Results for 'Nikolay Litvak'

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  1.  25
    Automatic and polynomial-time algebraic structures.Nikolay Bazhenov, Matthew Harrison-Trainor, Iskander Kalimullin, Alexander Melnikov & Keng Meng Ng - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1630-1669.
    A structure is automatic if its domain, functions, and relations are all regular languages. Using the fact that every automatic structure is decidable, in the literature many decision problems have been solved by giving an automatic presentation of a particular structure. Khoussainov and Nerode asked whether there is some way to tell whether a structure has, or does not have, an automatic presentation. We answer this question by showing that the set of Turing machines that represent automata-presentable structures is ${\rm{\Sigma (...)
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    On voluntarism and the role of governments in CSR: towards a contingency approach.Nikolay A. Dentchev, Mitchell Balen & Elvira Haezendonck - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):378-397.
    In the corporate social responsibility literature, the principle of voluntarism is predominant and implies that responsible business activities are discretionary and reach beyond the rule of law. This principle fails to explain that governments have a great interest in CSR and exercise influence on firms’ CSR activities. Therefore, we argue in favour of a contingency approach on voluntarism in CSR. To this end, we analyse the academic literature to demonstrate how governments are part of the CSR debate. We selected 703 (...)
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    On voluntarism and the role of governments in CSR: towards a contingency approach.Nikolay A. Dentchev, Mitchell van Balen & Elvira Haezendonck - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):378-397.
    In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature, the principle of voluntarism is predominant and implies that responsible business activities are discretionary and reach beyond the rule of law. This principle fails to explain that governments have a great interest in CSR and exercise influence on firms’ CSR activities. Therefore, we argue in favour of a contingency approach on voluntarism in CSR. To this end, we analyse the academic literature to demonstrate how governments are part of the CSR debate. We selected (...)
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    Corporate Social Performance as a Business Strategy.Nikolay A. Dentchev - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (4):395-410.
    Having the ambition to contribute to the practical value of the theory on corporate social performance (CSP), this paper approaches the question whether CSP can contribute to the competitive advantage of firms. We adopted an explorative case-study methodology to explore the variety of positive and negative effects of CSP on the competitiveness of organizations. As this study aimed at identifying as great variety of these effects as possible, we selected a diversified group of respondents. Data was thus collected through embedded (...)
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    Computable Stone spaces.Nikolay Bazhenov, Matthew Harrison-Trainor & Alexander Melnikov - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103304.
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    Collective Singulars: A Reinterpretation.Nikolay Koposov - 2011 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 6 (1):39-64.
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    Lost in Translation.Nikolay Zyuzev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:923-929.
    The paper suggests an explanation of the failure of liberal reforms in Russia in 1990th using a specific concept of social space. A society can be interpreted as ‘rings in the water’ system with an individual as the center and more distant social groups as ‘rings’. The key factor in such system would be an individual’s ability to translate his/her will through the ‘rings’. Russian social space is characterized by a sharp discrepancy between high standards for personal spiritual and moral (...)
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    Foundations of online structure theory.Nikolay Bazhenov, Rod Downey, Iskander Kalimullin & Alexander Melnikov - 2019 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):141-181.
    The survey contains a detailed discussion of methods and results in the new emerging area of online “punctual” structure theory. We also state several open problems.
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    A System of Relational Syllogistic Incorporating Full Boolean Reasoning.Nikolay Ivanov & Dimiter Vakarelov - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (4):433-459.
    We present a system of relational syllogistic, based on classical propositional logic, having primitives of the following form: SomeaareRrelatedtosomeb;SomeaareRrelatedtoallb;AllaareRrelatedtosomeb;AllaareRrelatedtoallb.\begin{array}{ll}\mathbf{Some}\, a \,{\rm are} \,R-{\rm related}\, {\rm to}\, \mathbf{some} \,b;\\ \mathbf{Some}\, a \,{\rm are}\,R-{\rm related}\, {\rm to}\, \mathbf{all}\, b;\\ \mathbf{All}\, a\, {\rm are}\,R-{\rm related}\, {\rm to}\, \mathbf{some}\, b;\\ \mathbf{All}\, a\, {\rm are}\,R-{\rm related}\, {\rm to}\, \mathbf{all} \,b.\end{array} Such primitives formalize sentences from natural language like ‘ All students read some textbooks’. Here a, b denote arbitrary sets (of objects), and R denotes an (...)
