Results for 'Nobuo Sato'

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  1.  10
    Estimating Group Stress Level by Measuring Body Motion.Satomi Tsuji, Nobuo Sato, Koji Ara & Kazuo Yano - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Understanding employee stress has become a key issue for top management for corporate growth and risk reduction. So far, annual employee satisfaction surveys have been conducted to assess the soundness of an organization. However, since it is difficult to collect questionnaires quantitatively and continuously, there is a need for a practical method that can be used to frequently measure group stress levels with a small burden on employees. We propose such a method and evaluated four combinations of approaches, using activity/rest (...)
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  2. Satō Issai zenshū: Issai seitan 220-nen kinen.Issai Satō - 1990 - Tōkyō: Meitoku Shuppansha.
    1. Seikyō ronkō -- 2-3. Shibunrui -- 4-10. Rangai shorui -- 11-12. Genshi shiroku -- 13-14. Fukureki.
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  3. Satō Issai, Ōshio Chūsai.Issai Sato, Heihachiro Oshio, Toru Sagara, Mitsuji Fukunaga & Yuzo Mizoguchi (eds.) - 1980 - Iwanami Shoten.
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  4. Andō Shōeki, Satō Nobuhiro.Shōeki Andō, Nobuhiro Satō, Masahide Bitō & Takao Shimazaki (eds.) - 1977
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    Satō Naokata zenshū.Naokata Satō - 1979
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    Kundoku Satō Issai senshū.Issai Satō - 1987 - Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha. Edited by Hakashi Tanaka.
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    Wabi Sabi: the wisdom in imperfection.Nobuo Suzuki - 2021 - Singapore: Tuttle Publishing.
    Wabi Sabi is the Japanese Zen philosophy that all things are imperfect, unfinished and impermanent. It is a fresh way of seeing and moving through the world when our lives, literally and figuratively, feel cluttered. This book shows us how to apply this concept in the context of daily life and offers ideas on how to see it, embrace it and incorporate it into everyday thoughts, objects and situations."--Publisher description.
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  8. Satō Issai.Issai Satō - 1979 - Tōkyō: Meitoku Shuppansha. Edited by Issai Satō & Michio Yamazaki.
    Genshi shiroku -- Hakurokudō Shoin keijimon.
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    Did Xunzi's Theory of Human Nature Provide the Foundation for the Political Thought of Han Fei?Masayuki Sato - 2012 - In Paul Goldin (ed.), Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei. New York: Springer. pp. 147--165.
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    The Confucian quest for order: the origin and formation of the political thought of Xun Zi.Masayuki Sato - 2003 - Boston: Brill.
    Dr. Sato's volume deals with the origin and formation of the political thought of pre-imperial Xun Zi, with close focus on this synthesizer's formative theory ...
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  11. Mitogaku no seishin to tachiba.Nobuo Fujii - 1944 - Yokohama-shi: Kyūkōkai.
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  12. Hōgaku gairon.Nobuo Hayashi (ed.) - 1951 - Tōkyō: Hyōronsha.
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    Chūgoku Isurāmu tetsugaku no keisei: Ō Taiyo kenkyū.Nobuo Horiike - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
    イスラーム哲学vs中国哲学、対決・調和・熟成。イスラーム思想はどのように東漸し、中国はそれをいかに受容し、そしていかにして新たな哲学を形成したのか。イスラームと中国の文明接触を哲学レベルで解明し、その 歴史を実証的に探求する。.
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    Maruyama Masao to sengo Nihon no kokutai.Nobuo Ikeda - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Hakusuisha.
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  15. Tōyō no furusato.Nobuo Kayahara - 1942
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  16.  40
    Passions for Philosophy in the Post-Hiroshima Age.Nobuo Kazashi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:57-63.
    Nishida’s analyses of human bodily existence, anticipating Merleau-Ponty’s, led him to accomplish his own “return to the lifeworld.” The later Nishida wrote: “I have now come to regard what I used to call the world of pure experience as the world of historical reality. The world of action-intuition is none other than the world of pure experience.” But Nishida’s attempt at a radical reconstruction of philosophy seems to suffer from a metaphysical optimism deriving from his notion of the “place of (...)
