Results for 'Music and rhetoric. '

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  1.  7
    The Epistemic Music of Rhetoric: Toward the Temporal Dimension of Affect in Reader Response and Writing.Steven B. Katz - 1996 - SIU Press.
    Katz (English, North Carolina State U.) examines the correlation between Reader Response Criticism and the philosophy of science engendered by the Copenhagen School of New Physics, and assesses the scientific empiricism that controls the parameters of reading and writing theory to look at the possibility of teaching reading and writing as "rhetorical music." He reinterprets Cicero's rhetorical theory in light of recent revisionist scholarship, and sketches a temporal model of affective response in reading and writing. Annotation copyright by Book (...)
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    Visual rhetoric in Michel Gondry’s music videos: Antithesis and similarity in Deadweight.Warren Buckland - 2015 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 5 (1):49-57.
    This article analyses the visual rhetoric of Michel Gondry’s Deadweight (1997), a music video for Beck Hansen’s song of the same name, and also considers the song’s relation to Danny Boyle’s film A Life Less Ordinary (1997). Two key structures are identified in the video: antithesis and similarity – which Gondry employs to visually illustrate the title of both Beck’s song and Boyle’s film.
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    Sung Poems and Poetic Songs: Hellenistic Definitions of Poetry, Music and the Spaces in Between.Spencer A. Klavan - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):597-615.
    Simply by formulating a question about the nature of ancient Greek poetry or music, any modern English speaker is already risking anachronism. In recent years especially, scholars have reminded one another that the words ‘music’ and ‘poetry’ denote concepts with no easy counterpart in Greek. μουσική in its broadest sense evokes not only innumerable kinds of structured movement and sound but also the political, psychological and cosmic order of which song, verse and dance are supposed to be perceptible (...)
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    Singing Democracy: Music and Politics in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Thought.Julia Simon - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):433-454.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Singing Democracy:Music and Politics in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ThoughtJulia SimonComment? Tous les intervalles de mon Clavecin sont altérés?... Fi, le vilain instrument; ne m'en parlez plus.... Je veux chanter.—Anton Bemetzrieder, Leçons de ClavecinDemocratic theory of the eighteenth century, and particularly Rousseau's, is suffused with the idealism and lack of pragmatism that make it both immensely compelling and extraordinarily frustrating. Conceived under the decaying edifice of the absolute monarchy, it (...)
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    Harmony, polyphony, ornamentation: Musical rhetoric in jonson's hymenaei and crashaw's “musicks duell ”.Adam Piette - 1998 - Angelaki 3 (2):119 – 132.
    (1998). Harmony, polyphony, ornamentation: Musical rhetoric in jonson's hymenaei and crashaw's “musicks duell”. Angelaki: Vol. 3, The love of music, pp. 119-132.
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  6. Music, rhetoric and musical criticism in the'De Cardinalatu'by Paolo Cortesi.F. Brancacci - 1999 - Rinascimento 39:409-430.
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    Wordless rhetoric: musical form and the metaphor of the oration.Mark Evan Bonds - 1991 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Although form is one of the most commonly used terms in music interpretation, it remains one of the most ambiguous. This study explores evolving ideas of musical form from a historical perspective and sheds light on current conceptualizations of music.
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    Blending and Collision: Implications of Metaphor, Rhetoric and Semiotic Theory for Music Narrative Theory.Wang Xu-Qing - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 2:017.
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    Dialectic, rhetoric and contrast: the infinite middle of meaning.Richard Boulton - 2021 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    By compiling an experimental method combining both dialectic and rhetoric, 'Dialectic, Rhetoric and Contrast: The Infinite Middle of Meaning' demonstrates how singular meanings can be rendered in a spectrum of 12 repeating concepts that are in a continuum, gradated and symmetrical. The ability to arrange meaning into this pattern opens enquiry into its ontology, and presents meaning as closer to the sensation of colours or musical notes than the bivalent oppositions depicted in classical logic. However, the experiment does not assert (...)
