Results for 'Neslihan Alkan'

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  1.  38
    The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the MacNew Heart Disease Questionnaire in patients with angina.Arzu Daskapan, Stefan Höfer, Neil Oldridge, Neslihan Alkan, Haldun Muderrisoglu & Emine Handan Tuzun - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):209-213.
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    Mirror Self-Recognition in Pigeons: Beyond the Pass-or-Fail Criterion.Neslihan Wittek, Hiroshi Matsui, Nicole Kessel, Fatma Oeksuez, Onur Güntürkün & Patrick Anselme - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Spontaneous mirror self-recognition is achieved by only a limited number of species, suggesting a sharp “cognitive Rubicon” that only few can pass. But is the demarcation line that sharp? In studies on monkeys, who do not recognize themselves in a mirror, animals can make a difference between their mirror image and an unknown conspecific. This evidence speaks for a gradualist view of mirror self-recognition. We hypothesize that such a gradual process possibly consists of at least two independent aptitudes, the ability (...)
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    Heidegger and the possibilities of ‘authenticity’ in sports participation.Neslihan Filiz - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (5):511-526.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of ‘authenticity’, in other words, ‘authentic being’ in sports, based on the ideas in Heidegger’s Being and Time (Sein und Zeit). In order to do that, I firstly explain Dasein and its existentialia (which are significant for this paper: being-in-the-world, thrownness, understanding, attunement, and possibilities), the concept of ‘care’, and Heideggerian understanding of authenticity. Then, I examine the possibilities of authenticity in sports participation, and I look at some related studies (...)
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    Heidegger and the possibilities of ‘authenticity’ in sports participation.Neslihan Filiz - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (5):511-526.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of ‘authenticity’, in other words, ‘authentic being’ in sports, based on the ideas in Heidegger’s Being and Time (Sein und Zeit). In order to do that, I firstly explain Dasein and its existentialia (which are significant for this paper: being-in-the-world, thrownness, understanding, attunement, and possibilities), the concept of ‘care’, and Heideggerian understanding of authenticity. Then, I examine the possibilities of authenticity in sports participation, and I look at some related studies (...)
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    Poem Of Ottoman Woman.Serhan Alkan İspi̇rli̇ - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:445-454.
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    The Teaching Of Classical Turkish Literature And Our Young Population -The Case Of Erzurum-.Serhan Alkan İspi̇rli̇ - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:621-638.
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    Die Entdeckung des Romanos-Tores an den Landmauern von Konstantinopel.Neslihan Asutay - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):1-4.
    Summary Today's “Topkapi” in Istanbul is generally accepted as the Gate of Saint Romanos. A newly noticed inscription on the lintel above the entrance of so called fourth minor gate clearly indicates that not Topkapi but this gate was originally the Gate of Saint Romanos.
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    Moğolların İtil Ve Çevresindeki Faaliyetleri.Neslihan Durak - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):401-401.
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    Sinemada Kadın Emeği ve Dayanışması: Made In Dagenham.Neslihan Göker - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 6):459-459.
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    Dorian Gray'in Portresi'ndeki Saygın Görüntü Ardındaki Yozlaşma Büyüsü.Neslihan Günaydin - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):547-547.
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    Yahudiler'den Filistinlilere Uzanan "Evsizlik" Olgusu.Neslihan Günaydin - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1247-1247.
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    The Foundations of Social Cohesion: Théophile Funck-Brentano’s Theory of Social Morality.Neslihan Er - 2025 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 12 (21):161-179.
    Théophile Funck-Brentano (1830-1906) is recognized as a French philosopher and sociologist. He made significant contributions by focusing on moral philosophy, law, and social issues. As one of the pioneers of the sociology of law, Funck-Brentano’s works include an analysis of human nature and society, reflecting the innovative ideas of his time. Although his name is not frequently mentioned today, his contributions, especially legal sociology and moral philosophy, are considered highly valuable. In his theories, the relationship between society and the individual, (...)
