Results for 'News value'

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  1.  2
    Discursive news values analysis: the case of Liz Truss’ representation in the British press.Ester Di Silvestro & Marco Venuti - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (2):249-270.
    This paper focuses on the news representation of Liz Truss by the British press, starting from the identification of news values. In addition, our analysis investigates the portrayal of Truss as a gendered social actor. The data were retrieved online through the resource LexisNexis – using the keyword “Truss” in headlines and lead paragraphs in both British broadsheets and tabloids – during three crucial days: 10 July 2022, the day Truss announced her candidacy for the leadership of the (...)
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    ‘Discursive news values analysis’ of Iranian crime news reports: Perspectives from the culture.Mohammad Makki - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (4):437-460.
    This article is concerned with ‘how’ newsworthiness is constructed linguistically/discursively in a sample of Iranian crime and misbehaviour reports. This is new as both linguistic analysis of ‘crime reports’ and the context of ‘Iranian journalism’ are among under-researched areas. One-month worth editions of two Iranian/farsi language newspapers were collected, and the data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively with reference to the analytical framework of Bednarek and Caple. While the quantitative analysis showed the construction of Eliteness as the most frequent (...)
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    Politicized or popularized? News values and news voices in China’s and Australia’s media discourse of climate change.Changpeng Huan - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (2):200-217.
    Despite worsening material realities of the climate, discursive tensions between a need to popularize climate issue and an increasing politicization trend in climate change communication continue to unfold. Politicizing climate change as an ideological conflict may mislead the public to perceive it as essentially a topic about politics rather than science and health. It also creates discursive and real political space for local governments and intergovernmental organizations to defray responsibilities and delay action. To closely examine the ways popularization and politicization (...)
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  4. The Discourse of News Values: How News Organisations Create Newsworthiness.[author unknown] - 2017
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    How can computer-based methods help researchers to investigate news values in large datasets? A corpus linguistic study of the construction of newsworthiness in the reporting on Hurricane Katrina.Helen Caple, Monika Bednarek & Amanda Potts - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (2):149-172.
    This article uses a 36-million word corpus of news reporting on Hurricane Katrina in the United States to explore how computer-based methods can help researchers to investigate the construction of newsworthiness. It makes use of Bednarek and Caple’s discursive approach to the analysis of news values, and is both exploratory and evaluative in nature. One aim is to test and evaluate the integration of corpus techniques in applying discursive news values analysis. We employ and evaluate corpus techniques (...)
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    Introduction to the special issue: News decisions and news values.Winfried Schulz & Carsten Reinemann - 2006 - Communications 31 (1):1-4.
    It is one of the most relevant questions of journalism research: Why do journalists select certain events or topics for publication, neglecting the overwhelming majority of news available to them? Communication scholars have been addressing this question from very different theoretical perspectives, applying a wide variety of social research methods to answer it. But although there are various models identifying a multitude of influences on news decisions, a theory capable of exactly predicting the news selection of tomorrow's (...)
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    Book review: Monika Bednarek and Helen Caple, The Discourse of News Values: How News Organisations Create Newsworthiness. [REVIEW]Mohammad Makki - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (1):143-145.
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    The value of collaborating on the news.John M. Abbarno - 1991 - Journal of Value Inquiry 25 (3):201-202.
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    News factors and news decisions. Theoretical and methodological advances in Germany.Christiane Eilders - 2006 - Communications 31 (1):5-24.
    News value research has contributed a great deal to the understanding of news selection. For a long time scholars focused exclusively on news selection by the media. Yet, more recent approaches — inspired by cognitive psychology — have conceptionalized news factors as relevance indicators that not only serve as selection criteria in journalism, but also guide information processing by the audience. This article examines the theoretical and methodological developments in the German research tradition and discusses (...)
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    The effects of news frames and political speech sources on political attitudes: The moderating role of values.Claes de Vreese, Peter Neijens, Andreas Schuck & Moniza Waheed - 2015 - Communications 40 (2):147-169.
