Results for 'Natascia Coda'

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  1.  16
    The Michelangelo Effect: Art Improves the Performance in a Virtual Reality Task Developed for Upper Limb Neurorehabilitation.Marco Iosa, Merve Aydin, Carolina Candelise, Natascia Coda, Giovanni Morone, Gabriella Antonucci, Franco Marinozzi, Fabiano Bini, Stefano Paolucci & Gaetano Tieri - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The vision of an art masterpiece is associated with brain arousal by neural processes occurring quite spontaneously in the viewer. This aesthetic experience may even elicit a response in the motor areas of the observers. In the neurorehabilitation of patients with stroke, art observation has been used for reducing psychological disorders, and creative art therapy for enhancing physical functions and cognitive abilities. Here, we developed a virtual reality task which allows patients, by moving their hand on a virtual canvas, to (...)
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    Speranza: femminile plurale.Natascia Tosel - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 5:75-91.
    Il pensiero critico appare oggi, in molti casi, relegato a circolare in luoghi chiusi ed asfittici. Tale condizione sembra risentire di un mancata connessione con l’ambiente che, attraverso le riflessioni di Deleuze e Guattari sulla geofilosofia, verrà definito come il luogo dell’accadere, ossia dell’incontro con il possibile. Mentre i due autori francesi sceglievano di nominare tale connessione – oggi deficitaria – tra il pensiero e l’ambiente “utopia”, l’articolo proporrà di sostituire tale termine con quello di “speranza”: è di quest’ultima che (...)
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    Manifesto: per una riforma del pensare.Piero Coda - 2021 - [Rome]: Città nuova. Edited by Maria Benedetta Curi, Massimo Donà & Giulio Maspero.
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    Sociedad e imagen.Enrique Codas - 2017 - Asunción, Paraguay: Servilibro.
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  5. Il cosmopolitismo kantiano: tendenze interpretative a confronto a partire dallo scritto Per la pace perpetua (1795).Natascia Mattucci - 2003 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4 (4):773-804.
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    Obsolescenza dell'umano: Günther Anders e il contemporaneo.Natascia Mattucci, Recchia Luciani & R. Francesca (eds.) - 2018 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Tecnocrazia e analfabetismo emotivo: sul pensiero di Günther Anders.Natascia Mattucci - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  8. Petrarch, Propertius and the structure of the'Canzoniere'.Natascia Tonelli - 1998 - Rinascimento 38:249-315.
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    Disuguaglianze e solidarietà. Un caso di studio nell'Italia di fine Ottocento.Natascia Villani - 2018 - Società Degli Individui 60:37-48.
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    Social Identity between Narrative and Storytelling.Natascia Villani - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Themistius, Arabic.Elisa Coda - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1260--1266.
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    Crisi della politica?: antipolitica, mediazione, rappresentanza.Natascia Mattucci & Gianluca Vagnarelli (eds.) - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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    Per un legame tra gli esseri umani. Il principio solidarietà tra Jaspers e Arendt.Natascia Mattucci - 2018 - Società Degli Individui 60:63-76.
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    Pensare l’impersonale tra vitalismo e macchinismo. Come resistere alla governamentalità algoritmica?Tosel Natascia - 2016 - la Deleuziana 3:59-75.
    Deleuze has left to with two texts, ‘Post-scriptum sur les sociétés de contrôle’ and L’immanence: une vie.., which constitute his heritage. These two essays seem to stand far apart from each other, because while the first talks about the risk that individuals today will be reduced to a number by the machines that control our societies, the second is concerned with proposing the concept of an immanent and impersonal life. The aim of this article, however, is to connect these two (...)
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    Legibility and Transparency in Contemporary Democracy.Natascia Villani - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Interpretazioni del reale: scienza, filosofia e teologia in dialogo.Piero Coda & Roberto Presilla (eds.) - 2000 - [Milano]: Mursia.
