Results for 'Natalia Czyżowska'

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  1.  92
    Enhancing Meaning in Life and Psychological Well-Being Among a European Cohort of Young Adults via a Gratitude Intervention.Natalia Czyżowska & Ewa Gurba - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Strengthening the sense of meaning in life and psychological well-being brings benefits for mental health. The group particularly vulnerable to mental problems are young adults, therefore the aim of our research was to explore how a gratitude intervention will affect the sense of meaning in life, psychological well-being, general health and perceived stress among them. The research also took into account the issue of expressing gratitude.Method: The study involved 80 young adults who were randomly assigned to the experimental group (...)
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  2.  84
    Can Simulator Sickness Be Avoided? A Review on Temporal Aspects of Simulator Sickness.Natalia Dużmańska, Paweł Strojny & Agnieszka Strojny - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The rare preference effect: Statistical information influences social affiliation judgments.Natalia Vélez, Sophie Bridgers & Hyowon Gweon - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):103994.
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    On the Validity of Environmental Performance Metrics.Natalia Semenova & Lars G. Hassel - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (2):249-258.
    Different proprietary databases have been used extensively in research to assess the environmental performance and environmental risk of companies. This study explores the convergent validity of the environmental ratings of MSCI ESG STATS, Thomson Reuters ASSET4 and Global Engagement Services. The study shows that the ratings have common dimensions, but on aggregate, they do not converge. On the environmental opportunity side, KLD environmental strengths, and ASSET4 and GES environmental performance metrics correlate highly and provide convergent scores for US companies from (...)
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  5.  43
    Disagreement about Taste as Disagreement about the Discourse: Problems and Limitations.Natalia Karczewska - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 46 (1):103-117.
    In the present paper I present the metalinguistic solutions to the ‘lost disagreement’ problem proposed Sundell and Plunkett [2013] and Barker [2012]. I argue that metalinguistic negotiations about taste, even though successful in explaining the intuition of disagreement in a vast number of cases, are not an accurate solution to the disagreement problem in contextualism when it comes to the most paradigmatic case of “tasty”. I also argue against the account of faultless disagreement explained via vagueness of taste predicates [Barker, (...)
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  6.  49
    Do we know how stressed we are?Natalia Washington - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e127.
    I take issue with Kalisch et al.’s formulation of PASTOR, arguing that care must be taken in understanding what is meant by “appraisal.” I examine the implications of PASTOR given two competing possibilities for what counts as an appraisal – first, if appraisal is restricted to conscious reflection on one’s circumstances, and second, if appraisal is expanded to include subconscious mechanisms of evaluation.
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  7.  29
    A kaleidoscope - Big wave: Technological rationality dialectics in Herbert Marcuse's work.Natalia Fischetti - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):29-44.
    El presente texto corresponde a la presentación de la defensa de la tesis "La racionalidad científico-tecnológica. Aportes a la reflexión epistemológica en la obra de Herbert Marcuse", dirigida por la Dra. Delia Albarracín en la Maestría en Metodología de la Investigación Científica de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús, que dirige Esther Díaz, el 26 de agosto de 2011. En lo que sigue queremos sintetizar una lectura de la obra de Herbert Marcuse que pone el énfasis en un cruce posible entre (...)
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  8.  13
    Hegels Sittlichkeitskonzeption als eine Inspirationsquelle für die neue Demokratien (am Beispiel Polens).Natalia Fąs - 2013 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 19 (1):128-132.
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    Introspection, attention or awareness? The role of the frontal lobe in binocular rivalry.Natalia Zaretskaya & Marine Narinyan - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  10.  21
    Does Use of Different Platforms Influence the Relationship between Cocreation Value-in-Use and Participants’ Cocreation Behaviors? An Application in Third-Party Managed Virtual Communities.Natalia Rubio, Nieves Villaseñor & Maria Jesús Yague - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-15.
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  11.  52
    The Normative Role of Negative Affects and Bodily Experience in Adorno.Natalia Baeza - 2015 - Constellations 22 (3):354-368.
