Results for 'Neo-Liberalism'

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  1.  61
    Neo-liberalism and other political imaginaries.Noëlle McAfee - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (9):911-931.
    This article looks at how various political cultures and imaginaries occlude the public’s deeply democratic political role, especially the currently reigning anti-political culture of neo-liberalism. Even in an era when millions of people the world over take to the streets in protest, dominant political imaginaries position most of the world’s people as largely powerless. What is needed is a radical political imaginary along the lines that Cornelius Castoriadis suggests. This imaginary foregrounds the ways in which all social and political (...)
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    Neo‐Liberalism, Police, and the Governance of Little Urban Things.Randy K. Lippert - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:49-65.
    This article seeks to refine understandings of the governmental logics that comprise and shape urban governance. Drawing on research using ethnographic methods that explore the business improvement district (BID) and the condominium corporation (condo) it is argued that exclusive focus on urban neo-liberalism neglects an urban ”police.” This latter logic is most famously remarked upon in Michel Foucault’s writings as targeting “little things” in urban spaces. Both “police” and the ”free rider problem” it confronts predate and are irreducible to (...)
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    Neo-Liberalism and Goods in Christian Doctrine. 김용해 - 2015 - The Catholic Philosophy 25:215-240.
    돈과 신을 함께 섬길 가능성을 인간은 가지고 있는가? 이 질문은 육체와 정신의 조화의 문제가 아니라 인간이 돈, 또는 재화를 영원한 가치인 신과 같은 지평에 놓고 섬길 수 있느냐의 문제이다. ‘섬김’이란 수단으로 이용하는 대상에게 말할 수 있는 것이 아니다. 인간이 섬김이란 그 자체로 의지를 고양시켜 지향하고 일치하고자 하는 내적태도를 가질 만한 대상에 해당한다. 우선 재화에 관한 신구약성서의 입장과 교회의 사회교리, 그리고 아우구스티누스의 사용과 즐김의 사상을 살펴보자. 신구약성서의 공통점은 재화에 대한 사적 소유를 당연한 것으로 받아들이고 재물이 삶의 목적은 아니지만 삶에 필요한 수단인 (...)
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  4. Neo-liberalism and the End of Liberal Democracy.Wendy Brown - 2003 - Theory and Event 7 (1):15-18.
  5.  53
    The catastrophe of neo-liberalism.Roger Foster - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (2):123-143.
    My article provides a systematic interpretation of the transformation of capitalist society in the neo-liberal era as a form of what Karl Polanyi called ‘cultural catastrophe’. I substantiate this claim by drawing upon Erich Fromm’s theory of social character. Fromm’s notion of social character, I argue, offers a plausible, psychodynamic explanation of the processes of social change and the eventual class composition of neo-liberal society. I argue, further, that Fromm allows us to understand the psychosocial basis of the process that (...)
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    Neo-liberalism and the symbolic institution of society: Pitting Foucault against Lefort on the state and the ‘political’.Antoon Braeckman - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (9):945-962.
    This article sets up a dialogue between Lefort’s view on the relationship between state and modern society and Foucault’s thesis of a governmental turn in the modern power regime. Whereas Lefort’s political ontology leaves room for divergent agencies from which the symbolic institution of the social may unfold, his preoccupation with democracy leads him to link the symbolic institution of modern society inseparably with the functioning of the modern state. By contrast, Foucault’s history of governmentality documents a shift in the (...)
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  7.  50
    Therapeutic culture, authenticity and neo-liberalism.Roger Foster - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (1):99-116.
    I argue that in recent years, the therapeutic ethos and the ideal of authenticity have become aligned with distinctively neo-liberal notions of personal responsibility and self-reliance. This situation has radically exacerbated the threat to political community that Charles Taylor saw in the ‘ethics of authenticity’. I begin by tracing the history of the therapeutic ethos and its early (Rieff, Lasch, MacIntyre) and late (Furedi) critics. I then discuss Charles Taylor’s argument that the culture of self-fulfillment generated by the therapeutic ethos (...)
