
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    Descartes, Malebranche, and the Crisis of Perception.Walter R. Ott - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The seventeenth century witnesses the demise of two core doctrines in the theory of perception: naive realism about color, sound, and other sensible qualities and the empirical theory, drawn from Alhacen and Roger Bacon, which underwrote it. This created a problem for seventeenth century philosophers: how is that we use qualities such as color, feel, and sound to locate objects in the world, even though these qualities are not real? -/- Ejecting such sensible qualities from the mind-independent world at once (...)
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    Max Horkheimer's Critical Theory of Religion: The Meaning of Religion in the Struggle for Human Emancipation.Michael R. Ott - 2001 - University Press of America.
    Over the past thirty years much has been written about the critical theory of society that was produced by a small group of left-wing Hegelians in the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt am Main, Germany and in the United States. This book seeks to make a contribution to the continued development of the critical theory of society and religion as it offers a corrective to the one-sided, positivistic development of the modern social sciences as well as to the increasing (...)
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    Christian Ethics for a Digital Society.Kate M. Ott - 2019 - London: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Christian Ethics for a Digital Society looks at how we live in an increasingly digital world. From sexting to hashtag activism like the #metoo movement, technology has entered both our private and public lives in a deep way. Far from hand-wringing about the dangers of technology, Christian Ethics for a Digital Society offers pragmatic wisdom on how to live thoughtfully today. Instead of just worrying about the next technological gadget or app, it's time we consider what Christianity has to offer (...)
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    Appareils et formes de la sensibilité.Jean-Louis Déotte (ed.) - 2005 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Au cours du séminaire Arts, appareils et diffusion de la MSH de 2003-2004, furent explorés les rapports entre les appareils modernes projectifs et leurs époques, suivant une hypothèse benjaminienne : ce sont les appareils dits, au ...
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    Welches Außen des Denkens? Französische Theorien in (post)kolonialer Kritik.Michaela Ott - 2018 - Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Locke's Philosophy of Language.Walter R. Ott - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines John Locke's claims about the nature and workings of language. Walter Ott proposes an interpretation of Locke's thesis in which words signify ideas in the mind of the speaker, and argues that rather than employing such notions as sense or reference, Locke relies on an ancient tradition that understands signification as reliable indication. He then uses this interpretation to explain crucial areas of Locke's metaphysics and epistemology, including essence, abstraction, knowledge and mental representation. His discussion challenges many (...)
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  8. Philosophy of Language.Walter Ott - 2014 - In Daniel Kaufman (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Seventeenth Century Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 354-382.
    How language works — its functions, mechanisms, and limitations — matters to the early moderns as much as it does to contemporary philosophers. Many of the moderns make reflection on language central to their philosophical projects, both as a tool for explaining human cognition and as a weapon to be used against competing views. Even in philosophers for whom language is less central, we can find important connections between their views on language and their other philosophical commitments.
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  9. Wind Turbine Analysis Project.Neil Otte, Rahul Rai, Clare Paul & Barry Smith - 2018 - Final Project Report.
    The report describes an application of ontologies to the analysis of wind turbine manufacturing data. We show how applying ontologies to composite materials data may facilitate the discovery of optimum composite material designs that will deliver maximum wind turbine blade performance within environmental constraints.
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    In Political Draughts Between Science and the Humanities.Ott Kurs & Erki Tammiksaar - 2001 - In Rein Vihalemm (ed.), Estonian studies in the history and philosophy of science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 51--62.
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    Dürfen – Wollen – Sollen.Sylvia Zwettler-Otte - 2020 - Psyche 74 (7):513-520.
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  12. Phenomenal Intentionality and the Problem of Representation.Walter Ott - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (1):131--145.
    According to the phenomenal intentionality research program, a state’s intentional content is fixed by its phenomenal character. Defenders of this view have little to say about just how this grounding is accomplished. I argue that without a robust account of representation, the research program promises too little. Unfortunately, most of the well-developed accounts of representation – asymmetric dependence, teleosemantics, and the like – ground representation in external relations such as causation. Such accounts are inconsistent with the core of the phenomenal (...)
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    Überlegungen zu Michael J. Feldmans »Ghost Stories«.Sylvia Zwettler-Otte - 2019 - Psyche 73 (3):211-222.
