Results for 'Natalia Han-Ilgiewicz'

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  1.  11
    A presencialidade de Hölderlin, Hans-Georg Gadamer.Natália Acurcio Cardoso - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (1).
    A versão original do ensaio A presencialidade de Hölderlin,2 de Hans-Georg Gadamer,encontra-se no volume 9 das suas obras completas, que se chama Estética e Poética II –Hermenêutica em Execução. No prólogo da presente edição, Gadamer ressalta que apreocupação desse volume não é de tratar a poesia como o sujeito de uma abordagemcientífica ou teórica, mas sim de executar uma espécie de entrada no poético, naquilo que é asua prática. Gadamer afirma que a poesia é capaz de se tornar parceira de (...)
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    Políticas del deseo: filosóficas transfeministas en y para el ocaso de lo humano.Natalia Gil & Belén Scigalszky - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (7):e230114.
    El presente trabajo se inscribe en el cruce que intersecta nodos centrales de la filosofía contemporánea en el llamado giro posthumano con las experiencias y producciones teóricas transfeministas. Consideramos que tal intersección se encuentra dada en la medida en que ambos términos suponen el resquebrajamiento de las lógicas identitarias en tanto políticas del deseo que promueven formas de sujeción andro-antropocéntricas y tanato-bio-políticas. Nuestro objetivo es mostrar en qué medida estos ámbitos se retroalimentan, pero enfoncándonos especialmente en dilucidar cuáles han sido (...)
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    Uso del Aprendizaje cooperativo durante la pandemia por la COVID-19.Natalia Sánchez Sánchez, Julián Roa González & Almudena Sánchez Sánchez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-11.
    La pandemia por Covid-19 ha supuesto un cambio notable en el sistema educativo. Las adaptaciones en la forma de enseñar han llevado a que primen unas metodologías sobre otras. El AC requiere relaciones interpersonales y por tanto es esperable que se haya visto afectado por la pandemia. En este artículo se analizan 177 aulas de secundaria y se observa que el AC no está suficientemente asentado pero que su uso es sensible a la asignatura, la edad del profesor y el (...)
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    Gestos, objetos y fotografías. Notas sobre un encuentro o crónica de lo que refulge en su semiosis (im)posible.Natalia Magrin - 2024 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 15 (28-29):e200.
    Estas notas surgen del encuentro con fotografías del diario Crónica, tomadas entre 1971 y 1972 durante la dictadura de Alejandro Lanusse, y las diversas preguntas que se suscitaron en torno a su legibilidad histórica y a su relación con las memorias visuales. Dichas imágenes fueron tomadas en escenas preparadas por las Fuerzas Armadas y de Seguridad a los fines de ser registradas por medios de comunicación. Es decir, se producen ante la convocatoria y demanda de los propios operadores de la (...)
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    Kierkegaard e as Ciências Naturais No Século XIX.Natalia Mendes Teixeira - 2023 - Dissertatio 54:3-31.
    O filósofo dinamarquês Søren A. Kierkegaard é frequentemente lido, dentro da própria tradição intérprete, como um crítico das Ciências Naturais (Naturvidenskaben). 1 Neste artigo, pretendo argumentar, ao contrário, que Kierkegaard: (i) foi crítico de uma determinada prática científica do seu tempo epistemicamente frágil e dos cientistas naturais que a adotavam construindo uma proposta judiciosa do papel da Ciência na interpretação do mundo; (ii) interessou-se pelas Ciências Naturais, inclusive pelos trabalhos do seu primo, o paleontólogo Peter Wilhelm Lund, e as pesquisas (...)
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    (1 other version)Bildung e segunda natureza: Mcdowell leitor de Gadamer.Bruna Natália Richter - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (1):186-196.
    Em seu livro Mente e Mundo John McDowell pretende superar a oscilação entre duas abordagens que pretendem mediar à relação entre as mentes e o mundo, de um lado temos o mito do dado dizendo que os pensamentos precisam de uma coerção a partir do mundo exterior, e do outro lado temos o coerentismo que apresenta a ideia de que apenas uma crença pode justificar outra crença. Para defender sua abordagem e naturalizar as capacidades conceituais, situando a espontaneidade na natureza (...)
