Results for 'Mrs Paul M. Byrne'

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  1.  11
    A non-rigid registration algorithm for dynamic breast MR images.Paul M. Hayton, Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith & Niall Moore - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 114 (1-2):125-156.
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  2. Ex 0.Paul Bertelson, Ruth M. J. Byrne, Stanislas Dehaene, Ruma Falk, Gerd Gigerenzer, Klaus Hug, Phillip N. Johnson-Laird, Susan Jones, Peter W. Jusczyk & Barbara Landau - 1992 - Cognition 43:2.
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    First Considerations: An Examination of Philosophical Evidence.Paul Weiss, Abner Shimony, Richard T. De George, Richard Rorty, Robert Neville, Andrew J. Reck & R. M. Martin - 1977 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Like _Beyond All Appearances_,_ _which it supplements, Paul Weiss’s new book is a fundamental work which faces all the hard issues which are not only at the heart of philosophy but at the core of our entire culture. Readers of Mr. Weiss’s phenomenology of religion will need no introduction to this new work which expands and clari­fies many of the issues raised in _Beyond All Appearances. _However, no knowl­edge of Paul Weiss’s previous books is required to understand and (...)
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    Visual cortical γ−aminobutyric acid and perceptual suppression in amblyopia.Arjun Mukerji, Kelly N. Byrne, Eunice Yang, Dennis M. Levi & Michael A. Silver - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:949395.
    In amblyopia, abnormal visual experience during development leads to an enduring loss of visual acuity in adulthood. Physiological studies in animal models suggest that intracortical GABAergic inhibition may mediate visual deficits in amblyopia. To better understand the relationship between visual cortical γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and perceptual suppression in persons with amblyopia (PWA), we employed magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to quantify GABA levels in both PWA and normally-sighted persons (NSP). In the same individuals, we obtained psychophysical measures of perceptual suppression for (...)
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    A methodological behaviourist model for imitation.Paul J. M. Jorion - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):695-695.
    Byrne & Russon's target article displays all the difficulties encountered when one fails to take a methodological behaviourist approach to imitation. Their conceptual apparatus is grounded in a mixture of introspection and folk psychology. Their distinction between action-level and program-level imitation falters on goal imputation for sequential acts. In an alternative gradient descent model, behaviour can be simulated as a frustration/satisfaction gradient descent in the animal's “potentiality space,” as defined by knowledge, inventiveness, and the surrounding environment.
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    On the Eternity of the World. By Thomas Aquinas, Siger of Brabant, St. Bonaventure. Trans. Cyril Vollert, S.J., Lottie H. Kendzierski, Paul M. Byrne[REVIEW]Leo Sweeney - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 45 (2):177-177.
  7. On the Eternity of the World: St. Thomas Aquinas, Siger of Brabant, St. Bonaventure, translated from the Latin with an introduction by Cyril Vollert, Lottie H. Kendzierski, and Paul M. Byrne. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press, 1964. 132 pages. Paperback, $3.00. [REVIEW]Harold J. Johnson - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (3):394-397.
  8. Justin Broackes Department of Philosophy, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island Alex Byrne Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Paul M. Churchland Department of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego.R. David - 2010 - In Jonathan Cohen & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Color Ontology and Color Science. Bradford. pp. 407.
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  9. 10. David Braybrooke, Bryson Brown, and Peter K. Schotch, with Laura Byrne, Logic on the Track of Social Change David Braybrooke, Bryson Brown, and Peter K. Schotch, with Laura Byrne, Logic on the Track of Social Change (pp. 190-193). [REVIEW]Hannah Ginsborg, Paul Guyer, J. B. Schneewind, Christine M. Korsgaard, Michael Byron, Michael Weber, Patrick Fitzgerald & Claudia Mills - 1998 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Ethics: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 4. Cambridge University Press.
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    Comments on Mr. Hempel's Theses.Roderick Firth, Wilfrid Sellars, Roderick M. Chisholm & Paul Weiss - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 5 (4):622 - 627.
    2. Because of the possibility of lies, or the misuse of language, I believe that Professor Hempel's formulation of the problem of empirical certainty must be interpreted as a convenient abbreviation, in linguistic terms, of a question about beliefs. A complete formulation of the question would have to make some reference to the speaker's beliefs as he utters an "experiential statement.".