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  13.  20
    Bertrand Russell’ın Gözünden Aristoteles’in Kıyas Teorisine Genel Bir Bakış.Neslihan Doğan - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 51:117-128.
    Aristotle, who has come to the forefront with the significant contributions to the development of logic throughout the history, has been the source of different perspectives for his subsequent studies with his philosophical system and logic. Many thinkers and logicians, including Russell, have come face to face with Aristotle and his ideas, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. The aim of this study is to explain the meaning of Aristotle's syllogism theory from Russell's point of view. In accordance (...)
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    Kınık Waqfs: A Quantitative And Descriptive Classification Study.Alkan Mustafa - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:1-18.
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    On the Prosodocial Pamplet Registered in the Periodical No 2727 in the National Library.Mustafa Alkan - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:183-202.
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    Ein unbekanntes Ehrenmonument des Kaisers Phokas aus Synada bei Akronion (Afyon).Neslihan Asutay - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):417-421.
    Im Garten des Museums von Afyon, dem antiken Akronion, befinden sich zwei Teile eines monumentalen Kapitells. Seine beträchtlichen Maße und das Kaisermonogramm (s.u.) lassen in ihm den Rest eines Ehrenmonuments erkennen (Höhe ca. 1.00 m, obere Breite ca. 1.00 m). Nach Auskunft der Museumsleitung wurde es Mitte der 80er Jahre in Huhut (das antike Synada, 26 km südlich von Akronion/Afyon) bereits beschädigt entdeckt und war während des Transports ins Museum in zwei Teilen zerbrochen. Weitere Schäden enstanden an der Halspartie, an (...)
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  17. Wer erbaute Mermer-Kule?Neslihan Asutay - 2002 - Byzantion 72 (1):270-275.
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    Mantıkçı Pozitivist Anlayışta Metafiziğin Elenmesine Bir Köken Olarak Yeni Mantıkta Anlam Sorunu.Neslihan Doğan - 2022 - Felsefe Arkivi 57:63-84.
    Dil, dünya ile düşünce ilişkisini dil aracılığıyla kurma ve dil bağlamında bilgiye açıklık kazandırma amacını güden mantıkçı pozitivizm, 20. yüzyılın önemli düşünsel eğilimlerinden biridir. Bu anlayışa göre başta felsefe olmak üzere disiplinlerdeki çeşitli konu ve problemler, yeni mantığın metotları eşliğinde geliştirilen dilsel çözümleme bağlamında tahlil edilmelidir. Bu çerçevede, bilgi değeri taşıyan anlamlı tümceler ile bilgi değeri taşımayan anlamsız tümceler arasına çizilebilecek sınırın işareti olan “anlam kriteri”, mantıkçı pozitivist düşünürlerin temel meselesi haline gelmiştir. Buna dayanarak bilgi değeri taşımamaları ve anlamsız olmaları (...)
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    Woman From Çingiz I: Sorgaktani Beki.Neslihan Durak - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:251-258.
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  20.  25
    Onarımdan Sanata: XVIII. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Kitap Sanatlarında Vassale Tekniği.Neslihan Konyalı - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (1):1-22.
    Osmanlı sanatçıları tarafından, zamanla bozulan nüshalardan çıkarmak suretiyle ya da müzayedelerde satışa sunulan hat ve minyatürleri bir şekilde temin edip, daha fazla yok olmalarının önüne geçmek amacıyla uygulanan onarım işlemine vassale tekniği, bu tekniği uygulayan sanatçıya da vassal adı verilmiştir. XVII. yüzyılda Kalender Paşa tarafından hazırlanan I. Ahmed Albümü ile öne çıkan vassalecilik, XVIII. yüzyılda gelişerek devam etmiş, özellikle koleksiyoner Mehmed Emin Efendi ve adı bilinmeyen vassallar tarafından onarım tekniği olarak uygulanmıştır. Ancak onarım işlemi olarak başlayan bu teknik, Kalender Paşa (...)