    This study investigated the extent to which values play a role in affecting citizens’ political attitudes when exposed to different media news frames and political speech sources. To test this, we designed a survey experiment which used news coverage of a political speech concerning the cultural practices of immigrants. We manipulated the manner of how the news was framed and the source of the speech. Our main finding shows that citizens who scored high on ‘universalism’ were more (...)
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  11. Fake News and Democracy.Merten Reglitz - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 22 (2): 162-187.
    Since the Brexit Referendum in the United Kingdom and the election of Donald Trump as US President in 2016, the term ‘fake news’ has become a significant source of concern. Recently, the European Commission and the British House of Commons have condemned the phenomenon as a threat to their institutions’ democratic processes and values. However, political disinformation is nothing new, and empirical studies suggest that fake news has not decided crucial elections, that most readers do not believe the (...)
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    Predicting news decisions. An empirical test of the two-component theory of news selection.Simone Christine Ehmig & Hans Mathias Kepplinger - 2006 - Communications 31 (1):25-43.
    The purpose of this study is to test the two-component theory of news selection. Its components are news factors included in articles and news values of news factors. It is assumed that news factors have different news values for various media outlets. The theory was tested comparing the empirical with the theoretical newsworthiness of news stories. First, news values of five news factors for national quality papers, regional papers, and tabloids were (...)
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    A bibliometric study of news discourse analysis.Qiao Li, Xiuzhen Wu & Guofeng Wang - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (1):110-128.
    This study conducts a bibliometric analysis of news discourse analysis using CiteSpace to sketch its scientific landscape based on journal articles in English in the Scopus database from 1988 through 2020. The statistical analysis provides evidence for the interdisciplinarity of this area, and shows an upward trend in general over these years as well as an accelerating growth rate in the past decade. Findings also indicate that the problem-oriented CDA has gained the most popularity in this area since its (...)
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    Reconsidering churnalism: How news factors in corporate press releases influence how journalists treat these press releases after initial selection.Ward Van Zoonen & Pytrik Schafraad - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):718-743.
    This study examines how news factors in press releases influence journalists’ decisions and the journalistic treatment of press release information after its initial selection for the news agenda: These journalists can transform press releases into a news story, which involves little journalistic capital investment, or use these releases for a unique news production, which requires significant journalistic capital investment. The data elicited from the content analysis show that the more profound the presence of certain news (...)
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  15. Defining Fake News.Glenn Https://Orcidorg Anderau - 2021 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):197-215.
    Fake news is a worrying phenomenon which is growing increasingly widespread, partly because of the ease with which it is disseminated online. Combating the spread of fake news requires a clear understanding of the nature of fake news. However, the use of the term in everyday language is heterogenous and has no fixed meaning. Despite increasing philosophical attention to the topic, there is no consensus on the correct definition of “fake news” within philosophy either. This paper (...)
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    Mixed news: the public/civic/communitarian journalism debate.Jay Black (ed.) - 1997 - Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum.
    This volume addresses some of the central issues of journalism today -- the nature and needs of the individual versus the nature and needs of the broader society; theories of communitarianism versus Enlightenment liberalism; independence versus interdependence (vs. co-dependency); negative versus positive freedoms; Constitutional mandates versus marketplace mandates; universal ethical issues versus situational and/or professional values; traditional values versus information age values; ethics of management versus ethics of worker bees; commitment and compassion versus detachment and professional "distance;" conflicts of interest (...)
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  17. Defeating Fake News: On Journalism, Knowledge, and Democracy.Brian Ball - 2021 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 8 (1):5-26.
    The central thesis of this paper is that fake news and related phenomena serve as defeaters for knowledge transmission via journalistic channels. This explains how they pose a threat to democracy; and it points the way to determining how to address this threat. Democracy is both intrinsically and instrumentally good provided the electorate has knowledge (however partial and distributed) of the common good and the means of achieving it. Since journalism provides such knowledge, those who value democracy have (...)
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    Audience engagement with news on Chinese social media: A discourse analysis of the People’s Daily official account on WeChat.Chunlei Pan & Geqi Wu - 2022 - Discourse and Communication 16 (1):129-145.