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  11. "The Fittest Man in the Kingdom": Thomas Reid and the Glasgow Chair of Moral Philosophy.Paul Wood - 1997 - Hume Studies 23 (2):277-313.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"The Fittest Man in the Kingdom":Thomas Reid and the Glasgow Chair of Moral PhilosophyPaul Wood (bio)Paul Wood Paul Wood is at the Department of History, University of Victoria, PO Box 3045, MS 7381, Victoria BC V8W 3P4 Canada. email: [email protected] August 1996Revised January 1997Notes. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at a plenary session of the 23rd International Hume Conference held at the University of (...)
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  12. The character of natural language semantics.Paul M. Pietroski - 2003 - In Alex Barber (ed.), Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 217--256.
    Paul M. Pietroski, University of Maryland I had heard it said that Chomsky’s conception of language is at odds with the truth-conditional program in semantics. Some of my friends said it so often that the point—or at least a point—finally sunk in.
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  13. The character of natural language semantics.Paul M. Pietroski - 2003 - In Alex Barber (ed.), Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 217--256.
    Paul M. Pietroski, University of Maryland I had heard it said that Chomsky’s conception of language is at odds with the truth-conditional program in semantics. Some of my friends said it so often that the point—or at least a point—finally sunk in.
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    (1 other version)Plato's Camera: How the Physical Brain Captures a Landscape of Abstract Universals.Paul M. Churchland - 2012 - MIT Press.
    In _ Plato's Camera_, eminent philosopher Paul Churchland offers a novel account of how the brain constructs a representation -- or "takes a picture" -- of the universe's timeless categorical and dynamical structure. This construction process, which begins at birth, yields the enduring background conceptual framework with which we will interpret our sensory experience for the rest of our lives. But, as even Plato knew, to make singular perceptual judgments requires that we possess an antecedent framework of abstract categories (...)
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  15. Functionalism at Forty: A Critical Retrospective.Paul M. Churchland - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):33 - 50.
  16.  10
    Charity Lost: The Secularization of the Principle of Double Effect in the Just-War Tradition.Timothy M. Renick - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):441-462.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CHARITY LOST: TBE SECtJLA'.RIZATfON OF THE PRINCIPLE OF DOUBLE EFFECT IN THE JUST-WAR TRADITION TIMOTHY M. RENICK Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia 0 N AUGUST 12, 1945, the city of Hiroshima still smoldered, and President Harry Truman addressed the American people : We have used [the atomic bomb] against those who have attacked us without warning at Pearl Harbor, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American (...)
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  17. Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.Paul M. Churchland (ed.) - 1984 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    The Mind-Body Problem Questions: What is the mind? What is its connection to the body? Most basic division of answers: Dualist and Materialist (or Physicalist) responses.
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  18. The neural representation of the social world.Paul M. Churchland - 1998 - In The Digital Phoenix. Cambridge: Blackwell.
  19. Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind.Paul M. Churchland (ed.) - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A study in the philosophy of science, proposing a strong form of the doctrine of scientific realism' and developing its implications for issues in the philosophy of mind.
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    Events and semantic architecture.Paul M. Pietroski - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A study of how syntax relates to meaning by a leader of the new generation of philosopher-linguists.
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  21. The Engine of Reason, the Seat of the Soul: A Philosophical Journey Into the Brain.Paul M. Churchland - 1995 - MIT Press.
    For the uninitiated, there are two major tendencies in the modeling of human cognition. The older, tradtional school believes, in essence, that full human cognition can be modeled by dividing the world up into distinct entities -- called __symbol s__-- such as “dog”, “cat”, “run”, “bite”, “happy”, “tumbleweed”, and so on, and then manipulating this vast set of symbols by a very complex and very subtle set of rules. The opposing school claims that this system, while it might be good (...)
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  22. Ziad swaidan, Scott J. Vitell, Gregory M. rose and Faye W. Gilbert.Paul M. Gurney & M. Humphreys - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64:421-422.
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  23. Freedom of Religion: Un and European Human Rights Law and Practice.Paul M. Taylor - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    The scale and variety of acts of religious intolerance evident in so many countries today are of enormous contemporary concern. This 2005 study attempts a thorough and systematic treatment of both Universal and European practice. The standards applicable to freedom of religion are subjected to a detailed critique, and their development and implementation within the UN is distinguished from that within Strasbourg, in order to discern trends and obstacles to their advancement and to highlight the rationale for any apparent departures (...)