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    Musica Poetica: Musical-rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music.Dietrich Bartel - 1997 - Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press. Edited by Dietrich Bartel.
    Musica Poetica provides an unprecedented examination of the development of Baroque musical thought. The initial chapters, which serve as an introduction to the concept and teachings of musical-rhetorical figures, explore Martin Luther's theology of music, the development of the Baroque concept of musica poetica, the idea of the affections in German Baroque music, and that music's use of the principles and devices of rhetoric. Dietrich Bartel then turns to more detailed considerations of the musical-rhetorical figures that were (...)
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  11. Music, rhetoric, and representation.Ion Olteţeanu - 2009 - Analysis and Metaphysics 8:160-164.
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    Entanglement and Ecstasy in Dance, Music, and Philosophy: A Reply to Carrie Noland, Nancy S. Struever, and Thomas Rickert.Alva Noë - 2021 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 54 (1):63-80.
    ABSTRACT Dance and music serve in this essay to exemplify both the looping entanglement of art and life as well as the account of art and philosophy developed in Strange Tools. This essay replies to criticisms of Carrie Noland, Nancy S. Struever, and Thomas Rickert and also offers a briefer restatement of the general approach.
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    Formalism and Virtuosity: Franco-Burgundian Poetry, Music, and Visual Art, 1470-1520.Jonathan Beck - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (4):644-667.
    Let us look first at poetry. It is well known that by the fifteenth century, lyric poetry had undergone a radical transformation; the early lyric fluidity and formal variability had hardened into the nonlyric and even, some maintain, antilyric forms fixes which characterize the poetic formalism of late medieval France. Dispensing with the details of how and why this occurred, the essential point is that by the end of the Middle Ages, the poet in France and Burgundy saw himself as (...)
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    Listening Back: Music, Cultural Heritage and Law.Robbie Sykes - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (2):183-186.
    As a performative activity, music has the potential to help explain the interpretive and rhetorical work of lawyering. As an aesthetic creation that reflects and shapes individual identities and social bonds, music is a cultural force that may contest or enhance political and legal power. The papers in this special issue contribute to the expanding field that pairs law and music by examining how music has affected legal practices and legal thinking in particular historical and cultural (...)
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    Deafness and Insight: On the Seductions of the Music/Language Analogy.Ben Etherington - 2010 - Paragraph 33 (1):20-36.
    This article contends that close attention to music/language analogies allows us to perceive how language attempts to gain an understanding of its own cognitive nature. The article does so by closely reading Paul de Man's ‘The Rhetoric of Blindness’, an essay in which de Man suggests that a detailed look at the analogies between musical and linguistic structures made by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his Essay On the Origin of Languages helps reveal how literary criticism becomes ‘blind’ to its own (...)
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  16.  70
    Style, Rhetoric, and Postmodern Culture.Bradford Vivian - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (3):223-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.3 (2002) 223-243 [Access article in PDF] Style, Rhetoric, and Postmodern Culture Bradford Vivian Modern rhetoricians habitually avoid the canon of style. The reasons for this avoidance should be familiar to those versed in the disciplinary lore of rhetoric. Since the fifth and fourth centuries B. C. E., when oratorical virtuosos like Gorgias proclaimed that "Speech is a powerful lord, which by means of the finest (...)
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    Chances and Choices: Exploring the Impact of Music Education by Stephanie Pitts (review).Leonard Tan - 2015 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 23 (1):102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Chances and Choices: Exploring the Impact of Music Education by Stephanie PittsLeonard TanStephanie Pitts, Chances and Choices: Exploring the Impact of Music Education (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012)In Chances and Choices: Exploring the Impact of Music Education, Stephanie Pitts investigates the lifelong effects of music education by examining the place of music in the lives of more than a hundred adults. Cast in (...)
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  18.  23
    Climbing Mont Ventoux: the contest/context of scholasticism and humanism in early fifteenth-century Paduan music theory and practice.Jason Stoessel - 2017 - Intellectual History Review 27 (3):317-332.
