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Norbert W. Paul [20]Norbert Paul [3]Norbert Jean Paul [1]
  1.  52
    Human rights violations in organ procurement practice in China.Norbert W. Paul, Arthur Caplan, Michael E. Shapiro, Charl Els, Kirk C. Allison & Huige Li - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):11.
    Over 90% of the organs transplanted in China before 2010 were procured from prisoners. Although Chinese officials announced in December 2014 that the country would completely cease using organs harvested from prisoners, no regulatory adjustments or changes in China’s organ donation laws followed. As a result, the use of prisoner organs remains legal in China if consent is obtained. We have collected and analysed available evidence on human rights violations in the organ procurement practice in China. We demonstrate that the (...)
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  2.  63
    Historical development and current status of organ procurement from death-row prisoners in China.Kirk C. Allison, Arthur Caplan, Michael E. Shapiro, Charl Els, Norbert W. Paul & Huige Li - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundIn December 2014, China announced that only voluntarily donated organs from citizens would be used for transplantation after January 1, 2015. Many medical professionals worldwide believe that China has stopped using organs from death-row prisoners.DiscussionIn the present article, we briefly review the historical development of organ procurement from death-row prisoners in China and comprehensively analyze the social-political background and the legal basis of the announcement. The announcement was not accompanied by any change in organ sourcing legislations or regulations. As a (...)
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  3.  43
    Mapping the Other Side of Agency.Nikolai Münch, Nils-Frederic Wagner & Norbert W. Paul - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2-3):198-200.
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  4.  41
    Resilience beyond reductionism: ethical and social dimensions of an emerging concept in the neurosciences.Nikolai Münch, Hamideh Mahdiani, Klaus Lieb & Norbert W. Paul - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):55-63.
    Since a number of years, popular and scientific interest in resilience is rapidly increasing. More recently, also neuroscientific research in resilience and the associated neurobiological findings is gaining more attention. Some of these neuroscientific findings might open up new measures to foster personal resilience, ranging from magnetic stimulation to pharmaceutical interventions and awareness-based techniques. Therefore, bioethics should also take a closer look at resilience and resilience research, which are today philosophically under-theorized. In this paper, we analyze different conceptualizations of resilience (...)
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  5. Incurable suffering from the “hiatus theoreticus”? Some epistemological problems in modern medicine and the clinical relevance of philosophy of medicine.Norbert Paul - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (3):229-251.
    Up to now neither the question, whether all theoretical medical knowledge can at least be described as scientific, nor the one how exactly access to the existing scientific and theoretical medical knowledge during clinical problem-solving is made, has been sufficiently answered. Scientific theories play an important role in controlling clinical practice and improving the quality of clinical care in modern medicine on the one hand, and making it vindicable on the other. Therefore, the vagueness of unexplicit interrelations between medicine''s stock (...)
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  6.  28
    A QALY is [still] a QALY is [still] a QALY?Hamideh Mahdiani, Nikolai Münch & Norbert W. Paul - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-6.
    Despite clinical evidence of drug superiority, therapeutic modalities, like combination immunotherapy, are mostly considered cost-ineffective due to their high costs per life year(s) gained. This paper, taking an ethical stand, reevaluates the standard cost-effectiveness analysis with that of the more recent justice-enhanced methods and concludes by pointing out the shortcomings of the current methodologies.
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  7.  13
    Zur Zukunft der molekularen Medizin.Norbert W. Paul & Detlev Ganten - 2003 - In Ludger Honnefelder, Dietmar Mieth, Peter Propping, Ludwig Siep, Claudia Wiesemann, Dirk Lanzerath, Rimas Cuplinskas & Rudolf Teuwsen, Das genetische Wissen und die Zukunft des Menschen. De Gruyter. pp. 103-114.
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  8.  37
    Cases Abusing Brain Death Definition in Organ Procurement in China.Norbert W. Paul, Kirk C. Allison & Huige Li - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (3):379-385.
    Organ donation after brain death has been practiced in China since 2003 in the absence of brain death legislation. Similar to international standards, China’s brain death diagnostic criteria include coma, absence of brainstem reflexes, and the lack of spontaneous respiration. The Chinese criteria require that the lack of spontaneous respiration must be verified with an apnea test by disconnecting the ventilator for 8 min to provoke spontaneous respiration. However, we have found publications in Chinese medical journals, in which the donors (...)
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  9.  31
    Ethical challenges in clinical studies with adaptive design in oncology.Norbert W. Paul & Hamideh Mahdiani - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):148-154.
    Novel immune therapies are increasingly based on the molecular differentiation of disease patterns. The related clinical studies are thus more often characterized by the so-called adaptive study designs (umbrella or basket studies including platform studies), which are continuously adjusted based on novel results. This paper analyses new study designs beyond the often-postulated need for regulation in order to identify ethical problems based on typical structural features and to—whenever possible—suggest solutions. To do so, it addresses the following topics: the relationship between (...)
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  10.  41
    Who's next? Shifting balances between medical AI, physicians and patients in shaping the future of medicine.Nils-Frederic Wagner, Mita Banerjee & Norbert W. Paul - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (2):111-112.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 2, Page 111-112, February 2022.
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  11.  72
    Does Obsolescence Matter? The Real Questions of Genetic Enhancement.Norbert W. Paul & Nikolai Münch - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (7):47-48.
    Volume 19, Issue 7, July 2019, Page 47-48.
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  12.  57
    Personal autonomy: discussion of a key concept of ethics using the example of fertility preservation in young cancer patients.Bettina Böttcher & Norbert W. Paul - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):47-59.