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  17.  5
    Fūdo no ronri: chiri tetsugaku e no michi.Nobuo Kioka - 2011 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
  18.  6
    Aijitsurō zenshū.Issai Satō - 1999 - Tōkyō: Perikansha. Edited by Shigehiro Ogyū.
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  19.  14
    Andō Shōeki no jitsuzō: kindaiteki shiten o koete.Nobuo Yamazaki - 2016 - Tōkyō: Nōbunkyō.
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  20.  30
    Usage of an EMG controlled robotic arm in able-bodied and amputee participants.Sato Yuki, Kawase Toshihiro, Takano Kouji & Kansaku Kenji - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21.  34
    Mésologie de la rencontre : une invitation au dialogue. Série I : introduction à la mésologie.Nobuo Kioka & Augustin Berque - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3:11-24.
    Traduction de l’« Introduction à la mésologie », premier des quatre actes de Mésologie de la rencontre : une invitation au dialogue, de Kioka Nobuo. Cet acte comprend trois scènes dont chacune se compose d’abord d’un cours suivi d’un dialogue entre trois personnages. La scène 1 « Qu’est-ce qu’un milieu? » définit les trois concepts d’environnement, d’écosystème et de milieu, le « milieu » se distinguant des deux autres en tant que leur trajection. La scène 2 « La mésologie (...)
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    Action observation modulates auditory perception of the consequence of others' actions.Atsushi Sato - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1219-1227.
    We can easily discriminate self-produced from externally generated sensory signals. Recent studies suggest that the prediction of the sensory consequences of one’s own actions made by forward model can be used to attenuate the sensory effects of self-produced movements, thereby enabling a differentiation of the self-produced sensation from the externally generated one. The present study showed that attenuation of sensation occurred both when participants themselves performed a goal-directed action and when they observed experimenter performing the same action, although they clearly (...)
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  23. Bodily Logos: James, Merleau-Ponty, and Nishida.Nobuo Kazashi - 1999 - In Dorothea Olkowski & James Morley (eds.), Merleau-Ponty, Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life and the World: Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life, and the World. State University of New York Pressolkowski, Dorothea. pp. 107--120.
  24. Processing of auditory information carried by species-specific complex sounds.Nobuo Suga - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press. pp. 3--295.
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  25. Tetsugaku nyūmon.Nobuo Handa - 1977
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    Nichiren's View of Nation and Religion.Satō Hiroo - 1999 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 26 (3-4):307-323.
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    Marukusu ni okeru Hēgeru mondai.Nobuo Ishii - 2002 - Tōkyō: Ochanomizu Shobō.
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  28.  5
    Kaikō no ronri: "en" no musubu sekai e.Nobuo Kioka - 2017 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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  29.  26
    A multiattribute decision time theory.Nobuo Koida - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):407-430.
    In this study, we analyze choice in the presence of some conflict that affects the decision time, a subject that has been documented in the literature. We axiomatize a multiattribute decision time representation, which is a dynamic extension of the classic multiattribute expected utility theory that allows potentially incomplete preferences. Under this framework, one alternative is preferred to another in a certain period if and only if the weighted sum of the attribute-dependent expected utility induced by the former alternative is (...)
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  30.  6
    40-nengo no "Gūzen to hitsuzen": Monō ga egaita seimei, shinka, jinrui no mirai.Naoki Satō - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  31.  17
    Power and resistance: Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida, Althusser.Yoshiyuki Sato - 2022 - New York: Verso. Edited by Étienne Balibar.
    Proposes a provocative reinterpretation of poststructuralist theory of power The “structuralist” theories of power show that the subject is produced and reproduced by the investment of power: but how then can we then think of the subject’s resistance to power? Based on this fundamental question, Power and Resistance interprets critically the (post-)structuralist theory of power and resistance, i.e., the theories of Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari, Derrida and Althusser. It analyses also the mechanism of power and the strategies of resistance in (...)
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  32. Prohibitionary Law as Apparatus of Subjectivation : Butler's The Psychic Life of Power and Althusser.Yoshiyuki Sato - 2013 - In Laurent De Sutter (ed.), Althusser and Law. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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  33. Shūkyō no ronri to hyōgen.Kenjun Satō - 1962 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
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  34.  50
    Studies of the Han Feizi in China, Taiwan, and Japan.Masayuki Sato - 2012 - In Paul Goldin (ed.), Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei. New York: Springer. pp. 257--281.
