Results for 'Monzer Kahf'

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  1.  36
    Design of Islamic Financial Certificates for Housing Development in Algeria.Imene Tabet & Monzer Kahf - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26:485-511.
    Algeria depends solely on publicly produced housing. Algeria’shousing industry has been lagging behind in its development. This has causedmany citizens to struggle with finding proper housing. Aside from being oneof the highest countries in terms of rent rates, construction and distribution ofpublic houses in Algeria takes more than 15 years of waiting. Despite that thequality of the housing is bad. This paper proposes Shari’ah-compliant housingcertificates, a new Islamic financial instrument that would assist in houseconstruction in Algeria. This instrument uses Istisnaʽ (...)
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  2.  13
    The Problem of Evil in the Qur'an: In the Context of Surah al-Kahf Verses 66-82.Mikail İpek - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (1):1-35.
    In this study, Surah al-Kahf verses 66-82 are discussed in the context of the problem of evil. According to us, the events that take place in the parable of Moses-Hizir in the verses are closely related to the problem of evil. In the study, firstly, the nature and historical background of the problem of evil is discussed. Then, the approaches to the problem of evil and the theodicy theories were analyzed and the perceptions of the problem of evil in (...)
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    A Comment On Ashaab-El-Kahf In Modern Times: Ayışığı Sofrası.Demi̇r Hiclal - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    La sura de la Caverna como diálogo intercultural y metahistórico en el Corán.Antonio de Diego González - 2022 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 5 (2):23-40.
    La sura de La Caverna (al-Kahf) es uno de los espacios simbólicos más vibrantes y fascinantes de todo el texto coránico. Esta sura recoge cuatro grandes narraciones simbólicas e interculturales con claras referencias a la tradición judía (Mishná, Talmud), al mundo clásico (los durmientes de Éfeso, Alejandro Magno) y a la antigüedad tardía (las visiones del mundo siriaco) en un contexto puramente intercultural. Unas narraciones que trascienden desde lo histórico hacia lo metahistórico, elaboradas en un tiempo kairológico y que (...)
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  5.  14
    On the Interpretation of the Verses Related to the Anecdote of Moses-Khidr in the Framework of Sufism.İskender ŞAHİN - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):215-249.
    Aiming to raise a human being in line with Allah's will, the sufi people applied to the Qur’an at every stage and gave it the necessary value. In order to benefit from the Qur'an much more, they did not neglect to explain it in line with their own perspectives and experiences, and they wrote many valuable isharī tafsir. In this context, they evaluated some practices and manners of sufism on the axis of the Qur'an and interpreted the relevant verses in (...)
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  6. Qurʼan, the fundamental law of human life: being a commentary of the Holy Qurʼan keeping in view the philosophical thought, scientific research, political, economical, and social developments in the human society down the ages.Syed Anwer Ali - 1982 - Karachi: Syed Publications.
    v. 1. Introduction to the study of Qurʼan -- v. 2. Surat ul-Faateha to Surat-ul-Baqarah (sections 1-21) -- v. 3. Surat-ul-Baqarah (sections 22 to 37) -- v. 4. Surat-ul-Baqarah (sections 38-40), Surat Aal-e-Imran, Surat-un-Nisa (sections 1 and 2) -- v. 5. Surat-un-Nisa (sections 3 to 24), Surat Al-Maaʼidah (complete), Surat Al-Anʼaam (sections 1-5) -- v. 6. Surat Al-Anʼaam (sections 6-20) -- v. 7. Surat Yunus to Surat Ibrahim -- v. 8. Surat al-Hijr to Surat al-kahf -- v. 9. Surat (...)
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