Results for 'Nicolaas Troquard'

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  1. Two Approaches to Ontology Aggregation Based on Axiom Weakening.Daniele Porello, Nicolaas Troquard, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Penaloza, Roberto Confalonieri & Pietro Galliani - 2018 - In Daniele Porello, Nicolaas Troquard, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Penaloza, Roberto Confalonieri & Pietro Galliani, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI} 2018, July 13-19, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 1942--1948.
    Axiom weakening is a novel technique that allows for fine-grained repair of inconsistent ontologies. In a multi-agent setting, integrating ontologies corresponding to multiple agents may lead to inconsistencies. Such inconsistencies can be resolved after the integrated ontology has been built, or their generation can be prevented during ontology generation. We implement and compare these two approaches. First, we study how to repair an inconsistent ontology resulting from a voting-based aggregation of views of heterogeneous agents. Second, we prevent the generation of (...)
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  2. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI} 2018, July 13-19, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.Daniele Porello, Nicolaas Troquard, Oliver Kutz, Rafael Penaloza, Roberto Confalonieri & Pietro Galliani (eds.) - 2018
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  3. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum systems: Emergence or reduction?Nicolaas P. Landsman - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (4):379-394.
    Beginning with Anderson, spontaneous symmetry breaking in infinite quantum systems is often put forward as an example of emergence in physics, since in theory no finite system should display it. Even the correspondence between theory and reality is at stake here, since numerous real materials show ssb in their ground states, although they are finite. Thus against what is sometimes called ‘Earman's Principle’, a genuine physical effect seems theoretically recovered only in some idealisation, disappearing as soon as the idealisation is (...)
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  4. Between classical and quantum.Nicolaas P. Landsman - 2007 - Handbook of the Philosophy of Science 2:417--553.
    The relationship between classical and quantum theory is of central importance to the philosophy of physics, and any interpretation of quantum mechanics has to clarify it. Our discussion of this relationship is partly historical and conceptual, but mostly technical and mathematically rigorous, including over 500 references. For example, we sketch how certain intuitive ideas of the founders of quantum theory have fared in the light of current mathematical knowledge. One such idea that has certainly stood the test of time is (...)
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    Applying the Model-Comparison Approach to Test Specific Research Hypotheses in Psychophysical Research Using the Palamedes Toolbox.Nicolaas Prins & Frederick A. A. Kingdom - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  6. On Help and Interpersonal Control.Nicolas Troquard & Emanuele Bottazzi - 2015 - In Emiliano Lorini & Andreas Herzig, The Cognitive Foundations of Group Attitudes and Social Interaction. Cham: Springer.
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  7. 'From Exchange It Comes to Tears'. A Dutch 'Folk Theorem' Reconsidered.Nicolaas J. Vriend - 2003 - Theory and Decision 55 (4):315-338.
    A Dutch 'folk theorem' holds that 'from exchange it comes to tears'. This seems to contradict the basic idea found in economics that exchange and trade can make both sides better off. We show that the 'folk theorem' has a better theoretical foundation than sometimes thought, as it is vindicated by the equilibrium of an exchange game with two-sided asymmetric information. We, then, explain the practical value of such 'folk wisdom' in the real world by showing why players might be (...)
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    Managing education during the pandemic in the Netherlands and South Africa: A comparative study.Nicolaas A. Broer, Johannes L. van der Walt & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–8.
    Optimism has reigned supreme for a long time regarding the potential of education (schooling) to address the many societal ailments that humankind has had to deal with. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 shifted all such aspirations to the back-burner. Now, after just more than a year after the initial outbreak of the pandemic, the question can be raised whether those who managed the pandemic in the educational context followed the correct policies and instituted the correct (ethical, (...)
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  9. Het Expressionisme; zes lezingen.Nicolaas Anthonie Donkersloot (ed.) - 1954 - Den Haag,: Servire.
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    Baruch Spinoza and the naturalisation of the Bible: An epistemological investigation.Nicolaas J. Gronum - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    This article investigates the naturalisation of the Bible. Three voices are of special importance in the narrative presented in this article; they are Aristotle, Rene Descartes and Baruc Spinoza. This article will investigate the scientific method and metaphysics espoused by each of the three scholars, thereby highlighting changes in scientific method and metaphysics that lead to the naturalisation of the Bible. Firstly, Aristotle pioneered a scientific method that would dominate for centuries, as well as a highly influential metaphysics. Secondly, Descartes, (...)