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  24. Stalking the wild epistemic engine.Paul M. Churchland & Patricia S. Churchland - 1983 - Noûs 17 (1):5-18.
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    Moral formation and the virtuous life.Paul M. Blowers (ed.) - 2019 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    In Moral Formation and the Virtuous Life, volume editor Paul M. Blowers has translated and gathered several key texts from early Christian sources to explore the broad themes of moral conscience and ethics. Readers will gain a sense of how moral formation was part of a process sustained by pastoral instruction and admonition based on ritual practice (baptism, eucharist, and liturgy) as well as learned ethical behaviors related to moral issues, such as sexual ethics, marriage and celibacy, wealth and (...)
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    Mereologies, Ontologies, and Facets: The Categorial Structure of Reality.M. W. Hackett Paul (ed.) - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Realities are structured categorially, and comprehension of our internal and external conditions do not appear to be global or unitary. Rather, both human and non human animals function within their worlds and understand these by categorizing their experiences. Drawing upon many areas of life, the authors consider the ontological, mereological and multi-faceted structure of experience to explore how an understanding of categories can further knowledge.
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  27. On Raising: One Rule of English Grammar and Its Theoretical Implications.Paul M. Postal - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (2):257-285.
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  28. Experience and Structure: philosophical history and the problem of consciousness.Paul M. Livingston - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (3):15-33.
    Investigation and analysis of the history of the concepts employed in contemporary philosophy of mind could significantly change the contemporary debate about the explainability of consciousness. Philosophical investigation of the history of the concept of qualia and the concept of scientific explanation most often presupposed in contemporary discussions of consciousness reveals the origin of both concepts in some of the most interesting philosophical debates of the twentieth century. In particular, a historical investigation of the inheritance of concepts of the elements (...)
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  29. Naturalism, Conventionalism, and Forms of Life: Wittgenstein and the "Cratylus".Paul M. Livingston - 2015 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 4 (2):7-38.
    I consider Plato’s argument, in the dialogue Cratylus, against both of two opposed views of the “correctness of names.” The first is a conventionalist view, according to which this relationship is arbitrary, the product of a free inaugural decision made at the moment of the first institution of names. The second is a naturalist view, according to which the correctness of names is initially fixed and subsequently maintained by some kind of natural assignment, rooted in the things themselves. I argue (...)
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  30. Knowing qualia: A reply to Jackson.Paul M. Churchland - 1989 - In A Neurocomputational Perspective: The Nature of Mind and the Structure of Science. MIT Press. pp. 163--178.
  31. Lacan, Deleuze and the consequences of formalism.Paul M. Livingston - 2016 - In Boštjan Nedoh & Andreja Zevnik (eds.), Lacan and Deleuze: A Disjunctive Synthesis. Edinburgh: Eup.
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    Conjoining Meanings: Semantics Without Truth Values.Paul M. Pietroski - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Paul M. Pietroski presents an ambitious new account of human languages as generative procedures that respect substantive constraints. He argues that meanings are neither concepts nor extensions, and sentences do not have truth conditions; meanings are composable instructions for how to access and assemble concepts of a special sort.
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  33. Minimal Semantic Instructions.Paul M. Pietroski - 2011 - In Boeckx Cedric (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Minimalism. Oxford University Press. pp. 472-498.
    Chomsky’s (1995, 2000a) Minimalist Program (MP) invites a perspective on semantics that is distinctive and attractive. In section one, I discuss a general idea that many theorists should find congenial: the spoken or signed languages that human children naturally acquire and use— henceforth, human languages—are biologically implemented procedures that generate expressions, whose meanings are recursively combinable instructions to build concepts that reflect a minimal interface between the Human Faculty of Language (HFL) and other cognitive systems. In sections two and three, (...)
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    Causal Graphs for EPR Experiments.Paul M. Näger - 2013 - Preprint.
    We examine possible causal structures of experiments with entangled quantum objects. Previously, these structures have been obscured by assuming a misleading probabilistic analysis of quantum non locality as 'Outcome Dependence or Parameter Dependence' and by directly associating these correlations with influences. Here we try to overcome these shortcomings: we proceed from a recent stronger Bell argument, which provides an appropriate probabilistic description, and apply the rigorous methods of causal graph theory. Against the standard view that there is only an influence (...)
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    Student perceptions of earnings management: the effects of national origin and gender.Paul M. Clikeman, Marshall A. Geiger & Brendan T. O'Connell - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (4):389-410.
