Results for 'Moritz Wurnig'

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  1.  67
    Comparing the Microvascular Specificity of the 3- and 7-T BOLD Response Using ICA and Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging.Alexander Geißler, Florian Ph S. Fischmeister, Günther Grabner, Moritz Wurnig, Jakob Rath, Thomas Foki, Eva Matt, Siegfried Trattnig, Roland Beisteiner & Simon Daniel Robinson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  2. Moritz Schlick Philosophical Papers: Volume 1: (1909–1922).Moritz Schlick, Henk L. Mulder & Barbara F. B. van de Velde-Schlick - 1978 - Springer.
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    Moritz Julius Bonn: Auswahlbibliographie.Moritz JuliusHG Bonn - 2015 - In II Krise der Demokratie. De Gruyter. pp. 39-42.
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    Moritz Lazarus' lebenserinnerungen.Moritz Lazarus - 1906 - Berlin,: G. Reimer. Edited by Nahida Remy & Alfred Leicht.
    Rückert. - Gottfried Keller. - Berthold Auerbach. - Paul Heyse. - Reuter, Raabe, Goltz. - Literarisches kunterbunt. - Schillerstiftung. - Aus der welt des theaters. - Kulturgeschichtliches. - Paris. - Äckerleins keller. - Berliner erinnerungen. - Wiener erinnerungen. - Schönefeld. - Das kleine diner als kuturelement. - Herbartdenkmal. - Meine vier alten. - Am preussischen hof. - Kriegsakademie. - Fontane kriegsgefangen. - Tunnel und Ellora. - Das Rütli. - Register.
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    Erinnerung an Moritz Schlick: Textbeiträge und Ausstellungskatalog anlässlich des 60. Todestages.Moritz Schlick & Peter Mahr (eds.) - 1996 - Wien: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.
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    Einleitung: Moritz Julius Bonn – Liberale Krisendiagnostik in der Weimarer Demokratie.Moritz JuliusHG Bonn - 2015 - In II Krise der Demokratie. De Gruyter. pp. 1-38.
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    Counterfactuals and Probability.Moritz Schulz - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Moritz Schulz explores counterfactual thought and language: what would have happened if things had gone a different way. Counterfactual questions may concern large scale derivations or small scale evaluations of minor derivations. A common impression, which receives a thorough defence in the book, is that oftentimes we find it impossible to know what would have happened. However, this does not mean that we are completely at a loss: we are typically capable of evaluating counterfactual questions probabilistically: we can say (...)
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    Articulation dynamics and evaluative conditioning: investigating the boundary conditions, mental representation, and origin of the in-out effect.Moritz Ingendahl, Ira Theresa Maschmann, Nina Embs, Amelie Maulbetsch, Tobias Vogel & Michaela Wänke - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (6):1074-1089.
    People prefer linguistic stimuli with an inward (e.g. BODIKA) over those with an outward articulation dynamic (e.g. KODIBA), a phenomenon known as the articulatory in-out effect. Despite its robustness across languages and contexts, the phenomenon is still poorly understood. To learn more about the effect’s boundary conditions, mental representation, and origin, we crossed the in-out effect with evaluative conditioning research. In five experiments (N = 713, three experiments pre-registered), we systematically paired words containing inward versus outward dynamics with pictures of (...)
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  9. Felix Hausdorff's considered empiricism.Moritz Epple - 2006 - In José Ferreirós Domínguez & Jeremy Gray, The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in History and Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 263--290.
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    Toward a general psychological model of tension and suspense.Moritz Lehne & Stefan Koelsch - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:118396.
    Tension and suspense are powerful emotional experiences that occur in a wide variety of contexts (e.g., in music, film, literature, and everyday life). The omnipresence of tension experiences suggests that they build on very basic cognitive and affective mechanisms. However, the psychological underpinnings of tension experiences remain largely unexplained, and tension and suspense are rarely discussed from a general, domain-independent perspective. In this paper, we argue that tension experiences in different contexts (e.g., musical tension or suspense in a movie) build (...)
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  11. The constituents of an explication.Moritz Cordes - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):983-1010.
    The method of explication has been somewhat of a hot topic in the last 10 years. Despite the multifaceted research that has been directed at the issue, one may perceive a lack of step-by-step procedural or structural accounts of explication. This paper aims at providing a structural account of the method of explication in continuation of the works of Geo Siegwart. It is enhanced with a detailed terminology for the assessment and comparison of explications. The aim is to provide means (...)
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  12. Everywhere There Are Sad Passions": Gilles Deleuze and the Unhappy Consciousness.Moritz Gansen - 2016 - In Ceciel Meiborg & Sjoerd van Tuinen, Deleuze and the Passions. [Place of publication not identified]: Punctum Books.