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    Hebrew offensive language taxonomy and dataset.Marina Litvak, Natalia Vanetik & Chaya Liebeskind - 2023 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19 (2):325-351.
    This paper introduces a streamlined taxonomy for categorizing offensive language in Hebrew, addressing a gap in the literature that has, until now, largely focused on Indo-European languages. Our taxonomy divides offensive language into seven levels (six explicit and one implicit level). We based our work on the simplified offensive language (SOL) taxonomy introduced in (Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk et al. 2021a) hoping that our adjustment of SOL to the Hebrew language will be capable of reflecting the unique linguistic and cultural nuances of Hebrew. (...)
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  11. When face to face we cannot see the face.Nikolay Tarabanov - 2012 - In CONNECT-UNIVERSUM -2012. pp. 176-181.
    The present paper considers using Social Networking Sites (SNS) as the primary means of communication . Current situations of communication are often associated with the active use of various SNS - convenient tool for information exchange, as new media, and one of the most widespread ways of self-presentation. The author comes to the conclusion that a SNS (like Facebook) gives no effective means to discern the real face - ego-, personal or actual social identity. However, modern Internet technologies provide us (...)
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  12. G. E. Moore and the Greifswald objectivists on the given and the beginning of analytic philosophy.Nikolay Milkov - 2004 - Axiomathes 14 (4):361-379.
    Shortly before G. E. Moore wrote down the formative for the early analytic philosophy lectures on Some Main Problems of Philosophy (1910–1911), he had become acquainted with two books which influenced his thought: (1) a book by Husserl's pupil August Messer and (2) a book by the Greifswald objectivist Dimitri Michaltschew. Central to Michaltschew's book was the concept of the given. In Part I, I argue that Moore elaborated his concept of sense-data in the wake of the Greifswald concept. Carnap (...)
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  13. Susan Stebbing's Criticism of Wittgenstein's Tractatus.Nikolay Milkov - 2003 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 10:351-63.
    Susan Stebbing’s paper “Logical Positivism and Analysis” (March 1933) was unusually critical of Wittgenstein. It put up a sharp opposition between Cambridge analytic philosophy of Moore and Russell and the positivist philosophy of the Vienna Circle to which she included Wittgenstein from 1929–32. Above all, positivists were interested in analyzing language, analytic philosophers in analyzing facts. Moreover, whereas analytic philosophers were engaged in directional analysis which seeks to illuminate the multiplicity of the analyzed facts, positivists aimed at final analysis which (...)
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    Selected philosophical essays.Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky - 1953 - Westport, Ct.: Hyperion Press.
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    Optimization of management processes in the electric power industry based on mathematical modeling.Nikolay Dmitrievich Dmitriev, Dmitriy Grigoryevich Rodionov & Sergey Alekseevich Zhiltsov - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):17-23.
    The paper deals with the problems in the electric power industry, do not allow us to ensure a sufficient level of competitiveness of the industry and each individual subject of the electric power industry, the threatens national security, in particular, the economic security of the state, and creates barriers to maintaining the sustainable development of territories. It is proposed to use the economic and mathematical modeling allowed us to determine the high importance of human resources in the final results of (...)
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  16. Grounding scientific knowledge and religious belief in the context of Charle Peirce's metaphysics.Nikolay Ivanov - 2007 - In Monica Merutiu, Bogdan Dicher & Adrian Ludusan (eds.), Philosophy of Pragmatism. Religious Premises, Moral Issues and Historical Impact. Efes.
    Pragmatism of Peirce and James overcomed traditional dualism between mind and matter, sense data and conceptions, and the severe differentiation between philosophy, science, art and religion. They made three types of synthesis- epistemological, metaphysical and religious, based on relations between belief, thought, and action. Within the framework of these the problem of relation between science and religion is solved. Peirce founded science on essentially religious metaphysics in such context in which knowledge and thought are grounded and become meaningful. Science exists (...)
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    Is it possible to measure science.Nikolay Salkov - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Researchжурнал Философских Исследований 2 (1):2-2.
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  18. (1 other version)Dehomogenizing Mises's Monetary Theory.Nikolay Gertchev - 2004 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 18 (3):57œ90.
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    Early Analytic Philosophy and the German Philosophical Tradition.Nikolay Milkov - 2020 - London: Bloomsbury.