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    Essay Review of: Maximilian Schlosshauer, Decoherence and the Quantum-To-Classical Transition.Nicolaas P. Landsman - unknown
  12. Down to earth: untangling the secular from the sacred in late-modern geology.Nicolaas Rupke - 2019 - In Peter Harrison & Jon H. Roberts, Science Without God?: Rethinking the History of Scientific Naturalism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Tracking and managing deemed abilities.Nicolas Troquard - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5027-5045.
    Information about the powers and abilities of acting entities is used to coordinate their actions in societies, either physical or digital. Yet, the commonsensical meaning of an acting entity being deemed able to do something is still missing from the existing specification languages for the web or for multi-agent systems. We advance a general purpose abstract logical account of evidence-based ability. A basic model can be thought of as the ongoing trace of a multi-agent system. Every state records systemic confirmations (...)
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    Reasoning About Social Choice Functions.Nicolas Troquard, Wiebe Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (4):473-498.
    We introduce a logic specifically designed to support reasoning about social choice functions. The logic includes operators to capture strategic ability, and operators to capture agent preferences. We establish a correspondence between formulae in the logic and properties of social choice functions, and show that the logic is expressively complete with respect to social choice functions, i.e., that every social choice function can be characterised as a formula of the logic. We prove that the logic is decidable, and give a (...)
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    Reasoning About Social Choice Functions.Nicolas Troquard, Wiebe van der Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (4):473-498.
    We introduce a logic specifically designed to support reasoning about social choice functions. The logic includes operators to capture strategic ability, and operators to capture agent preferences. We establish a correspondence between formulae in the logic and properties of social choice functions, and show that the logic is expressively complete with respect to social choice functions, i.e., that every social choice function can be characterised as a formula of the logic. We prove that the logic is decidable, and give a (...)
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  16.  15
    Embodied performance with digital visual effects technology: Empirical results of a digital acting programme.Nicolaas H. Jacobs, Marth Munro & Chris Broodryk - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (1):75-96.
    The impact of digital media and technology on performance arts is evident when digital visual effects (VFX) filming techniques are introduced on a film set. Digital technologies influence the film actor’s approach to be congruent to and authentic within the circumstances of the scene. Actors require an effective skillset and strategies to successfully deliver an embodied performance aligning with the various digital VFX techniques. Focusing on imagination, action and emotion that would facilitate such an embodied performance, we drew on relevant (...)
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  17. (1 other version)When champions meet: Rethinking the Bohr–Einstein debate.Nicolaas P. Landsman - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (1):212-242.
    Einstein's philosophy of physics (as clarified by Fine, Howard, and Held) was predicated on his Trennungsprinzip, a combination of separability and locality, without which he believed objectification, and thereby "physical thought" and "physical laws", to be impossible. Bohr's philosophy (as elucidated by Hooker, Scheibe, Folse, Howard, Held, and others), on the other hand, was grounded in a seemingly different doctrine about the possibility of objective knowledge, namely the necessity of classical concepts. In fact, it follows from Raggio's Theorem in algebraic (...)
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    Religieuze tolerantie vraagt onderwijs in gastvrijheid.Nicolaas A. Broer, A. de Muynck, Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johann L. van der Walt & Charl C. W. Wolhuter - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    The South African-Dutch research group responsible for this article started its activities in 2012 by looking at religious tolerance as a means of addressing the tendency for religious intolerance, extremism and fundamentalism. While tolerance seemed to be a promising way to counter religious intolerable behaviour, some shortcomings also became apparent. For example, the concept of tolerance includes an aspect of passivity towards others who adhere to another religion. The concept also does not appear to be able to respond to attitudes (...)
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    Ongedeeld integer.Nicolaas Jacob Herman Huls (ed.) - 2009 - Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
    Bijdragen aan een congres waarin de integriteit van juridische professionals bediscussieerd wordt.
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  20. Alexander Von humboldt and revolution: A geography of reception of the varnhagen Von ense correspondence.Nicolaas Rupke - 2005 - In David N. Livingstone & Charles W. J. Withers, Geography and revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Johann Friedrich Blumenbach: race and natural history, 1750-1850.Nicolaas A. Rupke & Gerhard Lauer (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The major significance of the German naturalist-physician Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840) as a topic of historical study is the fact that he was one of the first anthropologists to investigate humankind as part of natural history. Moreover, Blumenbach was, and continues to be, a central figure in debates about race and racism. How exactly did Blumenbach define race and races? What were his scientific criteria? And which cultural values did he bring to bear on his scheme? Little historical work has (...)