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    Neo-Liberalism, Austerity and the Political Determinants of Health.A. M. Viens - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (3):147-152.
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    Neo‐liberalism and Hegemony Revisited.Debbie Hill - 1998 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 30 (1):69-83.
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    Chinese Neo-liberalism's the prospect of contemporary and that's theory.Taeyong Kim - 2009 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 27:255-292.
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  11. Neo-liberalism.Pavel Câmpeanu - 2002 - Dilema 489:4.
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    Neo-Anarchism or Neo-Liberalism? Yes, Please! A Response to Simon Critchley's Infinitely Demanding.Robert Sinnerbrink - 2009 - Critical Horizons 10 (2):163-179.
    Simon Critchley's Infinitely Demanding makes a timely contribution to contemporary debates in ethics and political philosophy. For all its originality, however, one can raise critical questions concerning Critchley's account of the forms of resistance possible within liberal democratic polities. In this article I question the adequacy of Critchley's ethically based neo-anarchism as a response to neo-liberalism, critically analysing the role of ideology in his account of the motivational deficit afflicting capitalist liberal democracies.
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  13. Foucault and Political Reason: Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism and the Rationalities of Government.Andrew Barry, Thomas Osborne & Nikolas S. Rose (eds.) - 1996 - Chicago: Routledge.
    Foucault is often thought to have a great deal to say about the history of madness and sexuality, but little in terms of a general analysis of government and the state.; This volume draws on Foucault's own research to challenge this view, demonstrating the central importance of his work for the study of contemporary politics.; It focuses on liberalism and neo- liberalism, questioning the conceptual opposition of freedom/constraint, state/market and public/private that inform liberal thought.
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    The end of neo-liberalism and the beginnings of integral economics.Robert G. Dyck - 2004 - World Futures 60 (4):311 – 317.
    A burgeoning policy shift from neo-liberal economics is underway, with leadership by presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio). His platform positions stem in part from his negative experiences with neo-liberalism when he was Mayor of Cleveland more than 30 years ago. Although his response as Mayor was based on confrontation politics, examples of community-based economies built on collaborative planning, ownership, and management have since become more widely known. We can now show that the successful Grameen Bank and the Mondragon Cooperatives (...)
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    Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Republicanism.Philip Pettit - 2018 - Korea Observer 50 (2):191-206.
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    Neo-liberalism in the workplace.Jim Wolfreys - 2012 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 6 (4):228.
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  17. 'In its own image': neo-liberalism and the managerialist university.Bob Brecher - 2006 - Prospero 12 (4):6-12.
    I argue that neo-liberalism requires a managerialist view of our universities; and to the extent that managerialism cannot be ameliorated, to that extent neo-liberalism signals the end of universities as places of learning. Rather than calling for “friendlier” management practice, we need to organise opposition by articulating and rallying around some vision of what the ends should be of the university, and which managing such an institution should therefore serve. Such a vision, whatever exactly its details might consist (...)
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  18. Michel Foucault’s The Birth of Biopolitics and contemporary neo-liberalism debates.Terry Flew - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 108 (1):44-65.
    Neo-liberalism has become one of the boom concepts of our time. From its original reference point as a descriptor of the economics of the ‘Chicago School’ or authors such as Friedrich von Hayek, neo-liberalism has become an all-purpose concept, explanatory device and basis for social critique. This presentation evaluates Michel Foucault’s 1978–79 lectures, published as The Birth of Biopolitics, to consider how he used the term neo-liberalism, and how this equates with its current uses in critical social (...)
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  19. Foucault and neo-liberalism: biopower and busno-power.James D. Marshall - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    Varieties of Neo‐liberalism: a Foucaultian perspective1.James D. Marshall - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (3-4):293-304.