    Delivering news on social media platforms is an increasingly important consideration in journalism practice. However, little attention has been paid to audience engagement with news on social media, especially the discursive presentation of news on the Chinese social media platform WeChat. Based on 36 news reports collected from the People’s Daily official account, this study analyses how news discourse is constructed and presented to engage audiences. The results suggest that highlighting proximity, personalisation, positivity and human (...)
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    Neoliberalizing news discourse: A semio-discursive reading of news gamification.Rania Magdi Fawzy - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (5):497-515.
    Gamified news is a clear example of contemporary convergent practices which conflate the functionalities of formerly separate entities, video games and journalism. This practice marks a shift in the journalistic norms, positioning journalism and news users within the neoliberal paradigm. In this view, the study proposes a discursive approach to examine how gamified news discourse is colonized by the neoliberal values of marketization and commodification. The analysis takes a case study of Pirate Fishing: An Interactive Investigation, a (...)
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    News Media Coverage of National Tragedies.Candace Cummins Gauthier - 2003 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):33-45.
    The coverage of national tragedies by the news media has come under increasing criticism. Yet, we continue to watch, listen, and read. One approach to resolving this conflict is through an understanding and recognition of the contribution the news media make to public discourse and public grieving.Themes from communication studies, political theory, and contemporary ethics are all employed to develop a new perspective on this type of news coverage. The perspective taken here is based on the ritual (...)
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    Towards a pragma-linguistic framework for the study of sensationalism in news headlines.Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska - 2013 - Discourse and Communication 7 (2):173-197.
    This article sets out a framework for a language-oriented analysis of sensationalism in news media. Sensationalism is understood here as a discourse strategy of ‘packaging’ information in news headlines in such a way that news items are presented as more interesting, extraordinary and relevant than might be the case. Unlike previous content analyses of sensational coverage, this study demonstrates how sensationalism is instantiated through specific illocutions, semantic macrostructures, narrative formulas, evaluation parameters, and interpersonal and textual devices. Examples (...)
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    Framing of social protest news in Web portals in Chile and Colombia during 2019.Francisco Tagle, Francisca Greene, Alejandra Jans & Germán Ortiz - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (4):424-439.
    Purpose Late in 2019, massive protest demonstrations rocked both Chile and Colombia. They were an expression of discontent with the economic model and social policies implemented in both countries in recent decades. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Chilean and Colombian news websites framed these social protests and what aspects of the social movements promoted these media to public opinion. Design/methodology/approach The methodology of this research is empirical; the authors use quantitative and discourse analysis techniques to (...)
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    Why do we click? Investigating reasons for user selection on a news aggregator website.Ines Engelmann & Sabrina Heike Kessler - 2019 - Communications 44 (2):225-247.
    The aim of this study is to analyze the reasons behind users’ selection of news results on the news aggregator website, Google News, and the role that news factors play in this selection. We assume that user’s cognitive elaboration of users influences their news selection. In this study, a multi-method approach is used to obtain a complete picture of the users’ news selection reasoning: an open survey, a closed survey, and a content analysis of (...)
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    ‘Coming up next’: The discourse of television news headlines.Debing Feng & Martin Montgomery - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (5):500-520.
    Despite the adoption of the term headline for both print news and broadcast news, their roles in the different media are not the same. Print headlines are mostly contiguous with the story to which they refer. Broadcast headlines, however, are often at some temporal distance from their associated news item. In the print medium every story carries a headline. In broadcast news only some items are headlined. And yet, whereas the linguistic properties of print headlines have (...)
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    Detecting Fake News: Two Problems for Content Moderation.Elizabeth Stewart - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):923-940.
    The spread of fake news online has far reaching implications for the lives of people offline. There is increasing pressure for content sharing platforms to intervene and mitigate the spread of fake news, but intervention spawns accusations of biased censorship. The tension between fair moderation and censorship highlights two related problems that arise in flagging online content as fake or legitimate: firstly, what kind of content counts as a problem such that it should be flagged, and secondly, is (...)
