Results for 'Nathan Myrick'

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  1.  20
    Reference and Essence.Nathan Salmon - 1981 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    Considered a classic in the philosophy of language movement known variously as the New Theory of Reference or the Direct-Reference Theory, as well as in the metaphysics of modal essentialism that is related to this philosophy of language. This award-winning book is based on the author’s doctoral dissertation.
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  2. (1 other version)Disagreement: What’s the Problem? or A Good Peer is Hard to Find.Nathan L. King - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 85 (2):249-272.
  3.  5
    Reinforcement with iterative punishment.Jeffrey A. Barrett & Nathan Gabriel - 2022 - Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 36 (7):1361-1383.
    We consider the efficacy of various forms of reinforcement learning with punishment in evolving linguistic conventions in the context of Lewis-Skyrms signalling games. We show that the learning strategy of reinforcement with iterative punishment is highly effective at evolving optimal conventions in even complex signalling games. It is also robust and can be easily extended to a self-tuning variety of reinforcement learning. We briefly discuss some of the virtues of reinforcement with iterative punishment and how it may be related to (...)
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    Hume and the Demands of Philosophy: Science, Skepticism, and Moderation.Nathan I. Sasser - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book argues that Hume is a radical epistemic skeptic who gives only practical reasons for retaining belief in sensory beliefs and the deliverances of reason. He advises us to take a moderate approach to the demands of philosophy, since they sometimes diverge from the demands of life.
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  5. Reasons-Responsiveness and Moral Responsibility: The Case of Autism.Nathan Stout - 2016 - The Journal of Ethics 20 (4):401-418.
    In this paper, I consider a novel challenge to John Martin Fischer and Mark Ravizza’s reasons-responsiveness theory of moral responsibility. According to their view, agents possess the control necessary for moral responsibility if their actions proceed from a mechanism that is moderately reasons-responsive. I argue that their account of moderate reasons-responsiveness fails to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for moral responsibility since it cannot give an adequate account of the responsibility of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Empirical evidence suggests that (...)
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    Three problems in induction.Nathan Stemmer - 1971 - Synthese 23 (2-3):287 - 308.
  7. Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics.Nathan Rosenberg - 1983 - Cambridge University Press.
    Economists have long treated technological phenomena as events transpiring inside a black box and, on the whole, have adhered rather strictly to a self-imposed ordinance not to inquire too seriously into what transpires inside that box. The purpose of Professor Rosenberg's work is to break open and examine the contents of the black box. In so doing, a number of important economic problems be powerfully illuminated. The author clearly shows how specific features of individual technologies have shaped a number of (...)
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    The rise and fall of metaphor: A study in meaning and meaninglessness.Nathan Black Rupp - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (213):419-433.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 213 Seiten: 419-433.
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    In Search of Just Families: A Philosophical View by Chanda Gupta.Nathan Schlueter - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (1):138-140.
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  10. My Philosophical Education.Nathan Salmón - manuscript
    In this candid autobiographical essay, Nathan Salmon recounts and assesses the impact of various philosophers and events on his philosophical development.
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    A partial solution to the Goodman paradox.Nathan Stemmer - 1978 - Philosophical Studies 34 (2):177 - 185.
  12.  39
    Placebo Use in Clinical Practice: Report of the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs.Nathan A. Bostick, Robert Sade, Mark A. Levine & D. M. Stewart - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (1):58-61.
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    Is Goodness Without God Good Enough?: A Debate on Faith, Secularism, and Ethics.Robert K. Garcia & Nathan L. King (eds.) - 2008 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Morality and religion: intimately wed, violently opposed, or something else? Discussion of this issue appears in pop culture, the academy, and the media―often generating radically opposed views. At one end of the spectrum are those who think that unless God exists, ethics is unfounded and the moral life is unmotivated. At the other end are those who think that religious belief is unnecessary for―and even a threat to―ethical knowledge and the moral life. -/- This volume provides an accessible, charitable discussion (...)
