Results for 'Nancy MacLean'

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  1.  36
    Effects of Affiliative Human–Animal Interaction on Dog Salivary and Plasma Oxytocin and Vasopressin.Evan L. MacLean, Laurence R. Gesquiere, Nancy R. Gee, Kerinne Levy, W. Lance Martin & C. Sue Carter - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  2.  19
    Nancy MacLean. Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America. New York: Viking, 2017. 368 pp. [REVIEW]Jack Rakove - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 45 (1):243-245.
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    A Medical Collection Anatomized: The Catalogus bibliothecae Hieremiae Martii.Ian Maclean - 2017 - In Cynthia Klestinec & Gideon Manning (eds.), Professors, Physicians and Practices in the History of Medicine: Essays in Honor of Nancy Siraisi. Springer Verlag.
    This article is an examination of the Augsburg physician Ieremias Martius’s Catalogus bibliothecae of 1572, which may well by the first printed sales catalogue of a library. The author claims it to be the product of careful selection, covering the whole field of medicine and containing both rare and recent medical books. The catalogue is placed here in the context of Martius’s career, and his contacts in the European medical world. An account is given of the bibliographical resources available to (...)
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  4. James M. Buchanan and Democratic Classical Liberalism.David Ellerman - 2018 - In Luca Fiorito, Scott Scheall & Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak (eds.), Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. Emerald Publishing. pp. 149-163.
    Nancy MacLean’s book, Democracy in Chains, raised questions about James M. Buchanan’s commitment to democracy. This paper investigates the relationship of classical liberalism in general and of Buchanan in particular to democratic theory. Contrary to the simplistic classical liberal juxtaposition of “coercion vs. consent,” there have been from Antiquity onwards voluntary contractarian defenses of non-democratic government and even slavery—all little noticed by classical liberal scholars who prefer to think of democracy as just “government by the consent of the (...)
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    Where Have All the Leftists Gone?David Schweickart - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (1):1-20.
    This paper, inspired by Duke University historian Nancy MacLean’s extraordinary book Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America (2017), elaborates the carefully calibrated, multifaceted plan by a billionaire-funded facet of the radical right, deeply disturbed by the fact that so many students have critical views of capitalism, to transform American universities. Its multi-pronged strategy involves the following three steps: (1) Reconfigure the financial superstructure of higher education. Cut public funding for higher (...)
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  6. .Emily Ryall, Wendy Russell & Malcolm MacLean (eds.) - 2013 - Routledge.
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  7. Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery.L. Magnani, Nancy Nersessian & Paul Thagard (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer/Plenum.
    The book Model-Based Reasoning in Scientific Discovery, aims to explain how specific modeling practices employed by scientists are productive methods of ...
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  8. Causation: One word, many things.Nancy Cartwright - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):805-819.
    We currently have on offer a variety of different theories of causation. Many are strikingly good, providing detailed and plausible treatments of exemplary cases; and all suffer from clear counterexamples. I argue that, contra Hume and Kant, this is because causation is not a single, monolithic concept. There are different kinds of causal relations imbedded in different kinds of systems, readily described using thick causal concepts. Our causal theories pick out important and useful structures that fit some familiar cases—cases we (...)
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  9. Vaccine ethics: an ethical framework for global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.Nancy Jecker, Aaron Wightman & Douglas Diekema - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (5):308-317.
    This paper addresses the just distribution of vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and sets forth an ethical framework that prioritises frontline and essential workers, people at high risk of severe disease or death, and people at high risk of infection. Section I makes the case that vaccine distribution should occur at a global level in order to accelerate development and fair, efficient vaccine allocation. Section II puts forth ethical values to guide vaccine distribution including helping people with the greatest need, (...)
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  10.  64
    Aether/Or: The Creation of Scientific Concepts.Nancy J. Nersessian - 1984 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 15 (3):175.
  11. Race and Gender: The Role of Analogy in Science.Nancy Stepan - 1986 - Isis 77 (2):261-277.
  12.  9
    Games and evil.Carl David Mildenberger, Malcolm MacLean, Wendy Russell & Emily Ryall - 2015 - In . pp. 42-52.
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    An evolutionary analysis of rules regulating human inbreeding and marriage.Nancy Wilmsen Thornhill - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):247-261.
    Evolutionary theory predicts that humans should avoid incest because of the negative effects incest has on individual reproduction: production of defective offspring. Selection for the avoidance of close-kin mating has apparently resulted in a psychological mechanism that promotes voluntary incest avoidance. Most human societies are thought to have rules regulating incest. If incest is avoided, why are social rules constructed to regulate it? This target article suggests that incest rules do not exist primarily to regulate close-kin mating but to regulate (...)