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    Colluding with Neo-Liberalism: Post-Feminist Subjectivities, Whiteness and Expressions of Entitlement.Karen Wilkes - 2015 - Feminist Review 110 (1):18-33.
    This discussion contributes to the ongoing debates regarding the (re)sexualisation of female bodies in popular and visual culture. Visual texts display the upper middle-class white female as the carrier of mainstream neo-liberal values in Western societies, and the success of this approach is the twinning of the culture of individualism, self-interest and market values with feminist vocabularies; namely, choice, freedom and independence. Drawing on a broad feminist scholarship that includes discussions on the influence of the HBO series Sex and the (...)
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    Environmental Education, Neo‐liberalism and Globalisation: the ‘New Zealand experiment’.Michael Peters - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (2):203–216.
    Remove the world around the struggles, keep only conflicts and debates, dense with men, purified of things, you will have the theatrical stage, most narratives and philosophies, all of the social sciences: the interesting spectacle we refer to as ‘cultural’.Whoever says where the master and the slave are struggling? Our culture cannot stand the world.
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  23.  37
    Foucault and neo-liberalism.David Hancock - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (2):299-302.
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    The Clash of Globalisations: Neo-liberalism, the Third Way and Anti-Globalisation. By Ray Kiely. [REVIEW]Jamie Morgan - 2007 - Journal of Critical Realism 6 (2):290-295.
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  25. From Knowing the Mechanism to the Mechanism of Knowing: Eurasian Cultural Transfer and Hybrid Theologies of (Neo)Liberalism.Goran Kauzlarić - 2023 - In Slobodan G. Markovich, Cultural Transfer Europe-Serbia: Methodological Issues and Challenges. Faculty of Political Sciences; Dosije Studio. pp. 237-252.
    The founding fathers of neoliberalism are usually imagined as very rational neoclassical economists uninterested in cultural and religious issues. The aim of this paper is to paint a different picture by discussing the ideas of (neo)liberal economists regarding spiritual heritage, with an emphasis on eastern religions. Starting from the existing historiographical debate on the role of Daoist notions in the birth of political economy in 18th-century Europe, as an example of cultural transfer par excellence, argumentation develops into a comparative analysis (...)
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  26.  45
    (1 other version)Emil Oestereicher (1936-1983) Notes on Neo-Liberalism.Fred Siegel - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (59):171-174.
    I spent last year teaching in Paris and when I came home for visits, Emil and I would play the analogy game between Western European and American political tendencies. Besides the obvious matches between Reagan, Thatcher and Chirac, we talked of the similarities between George Will and Ian Gilmore, the intellectual spokesman for the Tory Wets, both of whom drew on the same stock of quotes from Bolingbroke, Hume and Burke. But what of the American neo-liberals? Who were their counterparts? (...)
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  27. Schleiermacher and Barth: Self-transcendence and Neo-liberalism.D. Seiple - 2006 - In Edith Lawler, Jeffery Kinlaw & Ruth Drucilla Richardson, _The State of Schleiermacher Scholarship Today_. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press. pp. 181-206.
    This paper, written from the perspective of a liberal Protestant, addresses Karl Barth’s famous dispute with his predecessor Friedrich Schleiermacher. It claims that despite the vehemence he often employs against Schleiermacher, a careful assessment of Barth reveals an ever-shifting ambivalence. Barth’s dismissal was very much a heated reaction amidst post-war circumstances, and Schleiermacher served as a symbol for aspects of pre-war culture and theology that are not necessarily reflective of Schleiermacher’s original project. Later in his career, Barth seems to have (...)
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  28. What does Foucault think is new about neo-liberalism?John Protevi - 2009 - Pli 21:1-25.
  29. Conflicting ideas of the university: a case of Neo-liberalism and New Public Management in Northern Europe.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Paideutika 11 (21):129--139.