    This book investigates the emergence and development of early analytic philosophy and explicates the topics and concepts that were of interest to German and British philosophers. Taking into consideration a range of authors including Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Fries, Lotze, Husserl, Moore, Russell and Wittgenstein, Nikolay Milkov shows that the same puzzles and problems were of interest within both traditions. Showing that the particular problems and concepts that exercised the early analytic philosophers logically connect with, and in many cases hinge (...)
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    Susan Stebbing and Some Poorly Explored Venues of Analytic Philosophy.Nikolay Milkov - forthcoming - In Coliva Annalisa & Louis Doulas (eds.), Susan Stebbing: Analysis, Common Sense, and Public Philosophy. Oxford University Press.
    The Chapter discusses Susan Stebbing’s conception of analytic philosophy as a discipline that can help to achieve clear thinking not only in fields of academic interest but also in public matters. We first explore Stebbing’s long road to analytic philosophy, her mature position as an analytic philosopher and her work on developing and in defense of clear thinking. Then we show that this work of Stebbing’s is the clearest expression of a side of the early analytic philosophy that is generally (...)
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  21.  43
    Degrees of categoricity and spectral dimension.Nikolay A. Bazhenov, Iskander Sh Kalimullin & Mars M. Yamaleev - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (1):103-116.
    A Turing degreedis the degree of categoricity of a computable structure${\cal S}$ifdis the least degree capable of computing isomorphisms among arbitrary computable copies of${\cal S}$. A degreedis the strong degree of categoricity of${\cal S}$ifdis the degree of categoricity of${\cal S}$, and there are computable copies${\cal A}$and${\cal B}$of${\cal S}$such that every isomorphism from${\cal A}$onto${\cal B}$computesd. In this paper, we build a c.e. degreedand a computable rigid structure${\cal M}$such thatdis the degree of categoricity of${\cal M}$, butdis not the strong degree of categoricity (...)
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  22. Bertrand Russell’s Philosophical Logic and its Logical Forms.Nikolay Milkov - 2023 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):193-210.
    From 1901 till, at least, 1919, Russell persistently maintained that there are two kinds of logic, between which he sharply discriminated: mathematical logic and philosophical logic. In this paper, we discuss the concept of philosophical logic, as used by Russell. This was only a tentative program that Russell did not clarify in detail, so our task will be to make it explicit. We shall show that there are three (-and-a-half) kinds of Russellian philosophical logic: (i) “pure logic”; (ii) philosophical logic (...)
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    Philippe Pignarre and Isabelle Stengers, Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell, Review by Nikolay Karkov. [REVIEW]Nikolay Karkov - 2012 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (2):260-263.
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    Unified Model of Shadow-Gravity and the Exploding Electron.Nikolay Dibrov - 2011 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 18 (2):43-83.
  25.  14
    “God with a Machine”. Miglena Nikolchina.Nikolay Genov - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (4):447-451.
    The present review takes into consideration the existing literature on Professor Dr. Miglena Nikolchina's new monograph, “God with a Machine: Extracting the Human”, with a particular focus on the science-fictional aspects of the book, tracking their culmination in the debates about the future and the inquiries that construct the very notion of humanity.
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    How to approximate fuzzy sets: mind-changes and the Ershov Hierarchy.Nikolay Bazhenov, Manat Mustafa, Sergei Ospichev & Luca San Mauro - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-25.
    Computability theorists have introduced multiple hierarchies to measure the complexity of sets of natural numbers. The Kleene Hierarchy classifies sets according to the first-order complexity of their defining formulas. The Ershov Hierarchy classifies limit computable sets with respect to the number of mistakes that are needed to approximate them. Biacino and Gerla extended the Kleene Hierarchy to the realm of fuzzy sets, whose membership functions range in a complete lattice. In this paper, we combine the Ershov Hierarchy and fuzzy set (...)
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  27.  37
    The Economic Nobel Prize.Nikolay Gertchev - 2011 - Libertarian Papers 3:9.
    This paper raises the question whether the Economic Nobel Prize is ideologically biased. Based on a review of a significant number of the Prize Committee’s award justifications, the article concludes at a persistent bias against private property and the free market and in favour of collectivism and state interventionism. From a methodological point of view, the Prize has contributed to the widespread use by professional economists of formal mathematics within the positivistic approach. With respect to research findings, the Prize has (...)
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    (1 other version)La philosophie comme thérapie.Nikolay Omelchenko - 2009 - Diogène 228 (4):95.
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    The Possibility of Integral Philosophy of Human Being.Nikolay Omelchenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:167-174.