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  22. Alternative axiomatics and complexity of deliberative stit theories.Philippe Balbiani, Andreas Herzig & Nicolas Troquard - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (4):387 - 406.
    We propose two alternatives to Xu’s axiomatization of Chellas’s STIT. The first one simplifies its presentation, and also provides an alternative axiomatization of the deliberative STIT. The second one starts from the idea that the historic necessity operator can be defined as an abbreviation of operators of agency, and can thus be eliminated from the logic of Chellas’s STIT. The second axiomatization also allows us to establish that the problem of deciding the satisfiability of a STIT formula without temporal operators (...)
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    Het vaststellen van de mate van religieuze tolerantie bij leraren in opleiding.Nicolaas A. Broer, Abraham De Muynck, Ferdinand J. Potgieter, Johannes L. Van der Walt & Charl C. Wolhuter - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3):1-10.
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    Four different views of scientific knowledge and the birth of modern relativism: The very important challenge facing reformed churches in a Western world.Nicolaas J. Gronum - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    Theologians are used to pointing the finger at European continental postmodernism when dealing with modern relativism. This article addresses a problem that is seldom highlighted within theology: modern relativism is the result of a series of epistemological discussions that took place during the early Enlightenment between scholars such as Rene Descartes, John Locke and Immanuel Kant. They were reacting, in part, to Aristotle’s metaphysics and logic. When the whole picture unravels, one immediately sees that modern relativism is deeply ingrained in (...)
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    Darwin's choice.Nicolaas Rupke - 2010 - In Denis R. Alexander & Ronald L. Numbers, Biology and Ideology From Descartes to Dawkins. London: University of Chicago Press.
    Ideology, especially in relation to science, has a negative connotation and is used in a pejorative sense. During the past few decades, historians of science have begun to argue that all biology is and was embedded in sociopolitical ideology. Ernst Mayr has insisted that Darwinism was not an ideology, but rather an “anti-ideology” that for the first time in history attributed the origin of species to natural causes. This chapter challenges the view that there was no scientific alternative to Darwinian (...)
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    Rudwick’s History of the Earth: Martin J. S. Rudwick: Earth’s deep history. How it was discovered and why it matters Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014, ix+360pp, $30.00 HB.Nicolaas Rupke - 2015 - Metascience 25 (1):159-160.
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    Die invloed van In eie werklikheidsverstaan op die verstaan van die opstandingsgebeure: In Vergelykende studie.Nicolaas J. S. Steenekamp & J. H. Koekemoer - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (2/3).
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    On satisfiability in ATL with strategy contexts.Nicolas Troquard & Dirk Walther - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin, Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 398--410.
  29.  94
    Macroscopic observables and the born rule. I. long run frequencies.Nicolaas P. Landsman - unknown
    We clarify the role of the Born rule in the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics by deriving it from Bohr's doctrine of classical concepts, translated into the following mathematical statement: a quantum system described by a noncommutative C*-algebra of observables is empirically accessible only through associated commutative C*-algebras. The Born probabilities emerge as the relative frequencies of outcomes in long runs of measurements on a quantum system; it is not necessary to adopt the frequency interpretation of single-case probabilities (which will (...)
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    E. Ray Lankester and the Making of Modern British Biology. Joseph Lester, Peter J. Bowler.Nicolaas Rupke - 1996 - Isis 87 (3):561-561.
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  31. Edited volumes-medical geography in historical perspective.Nicolaas A. Rupke - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (2):346-346.
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    Victorian Science in Context. Bernard Lightman.Nicolaas Rupke - 1998 - Isis 89 (3):551-553.
  33.  8
    Saber y conciencia: homenaje a Otto Saame.Juan Antonio Nicolâas & Juan Arana Caänedo-argèuelles (eds.) - 1995 - Granada: Comares.
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    What groups do, can do, and know they can do: an analysis in normal modal logics.Jan Broersen, Andreas Herzig & Nicolas Troquard - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (3):261-289.
    We investigate a series of logics that allow to reason about agents' actions, abilities, and their knowledge about actions and abilities. These logics include Pauly's Coalition Logic CL, Alternating-time Temporal Logic ATL, the logic of ‘seeing-to-it-that' (STIT), and epistemic extensions thereof. While complete axiomatizations of CL and ATL exist, only the fragment of the STIT language without temporal operators and without groups has been axiomatized by Xu (called Ldm). We start by recalling a simplification of the Ldm that has been (...)