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  7. Análisis jurídico de la discriminación algorítmica en los procesos de selección laboral.Andrés Páez & Natalia Ramírez-Bustamante - 2024 - In Natalia Angel & René Urueña (eds.), Innovación en derecho y nuevas tecnologías. Ediciones Uniandes.
    El uso de sistemas de machine learning en los procesos de selección laboral ha sido de gran utilidad para agilizarlos y volverlos más eficientes, pero al mismo tiempo ha generado problemas en términos de equidad, confiabilidad y transparencia. En este artículo comenzamos explicando los diferentes usos de la Inteligencia Artificial en los procesos de selección laboral en Estados Unidos. Presentamos los sesgos sexuales y raciales que han sido detectados en algunos de ellos y explicamos los obstáculos jurídicos y prácticos para (...)
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    50 preguntas sobre tecnologías para un envejecimiento activo y saludable. Edición española.Francisco Florez-Revuelta, Alin Ake-Kob, Pau Climent-Perez, Paulo Coelho, Liane Colonna, Laila Dahabiyeh, Carina Dantas, Esra Dogru-Huzmeli, Hazım Kemal Ekenel, Aleksandar Jevremovic, Nina Hosseini-Kivanani, Aysegul Ilgaz, Mladjan Jovanovic, Andrzej Klimczuk, Maksymilian M. Kuźmicz, Petre Lameski, Ferlanda Luna, Natália Machado, Tamara Mujirishvili, Zada Pajalic, Galidiya Petrova, Nathalie G. S. Puaschitz, Maria Jose Santofimia, Agusti Solanas, Wilhelmina van Staalduinen & Ziya Ata Yazici - 2024 - Alicante: University of Alicante.
    Este manual sobre tecnologías para un envejecimiento activo y saludable, también conocido como Vida Asistida Activa (Active Assisted Living – AAL en sus siglas en inglés), ha sido creado como parte de la Acción COST GoodBrother, que se ha llevado a cabo desde 2020 hasta 2024. Las Acciones COST son programas de investigación europeos que promueven la colaboración internacional, uniendo a investigadores, profesionales e instituciones para abordar desafíos sociales importantes. GoodBrother se ha centrado en las cuestiones éticas y de privacidad (...)
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    El buen gobierno de los robots para su correcto impacto en la sociedad: ¿qué herramientas existen?Christi Amesti Mendizábal & Natalia Zardoya Jiménez - 2021 - Arbor 197 (802):a625.
    La inteligencia artificial y la robótica son dos realidades que han venido para quedarse y cuya implicación en nuestra sociedad afecta a distintos ámbitos. El hecho de que nos encontremos ante una tecnología capaz de emular actitudes humanas como son el aprendizaje o la adaptación, convierten a la IA, y en concreto a los robots dotados de la misma, en máquinas imprevisibles. Asimismo, nos encontramos con la agravante de la posible interacción entre máquinas y sujetos de carácter vulnerable como son (...)
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    A Interpretação Dentro e Fora da Moldura: o Pensamento Jurídico Hermenêutico de Kelsen e seus Desafios no Século XXI.Bianca Kremer Nogueira Corrêa & Natalia Silveira Alves - 2015 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 1 (1).
    O presente artigo tem o escopo de analisar as influências deixadas por Hans Kelsen e sua Teoria Pura do Direito para a Hermenêutica Jurídica e as incertezas ainda presentes em sua clássica obra sobre o processo interpretativo. O positivismo kelseniano, reconhecido pela separação entre direito e moral, não se omitiu quanto à realidade da interpretação jurídica, e, sem desconsiderar suas bases teóricas, deixou diretrizes para a consolidação de uma teoria da interpretação. Kelsen desenvolveu o conceito de moldura normativa como um (...)
