Results for 'Norbert Leśniewski'

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  1. Perspectivism in Heidegger’s Nietzsche.Norbert Leśniewski - 2010 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 55.
    The point of departure in the paper is the problem of Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche’s thought in the light of the problematic term “Perspektivismus”. The author explicates the methodological position taken by Heidegger in his interpretation to give an answer to the question of epistemical, ontological or methodological domain of perspectivism.
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    Hermeneutyczny kontekst "wiedzy źródłowej": studium wczesnej filozofii Martina Heideggera (1916-1929).Norbert Leśniewski - 2010 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Ontologization of Transcendentalism. Historical-Intentional Aspect of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Norbert Leśniewski - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (2):87-99.
    The paper aims to reconstruct Heidegger’s historical-intentional assumptions in his ontological interpretation of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. The paper presents young Heidegger’s project of the “metaphysical-teleological interpretation of consciousness.” The project indicates the direction of his further ontological interpretation of transcendentalism: Heidegger stands up to the traditional, well known neo-Kantian interpretation of the Critique, and offers a new conception of ontological knowledge and cognition. According to this conception, cognition is grounded in transcendental imagination where a threefold synthesis takes place. (...)
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  4. Fenomenologia Hegla i Heideggera. Próba ujęcia radykalnohermeneutycznego.Norbert Leśniewski - 2003 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 22:254.
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  5. Norbert Leśniewski, \"Hermeneutyczny kontekst „wiedzy źródłowej”. Studium wczesnej filozofii Martina Heideggera (1916–1929)\", Wyd. UAM, Poznań 2010, s. 158. [REVIEW]Daniel Sobota - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)).
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  6. From icons to symbols: Some speculations on the origins of language. [REVIEW]Robert N. Brandon & Norbert Hornstein - 1986 - Biology and Philosophy 1 (2):169-189.
    This paper is divided into three sections. In the first section we offer a retooling of some traditional concepts, namely icons and symbols, which allows us to describe an evolutionary continuum of communication systems. The second section consists of an argument from theoretical biology. In it we explore the advantages and disadvantages of phenotypic plasticity. We argue that a range of the conditions that selectively favor phenotypic plasticity also favor a nongenetic transmission system that would allow for the inheritance of (...)
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  7. (1 other version)System of Ethics.Leonard Nelson & Norbert Guterman - 1956 - Philosophy 34 (129):165-166.
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    System of ethics.Leonard Nelson & Norbert Guterman - 1956 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Translated from German. Includes bibliographical references. Includes index.
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    Faire des sciences en Algérie au xixe siècle : individus, lieux et sociabilité savante.Pauline Romera-Lebret & Norbert Verdier - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:33-60.
    Lors de la conquête d’Algérie par la France, à partir de 1827, et tout au long du xixe siècle, de nombreux ingénieurs, universitaires et militaires ont été envoyés pour installer et développer le pouvoir colonial. Nombre d’entre eux étaient formés aux sciences dans les grandes écoles comme l’École polytechnique et ont réalisé des activités scientifiques en Algérie, en connexion ou en dehors des missions qui leur étaient prescrites. Dans cet article, nous proposons de circonscrire ces activités spécifiques et les situer (...)
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    Was ist Zeit?: Confessiones XI / Bekenntnisse 11.Aurelius Augustinus & Norbert Fischer - 2009 - Meiner, F.
    Das elfte Buch der "Confessiones" führt in die grundlegenden Schwierigkeiten der Frage nach dem Sein der Zeit ein und ist insofern immer noch von systematischem Interesse; es führt zugleich an einer zentralen Frage in das Denken Augustins ein. Augustinus (354-430) hat mit seiner Untersuchung der Frage, was Zeit ist ("quid est enim tempus?"), die Aufmerksamkeit der Philosophen geweckt und großen Einfluß auf deren Gedanken zu Sein und Sinn der Zeit und des Zeitlichen ausgeübt. Vor allem haben sich die Protagonisten der (...)
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    Hope and Distress Are Not Associated With the Brain Tumor Stage.Simone Mayer, Stefanie Fuchs, Madeleine Fink, Norbert Schäffeler, Stephan Zipfel, Franziska Geiser, Heinz Reichmann, Björn Falkenburger, Marco Skardelly & Martin Teufel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveHopelessness and depression are strongly associated with suicidality. Given that physical and psychological outcomes can be altered with hope, hope is a therapeutic goal of increasing importance in the treatment of brain tumor patients. Moreover, it is not yet understood which factors affect the perception of hope in brain tumor patients. In addition, it remains uncertain whether lower-grade brain tumor patients suffer less from psycho-oncological distress than higher-grade brain tumor patients.MethodsNeuro-oncological patients were examined perioperatively with the Distress Thermometer and the (...)
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    “Worse but Ours,” or “Better but Theirs?” – The Role of Implicit Consumer Ethnocentrism in Product Preference.Maison Dominika & Maliszewski Norbert - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Logic and History in Hegel’s System.Myriam Bienenstock & Norbert Waszek - 1988 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (2):220-224.
