Results for 'Noé Expósito Traductor'

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    La idea de Una cultura filosófica. Su primera germinación en la filosofía griega.Edmund Husserl & Noé Expósito Traductor - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 15:207.
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    El magisterio de Javier San Martín.Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 18:298-301.
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    Phenomenology and cognitive linguistics in dialogue: A review of Ortega y Gasset's theory of emotive gesture as metaphor. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero & Augusto Soares da Silva - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (3):374-390.
    The present study pursues three objectives. First, to expose and discuss the contributions of the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset to the phenomenological study of gestures and emotive gesture. Secondly, to critically review one of the central theses defended by Ortega, according to which “every expressive phenomenon”—including, therefore, the emotive gesture—involves “a transposition, that is to say, an essential metaphor.” This thesis invites us, in the third objective, to establish a dialogue between phenomenology and cognitive linguistics (as developed by Lakoff, (...)
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    Venebra Muñoz, Marcela. Fenomenología de la sangre. Cuerpo propio y cuerpo otro. Buenos Aires: SB Editorial, 2023, 285 pp. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 20:617-620.
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    Teoria crítica i fenomenologia: una síntesi necessària? Bases fenomenològiques per a una revisió crítica del projecte filosòfic del primer Marcuse.Noé Expósito Ropero - 2019 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 62:117.
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    HOYOS SÁNCHEZ, Inmaculada : Sobre el amor y el miedo. Tópicos antiguos y enfoques modernos, Madrid, Avarigani Editores.Noé Expósito Ropero - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 74:209.
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    San Martín, Javier: La nueva imagen de Husserl. Lecciones de guanajuato, madrid, Trotta, 2015.Noé Expósito Ropero - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 68:180.
  8.  18
    Análisis genético del "Análisis reflexivo". Para un re-encuentro fenomenológico: Lester Embree, Javier San Martín, Ludwig Landgrebe y José Ortega y Gasset.Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:257.
    En el contexto del homenaje filosófico que rendimos a Lester Embree, este trabajo intenta ofrecer un análisis genético del Análisis reflexivo del filósofo norteamericano, tomando como hilo conductor el debate público y privado entre Lester Embree y Javier San Martín, e intentando profundizar en los problemas que nos plantean. Para ello me remitiré, en un segundo momento, a dos ensayos de Ludwig Landgrebe publicados en Faktizität und Individuation. Finalmente, como cierre de este escrito, añado un breve “Epílogo para orteguianos. Lester (...)
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    Nota introductoria a la traducción de “la idea de Una cultura filosófica. Su primera germinación en la filosofía griega” de Edmund Husserl.Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 15:187.
    En este estudio introductorio presentamos la traducción castellana del artículo de Edmund Husserl “La idea de una cultura filosófica. Su primera germinación en la filosofía griega” publicado originalmente en 1923 en la Japanisch-deutsche Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Technik. Asimismo, ofrecemos una contextualización histórico-filosófica del artículo que presentamos, situándolo en el conjunto de la obra de Husserl, y prestando especial atención a su estrecha relación con los artículos que Husserl publicó sobre esta misma temática en la revista japonesa Kaizo entre 1923 (...)
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    Respuesta a Graham Harman (II): Fenomenología y realismo especulativo.Noé Expósito Ropero & Javier San Martín - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 17:385.
    En este artículo continuamos el debate con Graham Harman en torno a la filosofía de Ortega, la fenomenología de Husserl y la re-lación entre fenomenología y realismo especulativo. Tras exponer los antecedentes y los temas centrales del debate en un apartado introductorio, dividimos nuestro trabajo en tres grandes apartados. En el primero se exponen algunos conceptos fundamentales de la fenomenología, sobre todo el sentido del idealismo trascendental; la peculiaridad fenomenológica del concepto de inmanencia, y en consecuencia los conceptos de reducción (...)
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    HUSSERL, EDMUND. "Introducción a la ética". Edición de Mariana Chu, Mariano Crespo y Luis Rabanaque, Trotta: Madrid, 2020, 364 páginas. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 17:429.
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    Mariano Crespo Y urbano Ferrer: Die person im kontext Von moral und sozialität. Studien zur frühen phänomenologischen ethik. Ad Fontes studien zur frühen phänomenologie band 4, nordhausen: Verlag traugott bautz gmbh, 2016, 175 pp. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 13:259.
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    Marcela VENEBRA MUÑOZ: "La reforma fenomenológica de la antropología". Bogotá, Editorial Aula de Humanidades/ Universidad de San Buenaventura, 2017, 359 PP. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 14:269.
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    Sara Fumagalli: "Wege zu einer neuen Phänomenologie: Landgrebe, Fink und Patocka im Dialog", Würzburg, Ergon-Verlag. Studien zur Phänomenologie und praktischen Philosophie, 2017, 151 pp. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 16:415.
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    Urbano Ferrer Y Sergio sánchez-migallón: La ética de Edmund Husserl, Sevilla: Themata-plaza Y Valdés, 2011; 2018 (2ª edición), 272 pp. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 15:283.
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    Respuesta a Noé Expósito Ropero.Graham Harman & Jimmy Hernández Marcelo - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 17:369.