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    On Hofstadter Heart Sequences.Altug Alkan, Nathan Fox & O. Ozgur Aybar - 2017 - Complexity:1-8.
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  22.  13
    Challange of False Equıvalance Between Dialects.Hanife Alkan - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:671-688.
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  23.  17
    In Turkish Literature “Our Village” As an Ethnographic Literary Work.Neslihan Kabakli - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1331-1337.
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    Determination And Comparison Of Skılls On Using Turkish Language Within Written Expressions For Classroom Teacher Section’s Students In Two Separate University.ÖKSÜZ Neslihan - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1648-1661.
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    Abyssinian Judaism: An Evaluation of How Abyssinian Judaism Formed through the Falasha Monks and Abyssinian Christianity.Neslihan Kuran - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1275-1300.
    It is rather difficult to detail the history of Abyssinian Judaism. Although there is no clear information on the subject, the existence of a Jewish ethnic group in Abyssinia is generally explained as the result of contact with members of the ancient Jewish community. Recent research point out a much more different and complex picture of Judaism in Abyssinia. First of all, it is important to know that in the early stages of Abyssinia, an ethnically and religiously differentiated (distinguishable) Jewish (...)
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    AYNUR, Hatice, Bilgin Aydın, Mustafa Birol Ülker. Kitaplara Vakfedilen Bir Ömre Tuhfe: İsmail E. Erü.Neslihan Polat - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):903-903.
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    On a Generalization of Hofstadter’s Q-Sequence: A Family of Chaotic Generational Structures.Altug Alkan - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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  28.  20
    Die technopolitische Konstruktion eines Flussbeckens: Begegnungen und Abenteuer der Türkei mit der „TVA-Idee“.Aybike Alkan - 2023 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 31 (2):111-142.
    ZusammenfassungIn der Nachkriegszeit war die bevorzugte Methode zur Nutzbarmachung von Flüssen die sogenannte integrierte Flussgebietsplanung (integrated river basin planning – IRBP), die eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Flussgebiets für eine Mehrzweckentwicklung erforderte. Während das Flusseinzugsgebiet in den Definitionen des IRBP-Konzepts als selbstverständliche natürliche Einheit der Planung angesehen wird, problematisiert dieser Artikel die Flusseinzugsgebietsidee und enthüllt die Politik hinter dem, was als natürlich (oder wissenschaftlich) gilt, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf den Erfahrungen der Türkei mit IRBP. Er untersucht geopolitische und nationale Motivationen und (...)
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    Bitlis Şehrinde Taş Ustalığı ve Geleneksel Kent Mimarisine Etkisi.Adnan Alkan - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 6):57-57.
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    Dîv'nu Lug'tit-Türkte İnsanlar İçin Kullanılan Niteleyiciler.Hanife Alkan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):561-561.
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    It's in the mix: psychological distress differs between combinations of alexithymic facets.Elif Alkan Hã¤Rtwig, Claudia Crayen, Isabella Heuser & Michael Eid - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    An Unknown Dıvan Poet From Erzurum; Fery'dî.Serhan Alkan İspi̇rli̇ - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:447-464.
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    Manisa'da Hafsa Sultan D'rüşşifası.Mustafa Alkan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):19-19.
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    Siyasal ahlak ve siyasal ahlaksızlık.Türker Alkan - 1993 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Bilgi Dağıtım.
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    The Role of Shādhand Munker Narrations in Religious Thought.Ahmet Alkan - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):733-773.
    The terms “shādh” and “munkar”, well-known in hadith terminology, have existed across all scholarly fields since the earliest periods of Islam. However, the concepts expressing these narrations could vary depending on time, individuals, and academic disciplines. The primary reasons for pe-ople's interest in these narrations are the use of an exaggerated style in the stories they convey and the inclusion of details not found in mainstream narrations. Many ideas and thoughts opposing the fundamental principles and teachings of the Qur'an and (...)
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    The Contribution of the Poet in the Commentary of Hadith: the Example of al-Mutanabbī.Ahmet Alkan & Adnan Arslan - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):941-969.