    Petrarch’s description of his ascent of Mont Ventoux in 1336 provides a point of departure for exploring the dynamic between the old and new, logic and rhetoric, absolute and relative knowledge, and scholasticism and humanism in writings on music from early fifteenth-century Padua. Early fifteenth-century Padua was a city of contrasts in which two intellectual traditions – one condemned by Petrarch and the other his legacy – ran alongside, and often entangled with, each other: scholasticism and early humanism. The (...)
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  19. The philosophical views of the Sophists on paideia. Rhetoric, Gymnastics, Arithmetic and Music.Maria Panagiotopoulou - 2016 - Dissertation, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens • Faculty of Philosophy
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  20. Understanding the Score: Film Music Communicating to and Influencing the Audience.Jessica Green - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (4):81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Understanding the Score: Film Music Communicating to and Influencing the AudienceJessica Green (bio)IntroductionWhen most people sit down to watch a film, their focus usually stays on the very dynamic images that move onscreen. The dialogue, as a form of diegetic sound, is probably the next piece of the film they concentrate on, but this only imitates actual experience, since most people understand communication by both watching and listening. (...)
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    Bodily arts: Rhetoric and athletics in ancient greece (review).Mindy Fenske - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):pp. 197-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Bodily Arts: Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient GreeceMindy FenskeBodily Arts: Rhetoric and Athletics in Ancient Greece by Debra Hawhee. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004. Pp. xiv + 226. $40.00, hardcover.In Bodily Arts, Debra Hawhee constructs an often compelling, always interesting case for the conceptual and material linkages between the ancient arts of rhetoric and athletics. In so doing, Hawhee also highlights the integral role of the musical (...)
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  22.  17
    Rethinking Social Action through Music: The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools by Geoffrey Baker (review).Kim Boeskov - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (1):92-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rethinking Social Action through Music: The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools by Geoffrey BakerKim BoeskovGeoffrey Baker: Rethinking Social Action through Music: The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2021)If indeed there exists, as Geir Johansen has proposed,1 a self-critical movement within the field of music education, Geoffrey Baker is undoubtedly one (...)
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  23.  35
    Emphasis and Suggestion Versus Musical Taxidermy: Neoliberal Contradictions, Music Education, and the Knowledge Economy.J. Paul Louth - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (1):88.
    Abstract:For decades, education has been inundated with neoliberal policies described as enabling its structures to adjust to a global knowledge economy. Located at the intersection of such "reform" language and classical liberal economic theory is a troubling paradox–the idea that knowledge should be centrally concentrated in order to "liberalize" education along free market lines. This essay considers implications of centralized knowledge for music education in light of this contradiction and the rhetoric that obscures it. To raise awareness of this (...)
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  24.  52
    Racism on the Web: Its rhetoric and marketing.Thiesmeyer Lynn - 1999 - Ethics and Information Technology 1 (2):117-125.
    Poster (1989) and Schiller (1996) point out that electronic communications have the power to change social and political relationships. The new discourse of the Internet has political uses in spreading neo-Nazi ideology and action. I look at two kinds of online neo-Nazi discourse: hate speech itself, including text, music, online radio broadcasts, and images that exhort users to act against target groups; and persuasive rhetoric that does not directly enunciate but ultimately promotes or justifies violence. The online location of (...)
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    The Worlds of Art and the World.Paul Thom - 1983 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 19 (1):93-108.
    Peter Kivy has developed a general philosophical account of musical expressiveness based on baroque writings. But he omitted the association which baroque accounts make between the arts of music and rhetoric. It will be argued that one cannot capture the specifics of baroque musical expressiveness without taking account of baroque rhetorical theory. The detailed analysis of an example will demonstrate how rhetorical analysis of baroque music can fill in the details of Kivy's schematic account of musical expressiveness.
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    Le trait d'union musical tiré par mersenne entre encyclopédie et rhétorique académique.Michel Dufour - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):577-641.