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    The fake news effect: what does it mean for consumer behavioral intentions towards brands?Aruba Sharif, Tahir Mumtaz Awan & Osman Sadiq Paracha - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (2):291-307.
    Purpose This study aims to understand how fake news can cause an impact on consumer behavioral intentions in today’s era when fake news is prevalent and common. Brands have not only faced reputational losses but also got a dip in their share prices and sales, which affected their financial standing. Hence, it is significant for brands to understand the impact of fake news on behavioral intentions and to strategize to manage the impact. Design/methodology/approach This study uses several (...)
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    The effect of online news delivery platform on elements in the communication process.Janelle Caruana - 2013 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 11 (4):233-244.
    Purpose – Does the same news item on three different online news platforms, namely: newspapers, blogs and video news, impact each of perceived source credibility, likeability, content believability and attitude toward a message, differently? The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – An experimental approach conducted among university students is adopted. Findings – The psychometric properties of the instruments used are supported. Results showed that source credibility did not differ for the three platforms, indicating that respondents (...)
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    Audience engagement in the discourse of TV news kernels: The case of BBC News at Ten.Debing Feng - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (2):133-149.
    Existing studies have extensively explored audience engagement in TV news, but not enough attention has been paid to the discursive presentation of this phenomenon in the discourse of TV news kernels. Based on a pool of news items collected from BBC News at Ten, this article aims to investigate how the discourse of news kernels is constructed and presented to engage the audience. The analysis shows that news values and journalist–audience interaction are two main (...)
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    Journalistic ethics and elections news coverage in the Ghanaian press: a content analysis of two daily Ghanaian newspaper coverage of election 2020.Mohammed Faisal Amadu, Eliasu Mumuni & Ahmed Taufique Chentiba - forthcoming - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society.
    Purpose This study investigates the incidence of ethical violations in the Ghanaian press which has become topical in the wake of misinformation in a charged political atmosphere. Public interest institutions have questioned the unprofessional conduct of journalists covering election campaigns in recent years. This study content analysed political stories from two leading Ghanaian newspapers (Daily Graphic and Daily Guide) to determine the nature and extent of ethical violations, and to examine the level of prominence accorded to political news stories (...)
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  30. Free Speech and the Legal Prohibition of Fake News.Étienne Brown - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (1):29-55.
    Western European liberal democracies have recently enacted laws that prohibit the diffusion of fake news on social media. Yet, many consider that such laws are incompatible with freedom of expression. In this paper, I argue that democratic governments have strong pro tanto reasons to prohibit fake news, and that doing so is compatible with free speech. First, I show that fake news disrupts a mutually beneficial form of epistemic dependence in which members of the public are engaged (...)
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  31. News as a contested commodity: A clash of capitalist and journalistic imperatives.Pamela Taylor Jackson - 2009 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 24 (2-3):146 – 163.
    This paper makes the case for conceptualizing news as a contested commodity. It offers an unprecedented application of commodification theory to the problem of the sustainability of a free press in a democracy. When the news media are expected to be purveyors of the public interest while pursuing profits for their corporate owners, the result often is a clash of capitalist and journalistic imperatives. The amoral values of the market system conflict with the moral agency of a free (...)
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    BETWEEN NEWS AND MEMORIES: The Diário da Borborema as a Living Memory of Campina Grande (PB).Irenilda Santos da Silva Medeiros - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7263.
    The study focuses on the Diário da Borborema, a newspaper from Campina Grande that existed for 54 years and ceased circulation on February 1, 2012. Currently, it is part of the Rare Works Collection at the Átila Almeida Library (BORAA) of the State University of Paraíba (UEPB). The research is guided by the central question: How does the Diário da Borborema (JDBO) contribute to the preservation and re-signification of the social memory of Campina Grande and Paraíba? The main objective is (...)
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    Can good news lead to a more pessimistic choice of action?Giacomo Bonanno - 1988 - Theory and Decision 25 (2):123-136.