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  17. Matter and Elements : Al-Ġazālī and Averroes as a Source of Isaac Abravanel's "The Forms of the Elements".Elisa Coda - 2024 - In Racheli Haliva, Yoav Meyrav & Daniel Davies (eds.), Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought. Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
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    Scienza e opinione nella città perfetta: letture del pensiero etico-politico di al-Fārābī.Elisa Coda (ed.) - 2019 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
  19. Tommaso d'Aquino e l'ontologia: significato, fonti, eredità.Piero Coda, Vito Limone & Mauro Mantovani (eds.) - 2024 - Firenze: Nerbini International.
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    De l'antiquité tardive au Moyen Âge: études de logique aristotélicienne et de philosophie grecque, syriaque, arabe et latine offertes à Henri Hugonnard-Roche.Elisa Coda, Cecilia Martini Bonadeo & Henri Hugonnard-Roche (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin.
    La circulation du savoir philosophique à travers les traductions du grec au syriaque, du grec à l'arabe, du syriaque à l'arabe, de l'arabe au latin forme, depuis un siècle et plus de recherches savantes, un domaine scientifique à part entière. Ce volume réunit des spécialistes des disciplines du domaine voulant rendre hommage à un collègue dont l'activité a ouvert une voie, Henri Hugonnard-Roche. Spécialiste de la transmission du grec au syriaque de la logique aristotélicienne, Henri Hugonnard-Roche a montré par ses (...)
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    Pensiero divino, anime umane: l'aristotelismo di Temistio e la filosofia pre-moderna.Elisa Coda - 2022 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
  22. The “No-Visitor Policies” Among Lonely Patients, Powerless Caregivers, and Exhausted Health Professionals. Pedagogical Perspectives to Rebuild a Fractured Alliance.Natascia Bobbo - 2023 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 27 (67):79-89.
    One of the most unpredictable things the pandemic brought to our societies was the closure of hospitals and other health services to visitors. Preventing the spread of infection was the main reason for these decisions in the early days of the pandemic when there was no clarity about the means of transmission and the origin of the virus. However, in view of the persistence of the restrictions to date and the numerous negative consequences they have had on the professional and (...)
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    Challenging the Gendered Entrepreneurial Subject: Gender, Development, and the Informal Economy in India.Natascia Boeri - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (2):157-179.
    The World Bank’s premise that “gender equality is good business” characterizes the current gender and economic development model. Policymakers and development practitioners promote and encourage women’s entrepreneurialism from the conviction that increasing women’s market-based opportunities is key to lifting women, their families, and communities out of poverty, resulting in the construction of a gendered entrepreneurial subject. Based on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews with home-based garment workers in Ahmedabad, India, this article questions the portrayal of women informal workers as entrepreneurs. Employing (...)
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  24. Preferred identity as phoenix epiphanies for people immersed in their illness experiences. A qualitative study on autobiographies.Natascia Bobbo - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (59):43-55.
    The illness immersion condition prevents patients from enjoying everything worth living life for. In any case, according to Frank, this condition could represent one of the most insightful experiences towards understanding the meaning of life. Using the metaphor of phoenix taken from May, Frank identified four kinds of embodiments through which the phoenix can reveal itself in a patient after an illness immersion experience: the phoenix that could ever be and the phoenix that might have been; the recurrent and cumulative (...)
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    Chronically ill Patients, Life Incidents and Reactive Strategies: A Qualitative Study among Patients Suffering from four Types of Diseases, Followed-up in the North-Eastern of Italy.Natascia Bobbo, Chiara Bottaro & Estella Musacchio - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (64):45-58.
    Living with a chronic condition represents a strenuous experience that often could be lived as a sequence of waiting and crisis times. Therapeutic path incidents could represent however a catalysts and revelatory time, useful to patients to discover their own resources. A qualitative study according to the phenomenological hermeneutic perspective was conducted to understand the kind of skills expressed by the patients during a difficult episode, and the characteristics that identify patients who can overcome them better. From September 2019 to (...)
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    Meaning making and re-making processes in the lived experience of illness, fragility and social exclusion.Natascia Bobbo - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (59):1-3.
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    Ontosofia: Jacques Maritain in ascolto dell'essere.Piero Coda - 2009 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Dio e il suo avvento: luoghi, momenti, figure.Gennaro Cicchese, Piero Coda & Lubomír Žák (eds.) - 2003 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    Manifest.Piero Coda - 2020 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 3:79-99.