  12.  45
    Practices of self-knowledge in Buddhism and modern philosophical education.Natalia Dyadyk - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 4:71-81.
    Introduction. The article is focused on studying the self-knowledge techniques used in Buddhism and their application in teaching philosophy. The relevance of the study is due to the search for new approaches to studying philosophy, including approaches related to philosophical practice, as well as the interest of modern scientists in the problem of consciousness. The problem of consciousness is interdisciplinary and its study is of practical importance for philosophers, psychologists, linguists, specialists in artificial intelligence. Buddhism as a philosophical doctrine provides (...)
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  13. .Natalia Fast - unknown
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  14.  71
    Is Reading Instruction Evidence-Based? Analyzing Teaching Practices Using T-Patterns.Natalia Suárez, Carmen R. Sánchez, Juan E. Jiménez & M. Teresa Anguera - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  15.  18
    The significance of deliberation for the legitimation of social institutions.Natalia Fialko - 2022 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:185-197.
    The concept of deliberation in the Ukrainian philosophical discourse is both underestimated and overestimated. Underestimated — as a self-sufficient category that is not reducible to another con- cept, even if it is the concept of consensus or the concept of democracy. Deliberation appears pri- marily as a careful weighing and selection of arguments when making an important decision. Collegiality may or may not be present here, as well as openness. Therefore, the concept of deliber- ation is somewhat overestimated as something (...)
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  16.  18
    Lost in Translation: Simple Steps in Experimental Design of Neurorehabilitation-Based Research Interventions to Promote Motor Recovery Post-Stroke.Natalia Sánchez & Carolee J. Winstein - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Stroke continues to be a leading cause of disability. Basic neurorehabilitation research is necessary to inform the neuropathophysiology of impaired motor control, and to develop targeted interventions with potential to remediate disability post-stroke. Despite knowledge gained from basic research studies, the effectiveness of research-based interventions for reducing motor impairment has been no greater than standard of practice interventions. In this perspective, we offer suggestions for overcoming translational barriers integral to experimental design, to augment traditional protocols, and re-route the rehabilitation trajectory (...)
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  17.  31
    “The saved and the lost.” Attempt to recall on-line. Part II.Natalia Viatkina, Amina Kkhelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk & Nataliia Reva - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):160-174.
    Interview of Amina Khelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk and Nataliia Reva with Natalia Viatkina.
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  18.  35
    How do Humans Overcome Individual Computational Limitations by Working Together?Natalia Vélez, Brian Christian, Mathew Hardy, Bill D. Thompson & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13232.
    Since the cognitive revolution, psychologists have developed formal theories of cognition by thinking about the mind as a computer. However, this metaphor is typically applied to individual minds. Humans rarely think alone; compared to other animals, humans are curiously dependent on stores of culturally transmitted skills and knowledge, and we are particularly good at collaborating with others. Rather than picturing the human mind as an isolated computer, we can imagine each mind as a node in a vast distributed system. Viewing (...)
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  19.  78
    Images of a 'good nurse' presented by teaching staff.Natalia de Araujo Sartorio & Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):687-694.
    Nursing is at the same time a vocation, a profession and a job. By nature, nursing is a moral endeavor, and being a ‘good nurse’ is an issue and an aspiration for professionals. The aim of our qualitative research project carried out with 18 nurse teachers at a university nursing school in Brazil was to identify the ethical image of nursing. In semistructured interviews the participants were asked to choose one of several pictures, to justify their choice and explain what (...)
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  20.  14
    Основні цінності етико-філософських засад критичного раціоналізму.Natalia Anatska & Tatyana Svidlo - 2022 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):146-157.
    Актуальність теми дослідження зумовлена потребою сучасних реалій творити нові цінності, які є засобом самовираження людини, та створювати запити соціально-етичної практики саме через розуміння етико-філософських аспектів критичного раціоналізму. У цьому контексті етичне виховання формує життєво-ціннісні орієнтації особистості, що є досить важливим аспектом сучасних реалій. У статті розкрито питання творчого підходу до основних етичних цінностей, які потрібно включити у процес пізнання, в якому належить досягнути єдності знання про суще і належне як однієї зі змістовних характеристик сучасної етики. Водночас, емпірична методологія критичного раціоналізму (...)