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    Desmonumentalización: diálogos para pensar el territorio desde la decolonialidad y la memoria. Entrevista a Natalia Cabanillas.Rocío Miranda Ruscitti & Amalia Petrongolo - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 13 (25):e141.
    Al recorrer nuestro espacio nos encontramos diariamente con múltiples marcas territoriales que hemos naturalizado, las mismas se han convertido en parte de nuestro paisaje hasta el punto que pocas veces nos preguntamos cuáles son sus orígenes. En esta entrevista, hablamos con la Dra. Natalia Cabanillas, quien busca recuperar la importancia de la desmonumentalización, pensada desde la relación intrínseca entre las marcas simbólicas y las prácticas concretas que evidencian las relaciones de poder. Para ello, analiza dos casos: Rhodes Must Fall (...)
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    Political Liberalism and Respect.Han Wietmarschen - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 29 (3):353-374.
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  13. Aristotelian commentary tradition.Han Baltussen - 2014 - In Svetla Slaveva-Griffin & Pauliina Remes (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism. New York: Routledge.
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  14. Foucault’s Critical Project: Between the Transcendental and the Historical, tr.Béatrice Han - 2002 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book uncovers and explores the constant tension between the historical and the transcendental that lies at the heart of Michel Foucault’s work. In the process, it also assesses the philosophical foundations of his thought by examining his theoretical borrowings from Kant, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, who each provided him with tools to critically rethink the status of the transcendental. Given Foucault’s constant focus on the (Kantian) question of the possibility for knowledge, the author argues that his philosophical itinerary can be (...)
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  15. Thomas Hobbes and Thomas White on Identity and Discontinuous Existence.Han Thomas Adriaenssen & Sam Alma - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (3):429-454.
    Is it possible for an individual that has gone out of being to come back into being again? The English Aristotelian, Thomas White, argued that it is not. Thomas Hobbes disagreed, and used the case of the Ship of Theseus to argue that individuals that have gone out of being may come back into being again. This paper provides the first systematic account of their arguments. It is doubtful that Hobbes has a consistent case against White. Still his criticism may (...)
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    Antoine Le Grand on the identity over time of the human body.Han Thomas Adriaenssen - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (6):1084-1109.
    ABSTRACTThis paper studies Antoine Le Grand's account of organic identity over time in human bodies. In response to Aristotelian critics who argued that the Cartesian rejection of the Aristotelian ontology of matter and form had put in jeopardy the diachronic identity of material substances in general and of living bodies in particular, Le Grand argued that the identity over time of the human body could be accounted for without the traditional notions of matter and form. The paper shows how he (...)
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    Aligning artificial intelligence with human values: reflections from a phenomenological perspective.Shengnan Han, Eugene Kelly, Shahrokh Nikou & Eric-Oluf Svee - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1383-1395.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) must be directed at humane ends. The development of AI has produced great uncertainties of ensuring AI alignment with human values (AI value alignment) through AI operations from design to use. For the purposes of addressing this problem, we adopt the phenomenological theories of material values and technological mediation to be that beginning step. In this paper, we first discuss the AI value alignment from the relevant AI studies. Second, we briefly present what are material values and (...)
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  18.  23
    Theophrastus’De sensibus in A-fragments of Diels-Kranz. Revisiting the Testimonia and their Value.Han Baltussen - 2020 - Rhizomata 7 (2):120-145.
    As a crucial source for Presocratic theories of sense perception, Theophrastus’ De sensibus deserves a closer scrutiny than the placement among A-fragments, as often suggested or instigated. This paper proposes to refine our terminology for labelling the varying quality of reporting within the A-fragments has. It supplements the existing criticism of Diels’ division by analysing neglected features. A reassessment of the assumptions underlying the terms ‘fragment’ and ‘paraphrase’ can contribute to dissolving the sharp distinction between A- and B-fragments in DK. (...)
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    Always Something New out of Africa.Han-Luen Kantzer Komline - 2020 - Augustinian Studies 51 (2):177-196.