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  14. The Stoic Argument for the Rationality of the Cosmos.Nathan Powers - 2012 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 43:245-269.
  15. Is Vegetarianism Healthy for Children?Nathan Cofnas - 2019 - Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59 (13):2052-2060.
    According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ influential position statement on vegetarianism, meat and seafood can be replaced with milk, soy/legumes, and eggs without any negative effects in children. The United States Department of Agriculture endorses a similar view. The present paper argues that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ignores or gives short shrift to direct and indirect evidence that vegetarianism may be associated with serious risks for brain and body development in fetuses and children. Regular supplementation with (...)
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  16. The rationality of animal memory: complex caching strategies of western scrub jays.Nicky Clayton, Nathan Emery & Dickinson & Anthony - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds (eds.), Rational Animals? Oxford University Press.
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    Beyond literary knowledge.Paisley Nathan Livingston - unknown
  18. Giv at Ha-Moreh Be-Tseruf Be Urim, Maftehot U-Milon-Munahim.Salomon Maimon, Nathan Rotenstreich & Samuel Hugo Bergman - 1965
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  19.  38
    Conservation of behavioral diversity: on nudging, paternalism-induced monoculture, and the social value of heterogeneous beliefs and behavior.Nathan Berg & Yuki Watanabe - 2020 - Mind and Society 19 (1):103-120.
    Heterogeneous beliefs and decision processes generate positive externalities for social and economic systems, analogous to biodiversity in biological systems. Although some aspects of biodiversity (e.g., pests, parasites and bacteria) can lead to ecological and economic problems, biodiversity provides flows of beneficial ecological services and is widely regarded as a valuable natural resource and informational asset, whose value increases as we learn more and science progresses (Wilson in Bioscience 35(11):700–706, 1985). Heterogeneous beliefs and decision processes (and heterogeneous behaviors they generate) similarly (...)
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  20. (2 other versions)Temporal Relations and Temporal Becoming--A Defense of a Russellian Theory of Time.L. Nathan Oaklander - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (1):133-136.
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    Conscience, Recognition, and the Irreducibility of Difference In Hegel’s Conception of Spirit.Nathan Andersen - 2005 - Idealistic Studies 35 (2-3):119-136.
    Hegel’s conception of Spirit does not subordinate difference to sameness, in a way that would make it unusable for a genuinely intersubjective idealism directed to a comprehensive account of the contemporary world. A close analysis of the logic of recognition and the dialectic of conscience in the Phenomenology of Spirit demonstrates that the unity of Spirit emerges in and through conflict, and is forged in the process whereby particular encounters between differently situated individuals reveal and establish the emerging character and (...)
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  22. Departed Souls? Tripartition at the Close of Plato’s Republic.Nathan Bauer - 2017 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 20 (1):139-157.
    Plato’s tripartite soul plays a central role in his account of justice in the Republic. It thus comes as a surprise to find him apparently abandoning this model at the end of the work, when he suggests that the soul, as immortal, must be simple. I propose a way of reconciling these claims, appealing to neglected features of the city-soul analogy and the argument for the soul’s division. The original true soul, I argue, is partitioned, but in a finer manner (...)
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    Language Invention in Linguistics Pedagogy.Jeffrey Punske, Nathan Sanders & Amy Fountain (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This book is the first to explore the varied ways in which invented languages can be used to teach languages and linguistics in university courses. Renowned scholars and junior researchers show how using invented languages can appeal to a wider range of students, and can help those students to develop the fundamental skills of linguistic analysis.
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  24. Demographic Theories.Joseph Spengler & Nathan Keyfitz - 2000 - In Raymond Boudon & Mohamed Cherkaoui (eds.), Central currents in social theory. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 8--433.
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    How Can Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Be Used to Modulate Episodic Memory?: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Nicholas Yeh & Nathan S. Rose - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26. Justice at the Margins: The Social Contract and the Challenge of Marginal Cases.Nathan Bauer & David Svolba - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (1):51-67.
