Results for 'Nobuo Kato'

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  1. Katō Tadashi zenshū.Tadashi Katō - 1963 - Edited by Munemutsu Yamada.
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    Wabi Sabi: the wisdom in imperfection.Nobuo Suzuki - 2021 - Singapore: Tuttle Publishing.
    Wabi Sabi is the Japanese Zen philosophy that all things are imperfect, unfinished and impermanent. It is a fresh way of seeing and moving through the world when our lives, literally and figuratively, feel cluttered. This book shows us how to apply this concept in the context of daily life and offers ideas on how to see it, embrace it and incorporate it into everyday thoughts, objects and situations."--Publisher description.
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  3. Katō Hiroyuki jijoden.Hiroyuki Katō - 1915
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  4. Processing of auditory information carried by species-specific complex sounds.Nobuo Suga - 1995 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences. MIT Press. pp. 3--295.
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  5. Mitogaku no seishin to tachiba.Nobuo Fujii - 1944 - Yokohama-shi: Kyūkōkai.
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  6. Tetsugaku nyūmon.Nobuo Handa - 1977
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  7. Hōgakuteki sekaikan.Shinpei Katō - 1950 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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  8. Tōyō no furusato.Nobuo Kayahara - 1942
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    The Invisible 'Internal Radiation' and the Nuclear System: Hiroshima-Iraq-Fukushima.Nobuo Kazashi - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (1):37 - 43.
    Ethics, Policy & Environment, Volume 15, Issue 1, Page 37-43, March 2012.
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    A multiattribute decision time theory.Nobuo Koida - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):407-430.
    In this study, we analyze choice in the presence of some conflict that affects the decision time, a subject that has been documented in the literature. We axiomatize a multiattribute decision time representation, which is a dynamic extension of the classic multiattribute expected utility theory that allows potentially incomplete preferences. Under this framework, one alternative is preferred to another in a certain period if and only if the weighted sum of the attribute-dependent expected utility induced by the former alternative is (...)
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    Anxiolytic Effects of Repeated Cannabidiol Treatment in Teenagers With Social Anxiety Disorders.Nobuo Masataka - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)Intuition, pathos et guerre.Nobuo Kazashi - 2009 - Diogène 227 (3):122-.
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    The source of the long-term retention of priming effects.Nobuo Ohta - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):249.
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    Andō Shōeki no jitsuzō: kindaiteki shiten o koete.Nobuo Yamazaki - 2016 - Tōkyō: Nōbunkyō.
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  15. Bodily Logos: James, Merleau-Ponty, and Nishida.Nobuo Kazashi - 1999 - In Dorothea Olkowski & James Morley, Merleau-Ponty, Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life and the World: Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life, and the World. State University of New York Pressolkowski, Dorothea. pp. 107--120.
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    Neurodiversity, Giftedness, and Aesthetic Perceptual Judgment of Music in Children with Autism.Nobuo Masataka - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in functional research of prefrontal cortex.Nobuo Masataka, Leonid Perlovsky & Kazuo Hiraki - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Coalition Governments, Party Switching, and the Rise and Decline of Parties: Changing Japanese Party Politics since 1993.Junko Kato & Yuto Kannon - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (3):341-365.
    Since 1993, coalition governments have replaced the 38-year-long, one-party dominance of the Liberal Democratic Party (the LDP) in Japan. Except for one year, from 1993 to 1994, the LDP has remained a key party in successive governing coalitions, but the dynamics of party competition has been completely transformed since the period of the LDP's dominance. Although the LDP has survived to form a variety of coalitions ranging from a minority to an over-sized majority, since 1998 the Democratic Party of Japan (...)
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  19. Kachi no kenkyū.Masami Katō - 1971
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    Acting-Intuition and Pathos in Nishida and Miki: For the Invisible of the Post-Hiroshima Age, or Irradiated Bodies and Power.Nobuo Kazashi - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (3):89-102.
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    Neurodiversity and Artistic Performance Characteristic of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.Nobuo Masataka - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    “a Lineage Of Dullards”: Zen Master Tōjū Reisō And His Associates.Katō Shōshun - 1998 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 25 (1-2):151-165.
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    Mésologie de la rencontre : une invitation au dialogue. Série I : introduction à la mésologie.Nobuo Kioka & Augustin Berque - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3:11-24.
    Traduction de l’« Introduction à la mésologie », premier des quatre actes de Mésologie de la rencontre : une invitation au dialogue, de Kioka Nobuo. Cet acte comprend trois scènes dont chacune se compose d’abord d’un cours suivi d’un dialogue entre trois personnages. La scène 1 « Qu’est-ce qu’un milieu? » définit les trois concepts d’environnement, d’écosystème et de milieu, le « milieu » se distinguant des deux autres en tant que leur trajection. La scène 2 « La mésologie (...)
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  24. Plato on Self-Predication of "the fine"–"Hippias Major" 292, e6-7.Motoaki Kato - 1995 - Bigaku 45 (4):12-22.
    In Plato's "Hippias Major" 292e6-7, we can find a self-predication sentence; "The fine is always fine." (We have similar expressions in "Protagoras" 330c4-6, 330d8-el, "Lysis" 220b6-7.) How should we interpret this sentence? We cannot give it any metaphysical meaning drawn from Plato's own theory of Form, which is explicit in his middle dialogues. "The fine" here should be the logical cause, not the one of the metaphysical essentials (cf. Paul Woodruff's "Plateo Hippias Major", p. 150). So taking a sentence like (...)