    ZusammenfassungDie bei Krebserkrankungen junger Frauen erforderliche Chemo- bzw. Strahlentherapie kann in der Folge bei den betroffenen Patientinnen zur Unfruchtbarkeit führen. Somit werden die Betroffenen oft gleichzeitig mit einer potentiell lebensbedrohlichen Erkrankung und einem potentiell kinderlosen Leben konfrontiert. Die derzeitigen Methoden zum Erhalt der Fertilität sind experimentell, mit therapeutischer Unsicherheit und gesundheitlichen Risiken belastet, dennoch werden sie zunehmend nachgefragt. Die mit dem Angebot fertilitätserhaltender Maßnahmen verbundene derzeitige Beratungspraxis wird in dem hier vorliegenden Beitrag aus ethischer Perspektive hinterfragt. Ausgehend von einer kritischen (...)
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  13.  36
    What Can We Do for You? The Role of Ethics Experts in Neuroscience.Tobias Hainz & Norbert W. Paul - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 8 (1):15-17.
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  14.  29
    Aspects associated with clinical decision-making based on case reports—ethical implications based on the example of a patient with Carmi syndrome.Oliver J. Muensterer & Norbert W. Paul - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (4):369-384.
    AimIn case of extremely rare diseases, case reports are often the only experience to draw from for evidence-based management. Carmi syndrome is a rare, mostly lethal combination of junctional epidermolysis bullosa and pyloric atresia. During an ethical board, there were differences in perception of mortality rate. We tested the hypothesis that the cumulative mortality of single case reports is lower than that of multiple case series.CaseA baby girl was born at 33 weeks gestation with Carmi syndrome. The treatment options discussed (...)
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  15.  61
    A Closer Look at Health and Disease as Prerequisites for Diagnosis and Prognosis.Norbert W. Paul - 2010 - Medicine Studies 2 (2):95-100.
    Health and illness are key concepts of medicine but they also have essential significance for each and every one of our lives. For this reason, social value systems are inevitably integrated into medicine through the concept of health and illness. In turn, medical knowledge and medico-scientific notions are perpetually incorporated into societal perceptions of health and illness. Generally, such integration usually occurs via an extended concept of health and illness, which is to be discussed in the following. To a certain (...)
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  16.  20
    Determination of Death in Execution by Lethal Injection in China.Norbert W. Paul, Arthur Caplan, Michael E. Shapiro, Charl Els, Kirk C. Allison & Huige Li - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (3):459-466.
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  17.  27
    Einleitung: „Was vom Forschen übrig blieb…︁“.Norbert W. Paul - 2014 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 37 (3):195-200.
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  18.  19
    „Medizingeschichte: Aufgaben ‐ Probleme ‐ Perspektiven”︁ Bericht über ein Symposion in Bad Homburg, 18.‐21.12.1996.Norbert Paul & Thomas Schlich - 1998 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 21 (2-3):186-188.
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  19.  21
    Rationalitäten der Wissenproduktion: Über Transformationen von Gegenständen, Technologien und Information in Biomedizin und Lebenswissenschaften.Norbert W. Paul - 2009 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 32 (3):230-245.
    Rationalities of Knowledge Production: On Transformations of Objects, Technologies and Information in Biomedicine and the Life Sciences. Since decades, scientific change has been interpreted in the light of of paradigm shifts and scientific revolutions. The Kuhnian interpretation of scientific change however is now more and more confronted with non‐disciplinary thinking in both, science and studies on science. This paper explores how research in biomedicine and the life sciences can be characterized by different rationalities, sometimes converging, sometimes contradictory, all present at (...)
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  20. Vorschule der Ästhetik Kleine Nachschule Zur Ästhetischen Vorschule.Norbert Jean Paul & Miller - 1963 - Hanser.
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  21.  46
    Medizinische Prädiktion, Prävention und Gerechtigkeit: Anmerkungen zu ethischen Dimensionen eines biomedizinischen Ideals. [REVIEW]Norbert W. Paul - 2010 - Ethik in der Medizin 22 (3):191-205.
    Das Ideal einer vorhersagenden Medizin in Kombination mit wirkungsvollen, kausalen Strategien der Prävention auf molekularer Ebene ist noch immer weit davon entfernt, klinische Realität zu werden. Es ist jedoch schon heute festzustellen, dass zwischen Medizin und Gesellschaft verhandelte Konzepte von Gesundheit in immer stärkerem Maße auf zukünftige Gesundheit ausgerichtet sind, mithin einen immer präventiveren Charakter aufweisen. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die Frage, ob neue Konzepte einer prädiktiv-präventiven Medizin – insbesondere Public Health Genetics bzw. Public Health Genomics – das Kriterium der (...)
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  22.  39
    Medicine Studies: Exploring the Interplays of Medicine, Science and Societies beyond Disciplinary Boundaries. [REVIEW]Norbert W. Paul - 2009 - Medicine Studies 1 (1):3-10.
    Taking into account how much modern medicine is a function of—and at the same time has a function in—science and technology, it is hardly surprising that both the approach of science studies and the idea of the social and cultural construction of health, disease, and bodies overlap, generally and specifically, in the realm of the novel field of MEDICINE STUDIES. The work already done in science and technology studies as well as in social studies of medicine, together with the rich (...)
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  23.  32
    Ethical aspects of genome diversity research: genome research into cultural diversity or cultural diversity in genome research? [REVIEW]Ilhan Ilkilic & Norbert W. Paul - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (1):25-34.
    The goal of the Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) was to reconstruct the history of human evolution and the historical and geographical distribution of populations with the help of scientific research. Through this kind of research, the entire spectrum of genetic diversity to be found in the human species was to be explored with the hope of generating a better understanding of the history of humankind. An important part of this genome diversity research consists in taking blood and tissue samples (...)
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  24. Book reviews. [REVIEW]Wim Dekkers, Charles Weijer & Norbert Paul - 1995 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 16 (2).
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