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  21.  16
    Ways of forming the strategy for the development of enterprises of material and technical supply of agriculture.Natalia Vladimirovna Bannikova, Darya Olegovna Gracheva & Alexander Vladimirovich Tenishchev - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):21-25.
    The purpose of the study is to develop methodological recommendations for strategic planning of the development of enterprises in the sphere of material and technical supply of agriculture on the basis of the theoretical provisions of strategic management. The article focuses on the specifics of the considered wholesale sector, certain aspects of the marketing strategy of enterprises in this area, the recommended parameters of the customer survey, the possibilities of using the balanced scorecard and the justification of the economic feasibility (...)
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  22.  12
    Modélisation statistique de la rivalité suffixale en russe : les formations adjectivales en -sk- et -n-.Natalia Bobkova - 2022 - Corpus 23.
    Cet article présente une approche quantitative appliquée à la concurrence suffixale dans la formation des adjectifs dénominaux en russe. Le but est, dans un premier temps, d’étudier les adjectifs de haute et basse fréquence et d’établir les propriétés phonologiques, morphologiques et sémantiques des noms de base qui déterminent le choix entre les suffixes -n- et -sk- dans les deux ensembles de données grâce à des méthodes statistiques. Dans un second temps, l’objectif est de mesurer à quel point la connaissance des (...)
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  23. The Epistemology of Human Rights.Natalia Brigagão - manuscript
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  24.  40
    Tolerance in Kant’s Philosoph-Political Discourse.Natalia Bukovskaya - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:63-69.
    Is it possible to explicate tolerant principles in the philosophy-political discourse of Kant? It seems the answer to this question is positive. And it is the philosophical project of Kant “Perpetual Peace”, which is the most representative in this respect, for it is based on the principles of tolerance. This project is included in ethic-legal (liberal) system and is connected with such notions as civil society, legal state, duty, moral law. Tolerance exists, on the one hand, as a result of (...)
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  25. Das Travestiemotiv in der Heiligenvita Xenias von Sankt Petersburg : Versuch einer historischen Rekonstruktion.Natalia Diefenbach - 2017 - In Wolfgang Gantke, Thomas Schreijäck & Vladislav Serikov (eds.), Das Heilige interkulturell: Perspektiven in religionswissenschaftlichen, theologischen und philosophischen Kontexten. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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    Unique features of human movement control predicted by the leading joint hypothesis.Natalia Dounskaia - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (4):223-224.
    Vaesen suggests that motor control is not among the primary origins of the uniqueness of human tool use. However, recent findings show that cognitive processes involved in control of human limb movements may be much more sophisticated than it was believed previously. The sophistication of movement control may substantially contribute to the uniqueness of humans in tool use.
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    Factors Influencing Academic Dishonesty among Undergraduate Students at Russian Universities.Natalia Maloshonok & Evgeniia Shmeleva - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (3):313-329.
    Student academic dishonesty is a pervasive problem for universities all over the world. The development of innovative practices and interventions for decreasing dishonest behaviour requires understanding factors influencing academic dishonesty. Previous research showed that personal, environmental, and situational factors affect dishonest behaviour at a university. The set of factors and the strength of their influence can differ across countries. There is a lack of research on factors affecting student dishonesty in Russia. A sample of 15,159 undergraduate students from eight Russian (...)
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  28.  90
    Perceived emotional intelligence facilitates cognitive-emotional processes of adaptation to an acute stressor.Natalia S. Ramos, Pablo Fernandez-Berrocal & Natalio Extremera - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (4):758-772.
  29. Who’s Responsible for This? Moral Responsibility, Externalism, and Knowledge about Implicit Bias.Natalia Washington & Daniel Kelly - 2016 - In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Saul (eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    In this paper we aim to think systematically about, formulate, and begin addressing some of the challenges to applying theories of moral responsibility to behaviors shaped by a particular subset of unsettling psychological complexities: namely, implicit biases.