    Adapting a definition introduced by Milgrom (1981) we say that a signal about the environment is good news relative to some initial beliefs if the posterior beliefs dominate the initial beliefs in the sense of first-order stochastic dominance (the assumption being that higher values of the parameter representing the environment mean better environments). We give an example where good news leads to the adoption of a more pessimistic course of action (we say that action a, reveals greater pessimism (...)
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  34. Bad News for Conservatives? Moral Judgments and the Dark Triad Personality Traits: A Correlational Study.Marcus Arvan - 2013 - Neuroethics 6 (2):307-318.
    This study examined correlations between moral value judgments on a 17-item Moral Intuition Survey (MIS), and participant scores on the Short-D3 “Dark Triad” Personality Inventory—a measure of three related “dark and socially destructive” personality traits: Machiavellianism, Narcissism, and Psychopathy. Five hundred sixty-seven participants (302 male, 257 female, 2 transgendered; median age 28) were recruited online through Amazon Mechanical Turk and Yale Experiment Month web advertisements. Different responses to MIS items were initially hypothesized to be “conservative” or “liberal” in line (...)
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    Certainty and speculation in news reporting of the future: the execution of Timothy McVeigh.Deborah Morris, Richard Fitzgerald & Adam Jaworski - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (1):33-48.
    This article explores the temporal organization and manipulation of time in the production and presentation of news reports. Time is often cited as one of the most central organizing concepts of news production; indeed one of the major features of news reporting is the breaking of stories and the reporting of events `as they happen'. However, whilst much emphasis is placed upon time within media production, much of this pertains to the reporting of past and present events (...)
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    News photographs and the pornography of grief.Jennifer E. Brown - 1987 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 2 (2):75 – 81.
    Everyone knows a picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes, especially in journalism, a picture can be worth much, much more. This added value isn't always positive. Pictures can inflict lasting pain on victims of grief and tragedy. This paper by an undergraduate journalism student explores the ethical dilemmas photographers face when capturing such traumatic incidents on film and explores the lack of professional guidelines available to guide them.
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    From mediated to datafied recognition: The role of social media news feeds.Bruno Campanella - 2022 - Communications 47 (4):516-531.
    This article conducts a brief review of works dealing with recognition processes in media environments, with a special focus on social media platforms. It argues that efforts to analyze dynamics of recognition in datafied spaces should take into consideration the working logics of such platforms, which are responsible for the organization of media practices around the creation of economic value for the companies. The article examines the news feeds as a type of social space where these logics are (...)
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    Leadership Discourse, Culture, and Corporate Ethics: CEO-speak at News Corporation.Joel Amernic & Russell Craig - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):379-394.
    We explore the language of leadership of global media mogul Rupert Murdoch in 2010, the year before the phone-hacking scandal in the UK came to public attention. Subsequent public enquiries in the UK exposed unethical conduct by staff of News Corporation, a global corporation whose Chairman and CEO was Rupert Murdoch. We focus on the ethical climate fashioned by ‘A Letter from Rupert Murdoch’ that appeared in the opening pages of the annual report of News Corporation for the (...)
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    Refugees in the news: Comparing Belgian and Swedish newspaper coverage of the European refugee situation during summer 2015.Leen D’Haenens, Willem Joris, Valeriane Mistiaen, Lutgard Lams, Ebba Sundin, Stefan Mertens & Rozane De Cock - 2018 - Communications 43 (3):301-323.
    This comparative content analysis of Belgian and Swedish newspaper coverage of the ‘refugee situation’ in 2015 (N=898) revolves around responsibility indicators, news actor characteristics, and thematic emphasis. As they are a potential influential factor in the public-opinion formation process, the studying of media portrayals is an essential first step in investigating the dynamic interplay between media discourse and societal reactions. Belgium and Sweden differ with respect to migration policy, integration indicators, and the number of incoming refugees. They also differ (...)
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    Every Little Helps? ESG News and Stock Market Reaction.Gunther Capelle-Blancard & Aurélien Petit - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):543-565.