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  13. Positivismus und Realismus.Moritz Schlick - 1932 - Erkenntnis 3 (1):1-31.
    Ichbin überzeugt, daß die Hauptwiderstände gegen unsere Auffassung daher rühren, daß der Unterschied zwischen der Falschheit und der Sinn|losigkeit eines Satzes nicht beachtet wird. Der Satz: ”Das Reden von einer metaphysischen Außenwelt ist sinnleer“ sagt nicht: ”Es gibt keine metaphysische Außenwelt“, sondern etwas toto coelo anderes. Der Empirist sagt dem Metaphysiker nicht: ”Deine Worte behaupten etwas Falsches“, sondern ”Deine Worte behaupten überhaupt nichts!“ Er widerspricht ihm nicht, sondern er sagt: ”Ich verstehe dich nicht“.
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  14. Problems of Ethics.Moritz Schlick - 1939 - New York,: Dover Publications. Edited by David Rynin. Translated by David Rynin.
  15.  80
    Calculizing Classical Inferential Erotetic Logic.Moritz Cordes - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (4):1066-1087.
    This paper contributes to the calculization of evocation and erotetic implication as defined by Inferential Erotetic Logic (IEL). There is a straightforward approach to calculizing (propositional) erotetic implication which cannot be applied to evocation. First-order evocation is proven to be uncalculizable, i.e. there is no proof system, say FOE, such that for all X, Q: X evokes Q iff there is an FOE-proof for the evocation of Q by X. These results suggest a critique of the represented approaches to calculizing (...)
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  16. Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre.Moritz Schlick - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):86-87.
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    World-Formation and Dasein. Heidegger’s Understanding of the World in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics and His Reference to Heraclitus, Aristotle and Schelling.Moritz René Pretzsch - 2023 - Studia Heideggeriana 12:97-119.
    The subject of this paper is Heidegger’s understanding of world and world-formation [Weltbildung] in his lecture The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics (GA 29/30) and his references to the idealistic philosophy of Schelling, the ancient thought of Aristotle and Heraclitus. I will put forward the following thesis: World is prevailing [Walten] and, as this prevailing, it is the being of beings as such as a whole in the projection of world that lets it prevail. In this paper, I will clarify how (...)
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    Der praktische Syllogismus and das juridische Denken.Manfred Moritz - 1954 - Theoria 20 (1-3):78-127.
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    The Normative Justification of Integrative Stakeholder Engagement: A Habermasian View on Responsible Leadership.Moritz Patzer, Christian Voegtlin & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (3):325-354.
    ABSTRACT:The transition from modern to postmodern society leads to changing expectations about the purpose and responsibility of leadership. Habermas’s social theory provides a useful analytical tool for understanding current societal transition processes and exploring their implications for the responsibility of business vis-à-vis society. We argue that integrative responsible leadership, in particular, can contribute to the reconciliation of business with societal goals. Integrative responsible leadership understood in a Habermasian way is not only a strategic endeavor but also a communicative endeavor. An (...)
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  20. Philosophical Papers.Moritz Schlick, H. L. Mulder & B. F. B. van de Velde-Schlick - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (3):498-514.
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  21. Filosofii︠a︡ Kanta i ei︠a︡ znachenīe v istorīi razvitīi︠a︡ mysli.Moritz Kronenberg - 1898
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    Philosophie des Schöpferischen naturwiss. fundiert.Moritz Tramer - 1957 - Bern,: Francke.
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    Explication.Moritz Cordes, and & Geo Siegwart - 2018 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This encyclopedia article provides a procedural account of explication outlining each step that is part of the overall explicative effort (2). It is prefaced by a summary of the historical development of the method (1). The latter part of the article includes a rough structural theory of explication (3) and a detailed presentation of an examplary explication taken from the history of philosophy and the foundations of mathematics (4).
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    Neue Darstellung der Logik nach ihren einfachsten Verhältnissen: mit Rücksicht auf Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften.Moritz Wilhelm Drobisch - 1863 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Verdientes Wohlergehen: philosophische Gerechtigkeit und empirische Moralforschung.Moritz Heepe - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Moritz Heepe entwirft ein Gerechtigkeitsprinzip, das die zwei Gesichtspunkte der Proportionalitat des Wohlergehens zum moralischen Verdienst und der Reziprozitat vereinigt. Es steht damit zum Teil in einer aristotelischen Tradition und weicht erheblich vom liberalen Mainstream der aktuellen Gerechtigkeitsphilosophie ab. Ausgangspunkt ist eine grundliche Bestandsaufnahme der empirischen, speziell psychologischen Erforschung der alltagsmoralischen Gerechtigkeitsidee. Die proportionale Reziprozitat erweist sich dabei als zentrales Merkmal des menschlichen Gerechtigkeitsempfindens. Nach einer koharenten Rekonstruktion der proportionalen Reziprozitat werden verschiedene ihrer systematischen Eigenschaften und Schwierigkeiten diskutiert. Vor (...)