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  14. Feminist Interpretations of Plato.Nancy Tuana (ed.) - 1994 - Penn State Press.
    The essays in this anthology explore the full spectrum of Plato's philosophy and are representative of the variety of perspectives within feminist criticism.
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  15. Model‐Based Reasoning in Distributed Cognitive Systems.Nancy J. Nersessian - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):699-709.
    This paper examines the nature of model-based reasoning in the interplay between theory and experiment in the context of biomedical engineering research laboratories, where problem solving involves using physical models. These "model systems" are sites of experimentation where in vitro models are used to screen, control, and simulate specific aspects of in vivo phenomena. As with all models, simulation devices are idealized representations, but they are also systems themselves, possessing engineering constraints. Drawing on research in contemporary cognitive science that construes (...)
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  16.  65
    Woman and the history of philosophy.Nancy Tuana - 1992 - New York, N.Y.: Paragon House.
    Studys the philosophy of Aristotle, Plato, Descartes, Rousseau, Kant, Hume, Locke, and Hegel and examines their underlying assumptions about women.
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  17. In Favor of Laws that Are Not C eteris Paribus After All.Nancy Cartwright - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):425Ð439.
    Opponents of ceteris paribus laws are apt to complain that the laws are vague and untestable. Indeed, claims to this effect are made by Earman, Roberts and Smith in this volume. I argue that these kinds of claims rely on too narrow a view about what kinds of concepts we can and do regularly use in successful sciences and on too optimistic a view about the extent of application of even our most successful non-ceteris paribus laws. When it comes to (...)
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  18.  14
    (2 other versions)Warranting the use of causal claims.Menno Rol & Nancy Cartwright - 2012 - Theoria 27 (2):189-202.
    To what use can causal claims established in good studies be put? We give examples of studies from which inaccurate inferences were made about target policy situations. The usual diagnosis is that the studies in question lack external validity, which means that the same results do not hold in the target as in study. That’s a label that just repeats what we already knew. We offer a deeper analysis. Our analysis points to the need for interdisciplinarity and to the demand (...)
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  19. Taking Responsibility for our Emotions.Nancy Sherman - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (2):294.
    We often hold people morally responsible for their emotions. We praise individuals for their compassion, think less of them for their ingratitude or hatred, reproach self-righteousness and unjust anger. In the cases I have in mind, the ascriptions of responsibility are not simply for offensive behaviors or actions which may accompany the emotions, but for the emotions themselves as motives or states of mind. We praise and blame people for what they feel and not just for how they act. In (...)
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  20.  28
    Modeling Practices in Conceptual Innovation.Nancy J. Nersessian - 2012 - In Uljana Feest & Friedrich Steinle (eds.), Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice. de Gruyter. pp. 245-270.
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  21. The Ethics of Care and the Private Woodwind Lesson.Nancy Nourse - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 58-77 [Access article in PDF] The Ethics of Care and the Private Woodwind Lesson Nancy Nourse Jeremy's family was getting ready for the concert. It wasn't that he was tired of watching his father conduct. He loved his father and he loved the concerts. But people were always asking Jeremy the same question and that question didn't seem to have an (...)
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  22. In Vitro Analogies: Simulation Modeling in Bioengineering Sciences.Nancy Nersessian - forthcoming - In Tarja Knuuttila, Natalia Carrillo & Rami Koskinen (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Scientific Modeling. Routledge.
    This chapter focuses on a novel class of models used in frontier research in the bioengineering sciences – in vitro simulation models – that provide the basis for biological experimentation. These bioengineered models are hybrid constructions, composed of living tissues or cells and engineered materials. Specifically, it discusses the processes through which in vitro models were built, experimented with, and justified in a tissue engineering lab. It examines processes of design, construction, experimentation, evaluation, and redesign of in vitro simulation models, (...)
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  23. False idealisation: A philosophical threat to scientific method.Nancy Cartwright - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 77 (2-3):339 - 352.
  24.  75
    Why is 'incommensurability' a problem?Nancy J. Nersessian - 1982 - Acta Biotheoretica 31 (4):205-218.
    The origins of the ‘ incommensurability problem’ and its central aspect, the ‘ meaning variance thesis’ are traced to the successive collapse of several distinctions maintained by the standard empiricist account of meaning in scientific theories. The crucial distinction is that between a conceptual structure and a theory. The ‘thesis’ and the ‘problem’ follow from critiques of this distinction by Duhem, Quine and Feyerabend. It is maintained that, rather than revealing the ‘problem’, the arguments leading to it simply show the (...)
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  25.  21
    Algorithmic affordances for productive resistance.Nancy Ettlinger - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (1).