    This paper explores changing attitudes toward novelty in early Christianity by focusing on a case study: Augustine of Hippo. It demonstrates that Augustine develops an unapologetically Christian version of the argument from antiquity, unapologetically Christian in that he redefines the very meaning of antiquity in terms of proximity to Christ and in that he relocates the argument from antiquity from the realm of apologetics, where it had become a stock weapon in the arsenal of his predecessors, to the realm of (...)
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    ‘From Point to Surface’: The Role of Policy Experimentation in Chinese Higher Education Reforms.Shuangmiao Han & David Mills - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (2):217-236.
    China has undergone unprecedented changes since the Reform and Opening-up policy in 1978. Policy experimentation (PE) has been key in generating and catalysing reforms in the process. This study proposes a conceptual framework to describe the different pathways of PE-enabled reforms. Comparing two empirically informed case studies, this study demonstrates the functions of this policy tool plays within China’s higher education policy-making and development: generative, rhetorical and regulatory. The paper argues that PE can be a genuinely productive mechanism for producing, (...)
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  21.  14
    Impact of Alumni Connections on Peer Review Ratings and Selection Success Rate in National Research.Dong-Seong Han, Gil-Mo Kang, Soogwan Doh & Duckhee Jang - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (1):116-143.
    This study seeks to examine the impact of alumni connections between the evaluators and evaluatees on the results of peer review ratings for the Korean national R&D project and selection success rate. Specifically, this study analyzed the evaluation results of 8,402 research proposal entries submitted between 2007 and 2011 for the “general researchers support project,” all in the Natural Science and Engineering areas and sponsored by the National Research Foundation of Korea. Each proposal entry was evaluated by three evaluators, and (...)
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    Social media analytics and research testbed (SMART): Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of human dynamics with geo-targeted social media messages.Su-Yeon Han, Jean Mark Gawron, Brian H. Spitzberg, Christopher Allen, Chin-Te Jung, Ming-Hsiang Tsou & Jiue-An Yang - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    The multilevel model of meme diffusion conceptualizes how mediated messages diffuse over time and space. As a pilot application of implementing the meme diffusion, we developed the social media analytics and research testbed to monitor Twitter messages and track the diffusion of information in and across different cities and geographic regions. Social media analytics and research testbed is an online geo-targeted search and analytics tool, including an automatic data processing procedure at the backend and an interactive frontend user interface. Social (...)
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  23. The readiness potential reflects intentional binding.Han-Gue Jo, Marc Wittmann, Thilo Hinterberger & Stefan Schmidt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Grammaticality, Acceptability, and Probability: A Probabilistic View of Linguistic Knowledge.Lau Jey Han, Clark Alexander & Lappin Shalom - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1202-1241.
    The question of whether humans represent grammatical knowledge as a binary condition on membership in a set of well-formed sentences, or as a probabilistic property has been the subject of debate among linguists, psychologists, and cognitive scientists for many decades. Acceptability judgments present a serious problem for both classical binary and probabilistic theories of grammaticality. These judgements are gradient in nature, and so cannot be directly accommodated in a binary formal grammar. However, it is also not possible to simply reduce (...)
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  25.  49
    Locke’s Ideas of Mind and Body.Han-Kyul Kim - 2018 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This book begins with a survey of various readings of Locke as a materialist, as a substance dualist, and as a property dualist, and demonstrates that these inconsistent interpretations result from a general failure of modern commentators to notice the significance of Locke’s ‘mind-body nominalism’. By illuminating this largely overlooked aspect of Locke’s philosophy, this book reveals a common mistake of previous interpretations: that of treating what Locke conceives to be ‘nominal’ as real. The nominal symmetry that Locke posits between (...)
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  26. Corporate Values, Codes of Ethics, and Firm Performance: A Look at the Canadian Context.Han Donker, Deborah Poff & Saif Zahir - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):527-537.