    Attempts to justify the special moral status of human beings over other animals face a well-known objection: the challenge of marginal cases. If we attempt to ground this special status in the unique rationality of humans, then it becomes difficult to see why nonrational humans should be treated any differently than other, nonhuman animals. We respond to this challenge by turning to the social contract tradition. In particular, we identify an important role for the concept of recognition in attempts to (...)
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  27. On Douglas Edwards' The Metaphysics of Truth: The Author Meets His Critics.Douglas Edwards, Nathan Kellen, David Taylor & Michael Lynch - 2024 - In Adam C. Podlaskowski & Drew Johnson (eds.), Truth 20/20: How a Global Pandemic Shaped Truth Research. Synthese Library. pp. 19-56.
    This chapter is an edited transcription of an author-meets-critics session at the Truth 20|20 Conference, on Douglas Edwards’ award-winning book, The Metaphysics of Truth (2018, Oxford University Press). The Metaphysics of Truth tackles fundamental questions about the role of truth in connections between language and the world. Edwards proposes a pluralist account, according to which sentences in different domains get to be true in different ways. Kellen’s questions center around how to locate Edwards’s pluralist account given certain distinctions between varieties (...)
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    Emotions in Sport and Games.Alfred Archer & Nathan Wildman (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    Emotions play an important role in both sport and games, from the pride and joy of victory, the misery and shame of defeat, and the anger and anxiety felt along the way. This volume brings together experts in the philosophy of sport and games and experts in the philosophy of emotion to investigate this important area of research. The book discusses the role of the emotions for both participants and spectators of sports and games, including detailed discussions of suffering, shame, (...)
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  29. Derrida and the Jewish Heritage: introductory remarks.Nathan Van Camp - 2011 - Bijdragen 72 (3):239-245.
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  30.  42
    Heidegger and the Question Concerning Biotechnology.Nathan Van Camp - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Life 2 (1):32-54.
    From the mid-thirties onwards, Martin Heidegger occasionally speculated about the future possibility of artificially producing human beings. What is at stake in biotechnology, Heidegger claims, is the imminent possibility of the destruction of the human essence. It is unclear, however, how Heidegger can substantiate such a claim given that he consistently denounced attempts to define human Dasein as a living being to which a higher capacity such as reason or language is added. This paper will argue that, in this sense, (...)
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  31.  18
    On the culpable ignorance of group agents: the group justification thesis.Nathan W. Biebel - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    People are often responsible for what they do, but they also often possess an excuse. One of the most common excuses is ignorance. Not all ignorance constitutes an excuse, however, for some ignorance is culpable and culpable ignorance is no excuse. But what about group agents? In our everyday practices, we blame group agents constantly. But if groups can be blameworthy, they plausibly can also be excused. Surely one such excuse is ignorance. But, as with individual agents, some group ignorance (...)
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  32. Hume’s Solution of the Goodman Paradox and the Reliability Riddle.Nathan Stemmer - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 132 (2):137-159.
    Many solutions of the Goodman paradox have been proposed but so far no agreement has been reached about which is the correct solution. However, I will not contribute here to the discussion with a new solution. Rather, I will argue that a solution has been in front of us for more than two hundred years because a careful reading of Hume's account of inductive inferences shows that, contrary to Goodman's opinion, it embodies a correct solution of the paradox. Moreover, the (...)
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    Filmmaking in the Philosophy Classroom.Nathan Andersen - 2010 - Teaching Philosophy 33 (4):375-397.
    Film is frequently employed in philosophy classes to illustrate philosophical themes. I argue that making short films or videos in the philosophy classroom can also be a valuable learning exercise for philosophy students. One such assignment, focused on showing the relevance of philosophy to everyday issues, is described and defended here. The exercise is valuable both as a way to clarify the character of philosophical inquiry and its connection to life, and also because questions about film as a medium relate (...)
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    Capital Investment by Independent and System-Affiliated Hospitals.Nathan W. Carroll, Dean G. Smith & John R. C. Wheeler - 2015 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 52:004695801559157.