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  30.  58
    Self-tracking, background(s) and hermeneutics. A qualitative approach to quantification and datafication of activity.Natalia Juchniewicz & Michał Wieczorek - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):133-154.
    In this article, we address the case of self-tracking as a practice in which two meaningful backgrounds (physical world and technological infrastructure) play an important role as the spatial dimension of human practices. Using a (post)phenomenological approach, we show how quantification multiplies backgrounds, while at the same time generating data about the user. As a result, we can no longer speak of a unified background of human activity, but of multiple dimensions of this background, which, additionally, is perceived as having (...)
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  31.  41
    The Use of Activity-Based Approach as Methodological Basis of Prospective Social Workers’ Training to Sustainable Development of Social Groups in Ukraine.Natalia Kabus - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 72:83-90.
    Source: Author: Natalia Kabus The article shows the relevance of activity-based approach usage as methodological basis of prospective social workers’ training to sustainable development of social groups. It is proved that future experts’ training in this direction is important both for Ukraine and other countries. There have been revealed the types of activities, which provide the development of personality and social groups’ subjectivity, their formation as the subjects of life and responsible social subjects that is essentail condition and indicator (...)
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    The Code of Pain in Chekhov Natalia Pervukhina-Kamyshnikova.Natalia Pervukhina-Kamyshnikova - 2012 - In Esther Cohen (ed.), Knowledge and pain. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 84--169.
  33.  49
    (1 other version)An Artifactual Perspective on Idealization: Constant Capacitance and the Hodgkin and Huxley Model.Natalia Carrillo & Tarja Knuuttila - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond (eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 51-70.
    Natalia Carrillo and Tarja Knuuttila claim that there are two traditions of thinking about idealization offering almost opposite views on their functioning and epistemic status. While one tradition views idealizations as epistemic deficiencies, the other one highlights the epistemic benefits of idealization. Both of them treat idealizations as deliberate misrepresentations, however. They then argue for an artifactual account of idealization, comparing it to the traditional accounts of idealization, and exemplifying it through the Hodgkin and Huxley model of the nerve (...)
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  34.  29
    Integrated reporting: an international overview.Natalia Vaz, Belen Fernandez-Feijoo & Silvia Ruiz - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):577-591.
    This article analyses the determinants associated with the use of the Integrated Report as a corporate reporting model for sustainability information. IRs provide information regarding the use and interdependence of different company resources. The previous literature has identified determinants behind the presentation of IRs at the country level as well as at the company level. Our work contributes to the literature by using a novel statistical approach that addresses the likelihood of the non-independence of data: companies in the same country (...)
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  35.  30
    Independent and Combined Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Bilingualism on Children’s Vocabulary and Verbal Short-Term Memory.Natalia Meir & Sharon Armon-Lotem - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  36.  19
    Los inicios del pensamiento escolástico: el "Sic et non" de Pedro Abelardo.Natalia Jakubecki - 2012 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 19:31-38.
    As is well know, one of the most impressive mentalities of the Middle Ages was that of scholastic thought. The scholastic, in its true sense, must be understood as a particular type of didactics used to understand the Holy Scriptures and doctrines of the faith. Nevertheless it was specifically the modus operandi of the masters of the medieval universities. It reached its zenith in the 13th century thanks, fundamentally, to two simultaneous phenomena: the return to the West of Aristotle’s works (...)
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  37.  40
    The Role of Off-line Communication in Human Evolution.Natalia A. Abieva - 2008 - Biosemiotics 1 (3):295-311.
    The existence of embodied communication in humans places them among other living systems and helps to differentiate sign patterns that are common to all bioforms from those that are peculiarly human. Despite the fact that the biological roots of communication have been proven, the understanding of human forms of discourse is still far from being clarified. The main question remains: when and why did humans acquire the ability to exchange messages via speech? My thesis is that it became possible only (...)
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  38. Desenredando la ciencia: una mirada filosófica sobre su práctica, su historia y su dimensión social.Natalia Buacar & Rocío Pérez (eds.) - 2022 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: EUDEBA.