    Este artículo es una respuesta a la crítica de Noé Expósito Ropero —que se basa en gran medida en la visión de Javier San Martín— a mi interpretación de la filosofía de José Ortega y Gasset. El resultado del argumento de Expósito Ropero es que Ortega es más fenomenólogo de lo que yo considero, que me equivoco al pen-sar que existen los “objetos reales” más allá de los objetos intencionales de Edmund Husserl, y que ningún objeto inanimado puede (...)
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    Noé Expósito Ropero, La ética de Ortega y Gasset. Del deber al imperativo biográfico, UNED, Madrid, 2021, 353 pp. Prólogo de Javier San Martín. [REVIEW]Marcela Venebra Muñoz - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 18:274-280.
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    Ethics / Noël Merino, book editor.Noël Merino (ed.) - 2015 - Farmington Hills, Mich.: Greenhaven Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning.
    Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications.
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    Action in Perception by Alva Noë. [REVIEW]Alva Noë - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (5):259-272.
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    Varieties of presence.Alva Noë - 2012 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Introduction: free presence -- Conscious reference -- Fragile styles -- Real presence -- Experience of the world in time -- Presence in pictures -- On over-intellectualizing the intellect -- Ideology and the third realm.
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  21. Action in Perception.Alva Noë - 2004 - MIT Press.
    "Perception is not something that happens to us, or in us," writes Alva Noe. "It is something we do." In Action in Perception, Noe argues that perception and perceptual consciousness depend on capacities for action and thought — that ...
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  22. Real Presence.Alva Noë - 2005 - Philosophical Topics 33 (1):235-264.
  23. (2 other versions)Experience without the head.Alva Noë - 2006 - In Tamar Szabo Gendler & John Hawthorne (eds.), Perceptual experience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 411--433.
    Some cognitive states — e.g. states of thinking, calculating, navigating — may be partially external because, at least sometimes, these states depend on the use of symbols and artifacts that are outside the body. Maps, signs, writing implements may sometimes be as inextricably bound up with the workings of cognition as neural structures or internally realized symbols (if there are any). According to what Clark and Chalmers [1998] call active externalism, the environment can drive and so partially constitute cognitive processes. (...)
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  24. Experience of the world in time.Alva Noe - 2006 - Analysis 66 (1):26-32.
  25. Cartesian Psychology and Physical Minds: Individualism and the Sciences of the Mind.Alva Noë - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (3):434.
    Perhaps the most influential compatibilist response to this question is Fodor's strategy of levels. Fodor argues that although psychological laws range over world-involving propositional attitudes and their contents, these laws are implemented in computational mechanisms that supervene on the individual's intrinsic states.
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  26. Sorting out the neural basis of consciousness: Authors' reply to commentators.Alva Noe & Evan Thompson - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (1):87-98.
    Correspondence: Alva Noë, Department of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720-2390, USA. _Email: [email protected]_ Evan Thompson, Philosophy Department, York University, 4700 Keele Street, North York, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada. _Email: [email protected]_.
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  27. Is the visual world a grand illusion?Alva Noë - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (5-6):1-12.
    In this paper I explore a brand of scepticism about perceptual experience that takes its start from recent work in psychology and philosophy of mind on change blindness and related phenomena. I argue that the new scepticism rests on a problematic phenomenology of perceptual experience. I then consider a strengthened version of the sceptical challenge that seems to be immune to this criticism. This strengthened sceptical challenge formulates what I call the problem of perceptual presence. I show how this problem (...)
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    Out of our heads: why you are not your brain, and other lessons from the biology of consciousness.Alva Noë - 2009 - New York: Hill & Wang.
    A noted philosopher and member of the Institute for Cognitive and Brain Science examines flaws in current understandings about consciousness while proposing a radical solution that argues that consciousness must not be limited to the confines of the brain.
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  29. Nietzsche: Nihilism And Culture.Javier IbÁÑez-noÉ - 1996 - Nietzsche Studien 25:1-23.
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  30. Breves apuntes sobre un romance mitológico: Perseo liberta de la muerte a Andrómeda (Juan de la Cueva).Guadalupe Morcillo Expósito - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    The entanglement: how art and philosophy make us what we are.Alva Noë - 2023 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    In The Entanglement, philosopher Alva Noë explores the inseparability of life, art, and philosophy, and argues that we have radically underestimated the significance of this long recognized but underappreciated reality, what he refers to as the "entanglement." The core of The Entanglement is the idea that human existence is inextricably aesthetic and philosophical. In the first half of the book, Noë offers a detailed examination of pictures and seeing, writing and speech, and choreography and dancing, which serve as case studies (...)
  32.  48
    Is the Visual World a Grand Illusion?Alva Noë (ed.) - 2002 - Imprint Academic.
    There is a traditional scepticism about whether the world "out there" really is as we perceive it. A new breed of hyper-sceptics now challenges whether we even have the perceptual experience we think we have. According to these writers, perceptual consciousness is a kind of false consciousness. This view grows out of the discovery of such phenomena as change blindness and inattentional blindness, which show that we can all be quite blind to changes taking place before our very eyes. Such (...)