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  26. Zum Problem der Stimmungseinfühlung.Moritz Geiger - 1911 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 6:1-42.
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  27. Analysis of (')Pseudoproblems(').Moritz Cordes - 2019 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 22 (1):137-159.
    Pseudoproblems, pseudoquestions, pseudosentences (etc.) constitute an iridescent group of concepts which were prominently used by the Vienna Circle (including Wittgenstein). In the course of an explication this paper presents a compilation of the many different meanings that were given to these expressions. This includes the more prominent Viennese approaches as well as a more recent one by Roy Sorensen. A novel proposal concerning the use ofthe term is made, suggesting that nothing is just a pseudoproblem, but only relative to a (...)
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  28.  38
    Partialism in Krifka’s Approach to Interpreting Polar Questions.Moritz Cordes - 2021 - In Asking and Answering: Rivalling Approaches to Interrogative Methods. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. pp. 96–103.
  29. Counterfactuals and Arbitrariness.Moritz Schulz - 2014 - Mind 123 (492):1021-1055.
    The pattern of credences we are inclined to assign to counterfactuals challenges standard accounts of counterfactuals. In response to this problem, the paper develops a semantics of counterfactuals in terms of the epsilon-operator. The proposed semantics stays close to the standard account: the epsilon-operator substitutes the universal quantifier present in standard semantics by arbitrarily binding the open world-variable. Various applications of the suggested semantics are explored including, in particular, an explanation of how the puzzling credences in counterfactuals come about.
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    To follow or not to follow: Influence of valence and consensus on the sense of agency.Moritz Reis, Lisa Weller & Felicitas V. Muth - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 102 (C):103347.
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  31. Meaning and Verification.Moritz Schlick - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45 (4):339-369.
  32.  14
    Raum und Zeit in der Gegenwärtigen Physik: Zur Einführung in das Verständnis der Relativitäts-und Gravitationstheorie (Classic Reprint).Moritz Schlick - 2018 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Raum und Zeit in der Gegenwartigen Physik: Zur Einfuhrung in das Verstandnis der Relativitats-und Gravitationstheorie Die in dieser Schrift behandelte physikalische Theorie hat seit dem Erscheinen der zweiten Auflage eine wahr haft glanzende Bestatigung durch astronomische Beobach tungen gefunden (vergl. S. Sie hat dadurch die all gemeine Aufmerksamkeit in hohem Mae auf sich gelenkt und den Ruhm ihres Schopfers Einstein in noch hellerem Glanze erstrahlen lassen. So wird die grundlegende Be deutung der Relativitatstheorie fur unsere gesamte Natur auffassung (...)
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  33. The Foundations of Knowledge.Moritz Schlick - 1966 - In Alfred Jules Ayer, Logical positivism. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. pp. 209-227.
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  34. Quantentheorie und Erkennbarkeit der Natur.Moritz Schlick - 1936 - Erkenntnis 6 (1):317-326.
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    (1 other version)Ein Redehandlungskalkül: Folgern in einer Sprache.Moritz Cordes & Friedrich Reinmuth - 2011 - XXII. Deutscher Kongress Für Philosophie.
    Wir stellen einen pragmatisierten Kalkül des natürlichen Schließens vor, der sich dadurch auszeichnet, dass Ableitungen reine Folgen objektsprachlicher Sätze sind und ohne graphische oder andere Kommentarmittel auskommen.
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    Strafgerechtigkeit bei frühen Kantianern.Moritz Heepe - 2014 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 100 (4):483-500.
    To reach a deeper understanding of Kant’s theory of legal punishment it’s illuminating to examine the conceptions of early Kantian scholars. We look at writings of various authors from Gottlieb Hufeland to Johann Gottlieb Fichte that appeared after 1785 and before Kant published for the first time his own mature thoughts on criminal justice 1797 in the “Metaphysik der Sitten”. The investigated conceptions of the Early Kantians tend to support a rather conservative reading of Kant’s theory as closely related to (...)
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  37. Hume's Reading of the Classics at Ninewells, 1749–51.Moritz Baumstark - 2010 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 8 (1):63-77.
    This article provides a re-evaluation of David Hume's intensive reading of the classics at an important moment of his literary and intellectual career. It sets out to reconstruct the extent and depth of this reading as well as the uses – scholarly, philosophical and polemical – to which Hume put the information he had gathered in the course of it. The article contends that Hume read the classics against the grain to collect data on a wide range of cultural information (...)