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  35. Shūkyō tetsugaku.Kenjun Satō - 1963
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  36. Sekai to jinsei.Keiji Satō - 1968
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  37.  10
    The Search for Scholarly Identity: Renaming the Field of History in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan.Masayuki Sato - 2007 - In Jörn Rüsen (ed.), Time and history: the variety of cultures. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 10--200.
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  38.  16
    Legends of the Samurai.Hiroaki Sato - 1995 - Overlook Press.
    In Legends of the Samurai, Sato confronts both the history and the legend of the samurai, untangling the two to present an authentic picture of these legendary warriors. Through his masterful translations of original samurai tales, laws, dicta, reports, and arguments accompanied by insightful commentary, Hiroaki Sato chronicles the changing ethos of the Japanese warrior from the samurai's historical origins to his rise to political power. For this purpose, Sato has chosen to translate, wherever possible, writings closest (...)
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    Neurodiversity, Giftedness, and Aesthetic Perceptual Judgment of Music in Children with Autism.Nobuo Masataka - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  40. An Interpersonal-Epistemic Account of Intellectual Autonomy: Questioning, Responsibility, and Vulnerability.Kunimasa Sato - 2018 - Tetsugaku: International Journal of the Philosophical Association of Japan 2:65-82.
    The nature and value of autonomy has long been debated in diverse philosophical traditions, including moral and political philosophy. Although the notion dates back to ancient Greek philosophy, it was during the Age of Enlightenment that autonomy drew much attention. Thus, as may be known, moral philosophers tended to emphasize self-regulation, particularly one’s own will to abide by universal moral laws, as the term “autonomy” originates from the Greek words “self” (auto) and “rule” (nomos). In parallel, modern epistemologists supposedly espoused (...)
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  41. Horitsugaku gairon.Nobuo Hayashi - 1949 - Tōkyō: Hyōronsha.
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  42.  6
    Kan Gi shisōshi kenkyū.Nobuo Horiike - 1988 - Tōkyō: Meiji Shoin.
  43.  41
    Pos データの時系列モデリングによる知識発見: 新製品投入の消費者価格反応変化に及ぼす影響の解析.Higuchi Tomoyuki Sato Tadahiko - 2007 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 22 (2):200-208.
    The number of competing-brands changes by new product's entry. The new product introduction is endemic among consumer packaged goods firm and is an integral component of their marketing strategy. As a new product's entry affects markets, there is a pressing need to develop market response model that can adapt to such changes. In this paper, we develop a dynamic model that capture the underlying evolution of the buying behavior associated with the new product. This extends an application of a dynamic (...)
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  44. Onnatachi no kindai hihan: kazoku sei yūai.Kazuo Satō - 2001 - Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten.
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  45.  31
    Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in functional research of prefrontal cortex.Nobuo Masataka, Leonid Perlovsky & Kazuo Hiraki - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  46. Bosozoku: Flow in Japanese motorcycle gangs.Ikuya Sato - 1988 - In Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi (eds.), Optimal experience: psychological studies of flow in consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 92--117.
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  47.  24
    (1 other version)Intuition, pathos et guerre.Nobuo Kazashi - 2009 - Diogène 227 (3):122-.
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  48.  37
    The source of the long-term retention of priming effects.Nobuo Ohta - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):249.
  49. Authors' Response: From Bodily Extension to Bodily Incorporation.Y. Sato, H. Iizuka & T. Ikegami - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):89-92.
    Upshot: In the model simulation and the human experiment, we observed that attention shifted from a tool to a task. This was accompanied by bodily extension. However, our experiments lack a sense of bodily incorporation (the sense of ownership. Based on the valuable commentaries, we would like to discuss the necessary conditions for possible bodily incorporation in terms of redundant degrees of freedom, synchronous visual tactile stimulation, and 1/f noise.
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    Fūkei no seisan fūkei no kaihō: media no arukeorojī.Kenji Satō - 1994 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
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