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  33. Études historiques à la mémoire de Noël Didier.Noël Didier (ed.) - 1960 - Paris: Éditions Montchrestien.
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    Art and Recollection.Noël Carroll - 2005 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (2):1-12.
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  35. The Philosophy of Motion Pictures.Noël Carroll - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Philosophy of Motion Pictures_ is a first-of-its-kind, bottom-up introduction to this bourgeoning field of study. Topics include film as art, medium specificity, defining motion pictures, representation, editing, narrative, emotion and evaluation. Clearly written and supported with a wealth of examples Explores characterizations of key elements of motion pictures –the shot, the sequence, the erotetic narrative, and its modes of affective address.
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  36. Vision without representation.A. Noë - 2010 - In Nivedita Gangopadhyay, Michael Madary & Finn Spicer (eds.), Perception, action, and consciousness: sensorimotor dynamics and two visual systems. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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    Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature: A Précis.Alva Noë - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (1):211-213.
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    Sensations and Situations: A Sensorimotor Integrationist Approach.A. Noe - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (5-6):66-79.
    In this short paper I propose that the sensorimotor approach to perception is a tree yielding two distinct theoretical fruits. One fruit is sensorimotor reductionism. The other is sensorimotor integrationism. In this paper I try to explain what makes these fruits different.
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  39. Beyond Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays.Noël Carroll - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Beyond Aesthetics brings together philosophical essays addressing art and related issues by one of the foremost philosophers of art at work today. Countering conventional aesthetic theories - those maintaining that authorial intention, art history, morality and emotional responses are irrelevant to the experience of art - Noël Carroll argues for a more pluralistic and commonsensical view in which all of these factors can play a legitimate role in our encounter with art works. Throughout, the book combines philosophical theorizing with illustrative (...)
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    Learning to Look: Dispatches From the Art World.Alva Noë - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "Works of art sometimes leave us speechless. But they almost never shut us up. They can't. There's just too much to say. Talking about art doesn't leave things as they are; it changes everything. To look, to think, to say what you see, or why you respond as you do, this changes what you see and it changes your response. The effort and the caring remake us. They remake us, in real time, as we listen to the song, or examine (...)
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  41. Against intellectualism.Alva Noë - 2005 - Analysis 65 (4):278-290.
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    Defending mass art: A response to Kathleen Higgins's "mass appeal".Noël Carroll - 1999 - Philosophy and Literature 23 (2):378-386.
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    La descortesía encubierta en lo políticamente correcto hacia la mujer política en la prensa digital española.M. Lucía Carrillo Expósito - 2020 - Pragmática Sociocultural 8 (2):232-257.
    Resumen El presente artículo se ocupa de analizar las estrategias comunicativas de la prensa digital española destinadas a amenazar la imagen de la mujer política. Metodológicamente nos situamos en la Lingüística pragmática, en los estudios de la (des)cortesía y en el Análisis del Discurso. La hipótesis que se plantea es que los medios de comunicación que se examinan no participan en el progreso que experimenta la sociedad en materia de igualdad de género, aunque en apariencia lo hacen mediante lo políticamente (...)
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    Modernist objects.Noëlle Cuny & Xavier Kalck (eds.) - 2020 - Clemson: Clemson University Press.
    Modernist Objects is a unique mix of cultural studies, literature, and visual arts applied to the discrete materiality of modernist objects. Contributors explore the many tensions surrounding the modernist relationship to objects, things, products and artIfacts through the prism of poetry, prose, visual arts, culture and crafts.
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  45. La interjección: estudio diacrónico.Guadalupe Morcillo Expósito - 2007 - Humanitas 59:83-98.
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    Julio medem Y la poética Del compromiso.Alfredo Martínez Expósito - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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    Organización semiológica Del espacio Y Del tiempo en el cine.Alfredo Martínez Expósito - 2006 - Alpha (Osorno) 23.
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  48. Philosophy of Art: A Contemporary Introduction.Noël Carroll - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _Philosophy of Art_ is a textbook for undergraduate students interested in the topic of philosophical aesthetics. It introduces the techniques of analytic philosophy as well as key topics such as the representational theory of art, formalism, neo-formalism, aesthetic theories of art, neo-Wittgensteinism, the Institutional Theory of Art. as well as historical approaches to the nature of art. Throughout, abstract philosophical theories are illustrated by examples of both traditional and contemporary art including frequent reference to the avant-garde in this way enriching (...)
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  49. Causation and perception: the puzzle unravelled.Alva Noe - 2003 - Analysis 63 (2):93-100.
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    Entanglement and Ecstasy in Dance, Music, and Philosophy: A Reply to Carrie Noland, Nancy S. Struever, and Thomas Rickert.Alva Noë - 2021 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 54 (1):63-80.
    ABSTRACT Dance and music serve in this essay to exemplify both the looping entanglement of art and life as well as the account of art and philosophy developed in Strange Tools. This essay replies to criticisms of Carrie Noland, Nancy S. Struever, and Thomas Rickert and also offers a briefer restatement of the general approach.
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