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  14. John Locke.Walter Ott - 2015 - In Lawrence Nolan (ed.), The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 458-460.
  15. Das Beziehungsgefüge der menschlichen Handlung und das Problem der Freiheit.Otte Janssen - 1958 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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    Constructivism and Objects of Mathematical Theory.Michael Otte - 1992 - In Javier Echeverría, Andoni Ibarra & Thomas Mormann (eds.), The space of mathematics: philosophical, epistemological, and historical explorations. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 296--313.
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  17.  72
    Laws of Nature.Walter R. Ott & Lydia Patton (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    What is the origin of the concept of a law of nature? How much does it owe to theology and metaphysics? To what extent do the laws of nature permit contingency? Are there exceptions to the laws of nature? Is it possible to give a reductive analysis of lawhood, or is it a primitive? -/- Twelve brand-new essays by an international team of leading philosophers take up these and other central questions on the laws of nature, whilst also examining some (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Laws of Nature: The Rules of the Game.Walter Ott - 2022 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    It can seem obvious that we live in a world governed by laws of nature, yet it was not until the seventeenth century that the concept of a law came to the fore. Ever since, it has been attended by controversy: what does it mean to say that Boyle's law governs the expansion of a gas, or that the planets obey the law of gravity? Laws are rules that permit calculations and predictions. What does the universe have to be like, (...)
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    Causation and laws of nature in early modern philosophy.Walter Ott - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Editors’ preface.Ott Puumeister & Kalevi Kull - 2022 - Sign Systems Studies 50 (4):471-472.
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  21. »Heimat« – gemischte Gefühle.Sylvia Zwettler-Otte - 2025 - Psyche 79 (2):166-171.
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    Rezension: Figlio, Karl, Remembering as Reparation: Psychoanalysis and Historical Memory.Sylvia Zwettler-Otte - 2021 - Psyche 75 (2):172-177.
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    Report of a visit to Prof HLA Hart in Oxford.Walter Ott & Translated with Commentary by Iain Stewart - 2023 - Jurisprudence 14 (2):254-261. Translated by Iain Stewart.
    In 1985, Swiss legal philosopher Walter Ott visited Herbert Hart in Oxford and made this record of their meeting, which casts novel light on some of Hart’s ideas. Ott engaged Hart in a fresh encounter with the legal philosophy of Gustav Radbruch, particularly Hart’s and Radbruch’s reasons for a minimum content of justice in law. They also discussed the grudge informer, state responsibility under laws of an earlier régime, and questions of the definition and falsifiability of legal theories. Hart surprisingly (...)
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  24. Analysis and Synthesis in Mathematics,.Michael Otte & Marco Panza (eds.) - 1997 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  25. Intuitions and Assumptions in the Debate over Laws of Nature.Walter Ott & Lydia Patton - 2018 - In Walter R. Ott & Lydia Patton (eds.), Laws of Nature. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-17.
    The conception of a ‘law of nature’ is a human product. It was created to play a role in natural philosophy, in the Cartesian tradition. In light of this, philosophers and scientists must sort out what they mean by a law of nature before evaluating rival theories and approaches. If one’s conception of the laws of nature is yoked to metaphysical notions of truth and explanation, that connection must be made explicit and defended. If, on the other hand, one’s aim (...)
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    How to Commit the Gambler's Fallacy and Get Away with It.Davis Baird & Richard E. Otte - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:169 - 180.
    In a recent article Ian Hacking argues that there can be cases where no probabilities may correctly be ascribed to individual members of a population, while probabilities are correctly ascribable to the population as a whole. In this paper a simple artificial coin-flipping model for such probabilities, not 'grounded from below' is constructed. The inferences licensed by this model and a consequence of the model for the theory of statistical tests is explored.
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  27. Leges sive natura: Bacon, Spinoza, and a Forgotten Concept of Law.Walter Ott - 2018 - In Walter R. Ott & Lydia Patton (eds.), Laws of Nature. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 62-79.
    The way of laws is as much a defining feature of the modern period as the way of ideas; but the way of laws is hardly without its forks. Both before and after Descartes, there are philosophers using the concept to carve out a very different position from his, one that is entirely disconnected from God or God’s will. I argue that Francis Bacon and Baruch Spinoza treat laws as dispositions that derive from a thing’s nature. This reading upends the (...)