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    The Hunterian Lectures in Comparative Anatomy, May-June, 1837. Richard Owen, Phillip Reid Sloan.Nicolaas Rupke - 1993 - Isis 84 (3):591-592.
  36. The roots of scientific racism and Huxley's rule.Nicolaas Rupke - 2018 - In Nicolaas A. Rupke & Gerhard Lauer, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach: race and natural history, 1750-1850. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    “The End of History” in the Early Picturing of Geological Time.Nicolaas A. Rupke - 1998 - History of Science 36 (1):61-90.
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    Alejandro de Humboldt: La naturaleza, idea y aventura: Libro de la exposicion. Martin Guntau, Peter Hardetert, Martin Pape.Nicolaas Rupke - 1995 - Isis 86 (3):502-503.
  39. Alexander von Humboldt and Monism.Nicolaas Rupke - 2012 - In Todd H. Weir, Monism: science, philosophy, religion, and the history of a worldview. New York, N.Y.: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Biology Takes Form: Animal Morphology and the German Universities, 1800-1900. Lynn K. Nyhart.Nicolaas Rupke - 1996 - Isis 87 (2):373-374.
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  41. Introduction : brief history of Blumenbach representation.Nicolaas Rupke & Gerhard Lauer - 2018 - In Nicolaas A. Rupke & Gerhard Lauer, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach: race and natural history, 1750-1850. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Letters to the Editor.Nicolaas Rupke - 2008 - Isis 99 (1):140-140.
  43.  17
    Action Theories.Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini & Nicolas Troquard - 2012 - In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks, Introduction to Formal Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 591-607.
    We present the main logical theories of action. We distinguish theories identifying an action with its result from theories studying actions in terms of both their results and the means that result is obtained. The first family includes most prominently the logic of seeing-to-it-that and the logic of bringing-it-about-that. The second includes propositional dynamic logic and its variants. For all these logics we overview their extensions by other modalities such as modal operators of knowledge, belief, and obligation.
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    Essay Review: P. L. Rose, Heisenberg and the Nazi Atomic Bomb Project: A Study in German Culture. [REVIEW]Nicolaas P. Landsman - unknown
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    Ralph O'Connor, The Earth on Show: Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802–1856. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2007. Pp. xiii+541. ISBN 978-0-226-61668-1. £23.50. [REVIEW]Nicolaas Rupke - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Science 41 (4):614.
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  46. Asymmetric Hybrids: Dialogues for Computational Concept Combination.Guendalina Righetti, Daniele Porello, Nicolas Troquard, Oliver Kutz, Maria Hedblom & Pietro Galliani - 2022 - In Fabian Neuhaus & Boyan Brodaric, Formal Ontology in Information Systems - Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, {FOIS} 2021, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, September 11-18, 2021. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 344. IOS Press. pp. 81-96.
    When people combine concepts these are often characterised as “hybrid”, “impossible”, or “humorous”. However, when simply considering them in terms of extensional logic, the novel concepts understood as a conjunctive concept will often lack meaning having an empty extension (consider “a tooth that is a chair”, “a pet flower”, etc.). Still, people use different strategies to produce new non-empty concepts: additive or integrative combination of features, alignment of features, instantiation, etc. All these strategies involve the ability to deal with conflicting (...)
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  47. Non-normal modalities in variants of linear logic.D. Porello & N. Troquard - 2015 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 25 (3):229-255.
    This article presents modal versions of resource-conscious logics. We concentrate on extensions of variants of linear logic with one minimal non-normal modality. In earlier work, where we investigated agency in multi-agent systems, we have shown that the results scale up to logics with multiple non-minimal modalities. Here, we start with the language of propositional intuitionistic linear logic without the additive disjunction, to which we add a modality. We provide an interpretation of this language on a class of Kripke resource models (...)
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    Briefe aus Amerika, 1799-1804. Alexander von Humboldt, Ulrike Moheit.Nicolaas Rupke - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):703-704.
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    Catastrophism: Systems of Earth History. Richard Huggett.Nicolaas Rupke - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):148-149.
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    Ein ‘Diplomat aus den Wäldern des Orinoko.’ Alexander von Humboldt als Mittler zwischen Preußen und Frankreich - by Ulrich Päßler.Nicolaas Rupke - 2010 - Centaurus 52 (2):157-158.
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