    The paper discusses a possibility of integral combination of various approaches for the adequate understanding of human being. In this regard, I analyze the feeling of love in the context of rational cognition and also suggest a secular interpretation of religious images and symbols that allow us to understand well-known heuristic and moral notions in a new light.
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    An approach to design of automata-based axiomatization for propositional program and temporal logics.Nikolay V. Shilov - 2014 - In Dieter Spreen, Hannes Diener & Vasco Brattka (eds.), Logic, Computation, Hierarchies. De Gruyter. pp. 297-324.
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  31. The History of the Concept of "Truth-Making".Nikolay Milkov - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (10):449-461.
    The conception of truth-making, albeit in a rudimentary form, could already be discerned in the writings of G. E. Moore and E. Husserl in the early 1900s. A few years later it was more extensively exploited by William James. It was Wittgenstein, however, who gave the concept a precise meaning. In 1913/1914 Wittgenstein advanced a theory of possible worlds, only one of which was real. Every proposition suggests a part of a possible world which does or does not correspond to (...)
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  32. The Berlin Group and the Vienna Circle: Affinities and Divergences.Nikolay Milkov - 2013 - In Nikolay Milkov & Volker Peckhaus (eds.), The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. Berlin: Springer. pp. 3--32.
    The Berlin Group was an equal partner with the Vienna Circle as a school of scientific philosophy, albeit one that pursued an itinerary of its own. But while the latter presented its defining projects in readily discernible terms and became immediately popular, the Berlin Group, whose project was at least as sig-nificant as that of its Austrian counterpart, remained largely unrecognized. The task of this chapter is to distinguish the Berliners’ work from that of the Vienna Circle and to bring (...)
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    Conflict Resolution Ability in Late Bilinguals Improves With Increased Second-Language Proficiency: ANT Evidence.Nikolay Novitskiy, Yury Shtyrov & Andriy Myachykov - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Degrees of bi-embeddable categoricity of equivalence structures.Nikolay Bazhenov, Ekaterina Fokina, Dino Rossegger & Luca San Mauro - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (5-6):543-563.
    We study the algorithmic complexity of embeddings between bi-embeddable equivalence structures. We define the notions of computable bi-embeddable categoricity, \ bi-embeddable categoricity, and degrees of bi-embeddable categoricity. These notions mirror the classical notions used to study the complexity of isomorphisms between structures. We show that the notions of \ bi-embeddable categoricity and relative \ bi-embeddable categoricity coincide for equivalence structures for \. We also prove that computable equivalence structures have degree of bi-embeddable categoricity \, or \. We furthermore obtain results (...)
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  35. The history or Russell's concepts 'sense-data' and 'knowledge by acquaintance'.Nikolay Milkov - 2001 - Archiv Fuer Begriffsgeschichte 43:221-231.
    Two concepts of utmost importance for the analytic philosophy of the twentieth century, “sense-data” and “knowledge by acquaintance”, were introduced by Bertrand Russell under the influence of two idealist philosophers: F. H. Bradley and Alexius Meinong. This paper traces the exact history of their introduction. We shall see that between 1896 and 1898, Russell had a fully-elaborated theory of “sense-data”, which he abandoned after his analytic turn of the summer of 1898. Furthermore, following a subsequent turn of August 1900—-after he (...)
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    The Genuine Rhythm оf Being аs A Task оf Philosophy.Nikolay Turlakov - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4):375-387.
    This work can be seen as a kind of continuation of the main topic in my essay “Notes on the Assimetrical Rhythm of Being, or What is Philosophy with a Soul”. Here I make a new attempt to support the thesis why the understanding and study of what I call the “unique Rhythm of Being” is an important and relevant philosophical task. I call the non-proprietary (not arising from itself) rhythm of being that which appears in the self-reflection of thinking (...)
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    The Stationary Dirac Equation as a Generalized Pauli Equation for Two Quasiparticles.Nikolay L. Chuprikov - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (6):644-656.
    By analyzing the Dirac equation with static electric and magnetic fields it is shown that Dirac’s theory is nothing but a generalized one-particle quantum theory compatible with the special theory of relativity. This equation describes a quantum dynamics of a single relativistic fermion, and its solution is reduced to solution of the generalized Pauli equation for two quasiparticles which move in the Euclidean space with their effective masses holding information about the Lorentzian symmetry of the four-dimensional space-time. We reveal the (...)