    This paper is a survey of Father Mersenne’s views about the classification of sciences, its reasons and its practical consequences. Some emphasis is put on the interconnection between Mersenne’s two majors ideas about the practice of science : scientific research is an activity mostly devoted to religious apology and to the edification of the people. This religious concern allows him to resist two of the most influential philosophical streams of his time, scepticism and alchemy, which provide some favorite opponents to (...)
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    Rhetoric, Poetics, and Jacques Rancière's The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation.Joshua P. Ewalt - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (1):26-48.
    I like punk rock. I like girls with weird eyes. I like drugs but my body and mind won’t allow me to take them. I like passion. I like things that are built well. I like innocence. I like and am grateful for the blue collar worker whos existence allows Artists to not have to work at menial jobs. I like killing gluttony. I like playing my cards wrong. I like various styles of music. I like making fun of (...)
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  28.  21
    The Art of Rhetoric as Self-Discipline: Interdisciplinarity, Inner Necessity, and the Construction of a Research Agenda.Anne R. Richards - 2008 - Journal of Research Practice 4 (1):Article M2.
    I explore in this essay an ethically grounded method for structuring a program of study. Rather than attempt to delimit a discipline or to reinforce disciplinarity, I suggest a means of creatively narrowing the scope of research, namely by focusing on inner necessity and conscience. The art of rhetoric as self-discipline is an extension of inner necessity and a framework in which scholars may come to integrate the more rational and more artistic, more public and more private elements of their (...)
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    Traditional Ballads Musically Considered.Bertrand H. Bronson - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 2 (1):29-42.
    A folk tune is brief enough to be readily grasped and remembered as a whole; it has an inner unity that makes it shapely to the ear and mind. As a temporal event, or succession of notes, it consists of a little tour through a sonic landscape; so that as we follow the course we recognize its topography; the setting forth, the approach to a turning point, a moment of heightened interest, a pause of retrospection or anticipation, a homecoming. It (...)
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    Varieties of Musical Irony: From Mozart to Mahler.Michael Cherlin - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Irony, one of the most basic, pervasive, and variegated of rhetorical tropes, is as fundamental to musical thought as it is to poetry, prose, and spoken language. In this wide-ranging study of musical irony, Michael Cherlin draws upon the rich history of irony as developed by rhetoricians, philosophers, literary scholars, poets, and novelists. With occasional reflections on film music and other contemporary works, the principal focus of the book is classical music, both instrumental and vocal, ranging from Mozart (...)
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    Making Movies with Song: Movement, Style, and the Invitations of Music.Thomas Rickert - 2021 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 54 (1):28-44.
    ABSTRACT This essay responds to Alva Noë's arguments that popular musics organize listeners through style and personality, while other musics, such as classical and jazz, organize listeners on the music itself. Noë's arguments suggest that music is an existential phenomenon, and thus that music is ontological. There is much to like here, including the idea that musics can be existentially different. However, the work of pop musics cannot be confined solely to stylistics and personality; pop also has (...)
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    Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the Subject (review).James J. Brown Jr & Joshua Gunn - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):183-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the SubjectJames J. Brown Jr. and Joshua GunnActs of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the Subject by Thomas Rickert. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007. Pp. x + 252. $24.95, hardcover.Thomas Rickert had a falling-out with his brother, and this distresses him so much that his disrupted relation is described as “traumatic.” Rickert reports that while listening (...)
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    Acts of enjoyment: Rhetoric, žižek, and the return of the subject (review).James J. BrownJoshua Gunn Jr - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):pp. 183-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the SubjectJames J. Brown Jr. and Joshua GunnActs of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the Subject by Thomas Rickert. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007. Pp. x + 252. $24.95, hardcover.Thomas Rickert had a falling-out with his brother, and this distresses him so much that his disrupted relation is described as “traumatic.” Rickert reports that while listening (...)
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  34. Bhāratīya saṅgīta meṃ alaṅkāra. Śabanama - 2000 - Dillī: Sañjaya Prakāśana.
    Rhetoric in Hindustani classical music; a study.