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    Zur Krise der Demokratie: Politische Schriften in der Weimarer Republik 1919-1932.Moritz JuliusHG Bonn - 2015 - De Gruyter.
    Der Nationalökonom Moritz Julius Bonn (1873-1965) gehörte zu den bekanntesten politischen Intellektuellen seiner Epoche. Bonn fungierte als Gesandter der Reichsregierung in Versailles und auf zahlreichen Konferenzen zur Reparationsfrage. Max Weber und Carl Schmitt haben ihn hoch geschätzt, Harald Laski hielt ihn für den besten Amerika-Kenner seit Toqueville. Erstaunlicherweise hat sich mit seinem Gang ins Exil seine Spur weitgehend verloren. Es ist höchste Zeit, an diesen kosmopolitischen Liberalen und mit ihm an die vergebene Chance der Weimarer Republik zu erinnern. Er (...)
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    Manfred Moritz. Zur Logik der Frage. Theoria, vol. 6 (1940), pp. 123-149. [REVIEW]Manfred Moritz - 1940 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 (4):159-160.
  40. Über das Fundament der Erkenntnis.Moritz Schlick - 1934 - Erkenntnis 4 (1):79-99.
  41. Facts and Propositions.Moritz Schlick - 1934 - Analysis 2 (5):65 - 70.
  42. (1 other version)Problems of Ethics.Moritz Schlick & David Rynin - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (56):498-500.
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  43. Asking and Answering: Rivalling Approaches to Interrogative Methods.Moritz Cordes (ed.) - 2021 - Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
    Questions are everywhere and the ubiquitous activities of asking and answering, as most human activities, are susceptible to failure – at least from time to time. This volume offers several current approaches to the systematic study of questions and the surrounding activities and works toward supporting and improving these activities. The contributors formulate general problems for a formal treatment of questions, investigate specific kinds of questions, compare different frameworks with regard to how they regulate the activities of asking and answering (...)
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    Die rechtsphilosophie des Jean Jacques Rousseau.Moritz Liepmann - 1898 - Berlin,: J. Guttentag, verlagsbuchhandlung.
    Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Staatstheorien. This book, "Rechtsphilosophie Des Jean Jacques Rousseau," by Moritz Liepmann, is a replication of a book originally published before 1898. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible.
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    The role of theology in the history and philosophy of science.Joshua M. Moritz - 2017 - Leiden, The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill NV.
    After a bibliographic introduction highlighting various research trends in science and religion, Joshua Moritz explores how the current academic and conceptual landscape of theology and science has been shaped by the history of science, even as theology has informed the philosophical foundations of science. The first part assesses the historical interactions of science and the Christian faith (looking at the cases of human dissection in the Middle Ages and the Galileo affair) in order to challenge the common notion that (...)
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  46.  52
    Practical reasoning and degrees of outright belief.Moritz Schulz - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8069-8090.
    According to a suggestion by Williamson, outright belief comes in degrees: one has a high/low degree of belief iff one is willing to rely on the content of one’s belief in high/low-stakes practical reasoning. This paper develops an epistemic norm for degrees of outright belief so construed. Starting from the assumption that outright belief aims at knowledge, it is argued that degrees of belief aim at various levels of strong knowledge, that is, knowledge which satisfies particularly high epistemic standards. This (...)
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    (1 other version)Fragen der Ethik.Moritz Schlick - 1930 - Wien,: J. Springer. Edited by Rainer Hegselmann.
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    Strong knowledge, weak belief?Moritz Schulz - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8741-8753.
    According to the knowledge norm of belief, one should believe p only if one knows p. However, it can easily seem that the ordinary notion of belief is much weaker than the knowledge norm would have it. It is possible to rationally believe things one knows to be unknown The aim of belief, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013). One response to this observation is to develop a technical notion of ‘outright’ belief. A challenge for this line of response is to (...)
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  49.  45
    Conceptualizing Interstate Cooperation.Moritz S. Graefrath & Marcel Jahn - 2023 - International Theory 15 (1):24-52.
    There seems to exist a general consensus on how to conceptualize cooperation in the field of international relations (IR). We argue that this impression is deceptive. In practice, scholars working on the causes of international cooperation have come to implicitly employ various understandings of what cooperation is. Yet, an explicit debate about the discipline's conceptual foundations never materialized, and whatever discussion occurred did so only latently and without much dialog across theoretical traditions. In this paper, we develop an updated conceptual (...)
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  50. General Theory of Knowledge.Moritz Schlick & Albert E. Blumberg - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):369-382.
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