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    David Golumbia. The Cultural Logic of Computation. 272 pp. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009. $30.Nathan Ensmenger - 2010 - Isis 101 (3):674-675.
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    Allied Health Professionals: A Further Look Needed?Nathan Hershey - 1982 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 10 (6):198-199.
  37.  21
    Dear Editors.Nathan Hershey - 1980 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 8 (6):2-2.
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    Son-Condescension and the Logic of Theology.Nathan D. Shannon - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (2):245-264.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 59 Heft: 1 Seiten: 245-264.
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  39. The Question of Efficacy.Nathan Sivin - 1st ed. 2015 - In Health Care in Eleventh-Century China. Springer International Publishing.
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  40. Senekah, ha-ish u-mishnato.Nathan Spiegel - 1973
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    Human Dignity in Bioethics: From Worldviews to the Public Square.Stephen Dilley & Nathan J. Palpant (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    _Human Dignity in Bioethics _brings together a collection of essays that rigorously examine the concept of human dignity from its metaphysical foundations to its polemical deployment in bioethical controversies. The volume falls into three parts, beginning with meta-level perspectives and moving to concrete applications. Part 1 analyzes human dignity through a worldview lens, exploring the source and meaning of human dignity from naturalist, postmodernist, Protestant, and Catholic vantages, respectively, letting each side explain and defend its own conception. Part 2 moves (...)
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  42.  35
    Arguing over intentions.Paisley Nathan Livingston - 1996 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 50 (198):615-633.
  43.  10
    Coherence, discourse.Paisley Nathan Livingston - unknown
    What is a discourse? What makes a discourse coherent or incoherent? Investigation into these difficult questions has yielded so many sophisticated proposals that a short, comprehensive survey is well out of reach.
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    Disciplining film : code and specificity.Paisley Nathan Livingston - unknown
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  45. (1 other version)Metaphysics: Classic and Contemporary Readings. First edition.L. Nathan Oaklander & Ronald C. Hoy - 1991 - Belmont, CA, USA: Wadsworth Publishing Co..
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  46. Proceedings of the Philosophy of Time Society, 1995-2000.L. Nathan Oaklander (ed.) - 2001 - Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
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  47.  57
    The Legacy of Rousseau.Clifford Orwin & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    The volume begins by taking up a central theme noted by the late Allan Bloom—Rousseau's critique of the bourgeois as the dominant modern human type and as a being fundamentally in contradiction, caught between the sentiments of nature and ...
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    Mercy’s Impediments: Thomas Aquinas and Critical Race Theory in Dialogue.Nathan Luis Cartagena - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):709-748.
    This paper raises an uncommon question: What can studying Thomas Aquinas and Critical Race Theory teach us about failures to promote mercy across the color-line? I answer this question in five stages. After locating Thomas’s teachings on mercy and its impediments within his masterwork, the Summa theologiae, I excavate Thomas’s account of mercy’s impediments. Next, I address the question “What is CRT?” Then I examine a foundational CRT text’s analysis of mercy’s impediments. Lastly, I offer a proposal for further Thomas-CRT (...)
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  49. Getting into the Game of Tradition-Constituted Moral Inquiry: Does MacIntyre’s Particularism Offer a Rational Way In?Nathan Carson - 2014 - International Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):25-42.
    The early work of Alasdair MacIntyre aims to provide resources to “fragmented” modern selves for adjudicating “incommensurable” claims of rival moral traditions and for committing to one with full allegiance. But MacIntyre seems to undermine rational choice through his thesis of Rational Particularism, namely, that there is no tradition-independent, universally acceptable rational standpoint from which to evaluate competing claims of rival traditions. In this paper I combat a prevalent argument that his Particularism thesis render the choice of tradition allegiance by (...)
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    The poisonous metaphor of the people populism, authoritarianism, and post‐sovereign possibilities in evolving Egyptian constitutional orders.Nathan J. Brown - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):340-357.
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