    In this empirical study, we present two new models that are corporate ethics based. The first model numerically quantifies the corporate value index (CV-Index) based on a set of predefined parameters and the second model estimates the market-to-book values of equity in relation to the CV-Index as well as other parameters. These models were applied to Canadian companies listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). Through our analysis, we found statistically significant evidence that corporate values (CV-Index) positively correlated with firm (...)
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  27.  9
    The Peripatetics: Aristotle's Heirs 322 Bce - 200 Ce.Han Baltussen - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Aristotle's Heirs explores the development of Peripatetic thought from Theophrastus and Strato to the work of the commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias. The book examines whether the internal dynamics of this philosophical school allowed for a unity of Peripatetic thought, or whether there was a fundamental tension between philosophical creativity and the notions of core teachings and canonisation. The book discusses the major philosophical preoccupations of the Peripatetics, interactions with Hellenistic schools of thought, and the shift in focus among Greek philosophers (...)
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    Double Vision, Phosphenes and Afterimages: Non-Endorsed Representations rather than Non-Representational Qualia.Işık Sarıhan - 2020 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 16 (1):5-32.
    Pure representationalism or intentionalism for phenomenal experience is the theory that all introspectible qualitative aspects of a conscious experience can be analyzed as qualities that the experience non-conceptually represents the world to have. Some philosophers have argued that experiences such as afterimages, phosphenes and double vision are counterexamples to the representationalist theory, claiming that they are non- representational states or have non-representational aspects, and they are better explained in a qualia-theoretical framework. I argue that these states are fully representational states (...)
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  29.  38
    Between Poetry and Philosophy: The Neo-Confucian Hermeneutics of Zhu Xi's Nine Bends Poem.Christina Han - 2013 - Asian Philosophy 23 (1):62-85.
    This paper examines the Neo-Confucian hermeneutic debates surrounding the interpretation of Zhu Xi's poem ‘The Boat Song of Wuyi's Nine Bends’. The question of whether to regard the poem as a poetic description of landscape or as a philosophical lesson in a poetic form led to serious philosophical discussions in China and Korea in the centuries that followed its publication. This paper investigates the philosophical commentaries on the poem produced during the Yuan and Ming dynasties, and the contentious hermeneutic debates (...)
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  30.  27
    Examining the Relationships Between Job Characteristics, Emotional Regulation and University Teachers’ Well-Being: The Mediation of Emotional Regulation.Jiying Han, Hongbiao Yin & Junju Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:510714.
    This study investigated the associations between university teachers’ emotional job demands, teaching support, and well-being, and examined the mediating effect of emotional regulation strategies (i.e., reappraisal and suppression) in the job demands-resources (JD-R) model. The results of a survey of 643 university teachers in mainland China indicated that emotional job demands and teaching support, which facilitated teachers’ use of reappraisal strategies, had desirable effects on their well-being. Reappraisal was beneficial to teachers’ well-being, and suppression was harmful. These findings support the (...)
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  31. The trouble with having standards.Han Li - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (5):1225-1245.
    The uniqueness thesis states that for any body of evidence and any proposition, there is at most one rational doxastic attitude that an epistemic agent can take toward that proposition. Permissivism is the denial of uniqueness. Perhaps the most popular form of permissivism is what I call the Epistemic Standard View, since it relies on the concept of epistemic standards. Roughly speaking, epistemic standards encode particular ways of responding to any possible body of evidence. Since different epistemic standards may rationalize (...)
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    Family planning in China.Han Suyin - 1957 - The Eugenics Review 49 (2):81.
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    Nightmare Bosses: The Impact of Abusive Supervision on Employees’ Sleep, Emotions, and Creativity.Guohong Helen Han, P. D. Harms & Yuntao Bai - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (1):21-31.
    In the present study, we examine the process through which abusive supervision impacts employee creativity. Specifically, we test whether abusive supervision is associated with lower levels of employee creativity and if this effect is mediated by employee sleep deprivation and emotional exhaustion. Results showed that abusive supervision had an indirect negative relationship with employee creativity via its impact on employee sleep deprivation and emotional exhaustion. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the negative effects of abusive supervision on employee (...)