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  30. The right to health in Israel between solidarity and neo-liberalism.Aeyal Gross - 2014 - In Colleen M. Flood & Aeyal M. Gross, The right to health at the public/private divide: a global comparative study. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Love in the Time of Neo-Liberalism: Gender, Work, and Power in a Costa Rican Marriage.Susan E. Mannon - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (4):511-530.
    Households around the world have shifted structurally from a breadwinner/homemaker model to dual-income earning arrangements. What this trend means for marital power has been a contested issue among scholars. Most studies suggest that household power is determined by a complex interplay between each spouse's economic contributions to the household and existing gender norms. Few scholars, however, have examined how this interplay is worked out under particular political-economic conditions. Responding to the dearth of research on the developing world in this area, (...)
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  32. Economics education in India : from pluralism to neo-liberalism and to Hindutva.Sudipta Bhattacharyya - 2019 - In Samuel Decker, Wolfram Elsner & Svenja Flechtner, Advancing pluralism in teaching economics: international perspectives on a textbook science. New York: Routledge.
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    The Logic and Philosophical Criticism of Neo Liberalism.逸涵 朱 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (4):756-760.
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  34. Review essay: Identifying recognition in the age of neo-liberalism (Under consideration: Emmanuel Renault's Mepris social: ethique et politique de la reconnaissance).Jonathan Trejo-Mathys - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (9):1143-1148.
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    Critical theory, immanent critique and neo-liberalism. Reply to critique raised in Copenhagen.Asger Sørensen - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (2):184-208.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 2, Page 184-208, February 2022. Being critical does not come easy, not even within Critical Theory. In this article I respond to criticism of my book from 2019, Capitalism, Alienation and Critique, arguing that contemporary Critical Theory has something to learn from the founding fathers. Firstly, for Adorno immanent critique has metaphysical implications beyond Honneth’s critique of bourgeois society as inconsistent in terms of its professed ideals. Secondly, immanent critique is not the same (...)
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  36. Ethics in economics: From classical economics to neo-liberalism.W. Ver Eecke - 1982 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 9 (2):146-167.
  37.  26
    The Brazilian Matrix: Between Fascism and Neo-Liberalism: Vladimir Safatle and Samir Gandesha in Conversation.Samir Gandesha - 2020 - Krisis 40 (1):215-233.
    This is a conversation that took place at Dr. Vladimir Safatle’s São Paulo home on 16 February, 2019, during Dr. Samir Gandesha’s time as a Visiting Professor at the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas -FFLCH-USP. It addresses the South American roots of the authoritarian Neoliberalism that has now become a truly global phenomenon.
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  38.  18
    Meghnad Desai's Vision of Capitalism-Marxism or Neo-liberalism?Ray Kiely - 2003 - Historical Materialism 1:225-34.
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    Neo-classical liberalism, ‘market freedom’, and the right to private property.Gavin Kerr - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):855-876.
    Neo-classical liberals aim to offer a more consistent, coherent, and morally ambitious form of liberalism than the traditional classical and social liberal alternatives by providing grounds for a strong commitment to both individual economic liberty and social justice. The key neo-classical liberal claim is that the stringent protection of negative economic liberty does not conflict with, but is rather an essential component of, a commitment to political and social justice. My focus in this article is not on this key (...)
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    On the political economy of neo-liberalism: a review of The Rise of the Market: Critical Essays on the Political Economy of Neo-Liberalism[REVIEW]P. A. Lewis - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (2):289-295.
  41. Book Review: Discursive Analytical Strategies: Understanding Foucault, Koselleck, Laclau, Luhmann, A Short History of Cultural Studies, Irony and Crisis: A Critical History of Postmodern Culture, Economy, Culture and Society: A Sociological Critique of Neo-liberalism[REVIEW]Chamsy el-Ojeili - 2005 - Thesis Eleven 81 (1):103-109.
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    Book Review: Kate Bezanson and Meg Luxton, eds, Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-Liberalism. Montréal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006. xii + 323 pp. ISBN 9780773531048, £15.99 (pbk). [REVIEW]Ngai-Ling Sum - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (2):256-258.