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    Sémiotique 2021 : l’année en revue.Ott Puumeister & Frank Nuessel - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (249):293-315.
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  29. (1 other version)Locke’s Philosophy of Language.Walter Ott - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53:145-146.
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    Art in Education: An International Perspective.Robert W. Ott & Al Hurwitz - 1984 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Profiles of art education in nineteen countries around the world by citizens or longtime residents of those countries comprise the core of this book. Guidelines for the cross-cultural study of art education are presented by the editors in a general introduction and three part introductions, and also by contributing specialists. The nineteen national profiles, with accompanying examples of children's artwork, make up the largest section of the book, Part II. The three chapters in Part I review research that has identified, (...)
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  31. The Case Against Powers.Walter Ott - 2021 - In Stathis Psillos, Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), Causal Powers in Science: Blending Historical and Conceptual Perspectives. Oxford University Press. pp. 149-167.
    Powers ontologies are currently enjoying a resurgence. This would be dispiriting news for the moderns; in their eyes, to imbue bodies with powers is to slide back into the scholastic slime from which they helped philosophy crawl. I focus on Descartes’s ‘little souls’ argument, which points to a genuine and, I think persisting, defect in powers theories. The problem is that an Aristotelian power is intrinsic to whatever has it. Once this move is accepted, it becomes very hard to see (...)
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  32. Locke and the Scholastics on Theological Discourse.Walter Ott - 1997 - Locke Studies 28 (1):51-66.
    On the face of it, Locke rejects the scholastics' main tool for making sense of talk of God, namely, analogy. Instead, Locke claims that we generate an idea of God by 'enlarging' our ideas of some attributes (such as knowledge) with the idea of infinity. Through an analysis of Locke's idea of infinity, I argue that he is in fact not so distant from the scholastics and in particular must rely on analogy of inequality.
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  33. Locke on sense perception.Walter Ott - 2021 - In Jessica Gordon-Roth & Shelley Weinberg (eds.), The Lockean Mind. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 116-126.
    Much recent philosophy of perception is preoccupied with finding a place for phenomenal character in a physical world. By contrast, Locke’s philosophy of sensory perception is an episode in his ‘Historical, plain method’ and seeks to map out the processes by which we experience ordinary objects. On Locke’s account, our ideas of primary and secondary qualities enter the mind ‘simple and unmixed’; having an idea of a colour, for example, is not necessary for the visual experience of a shape. An (...)
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    Ipso facto: zur ethischen Begründung normativer Implikate wissenschaftlicher Praxis.Konrad Ott - 1997 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  35. Foucher/Desgabets: Translations from the Cartesian debate on Ideas and Representation.Walter Ott - manuscript
    Two kinds of people might find this useful: first, those interested in the modern debate over ideas and representation who don’t happen to read French, or who do, but would like to have in one place the relevant excerpts, to see whether looking at the originals is worth their time. Second are teachers of modern philosophy. The back-and-forth among these figures makes for a refreshing change from the massive, often self-contained works that characterize much of the rest of such a (...)
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  36. An Ontological Approach to Territorial Disputes.Neil Otte, Brian Donohue & Barry Smith - 2014 - In Neil Otte, Brian Donohue & Barry Smith (eds.), Semantic Technology in Intelligence, Defense and Security (STIDS), CEUR, vol. 1304. CEUR. pp. 2-9.
    Disputes over territory are a major contributing factor to the disruption of international relations. We believe that a cumulative, integrated, and continuously updated resource providing information about such disputes in an easily accessible form would be of benefit to intelligence analysts, military strategists, political scientists, and also to historians and others concerned with international disputes. We propose an ontology-based strategy for creating such a resource. The resource will contain information about territorial disputes, arguments for and against claims pertaining to sovereignty, (...)
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  37. Locke and the Real Problem of Causation.Walter Ott - 2015 - Locke Studies 15:53-77.
    Discussions of John Locke’s theory of causation tend, understandably, to focus on the related notion of power and in particular the dialectic with David Hume. But Locke faces a very different threat, one that is internal to his view. For he argues both that causation is a relation and that relations are not real. The obvious conclusion is intolerable. And yet the premises, I argue, are unassailable. Building on an interpretation of Locke’s treatment of relations I have developed elsewhere, I (...)