    Stories about corporate social responsibility have become very frequent over the past decade, and managers can no longer ignore their impact on firm value. In this paper, we investigate the extent and the determinants of the stock market’s reaction following ordinary news related to environmental, social and governance issues—the so-called ESG factors. To that purpose, we use an original database provided by Covalence EthicalQuote. Our empirical analysis is based on about 33,000 ESG news, targeting one hundred listed (...)
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  41. The Phenomenological Approach to News Writing: An Innovation.Glenn G. Pajares, Nestor Godofredo B. Ramirez & Percia A. Leyte - 2013 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 4 (1).
    The orthodox way of Mass Communication and Journalism education is to letstudents undergo three years of lecture and have their internship on the fourth orlast year of their college life. The process is effective, but there is a faster and a moreeffective way to learn news writing. The phenomenological Approach to writing newswould allow students to learn the rudiments of writing news article through thereverse process of immersion to the field and later expound the phenomena thatthey went through (...)
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    On the production of a multimodal news item: An argumentative approach.Marta Zampa & Marina Bletsas - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (220):155-172.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 220 Seiten: 155-172.
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  43. The Value of Biased Information.Nilanjan Das - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (1):25-55.
    In this article, I cast doubt on an apparent truism, namely, that if evidence is available for gathering and use at a negligible cost, then it’s always instrumentally rational for us to gather that evidence and use it for making decisions. Call this ‘value of information’ (VOI). I show that VOI conflicts with two other plausible theses. The first is the view that an agent’s evidence can entail non-trivial propositions about the external world. The second is the view that (...)
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    Stereotyping of the Russian Orthodox Church in Fake News in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Semiotic and Legal Analysis.Yulia Erokhina - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (3):1187-1213.
    Fake news is created as ordinary news stylistically but it consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes. The text is generally constructed to cause negative emotions and feelings in readers: fear, panic, distrust, and paranoia. It is done to manipulate the opinion and consciousness of a large number of people and eventually leads to changes in the values, ideas and attitudes that already exist in the public awareness. The result is a schism that has already gone beyond the usual (...)
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    (11 other versions)News.G. John M. Abbarno - 2009 - Journal of Value Inquiry 43 (2):283-293.
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    (36 other versions)News.John M. Abbarno - 1991 - Journal of Value Inquiry 25 (4):397-400.
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  47. News 127–138 information for contributors 139–140.Paul J. Olscamp, R. Jeffrey, Christopher Lake, Russell DiSilvestro & Irving Singer - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38:603-605.
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    Selection and impact of press photography. An empirical study on the basis of photo news factors.Rüdiger Müller, Jan Kersten, Josef Ferdinand Haschke, Jana Bomhoff & Patrick Rössler - 2011 - Communications 36 (4):415-439.
    The selection of ‘good’ pictures has increasingly become a crucial factor when transmitting news to the recipients. Every day thousands of events are happening and millions of pictures are taken. By choosing photographs for newspapers and magazines, photographic editorial departments want to attract the recipients' attention, evoke emotions and get them to read their stories. But what exactly is a good picture that meets these expectations? Which criteria are decisive for selecting pictures and what effects of this selection can (...)
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    Facts, values, and journalism.Susan Gilbert - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (2):page inside front cover-page ins.
    At a time of fake news, hacks, leaks, and unverified reports, many people are unsure whom to believe. How can we communicate in ways that make individuals question their assumptions and learn? My colleagues at The Hastings Center and many journalists and scientists are grappling with this question and have, independently, reached the same first step: recognize that facts can't be fully understood without probing their connection to values. “Explaining the basics is important, of course, but we also need (...)
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    Bad News for Ardent Normative Realists?François Schroeter & Laura Schroeter - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    According to Ardent Normative Realists, reality favors certain ways of valuing and acting. Matti Eklund has recently argued that Ardent Normative Realists are committed to Referential Normativity, i.e., the thesis that the action-guiding and motivational roles associated with normative predicates determine their reference. In this paper, we argue that Referential Normativity should be rejected.
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