    As a consequence of the successful 1984 meeting of these two research groups at Bochum - the proceedings of which have been published as Hegels Rechtsphilosophie im Zusammenhang der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte, edited by Hans-Christian Lucas and Otto Pöggeler - this conference constituted a further step toward continuous cooperation between French and German Hegel scholars. It was held in Poitiers on December 3–5, 1986, at the CRDHM, which, since its founding in 1970 by Jacques D’Hondt, its first director, has coordinated the (...)
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    Effekte von Fernsehen auf die Wertvorstellungen von Zuschauern.Manuela Born & Norbert M. Seel - 1984 - Communications 10 (1-3):91-110.
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    Frontmatter.Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach - 2017 - In Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach, Die Naturrechtslehre des Francisco Suárez. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Inhalt.Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach - 2017 - In Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach, Die Naturrechtslehre des Francisco Suárez. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Nam lex naturalis in homine est, quia non est in deo.Gideon Stiening, Norbert S. J. Brieskorn & Oliver Bach - 2017 - In Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach, Die Naturrechtslehre des Francisco Suárez. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 3-22.
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    Personenregister.Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach - 2017 - In Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach, Die Naturrechtslehre des Francisco Suárez. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 275-276.
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    Siglenverzeichnis.Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach - 2017 - In Gideon Stiening, Norbert Brieskorn & Oliver Bach, Die Naturrechtslehre des Francisco Suárez. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Chomsky and His Critics. [REVIEW]Louise M. Antony & Norbert Hornstein - 2005 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):589-596.
    In this compelling volume, ten distinguished thinkers -- William G. Lycan, Galen Strawson, Jeffrey Poland, Georges Rey, Frances Egan, Paul Horwich, Peter Ludlow, Paul Pietroski, Alison Gopnik, and Ruth Millikan -- address a variety of conceptual issues raised in Noam Chomsky's work. Distinguished list of critics: William G. Lycan, Galen Strawson, Jeffrey Poland, Georges Rey, Frances Egan, Paul Horwich, Peter Ludlow, Paul Pietroski, Alison Gopnik, and Ruth Millikan. Includes Chomsky's substantial new replies and responses to each essay. The best critical (...)
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    Norbert Hoerster. Rechtsethik aus dem Mund der Engel (Rezensionsabhandlung).Norbert Hoerster - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (3):405-409.
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  22. Norbert Waszek, "La escuela hegeliana".Norbert Waszek & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2022 - Antítesis - Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Hegelianos 4 (4):5–35.
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    The collected works of Norbert Elias.Norbert Elias - 2006 - Dublin: University College Dublin Press.
    Elias wrote in both English and German, and in all his work runs to 14 books and around 90 other essays, along with poems and numerous interviews. The 18 volumes of the collected works contain many writings not previously published in English, and a small number never published before. All of the texts have thoroughly checked and revised, by editors who have a deep knowledge of Elia's thinking; they have inserted many clarifications, cross-references and explanatory notes.
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    Carta de Norbert Wiener a sua irmã Bertha sobre o encontro com Einstein.Wienerm Norbert - 2005 - Scientiae Studia 3 (4):635-639.
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  25. Sur le concept de vie quotidienne: Norbert Elias: une lecture plurielle.Norbert Elias & Claude Javeau - 1995 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 99:237-246.
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  26. Zur Semantik von charisma bei den frühen Vätern (La sémantique de charisma chez les premiers Pères).Norbert Baumert - 1988 - Theologie Und Philosophie 63 (1):60-78.
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  27. Sur les fondements de la mathématique. Fragments.Stanisłav Leśniewski, Georges Kalinowski & Denis Miéville - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):701-703.
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  28. Gesellschaftliche und politische Auswirkungen der Modernismuskrise in Deutschland.Norbert Trippen - 1982 - In Albrecht Langner, Katholizismus und philosophische Strömungen in Deutschland. Paderborn: Schöningh.
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  29. The human use of human beings.Norbert Wiener - 1954 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
    As this book reveals, his vision was much more complex and interesting. He hoped that machines would release people from relentless and repetitive drudgery in order to achieve more creative pursuits.
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    Facetten der Kantforschung: ein internationaler Querschnitt: Festschrift für Norbert Hinske zum 80. Geburtstag.Norbert Hinske, Christoph Böhr & Heinrich P. Delfosse (eds.) - 2011 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Die Erforschung Kants ist langst zu einem weltumspannenden Unternehmen geworden. Welch reiche Frucht der Wissenschaft dadurch zufallt, zeigen die Beitrage dieser Festschrift, die dem Nestor der deutschen Kantforschung, Norbert Hinske, gewidmet ist. Bekannte Vertreter der italienischen, japanischen, russischen und deutschen Kantforschung kommen zu Wort. Von besonderer Bedeutung fur die - in diesem Punkt ganzlich neu zu schreibende - Lebens- und Entwicklungsgeschichte Kants ist ein neu entdeckter, erstmals im Faksimile abgedruckter Brief von J. E. Biester an J. N. Tetens, der (...)