    Edgar Morin writes that “rethinking thinking” is what is urgently needed today. Indeed, it is possible to recognize a convergence in the understanding and practice of an integral and open ontology express and promote the living mystery of Being in its multicolored self-expression. This fact calls for a rereading of the tradition of thought, which has matured through history leading to this point. In this perspective the most significant fruit was produced by the inventio of the ontologically regulating concept of (...)
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    From la Favilla to Claudio Magris: Trieste’s European Identity.Elena Coda - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (7-8):670-688.
    This essay discusses Claudio Magris’s concept of Mitteleuropa—which is central to his view of Europe—by situating it within the context of Triestine cultural history. It first presents the reflections on Europe formulated by the early generations of journalists in La Favilla, the newspaper founded in Trieste in 1836. This is followed by a discussion of the cultural and political writings of Scipio Slataper (1888–1915) and Giani Stuparich (1891–1961). Like Magris these journalists and writers assumed the role of public intellectuals and (...)
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    Lecteurs arabes et latins de Thémistius au Moyen Âge : l’intellect et ses objets.Elisa Coda - 2022 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 106 (1):3-36.
    Cet article examine une des thèses fondamentales de Thémistius dans sa paraphrase du De anima d’Aristote, c’est-à-dire le rapport entre l’intellect et ses objets, telle qu’elle figure dans la réception de deux lecteurs de Thémistius au Moyen Âge : Averroès et Thomas d’Aquin. La comparaison entre ces deux philosophes suggère que l’héritage (néo)platonicien présent dans l’interprétation thémistienne du rapport entre l’intellect et ses objets a été influent dans une certaine mesure, mais il a produit chez les deux philosophes des considérations (...)
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    The First Reception of Avicenna’s Introduction to Logic in Latin.Elisa Coda - 2020 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 14 (1):49-58.
    In her Avicenne, Logica Françoise Hudry offers the long-expected critical edition of the Latin version of the opening treatise of Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāʾ. This gigantic summa, whose title translates as Book of the Cure, represents the best example in Arabic philosophy of the inspiration from, and adaptation of, the late antique model of philosophy as a systematic whole whose starting point is logic, and whose culmination is rational theology. The Neoplatonic orientation of this model is widely recognised in scholarship, in (...)
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    The unity of reciprocal love: the charism of Chiara Lubich and the theology of Klaus Hemmerle.Piero Coda - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (1-2):155-171.
    ABSTRACTThis article examines the Trinitarian anthropology inherent in the ‘charism of unity’ that characterizes the Focolare Movement stemming from the mystical experience of Chiara Lubich. After describing the theological cornerstones of this charism―namely the evangelical centrality of the commandment of reciprocal love, the circularity between theology and anthropology and Jesus Forsaken as the Christological key to understanding and achieving unity―the article studies its cultural implications as reflected in the philosophical and theological contribution of Klaus Hemmerle. In dialogue with modern thought, (...)
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    An Epistemological Perspective of Integrated Multidisciplinary Treatment When Dealing With Infertile Women With a Parenthood Goal: The Importance of Matterpsychic Perspective.Francesca Natascia Vasta & Raffaella Girelli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This article proposes a multidisciplinary work perspective on couples who undergo assisted reproductive technology treatments, with particular attention paid to the treatment of women. The epistemological references underlying a vision of infertility and sterility that respect the psyche–soma unity of the person are illustrated: the biopsychosocial model and the psychoneuroimmunology and psychosomatic contemporary models of health and illness. Based on clinical experience in a private and institutional setting, different steps in the course of treatment are described with the related areas (...)
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  35. Antecedents of Corporate Scandals: CEOs' Personal Traits, Stakeholders' Cohesion, Managerial Fraud, and Imbalanced Corporate Strategy. [REVIEW]Fabio Zona, Mario Minoja & Vittorio Coda - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):265-283.
    This study examines the antecedents of corporate scandals. Corporate scandals are defined as rare events occurring at the apex of corporate fame when managerial fraud suddenly emerges in conjunction with a significant gap between perceived corporate success and actual economic conditions. Previous studies on managerial fraud have examined the antecedents of illegal acts in isolation from strategic decisions and in terms of CEOs’ individual responses to the external context. This study frames the antecedents of corporate scandals in terms of the (...)