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    Marukusu ni okeru Hēgeru mondai.Nobuo Ishii - 2002 - Tōkyō: Ochanomizu Shobō.
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  26. Benshōhō no tankyū.Tadashi Katō - 1949
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  27. Dang dai Riben zhe xue jia.Hisatake Katō & Chongdao Bian (eds.) - 1992 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    Eight different decagonal tilings derived from rhombic Penrose tiling.Kazuyuki Kato & Akiji Yamamoto - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (19-21):2579-2586.
  29. Hēgeru jiten =.Hisatake Katō (ed.) - 1992 - Tōkyō: Kōbundō.
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    Islamic Fundamentalists’ Approach to Multiculturalism. The Case of Al-mukmin School in Indonesia.Hisanori Kato - 2014 - Dialogue and Universalism 24 (4):171-186.
    The psychological gap based on distrust and mutual ignorance between the Islamic world and the rest of the world, including Japan, has never been wider than it is today. Some might think that Islamic and other civilizations share little common ground in terms of basic values concerning humanity. Some even claim that “the clash of civilizations” is inevitable. However, it is too early to conclude that these civilizations will always be in conflict with each other. Although their theological interpretations of (...)
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  31. Ningen fukkō no kyōiku.Saburō Katō - unknown
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    Nihonjin no gyōsei.Eiichi Katō - 1980
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    Ningen to kōkenshin.Hisatake Katō (ed.) - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Fuyō Shobō Shuppan.
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  34. Ronkō jirui sakuln.Jōken Katō & Katsumi Yamada (eds.) - 1960
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  35. Ronkō koyū meishi sakuin.Jōken Katō & Katsumi Yamada (eds.) - 1961
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  36. Rei no kigen to sono hattatsu.Jōken Katō - 1943 - Tōkyō: Chūbunkan.
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    Passions for Philosophy in the Post-Hiroshima Age.Nobuo Kazashi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:57-63.
    Nishida’s analyses of human bodily existence, anticipating Merleau-Ponty’s, led him to accomplish his own “return to the lifeworld.” The later Nishida wrote: “I have now come to regard what I used to call the world of pure experience as the world of historical reality. The world of action-intuition is none other than the world of pure experience.” But Nishida’s attempt at a radical reconstruction of philosophy seems to suffer from a metaphysical optimism deriving from his notion of the “place of (...)
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    Fūdo no ronri: chiri tetsugaku e no michi.Nobuo Kioka - 2011 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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    The Realism of St. Thomas.Kato Kiszely Payzs - 1946 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 21:92-102.
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    The Confucian Concept of Learning Revisited for East Asian Humanistic Pedagogies.Duck-Joo Kwak, Morimichi Kato & Ruyu Hung - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (1):1-6.
    The term ‘humanism’ is Western in origin. It denotes the tradition that places special emphasis on cultivation of letters for education. In the West, this tradition was originated with sophists and Isocrates, established by Cicero, and was developed by Renaissance humanists. East Asia, however, also has its own humanistic traditions with equal educational relevance. One of these is a Japanese version of Confucian humanism established by Ogyu Sorai. This tradition is based on the interpretation of Confucius as a lover of (...)
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    Significance of Chomin Nakae as the “Rousseau of the East”.Tsuneo Kato - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:51-56.
    Chomin Nakae (Japanese thinker,1847-1901) has been called “the Rousseau of the East” by both Japanese and Chinese because he translated Jean-Jacque Rousseau, for instance, the Social Contract into Japanese and Chinese. It would be natural to suppose that Chomin read Rousseau’s books as an overseas student in France from 1872 to 1874 after the time of “ the Paris Commune”. It seems that many Chinese overseas students in Japan read Rousseau’s books in Chinese and Japanese translated by Chomin and accepted (...)
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    Park, Jin Y. and Gereon Kopf, ed., Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism: Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010, 310 pages.Nobuo Kazashi - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (1):105-108.
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    Kaikō no ronri: "en" no musubu sekai e.Nobuo Kioka - 2017 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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    Chūgoku Isurāmu tetsugaku no keisei: Ō Taiyo kenkyū.Nobuo Horiike - 2012 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
    イスラーム哲学vs中国哲学、対決・調和・熟成。イスラーム思想はどのように東漸し、中国はそれをいかに受容し、そしていかにして新たな哲学を形成したのか。イスラームと中国の文明接触を哲学レベルで解明し、その 歴史を実証的に探求する。.
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    Kan Gi shisōshi kenkyū.Nobuo Horiike - 1988 - Tōkyō: Meiji Shoin.
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    Maruyama Masao to sengo Nihon no kokutai.Nobuo Ikeda - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Hakusuisha.
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  47. (1 other version)Chūgoku shisōshi.Jōken Katō (ed.) - 1952 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  48. Vignette : A Memorable and Enjoyable 20 Years.Kazuto Kato - 2025 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, E. S. Dove, Vasiliki Rahimzadeh & Michael J. S. Beauvais, Promoting the "human" in law, policy, and medicine: essays in honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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  49. Zettai no chūsei.Shigeshi Katō - 1943
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  50. Frequency-Specific Synchronization in the Bilateral Subthalamic Nuclei Depending on Voluntary Muscle Contraction and Relaxation in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease.Kenji Kato, Fusako Yokochi, Hirokazu Iwamuro, Takashi Kawasaki, Kohichi Hamada, Ayako Isoo, Katsuo Kimura, Ryoichi Okiyama, Makoto Taniguchi & Junichi Ushiba - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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