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  35. Diogenes, Dogfaced Soldiers, and Deployment Music Videos.Geoffrey Carter & Bill Williamson - 2010 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 14 (3):n3.
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    Stimmung/Nastrój as Content of Modern Science: On Musical Metaphors in Ludwik Fleck’s Theory of Thought Styles and Thought Collectives.Paweł Jarnicki - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):1207-1228.
    Thought style and thought collective are two well-known concepts from Ludwik Fleck’s theory of science, which he originally formulated in Polish and German. This paper contends that these two concepts cannot be fully understood without a third—Stimmung/nastrój, which is one of the musical metaphors that play an important role in Fleck’s thinking. Because it is most often translated into English as “mood”, Fleck’s musical metaphors are mostly lost in translation, appearing as mere rhetoric. Only if and when we understand Stimmung/nastrój (...)
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  37.  83
    The (Digital) Majesty of All Under Heaven: Affective Constitutive Rhetoric at the Hong Kong Museum of History's Multi-Media Exhibition of Terracotta Warriors.David R. Gruber - 2014 - Rhetoric Society Quarterly 44 (2):148-167.
    During a series of protests in Hong Kong about a leadership transition widely perceived to give Mainland China greater political influence, the Hong Kong Museum of History held a Special Exhibition of the Terracotta Warriors of Xian, China. Sponsored by "The Leisure and Cultural Service Department, " the exhibit featured the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who ushered in "an epoch-making era in Chinese history that witnessed the unification of China" (Museum Exhibition). This essay explores the multi-media aspects of (...)
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  38.  43
    Rationalizing Musicality: A Critique of Alexander’s ‘Strong Program’ in Cultural Sociology.Gregor McLennan - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 79 (1):75-86.
    This article argues that the long-standing tension in Jeffrey Alexander’s work between theoretical multidimensionality and socio-cultural idealism has intensified in his recent writings, to problematical effect. Whilst Alexander has shifted of late towards a more substantive and normative style of thinking, his new emphases continue to be grounded in arguments pitched at the general theoretical level. One of these involves a particular reading of the nature of post-positivist meta-theory today, and the other, within this, is a determined effort to distinguish (...)
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    Book Review: Rhetoric and Pluralism. [REVIEW]Andrea A. Lunsford - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):276-277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rhetoric and PluralismAndrea A. LunsfordRhetoric and Pluralism, ed. Frederick J. Antczak; xii & 336 pp. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1995, $59.50.In his (non)conclusion to this volume’s witty Afterword, Wayne Booth remarks on the need to “improve our inquiry into how we inquire together” (p. 307). The fifteen essays collected in Rhetoric and Pluralism are enthusiastically engaged in this project. Although often strikingly different in their methodologies and (...)
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    Música y retórica en el Barroco.Rubén López Cano - 2000 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  41. The interpretation of music in performance.Paul Thom - 2003 - British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (2):126-137.
    Musical performance, as an interpretive activity, has to be understood as relative to the material that is being interpreted. This material may or may not have the determinacy, fixity, and definitiveness of a work. Performative interpretation cannot be identified simply with what performers add to the material being performed. However, if interpretation is the assigning of significance, then in applying certain (theatrical, rhetorical, and biological) significance-endowing metaphors to integrated elements of a musical performance we commit ourselves to thinking of that (...)
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    Peri Ti?: Interrogating Rhetoric's Domain.Megan Foley - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (2):241-246.
    You, who call yourself a rhetorician, what is your art? With what particular thing is your skill concerned? Weaving is concerned with fabricating fabrics, music with making melodies; rhetorician, with what is your know-how concerned? This is the question that Socrates poses to Gorgias in Plato's notorious refutation of rhetoric: "Peri tēs rhētorikēs, peri ti tōn ontōn estin epistēmē?" (1925, 268). Socrates' question frames rhetoric in the genitive case—which, in this case, specifies the source or origin of one thing (...)
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  43. The Voice of Exile: Feminist Literary History and the Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Elegy.Marilynn Desmond - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (3):572-590.