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    Daniele Bruzzone, Lucia Zannini (a cura di), Sfidare i tabù della cura. Percorsi di formazione emotiva dei professionisti, Franco Angeli, Milano, ISBN 9788835110743, 163 pagine, 2021. [REVIEW]Natascia Bobbo - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (61):97-99.
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    Book Review: No One Will Let Her Live: Women’s Struggle for Well-Being in a Delhi Slum by Claire Snell-Rood. [REVIEW]Natascia Boeri - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (6):998-1000.
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    A Variable Structure Control Scheme Proposal for the Tokamak à Configuration Variable.Aitor Marco, Aitor J. Garrido, Stefano Coda, Izaskun Garrido & T. C. V. Team - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
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  39. Coda [a" Tientos etnológicos"(1988)].Alberto Cardín - 1992 - El Basilisco 12:4-6.
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  40. Coda-thoughts on multiculturalism, medicine, and the practice of female circumcision.D. Johnson - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (3):439-440.
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  41. E. Coda (ed) Letture medievali di Aristotele: il De caelo e le Meteore, Pisa University Press, 2022.Inna Kupreeva (ed.) - 2022 - Pisa: Pisa University Press.
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    Coda: críticas no tan veladas.Mimunt Hamido Yahia - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    Es un error buscar en la religión la justificación para la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres. Estos intentos ya se dieron en los años 70 en Argelia, Marruecos y Túnez. Los tres países árabes donde el pensamiento reformista tuvo más representantes y mayor impacto. Numerosas asociaciones feministas reclamaron el derecho de las mujeres al acceso a la esfera pública y exigieron la derogación de las leyes más discriminatorias, como el repudio o la poligamia. Para dotarse de mayor legitimidad en países (...)
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    The CODA Model: A Review and Skeptical Extension of the Constructionist Model of Emotional Episodes Induced by Music.Thomas M. Lennie & Tuomas Eerola - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper discusses contemporary advancements in the affective sciences that can inform the music-emotion literature. Key concepts in these theories are outlined, highlighting their points of agreement and disagreement. This summary shows the importance of appraisal within the emotion process, provides a greater emphasis upon goal-directed accounts of behavior, and a need to move away from discrete emotion “folk” concepts and toward the study of an emotional episode and its components. Consequently, three contemporary music emotion theories are examined through a (...)
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    The Pronunciation of Syllable Coda m in Classical Latin: A Reassessment of Some Evidence from Latin Grammarians.Javier Uría - 2019 - American Journal of Philology 140 (3):439-476.
    This article reviews the text and interpretation of some ancient evidence on the pronunciation of syllable coda m in Latin. Crucial textual emendations are suggested for passages by Annaeus Cornutus and Velius Longus, and the resulting evidence is reinterpreted in the light of current phonological theories. Some of the accepted views on the pronunciation of –m are challenged by highlighting the likely sound variation in neutralization contexts. The evidence from both grammarians and inscriptions reveals that the possibility of m (...)
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  45. Coda.Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar - 2022 - In Jeffrey P. Fry & Andrew Edgar (eds.), Philosophy, Sport and the Pandemic. New York: Routledge.
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  46. Coda : The interchronic pause and the temporality of iteration.Timothy Hyde - 2020 - In Robin Schuldenfrei (ed.), Iteration: episodes in the mediation of art and archtecture. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  47. Coda : out waltzed Stanley.Charles Bernstein - 2024 - In David LaRocca (ed.), Music with Stanley Cavell in mind. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Coda Better to Be Than Not to Be?Wlodek Rabinowicz & Gustaf Arrhenius - 2010 - In Hans Joas & Barbro Klein (eds.), The Benefit of Broad Horizons: Intellectual and Institutional Preconditions for a Global Social Science. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. pp. 399-421.
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    Coda.Robert Hugo Ziegler - 2017 - In Elemente Einer Metaphysik der Immanenz. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 459-464.
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  50. Coda.Adriana Cavarero - 2021 - In Toward a feminist ethics of nonviolence. New York: Fordham University Press.
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