    Although overarching if not foundational conceptualizations of digital governance in the field of critical data studies aptly account for and explain subjection, calculated resistance is left conceptually unattended despite case studies that document instances of resistance. I ask at the outset why conceptualizations of digital governance are so bleak, and I argue that all are underscored implicitly by a Deleuzian theory of desire that overlooks agency, defined here in Foucauldian terms. I subsequently conceptualize digital governance as encompassing subjection as well (...)
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  26.  57
    A Philosopher Looks at Science.Nancy Cartwright - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    What is science and what can it do? Nancy Cartwright here takes issue with three common images of science: that it amounts to the combination of theory and experiment; that all science is basically reducible to physics; and that science and the natural world which it pictures are deterministic. The author's innovative and thoughtful book draws on examples from the physical, life, and social sciences alike, and focuses on all the products of science – not just experiments or theories (...)
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    The Radical Future of Feminist Empiricism.Nancy Tuana - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (1):100-114.
    I argue that Nelson's feminist transformation of empiricism provides the basis of a dialogue across three currently competing feminist epistemologies: feminist empiricism, feminist standpoint theories, and postmodern feminism, a dialogue that will result in a dissolution of the apparent tensions between these epistemologies and provide an epistemology with the openness and fluidity needed to embrace the concerns of feminists.
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  28. (1 other version)Where do laws of nature come from?Nancy Cartwright - 1997 - Dialectica 51 (1):65–78.
  29.  63
    Injustice at Intersecting Scales: On ‘Social Exclusion’ and the ‘Global Poor’.Nancy Fraser - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3):363-371.
    It is widely appreciated today that injustices can arise on different scales — some are national, some regional, some global. Thus, the notion of a plurality of scales of justice is intuitively plausible. What may be less evident is the idea that some important injustices are best located not on any one single scale but rather at the intersection of several scales. This article argues that this is the case for one of the core characteristic injustices of the present era: (...)
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  30.  59
    Child's play.Nancy J. Nersessian - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (4):542-546.
    Although most philosophers are not aware of it, research in cognitive development and in learning in the last decade has made considerable use of the characterizations of the nature and development of scientific knowledge proffered by philosophers of science. In a “reflexive” move, Alison Gopnik proposes philosophers of science can profit from the research of psychologists investigating cognitive development-specifically from that group of researchers who advocate the “theory theory.”.
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  31. How to hunt quantum causes.Nancy Cartwright & Martin Jones - 1991 - Erkenntnis 35 (1-3):205 - 231.
    Reichenbach worked in an era when philosophers were hopeful about the unity of science, and particularly about unity of method. He looked for universal tests of causal connectedness that could be applied across disciplines and independently of specific modeling assumptions. The hunt for quantum causes reminds us that his hopes were too optimistic. The mark method is not even a starter in testing for causal links between outcomes in E.P.R., because our background hypotheses about these links are too thin to (...)
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    The Possibility of a World: Conversations with Pierre-Philippe Jandin.Jean-Luc Nancy, Pierre-Philippe Jandin, Travis Holloway & Flor Méchain - 2017 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Pierre-Philippe Jandin.
    Jean-Luc Nancy discusses his life's work with Pierre-Philippe Jandin. As Nancy looks back on his philosophical texts, he thinks anew about democracy, community, jouissance, love, Christianity, and the arts.
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  33.  50
    The ethical implications of the straight-commission compensation system — an agency perspective.Nancy B. Kurland - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (10):757 - 766.
    This paper examines the role of the straight-commissioned salesperson in the context of agency theory and asserts that because the agent acts to benefit two principals, potential conflicts of interest arise. Temporal differences in receipt of rewards create a major conflict, while the firm's exhibition of both espoused and actual behaviors and information asymmetries intensify this conflict. Finally, in light of these inconsistencies, the ethical implications of the straight-commission compensation system are examined.
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    Shaming and Stigmatizing Healthcare Workers in Japan During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Nancy S. Jecker & Shizuko Takahashi - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):72-78.
    Stigmatization and sharming of healthcare workers in Japan during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic reveal uniquely Japanese features. Seken, usually translated as ‘social appearance or appearance in the eyes of others,’ is a deep undercurrent woven into the fabric of Japanese life. It has led to providers who become ill with the SARS-CoV-2 virus feeling ashamed, while concealing their conditions from coworkers and public health officials. It also has led to healthcare providers being perceived as polluted and their children being told (...)
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  35.  14
    Experiment and Conceptual Change-Kuhn, Cognitive Science, and Conceptual Change-Continuity Through Revolutions: A Frame-Based Account of Conceptual Change During Scientific Revolutions.Nancy Nerssessian, Xiang Chen & Peter Barker - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):S208-S223.