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    Neo-roman liberalism: “republican” values and British liberalism, ca. 1860–1875.E. F. Biagini - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (1):55-72.
    A contribution to the liberalism-republicanism debate from a political historian's point of view, this essay focuses on Britain in the mid-Victorian period—arguably the golden age of modern liberalism. The first part argues that the writings and political ideas of the leading liberal thinkers were imbued with ‘neo-roman’ values, including participatory citizenship, civic virtue and concern for the common good. The second part discusses the dissemination of ‘neo-roman’ ideas among the rank and file of the Liberal party, focusing on (...)
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    (1 other version)Hayek’s neo-Roman liberalism.Sean Irving - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 19 (4):553-570.
    This article argues that Hayek employed a neo-Roman concept of liberty. It will show that Hayek’s definition of liberty conforms to that provided by Philip Pettit and Quentin Skinner, respectively...
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    Liberalism and Neo-Aristotelianism.Roger Paden - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):51-58.
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    Liberalism and Social Theory after John Rawls.Katrina Forrester - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (1):1-22.
    Does neo-Rawlsian political philosophy offer an adequate account of the social conditions of capitalism? In this paper, I present two arguments for thinking that it does not. First, I develop a historicist critique of liberal egalitarianism, arguing that it provides a vision of social reality that is intimately connected to the historical and ideological constellation that I call postwar liberalism, and as such cannot account for social reality since the neoliberal revolutions of the late twentieth century. Second, I explore (...)
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  47.  18
    Richard Rorty, Liberalism and Cosmopolitanism.David E. McClean - 2014 - Brookfield, Vermont: Routledge.
    Richard Rorty was one of the most controversial and influential philosophers of the late twentieth century. Known primarily for his attacks on truth and the idea that knowledge is a ‘mirror of nature’, his contribution as a humanist and a great moralist has been overlooked by recent scholarship. McClean re-evaluates Rorty’s work in the light of his liberal cosmopolitan outlook, showing how it can be applied to a range of social and political issues, including international terrorism, religious fundamentalism, neo-liberalism, (...)
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  48. Populism, liberalism, and democracy.Michael J. Sandel - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (4):353-359.
    The right-wing populism ascendant today is a symptom of the failure of progressive politics. Central to this failure is the uncritical embrace of a neo-liberal version of globalization that benefits those at the top but leaves ordinary citizens feeling disempowered. Progressive parties are unlikely to win back public support unless they learn from the populist protest that has displaced them —not by replicating its xenophobia and strident nationalism, but by taking seriously the legitimate grievances with which these ugly sentiments are (...)
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  49. The Moscow Psychological Society and the Neo-Idealist Development of Russian Liberalism.Randall Allen Poole - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Notre Dame
    The Moscow Psychological Society, a learned society founded in 1885 at Moscow University, was the philosophic center of the revolt against positivism in the Russian Silver Age. In 1889 it began publication of Russia's first regular, specialized journal in philosophy, Questions of Philosophy and Psychology. By the end of its activity in 1922, the Psychological Society had included most of the country's outstanding philosophers and had played the major role in the growth of professional philosophy in Russia. ;While the Silver (...)
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    The Idea of Freedom in Comparative Perspective: Critical Comparisons between the Discourses of Liberalism and Neo-Confucianism.Roy Tseng - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (2):539-558.
    This essay aims to explore the meaning of freedom from a comparative perspective, focusing on critical comparisons between the discourses of liberalism and Neo-Confucianism. In so doing, my specific purpose is to characterize one of the possible, and perhaps the most plausible, presentations of Confucian liberalism as a perfectionist form of Hegelian liberalism. The contents are organized into three major sections.To begin with, thanks largely to Isaiah Berlin’s “Two Concepts of Liberty” and Chang Fo-ch’üan’s Tzu-yu yü jen-ch’üan, (...)
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