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  36. Semantic typology and composition.Paul M. Pietroski - 2018 - In Derek Ball & Brian Rabern (eds.), The Science of Meaning: Essays on the Metatheory of Natural Language Semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  37. Chimerical colors: Some phenomenological predictions from cognitive neuroscience.Paul M. Churchland - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (5):527-560.
    The Hurvich-Jameson (H-J) opponent-process network offers a familiar account of the empirical structure of the phenomenological color space for humans, an account with a number of predictive and explanatory virtues. Its successes form the bulk of the existing reasons for suggesting a strict identity between our various color sensations on the one hand, and our various coding vectors across the color-opponent neurons in our primary visual pathways on the other. But anti-reductionists standardly complain that the systematic parallels discovered by the (...)
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    Images of Science: Essays on Realism and Empiricism.Paul M. Churchland & Clifford A. Hooker (eds.) - 1985 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Churchland and Hooker have collected ten papers by prominent philosophers of science which challenge van Fraassen's thesis from a variety of realist perspectives. Together with van Fraassen's extensive reply... these articles provide a comprehensive picture of the current debate in philosophy of science between realists and anti-realists."—Jeffrey Bub and David MacCallum, Foundations of Physics Letters.
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    Causing Actions.Paul M. Pietroski - 2000 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Paul Pietroski presents an original philosophical theory of actions and their mental causes. We often act for reasons: we deliberate and choose among options, based on our beliefs and desires. However, bodily motions always have biochemical causes, so it can seem that thinking and acting are biochemical processes. Pietroski argues that thoughts and deeds are in fact distinct from, though dependent on, underlying biochemical processes within persons.
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  40. Patient rights and organization ethics: The Joint Commission perspective.Paul M. Schyve - 1996 - Bioethics Forum 12 (2):13-20.
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  41. Methods of study.M. Mendland Es Paul - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler (eds.), The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge.
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  42. Could a machine think?Paul M. Churchland & Patricia S. Churchland - 1990 - Scientific American 262 (1):32-37.
  43. Transfer and mediation in verbal learning.Paul M. Kjeldergaard - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton (eds.), Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall.
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    Campus Dialogue: Bridging the Generation Gap.Paul M. Zeller - 1983 - Upa.
    An updated version of Plato's Dialogues, this adaptation takes place in contemporary times and is set at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Through the characters' central discussions of Creationist and Materialist theories of evolution, together with their moral and social implications and ramifications, the author defines philosophy and science. This fresh approach to complex philosophical subjects will be an interesting supplement to courses in philosophy.
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  45. Recent work on consciousness: Philosophical, theoretical, and empirical.Paul M. Churchland & Patricia S. Churchland - 2003 - In Naoyuki Osaka (ed.), Neural Basis of Consciousness. John Benjamins. pp. 49--123.
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    Subjective Qualia from a Materialist Point of View.Paul M. Churchland - 1984 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1984:773 - 790.
    The aim of the paper is to defeat some standard anti-reductionist arguments concerning sensory qualia. Initially conditions on intertheoretic reduction in general are established. The standard arguments are then shown to presuppose a false conception of what reduction requires; or to commit a familiar intensional fallacy; or to be unsound; or to equivocate on crucial terms. An exploration of our making direct introspective contact with our neurophysiological states concludes the paper.
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  47. Reconceiving cognition.Paul M. Churchland - 1992 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15:475-480.
  48. A Neurocomputational Perspective: The Nature of Mind and the Structure of Science.Paul M. Churchland - 1989 - MIT Press.
    A Neurocomputationial Perspective illustrates the fertility of the concepts and data drawn from the study of the brain and of artificial networks that model the...
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  49. (1 other version)Eliminative Materialism and the Propositional Attitudes.Paul M. Churchland - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (2):67-90.
    Eliminative materialism is the thesis that our common-sense conception of psychological phenomena constitutes a radically false theory, a theory so fundamentally defective that both the principles and the ontology of that theory will eventually be displaced, rather than smoothly reduced, by completed neuroscience. Our mutual understanding and even our introspection may then be reconstituted within the conceptual framework of completed neuroscience, a theory we may expect to be more powerful by far than the common-sense psychology it displaces, and more substantially (...)
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  50. Biodiversity and Democracy: Rethinking Society and Nature.Paul M. Wood - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (4):521-524.
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