    "Vivimos en un mundo en el cual la ciencia tiene un lugar protagónico tanto en nuestra vida cotidiana como en aspectos alejados de ella para nuestra percepción pero que, aun así, impactan en la realidad que vivimos. La propuesta de estas páginas es recorrer algunos interrogantes sobre aquello que llamamos ciencia, partiendo desde esa misma problematización, y sobre las vías posibles para entenderla.Si bien los objetos que aborda este libro no están exentos de complejidad se procura mantener un lenguaje llano (...)
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  39.  20
    (1 other version)Los libros e investigaciones sobre la Reforma Universitaria.Natalia Bustelo - 2018 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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  40.  42
    Ontologies and terminologies: Continuum or dichotomy?Natalia Grabar, Thierry Hamon & Olivier Bodenreider - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (4):375-386.
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  41.  21
    Dyrektywalna teoria znaczenia a problem bezbłędnej niezgody.Natalia Karczewska - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 88 (4):303-313.
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  42.  12
    Communicative Model – Author, Hero, Text, Recipient in a Postmodern Novel.Natalia Levchenko, Pecherskyh Lubov, Olena Varenikova & Nataliya Torkut - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):96-106.
    The study deals with the communicative interaction between the author, the hero, the text, the reader in a postmodern novel. A similar and ambiguous reality, on the one hand, sometimes led to the subjectivist hypertrophy, absolutizing the author’s world view, and at times minimized and devaluated the author’s identity, on the other. Therefore, from the end of the 1990s the ways of expressing author’s “Self” changed dramatically, which directly affected the means of creating a hero in the contemporary Ukrainian literature. (...)
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  43.  36
    Association between Children's Physical Activity and Parental Practices Enhancing Children's Physical Activity: The Moderating Effects of Children's BMI z-Score.Natalia Liszewska, Urte Scholz, Theda Radtke, Karolina Horodyska, Michal Liszewski & Aleksandra Luszczynska - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  44. Концептуальні підходи до формування механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємств.Natalia Ohorodnikova - 2014 - Схід 1 (127).
    У статті визначено економічний зміст механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємства, розроблена концепція його вдосконалення. Сформульовано мету й завдання запропонованого механізму, обґрунтовано принципи його формування. Розроблено інструменти механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємства і критерії оцінки його ефективності. Визначено напрями реалізації механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємств.
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    Chesterton in Russia.Natalia Trauberg - 2006 - The Chesterton Review 32 (3/4):501-508.
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    The Impact of Ambulance Diversion on Heart Attack Deaths.Natalia Yankovic, Sherry Glied, Linda V. Green & Morgan Grams - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (1):81-91.
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    Psychosis and the Control of Lucid Dreaming.Natália B. Mota, Adara Resende, Sérgio A. Mota-Rolim, Mauro Copelli & Sidarta Ribeiro - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  48.  81
    Stakeholder Perspectives on CSR of Mining MNCs in Argentina.Natalia Yakovleva & Diego Vazquez-Brust - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (2):191-211.
    This article examines the conceptualisation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of mining multinationals (MNCs) in Argentina. It explores the suitability of CSR for addressing social, environmental and economic issues associated with mining in the country. The study is based on interviews with four stakeholder groups in the country: government, civil society, international financial organisations, and mining industry. These are analysed using content and interpretative techniques and supplemented by the content analysis of secondary data from headquarters of mining (...)
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  49.  26
    Consumer Behavior in Shopping Streets: The Importance of the Salesperson's Professional Personal Attention.Natalia Medrano, Cristina Olarte-Pascual, Jorge Pelegrín-Borondo & Yolanda Sierra-Murillo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  50.  23
    The Public Effect of Private Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from Incident-Based Engagement Strategy.Natalia Semenova - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):559-572.
    This study examines whether private information exchange between institutional investors and public companies in engagement dialogs on sustainability issues improves the publicly disclosed measurements of the target company’s financial and non-financial performance and transparency. It uses a unique dataset containing 326 private reports related to environmental, social, and anti-corruption recommendations to address material incidents among publicly traded MSCI World Index portfolio companies of Nordic institutional investors. The results indicate that target companies appear to have similar values with matched companies on (...)
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