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    Musical experience modulates categorical perception of lexical tones in native Chinese speakers.Han Wu, Xiaohui Ma, Linjun Zhang, Youyi Liu, Yang Zhang & Hua Shu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Chuchʻe Ŭi Sahoejuŭi Iron.Tong-sŏng Han - 2010 - Sahoe Kwahak Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Chinsil, kŭgŏt ŭl midŏtta.Hak-su Han - 2014 - Sŏul-si: Sahoe P'yŏngnon.
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    Heidegger a most.Choong-Su Han - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5).
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    Ren wen song: da xing ru jia wen hua jiao xiang yue.Wangxi Han - 2010 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Sheng ming wang dao.Yiseng Han - 2014 - Beijing Shi: Jiu zhou chu ban she.
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    Sŏnbulgyo ŭi ch'ŏrhak =.Byung-Chul Han - 2017 - Sŏul-si: Ihaksa. Edited by Ch'ung-su Han.
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  41. Wang Bi yu Zhongguo wen hua.Qiang Han - 2001 - Guiyang Shi: Jing xiao Xin hua shu dian.
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    Wae Tongyang ch'ŏrhak in'ga: chŏpkŭn, cheja paekka, Chujahak, kŭrigo chŏnmang.Hyŏng-jo Han - 2009 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Munhak Tongne.
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  43. Zeit ohne duft.Byung-Chul Han - 2009 - In Duft der Zeit: Ein Philosophischer Essay Zur Kunst des Verweilens. Transcript Verlag. pp. 19-26.
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    COVID-19 as a Mass Death Event.Yuna Han, Katharine M. Millar & Martin J. Bayly - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (1):5-17.
    As of the first week of February 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in over two million people dead across the globe. This essay argues that in order to fully understand the politics arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to focus on the individual and collective experiences of death, loss, and grief. While the emerging scholarly discourse on the pandemic, particularly in political science and international relations, typically considers death only in terms of its effects on formal state-level politics (...)
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    Students at the Nexus Between the Chinese Diaspora and Internationalisation of Higher Education: The Role of Overseas Students in China’s Strategy of Soft Power.Christine Han & Yaobin Tong - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (5):579-598.
    In recent years, an increasingly assertive People’s Republic of China (PRC) leadership has sought to extend the PRC’s influence globally. To this end, it has developed diverse strategies ranging from soft power to more coercive means. The more visible strategies include the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese Dream, and ‘wolf warrior’ diplomacy. At the soft power end of the spectrum, Chinese overseas students are at the nexus between two strategies of soft power – the Chinese diaspora and the internationalisation (...)
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  46. Applications of Intelligent Systems-Intelligent Signal Processing, Control and Robotics-Designing a Self-adaptive Union-Based Rule-Antecedent Fuzzy Controller Based on Two Step Optimization.Chang-Wook Han & Jung-Il Park - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4251--850.
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  47. Chuja ŏllon tongi ko.Wŏn-jin Han - 1741 - [Seoul]: Sŏul Taehakkyo Kyujanggak Han'gukhak Yŏn'guwŏn.
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  48. Heidegger's appropriation of Kant.Béatrice Han-Pile - manuscript
    Being and Time, Heidegger praises Kant as “the first and only person who has gone any stretch of the way towards investigating the dimension of temporality or has even let himself be drawn hither by the coercion of the phenomena themselves” (SZ: 23).1 Kant was, before Husserl (and perhaps, in Heidegger's mind, more than him), a true phenomenologist in the sense that the need to curtail the pretension of dogmatic metaphysics to overstep the boundaries of sensible experience led him to (...)
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    Huang Baonian yu Taigu xue pai yan jiu =.Rongjun Han - 2017 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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  50. Kukka Iron Ŭi Kibon Kaenyŏmdŭl E Taehan Chuch'ejŏk Ihae.Sŏk-Pong Han - 2009 - Sahoe Kwahak Ch'ulp'ansa.
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