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    The Semiotic Self.Norbert Wiley - 1994 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this book, Norbert Wiley offers a new interpretation of the nature of the self in society.
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  32. Reconciliation ou justice?Norbert Campagna - 2002 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 52 (4):353.
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    Objektivität oder Kulturgebundenheit: Anschaulichkeit und Unanschaulichkeit: eine kulturanthropologische und erkenntnistheoretische Betrachtung über wissenschaftliche Ansichten, Denkweisen, Methodiken und Konzeptionen.Norbert Cobabus - 1997 - Aachen: Shaker.
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    Die Bedeutung des Begriffs "erworbene Rechte" in der Rechtstheorie.Norbert Egger - 1970 - [Heidelberg]:
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    Zasada nieokreśloności i funkcja falowa cząstki.Karol Leśniewski - 1967 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 15 (3):123-145.
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    Zagadnienie cząstki elementarnej w fizyce i w kosmologii.Karol Leśniewski - 2000 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 48 (3):71-93.
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    What is Sociology?Norbert Elias - 1978 - University College Dublin Press.
    What is Sociology? presents in concise and provocative form the major ideas of a seminal thinker whose work--spanning more than four decades--is only now gaining the recognition here it has long had in Germany and France. Unlike other post-war sociologists, Norbert Elias has always held the concept of historical development among his central concerns; his dynamic theories of the evolution of modern man have remedied the historical and epistemological shortcomings of structualism and ethno-methodology. What is Sociology? refines the arguments (...)
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    Ethical case deliberation on the ward. A comparison of four methods.Norbert Steinkamp & Bert Gordijn - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (3):235-246.
    The objective of this article is to analyse and compare four methods of ethical case deliberation. These include Clinical Pragmatism, The Nijmegen Method of ethical case deliberation, Hermeneutic dialogue, and Socratic dialogue. The origin of each method will be briefly sketched. Furthermore, the methods as well as the related protocols will be presented. Each method will then be evaluated against the background of those situations in which it is being used. The article aims to show that there is not one (...)
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  39. Reducibility of Questions to Sets of Questions: Some Feasibility Results.Piotr Lesniewski & Andrzej Wisniewski - 2001 - Logique Et Analyse 173:93-111.
  40. O definicjach w tak zwanej teorii dedukcji.Stanisław Leśniewski - 2001 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
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    The State, Democracy, and Class Rule: Remarks on the Hoppean Approach.Norbert Slenzok - 2021 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 28:103-136.
    The subject-matter of the paper is the theory of class struggle proposed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, one of the leading representatives of libertarian political philosophy in the radical tradition of Murray N. Rothbard. The author reconstructs and critically comments on the theory at hand. The author's remarks focus on the ethical and methodological background of Hoppe's approach, the main question being whether the latter theory is consonant with the thinker's positions on ethics and methodology, as well as with his political standpoint. (...)
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  42. A Stage in the Development of Hegel's Theory of the Modern State. The 1802 Excerpts on Bonaparte and Fox.Norbert Waszek - 1985 - Hegel-Studien 20:163-172.
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    Goody versus Goudsblom: Pour ou contre Norbert Elias?Norbert Elias - 1998 - Polis 6 (2).
  44. Cultural and experiential differences in the development of folkbiological induction.Norbert Ross, Douglas Medin, John Coley & Scott Atran - unknown
    Carey's book on conceptual change and the accompanying argument that children's biology initially is organized in terms of naïve psychology has sparked a great detail of research and debate. This body of research on children's biology has, however, been almost exclusively been based on urban, majority culture children in the US or in other industrialized nations. The development of folkbiological knowledge may depend on cultural and experiential background. If this is the case, then urban majority culture children may prove to (...)
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    The Destruction of the Seven Nations in Deuteronomy and the Mimetic Theory.Norbert Lohfink & James G. Williams - 1995 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (1):103-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Destruction of the Seven Nations in Deuteronomy and the Mimetic Theory Norbert Lohfink Hochschule Sankt Georgen, Frankfort The book of Deuteronomy is a narrative with two narrative voices which do not necessarily present the same perspective, the one of the narrator, the other ofMoses. By employing the technique of showing rather than telling, the narrator allows his Moses to articulate a new design of the world in (...)
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    Subjektivität und Kontingenz: Markierungen im pädagogischen Diskurs.Norbert Ricken - 1999 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Reforma del Estado y coordinación social.Norbert Lechner, René Millán & Francisco Valdés Ugalde (eds.) - 1999 - México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Paul Apostolidis’ Breaks in the Chain: What Immigrant Workers Can Teach America about Democracy Crossing the theory/practice divide Exploring political natality and the natality of political theory.Jacob Lesniewski & Romand Coles - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (1):71-77.
  49. Teilhard de Chardin.Norbert A. Luyten - 1965 - Fribourg, Suisse,: Éditions universitaires.
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    Einleitung: Demokratie in der Krise – rechts- und sozialphilosophische Aspekte.Norbert Paulo & Stephan Kirste - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 6 (2):107-112.
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