    Literature, especially poetry, has undoubtedly had a great place in the cultural history of the Arabs. Arab poet in the period of ignorance; It had many critical functions, such as making the heroism of the tribesmen epic, immortalizing the names of the deceased, and providing a kind of psychological superiority by satirizing the opposing tribes and people. Poetry continued to exist in all areas of life after Islam, as poetry spread to the cultural codes of the Arabs. As a manifestation (...)
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    Informed Consent Awareness and Practıces of the Physicians Before Medical Intervention.Oluş Gizem Alkan & Gürkan Sert - 2022 - Türkiye Biyoetik Dergisi 9 (4):146-154.
    In this article, it was aimed to determine the knowledge status of physicians about the forms used in obtaining informed consent and according to these determinations; It is aimed to provide information and suggestions to physicians that will contribute to obtaining consent in accordance with medical law and ethics. Material and Method: A questionnaire was created to determine the knowledge status of the physicians about the titles that should be included in the informed consent form (such as the diagnosis of (...)
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  38.  14
    A Melheme Written In Verse Registered In The Periodical No:2727 In The National Library.Mustafa Alkan - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:689-709.
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    ŞEN, Serkan , Eski Uygur Türkçesi Dersleri, Bilge Kültür Sanat, İstanbul, 240 s., ISBN 978-605.Hanife Alkan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):1225-1225.
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  40. Växtvärk - Perspektiv på invasiva främmande växter i svensk natur.Johanna Alkan Olsson, Helena Hanson, Erik Persson, Carina Sjöholm & Niklas Vareman (eds.) - 2021
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  41. Überlegung zur Datierung und Lokalisierung der Innsbrucker Artukiden-Schale.Oluş Arik & Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger - 2009 - Byzantion 79:37-47.
    The so-called Artukid bowl is the only enameled object which includes both an Arabic and a Persian inscription. According to the Arabic inscription the Artukid ruler Rukn ed Devle Davud was the owner of this object. Although its provenance is still unclear, the technique and material show similarities to several Byzantine examples. For this reason the bowl has been interpreted as a royal gift from Constantinople to the Artukid ruler. It has also been attributed to Georgia or to Mesopotamia. The (...)
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    Das Kloster des Ioannes Prodromos τής Пέτρας in Konstantinopel und seine Beziehung zur Odala rund Kasιm Ağa Camii.Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger - 2008 - Millennium 5 (1):299-326.
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    From Dede Korkud's Kopuz To Love's Kopuz In Ottoman Poetry.Neslihan Koç Keski̇n - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:72-88.
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    The Symbols Of Pride And Privilege In Ottoman Poetry “Wreath” “Otaga” “Aigrette”.Neslihan Koç Keski̇n - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:495-515.
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    Shape memory behavior in Fe3Al-modeling and experiments.A. Ojha, S. Alkan, L. Patriarca, H. Sehitoglu & Y. Chumlyakov - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (23):2553-2570.
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    Guido Cariboni, Il nostro ordine è la carità: Cistercensi nei secoli XII e XIII. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2011. Paper. Pp. 204. €20. ISBN: 978-88-343-2154-6. [REVIEW]Neslihan Şenocak - 2015 - Speculum 90 (3):783-785.
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  47. Sansür, jurnal ve söylentiler arasinda '1894 İstanbul depremi'[The 1894 Istanbul earthquake amid censor, news, and rumors]. [REVIEW]M. O. Alkan - 1999 - Cogito 20:33-41.
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    Augustine Thompson, Francis of Assisi: A New Biography. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2012. Pp. x, 299. $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-8014-5070-9. [REVIEW]Neslihan Şenocak - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1202-1204.
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    Die 'columna virginea' und ihre Wiederverwendung in der Süleymaniye Camii.Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger & Arne Effenberger - 2004 - Millennium 1 (1).
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  50. Zum datum der umwandlung der pammakaristoskirche in die fethiye camii.Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger - 2007 - Byzantion 77:32-41.
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