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    Heidegger e la teologia: atti del Convegno tenuto a Trento l'8-9 febbraio 1990.Hugo Ott & Giorgio Penzo (eds.) - 1995 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  39. Leibniz on Sensation and the Limits of Reason.Walter Ott - 2016 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 33 (2):135-153.
    I argue that Leibniz’s doctrine of sensory representation is intended in part to close an explanatory gap in his philosophical system. Unlike the twentieth century explanatory gap, which stretches between neural states on one side and phenomenal character on the other, Leibniz’s gap lies between experiences of secondary qualities like color and taste and the objects that cause them. The problem is that the precise arrangement and distribution of such experiences can never be given a full explanation. In response, Leibniz (...)
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  40. Locke's Argument from Signification.W. Ott - 2002 - Locke Studies 2:145-76.
    Locke clearly intends what I call his 'linguistic thesis,' the claim that words signify nothing but ideas, to tell against Aristotelian essentialism. I argue that current interpretations of Locke's anti-essentialist arguments have not accorded the linguistic thesis its proper role. This is largely due to the prevalent misreadings of that thesis. Locke's view is that words reliably indicate ideas in the mind of the speaker. It is only once we see this that we can understand how the thesis functions in (...)
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  41. Locke and the Idea of God.Walter Ott - 1999 - Locke Studies 30:67-72.
  42.  33
    The origins of language: Material sources.Marcel Otte - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (2):49 - 59.
    This article seeks to show the interaction between cultural and anatomic evolution in the birth and differentiation of cultures and languages. The diversity which characterizes our world does not preclude logical regularities due to the coherence of the human mind, which evolved slowly through the paleontological phases of its emergence over millions of years. The anatomical retroaction of the hominids is analyzed to show that, in the long run, anatomy reflected ‘cultural selection’. With the anatomic evolution of man, culture became (...)
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    Analytische Philosophie: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit eines Programms.Michael Otte - 2014 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Anstelle einer Einleitung: ein Thema und eine Sichtweise desselben -- Analytische Philsophie zwischen Sprache, Logik und Mathematik -- Die analytische Philosophie und das Phänomenon der Komplementarität -- Kant, Bolzano und Peirce: die Unterschedung des Analytischen und Synthetischen, oder: von der Erkenntnistheorie zur Semantik und Zeichentheorie -- Ernst Cassirer und die Entwicklung von Analyse und Synthese seit Descartes und Leibniz -- Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) -- Die naturalisierte Erkenntnistheorie zwischen Wiener Kries und Pragmatismus: Willard Van Orward [sic] Quine -- Richard Rorty: der (...)
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  44. Digital Media Ethics: Benefits and Challenges in School Education.Torbjörn Ott & Marco Tiozzo - 2022 - International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning 2 (14).
    Digital media and connected technologies have brought about some new ethical challenges to the surface. Digital media ethics is the scientific and systematic study of ethical attitudes and problems in relation to the use of digital media. This paper discusses the role of digital media ethics in modern school education. First, it is argued that digital media ethics is best perceived as a dimension of digital competence more generally. Since the development of students’ digital competence is one of the central (...)
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  45.  16
    Der Rechtspositivismus: krit. Würdigung auf d. Grundlage e. jurist. Pragmatismus.Walter Ott - 1976 - Berlin: Duncker und Humblot.
  46. Herkunft aber bleibt stets Zukunft".Hugo Ott - 1992 - In Frank Werner Veauthier (ed.), Martin Heidegger, Denker der Post-Metaphysik: Symposium aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstags. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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  47. Mathematik und Verallgemeinerung: Peirce'semiotisch-pragmatische Sicht.Michael Otte - 1997 - Philosophia Naturalis 34 (2):175-222.
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    (1 other version)Two principles of Leibniz's philosophy in relation to the history of mathematics.Michael Otte - 1993 - Theoria 8 (1):113-125.
  49. Locke's Exclusion Argument.Walter Ott - 2010 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 27 (2):181-196.
    In this paper, I argue that Locke is not in fact agnostic about the ultimate nature of the mind. In particular, he produces an argument, much like Jaegwon Kim's exclusion argument, to show that any materialist view that takes mental states to supervene on physical states is committed to epiphenomenalism. This result helps illuminate Locke's otherwise puzzling notion of 'superaddition.'.
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  50. Limits of constructivism: Kant, Piaget and Peirce.Michael Otte - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (5):425-450.
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