    In this paper we examine the pattern of conceptual change during scientific revolutions by using methods from cognitive psychology. We show that the changes characteristic of scientific revolutions, especially taxonomic changes, can occur in a continuous manner. Using the frame model of concept representation to capture structural relations within concepts and the direct links between concept and taxonomy, we develop an account of conceptual change in science that more adequately reflects the current understanding that episodes like the Copernican revolution are (...)
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  36. Recognition or redistribution? A critical reading of Iris young's justice and the politics of difference.Nancy Fraser - 1995 - Journal of Political Philosophy 3 (2):166–180.
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    Sales Agents and Clients: Ethics, Incentives, and a Modified Theory of Planned Behavior.Nancy B. Kurland - 1994 - Business and Society 33 (1):140-141.
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  38. Meeting Our Standards for Educational Justice: Doing Our Best With the Evidence.Kathryn E. Joyce & Nancy Cartwright - 2018 - Theory and Research in Education 16 (1).
    The United States considers educating all students to a threshold of adequate outcomes to be a central goal of educational justice. The No Child Left Behind Act introduced evidence-based policy and accountability protocols to ensure that all students receive an education that enables them to meet adequacy standards. Unfortunately, evidence-based policy has been less effective than expected. This article pinpoints under-examined methodological problems and suggests a more effective way to incorporate educational research findings into local evidence-based policy decisions. It identifies (...)
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    The virtues of common pursuit.Nancy Sherman - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (2):277-299.
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    Enacting classroom inquiry: Theorizing teachers' conceptions of science teaching.Scott McDonald & Nancy Butler Songer - 2008 - Science Education 92 (6):973-993.
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    The roots of epistemological 'anarchy'.Nancy J. Nersessian - 1979 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-4):423 – 440.
    The claims of the epistemological 'anarchists' have their roots in the orthodox tradition as well as in the Popperian. In particular they follow from the work of Quine. Meaning variance and incommensurability follow directly from the holistic conception of meaning in his 'network' view. Quine's efforts to evade this conclusion fail. His attempt to develop a theory-neutral notion of observation sentence is shown (1) to be inconsistent with his previous claims since it involves the tacit acceptance of the 'dogma of (...)
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  42.  8
    Quantitative Analysis of Fetal and Adult Neurogenesis: Regulation of Neuron Number.Richard S. Nowakowski & Nancy L. Hayes - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press. pp. 149.
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  43. Is Hope a Moral Virtue?Nancy Snow - 2019 - In Claudia Blöser & Titus Stahl (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Hope: An Introduction (The Moral Psychology of the Emotions). Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 171-188.
  44.  79
    Vesalius and human diversity in de humani corporis fabrica.Nancy G. Siraisi - 1994 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 57 (1):60-88.
  45.  51
    Trust, Accountability, and Sales Agents’ Dueling Loyalties.Nancy B. Kurland - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (3):289-310.
    This paper argues that current accountability mechanisms are inadequate to ensure that straight-commissioned agents meet their fiduciary obligations to their clients. In doing so, using agency theory, it revisits how the straight-commission compensation system creates agents’ dueling loyalties and recommends mechanisms of accountability organizations, agents, and/or clients can recognize and employ to ensure agents’ fiduciary obligations to their clients.
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  46.  79
    Conceptual change and incommensurability: A cognitive-historical view.Nancy J. Nersessian & Hanne Andersen - 1997 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 32 (1):111-152.
  47.  74
    Empathy, respect, and humanitarian intervention.Nancy Sherman - 1998 - Ethics and International Affairs 12:103–119.
    Sherman presents a slightly revised definition of empathy, in which empathy is the cognitive ability to place oneself in the world of another, imagining all of the realities, feelings, and circumstances of that person in the context of their world.
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  48.  16
    Reforming Care.Nancy Folbre - 2008 - Politics and Society 36 (3):373-387.
    This essay argues that concerns regarding the impact of work/family balance on gender inequality should be extended to broader analysis of all care work. Paid or unpaid care devoted to all dependents has distinctive characteristics that contribute to disempowerment and underpayment. Expenditures of money as well as time increase economic vulnerability. Public policies should provide greater support for caregiving outside the market, improve the supply and quality of purchased care services, and challenge conventional accounting systems that mismeasure economic welfare.
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    Ethics and Commission.Nancy B. Kurland - 1999 - Business and Society Review 104 (1):29-33.
  50.  9
    Music, society, agency.Nancy November (ed.) - 2023 - Boston: Academic Studies Press.
    Musicologists have increasingly taken a wide-angled lens on the study of music in society, to explore how it can be intertwined with issues of politics, gender, religion, race, psychology, memory and space. Recent studies of music in connection with society take in a variety of musical phenomena from diverse periods and genres-medieval, classical, opera, rock, etc. This ten-chapter book asks not only how music and society are, and have been, intertwined and mutually influential. It also examines the agents behind these (...)
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