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  38.  31
    Hermann Lotze's Influence on Twentieth Century Philosophy.Nikolay Milkov - 2023 - Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Hermann Lotze was a key figure in the philosophy of the second half of the 19th century, influencing practically all leading philosophical schools of the late 19th and the early 20th century: (i) the neo-Kantians; (ii) Brentano and his school of descriptive psychology; (iii) the British idealists; (iv) Husserl’s phenomenology; (v) Dilthey’s philosophy of life; (vi) Frege’s new logic; (vii) the early Cambridge analytic philosophy; (viii) William James’s pragmatism. The book first presents the main ideas of Hermann Lotze’s philosophy (Part (...)
  39. Die Berliner Gruppe und der Wiener Kreis: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede.Nikolay Milkov - 2008 - In Martina Fürst, Wolfgang Gombocz & Christian Hiebaum (eds.), Analysen, Argumente, Ansätze. Beiträge Zum 8. Internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie in Graz. Ontos. pp. 55-63.
    Unsere These lautet, dass die Geschichte des logischen Empirismus bisher nicht in ihrer ganzen Komplexität dargestellt wurde. Es herrscht das Bild vor, dass vor allem der Wiener Kreis die wissenschaftliche Philosophie seiner Zeit dominiert habe. In Wirklichkeit waren Hans Reichenbach und die Philosophen und Wissenschaftler in seiner Gruppe mehr als nur geistige Verwandte der Wiener logischen Empiristen. Die Berliner Gruppe war ein gleichberechtigter Partner bei der Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum um 1930 und schlug dabei durchaus einen individuellen Weg (...)
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    Categoricity Spectra for Polymodal Algebras.Nikolay Bazhenov - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (6):1083-1097.
    We investigate effective categoricity for polymodal algebras. We prove that the class of polymodal algebras is complete with respect to degree spectra of nontrivial structures, effective dimensions, expansion by constants, and degree spectra of relations. In particular, this implies that every categoricity spectrum is the categoricity spectrum of a polymodal algebra.
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    On bi-embeddable categoricity of algebraic structures.Nikolay Bazhenov, Dino Rossegger & Maxim Zubkov - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (3):103060.
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    Ancient political vocabulary in biblical contexts.Nikolay Antonov - 2023 - Augustinianum 63 (2):459-478.
    This article examines how Gregory of Nazianzus (Gregory the Theologian, ca. 330-390) constructs an image of the priest using political metaphor and vocabulary from previous traditions. The author chooses a specific text from ancient political thought that was close to his own understanding of Christian tradition (Plato’s Republic). In turn, the biblical material he uses comprises fragments that are highly political in nature (for example, criticism of the rulers of Israel by the prophets). Combining these texts first of all leads (...)
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    Elementary theories and hereditary undecidability for semilattices of numberings.Nikolay Bazhenov, Manat Mustafa & Mars Yamaleev - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):485-500.
    A major theme in the study of degree structures of all types has been the question of the decidability or undecidability of their first order theories. This is a natural and fundamental question that is an important goal in the analysis of these structures. In this paper, we study decidability for theories of upper semilattices that arise from the theory of numberings. We use the following approach: given a level of complexity, say \, we consider the upper semilattice \ of (...)
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  44. (2 other versions)Ėsteticheskie otnosheniia︡ iskusstva k deĭstvitelńosti.Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky - 1945 - [Moskva]: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  45. N. G. Chernyshevskiĭ ob iskusstve.Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky - 1950 - Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii khudozhestv SSSR,:
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    Corporate Social Performance.Nikolay A. Dentchev - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (1):104-116.
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    MVO: theorie en praktijk.Nikolay Dentchev & Aimé Heene - 2003 - Business and Society 11:32-33.
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    On an Interpretation of Podkletnov's “Shielding Effect Against Gravitational Force”.Nikolay Dibrov - 2012 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 19 (3):238.
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    Modeling of the influence of tourist flows on the economic security of the state.Nikolay Dmitrievich Dmitriev, Lyudmila Еduardovna Dubanevich & Andrey Aleksandrovich Zaytsev - 2021 - Kant 39 (2):56-64.
    The purpose of the study is to conduct a simulation of the impact of tourist flows and tourist infrastructure on the economic security of the state. In this paper, it is proposed to conduct a simulation of the impact of tourist flows and tourist infrastructure on the economic security of the state. The scientific novelty lies in the justification of the development of tourism from the point of view of a more complete use of the regional potential of the country. (...)
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    From Social Policy to the Welfare State or... Reverse?Nikolay Lapin - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 2:50-54.
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