    In order to recuperate these two representatives of medieval frauenlieder, The Wife’s Lament and Wulf and Eadwacer, a feminist poetics must acknowledge the medieval attitudes toward authority and authorship that allow the medievalist to privilege the voice of the text over the historical author or implied author. The modern concept of authorship, derived from a modern concept of the text as private property, valorizes the signature of the author and the author’s presumed control over and legal responsibility for his or (...)
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    Here is the Other, Coming/Come In: An Examination of Spain's Contemporary Multicultural Music Education Discourses.Antía González Ben - 2018 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 26 (2):118.
    Abstract:In the last two decades, Spain’s general music education curriculum has moved beyond the exaltation of so-called Western art music to also include some instances of non-Western musical traditions. This process of diversification is often articulated as entirely positive. The present paper interrogates such discourses, following a post-structural, socio-historical approach. It looks into the circumstances surrounding the emergence of Spain’s multicultural music education as a field of study, paying special attention to the inherent limitations and (contradictory) effects (...)
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    The Beethoven syndrome: hearing music as autobiography.Mark Evan Bonds - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The 'Beethoven syndrome' is the inclination of listeners to hear music as the projection of a composer's inner self. This was a radically new way of listening that emerged after Beethoven's death. Beethoven's music was a catalyst for this change, but only in retrospect, for it was not until after his death that listeners began to hear composers--and not just Beethoven--in their works, particularly in their instrumental music. The Beethoven syndrome: hearing music as autobiography traces the (...)
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    Neurocognitive poetics: methods and models for investigating the neuronal and cognitive-affective bases of literature reception.Arthur M. Jacobs - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:138374.
    A long tradition of research including classical rhetoric, esthetics and poetics theory, formalism and structuralism, as well as current perspectives in (neuro)cognitive poetics has investigated structural and functional aspects of literature reception. Despite a wealth of literature published in specialized journals like Poetics, however, still little is known about how the brain processes and creates literary and poetic texts. Still, such stimulus material might be suited better than other genres for demonstrating the complexities with which our brain constructs the world (...)
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    Sound and Poetry. [REVIEW]F. D. J. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (4):698-698.
    These seven essays comprise an outstanding collection embracing related yet distinct approaches to poetry via music and musicology, rhetoric and linguistics. Mr. Frye's penetrating essay effectively sets the tone of the variously oriented contributions. Acknowledgment of the increasing authority of linguistic criticism is especially prominent.--J. F. D.
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    God and Mystery in Words: Experience Through Metaphor and Drama.David Brown - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In God and Mystery in Words David Brown uses the way in which poetry and drama have in the past opened people to the possibility of religious experience as a launch pad for advocating less wooden approaches to Christian worship today. So far from encouraging imagination and exploration, hymns and sermons now more commonly merely consolidate belief. Again, contemporary liturgy in both its music and its ceremonial fails to take seriously either current dramatic theory or the sociology of ritual. (...)
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    Sharing values to safeguard the future: British Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration as epideictic rhetoric.John E. Richardson - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):171-191.
    This article explores the rhetoric, and mass mediation, of the national Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration ceremony, as broadcast on British television. I argue that the televised national ceremonies should be approached as an example of multi-genre epideictic rhetoric, working up meanings through a hybrid combination of genres, author/animators and modes. Epideictic rhetoric has often been depreciated as simply ceremonial ‘praise or blame’ speeches. However, given that the topics of praise/blame assume the existence of social norms, epideictic also acts to presuppose (...)
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    Just in Time: Calling, Responding, and Making Music from the Soul.Kermit Campbell - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):320-329.
    ABSTRACT Although Kairos in Greek mythology is often depicted as the winged son of Zeus who grants to those who lay hold of his single lock of hair their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, in traditional African American culture, particularly when it comes to speech, Kairos is essentially family. Given how much African American speakers depend on seizing the moment to invoke spiritual connections, emit laughter, and profess the truth, Kairos, or what we might call CPT (“Colored People’s Time”), can be summoned almost (...)
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