Results for 'Monique Gadant'

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  1.  78
    The Newly Veiled Woman: Irigaray, Specularity, and the Islamic Veil.Anne-Emmanuelle Berger - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):93-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Newly Veiled Woman: Irigaray, Specularity, and the Islamic VeilAnne-Emmanuelle Berger (bio)In 1995, in a piece published in a special issue of Les temps modernes devoted to the Algerian “Guerre des frères,” the late Monique Gadant, a sociologist of postcolonial Algeria, called for a dispassionate reflection on the reasons why a sizable number of Algerian women, in Algeria but also in France, decided to wear the hijab, (...)
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  2. A Humean approach to assessing the moral significance of ultra-violent video games.Monique Wonderly - 2008 - Ethics and Information Technology 10 (1):1-10.
    Although the word empathy only recently came into existence, eighteenth century philosopher, David Hume, significantly contributed to our current understanding of the term. Hume was among the first to suggest that an empathic mechanism is the central means by which we make ethical judgments and glean moral knowledge. In this paper, I explore Hume's moral sentimentalism, and I argue that his conception of empathy provides a surprisingly apposite framework for interpreting and addressing a current issue in practical ethics: the moral (...)
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    Introduction: symposium on Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements.Monique Deveaux - 2023 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (3):221-224.
    This symposium on Monique Deveaux’s Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements includes commentaries by Sally Matthews, Renante D. Pilapil, Violetta Igneski, and Wouter Peeters, with a reply from Deveaux. The book makes the case that normative thinking about poverty should engage closely with the aims, insights, and actions of poor-led organizations and social movements. Challenging conventional framings of poverty by moral philosophers, Deveaux argues that chronic poverty is centrally about the subordination and dispossession of the poor – not mere (...)
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    Clinical Trials of Xenotransplantation: Waiver of the Right to Withdraw from a Clinical Trial Should Be Required.Monique A. Spillman & Robert M. Sade - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (2):265-272.
    Xenotransplantation is defined as “any procedure that involves the transplantation, implantation, or infusion into a human recipient of either live cells, tissues, or organs from a nonhuman animal source, or human body fluids, cells, tissues or organs that have had ex vivo contact with live nonhuman animal cells, tissues, or organs.” Xenotransplantation has been viewed by desperate patients and their surgeons as a solution to the problem of the paucity of human organs available for transplantation. Foes of xenotransplantation argue that (...)
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    La formation du radicalisme philosophique by Elie Halévy.Monique Canto-Sperber Editor & Philippe Mongin Editors Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Pierre Bouretz (eds.) - 1995 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Élie HALÉVY (1870-1937), philosophe et historien des idées, fut professeur à l'École libre des sciences politiques, l'ancêtre de l'actuel Sciences Po. Comme son autre grand ouvrage, l'Histoire du peuple anglais au XIXe siècle, paru en six tomes de 1913 à 1932, les trois tomes de La formation du radicalisme philosophique, parus en 1901 pour les deux premiers et en 1904 pour le troisième, reflètent pour partie ses enseignements de l'Ecole libre consacrés à l'histoire britannique. Le premier tome, La jeunesse de (...)
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    A New Conceptual ‘Cylinder’ Framework for Sustainable Bioeconomy Systems and Their Actors.Monique Axelos, Mechthild Donner & Hugo de Vries - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-26.
    Concepts for sustainable bioeconomy systems are gradually replacing the ones on linear product chains. The reason is that continuously expanding linear chain activities are considered to contribute to climate change, reduced biodiversity, over-exploitation of resources, food insecurity, and the double burden of disease. Are sustainable bioeconomy systems a guarantee for a healthy planet? If yes, why, when, and how? In literature, different sustainability indicators have been presented to shed light on this complicated question. Due to high degrees of complexity and (...)
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    Coeur à coeur de jumeau--: correspondance avec Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin: 1901-1913. Alain & Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin - 2009 - Le Vésinet: Institut Alain. Edited by Marie-Monique Morre-Lambelin.
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    Ability versus vulnerability: Beliefs about men's and women's emotional behaviour.Monique Timmers, Agneta Fischer & Antony Manstead - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (1):41-63.
    In the present research we investigated gender-specific beliefs about emotional behaviour. In Study 1, 180 respondents rated the extent to which they agreed with different types of beliefs (prescriptive, descriptive, stereotypical, and contra-stereotypical) regarding the emotional behaviour of men and women. As anticipated, respondents agreed more with descriptive than with prescriptive beliefs, and more with stereotypical than with contra-stereotypical beliefs. However, respondents agreed more with stereotypical beliefs about the emotional behaviour of women than with those about men. These results were (...)
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  9. Are emotions a kind of practice (and is that what makes them have a history)? A Bourdieuian approach to understanding emotion.Monique Scheer - 2012 - History and Theory 51 (2):193-220.
    The term “emotional practices” is gaining currency in the historical study of emotions. This essay discusses the theoretical and methodological implications of this concept. A definition of emotion informed by practice theory promises to bridge persistent dichotomies with which historians of emotion grapple, such as body and mind, structure and agency, as well as expression and experience. Practice theory emphasizes the importance of habituation and social context and is thus consistent with, and could enrich, psychological models of situated, distributed, and (...)
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    A Woman in Full.Monique A. Spillman & Robert M. Sade - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):32-34.
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    Images de la croix chez Tauler et Suso.Monique Gruber - 2001 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 75 (4):516-521.
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    Midden- en Oosteuropese migranten in de Lage Landen.Monique Kremer, Jeroen Doomernik, François Levrau & Christiane Timmerman - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (4):503-521.
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    A Experiência do método.Monique Farhi & Leon Farhi Neto - 2020 - Perspectivas 5 (1):75-94.
    Traduação do texto L’expérience de la méthode, de Caroline Blanvillain.
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  14. Love and Attachment.Monique Wonderly - 2017 - American Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):232-250.
    It is not uncommon for philosophers to name disinterestedness, or some like feature, as an essential characteristic of love. Such theorists claim that in genuine love, one’s concern for her beloved must be non-instrumental, non-egocentric, or even selfless. These views prompt the question, “What, if any, positive role might self-interestedness play in genuine love?” In this paper, I argue that attachment, an attitude marked primarily by self-focused emotions and emotional predispositions, helps constitute the meaning and import of at least some (...)
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  15. On being attached.Monique Wonderly - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):223-242.
    We often use the term “attachment” to describe our emotional connectedness to objects in the world. We become attached to our careers, to our homes, to certain ideas, and perhaps most importantly, to other people. Interestingly, despite its import and ubiquity in our everyday lives, the topic of attachment per se has been largely ignored in the philosophy literature. I address this lacuna by identifying attachment as a rich “mode of mattering” that can help to inform certain aspects of agency (...)
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    Making myself.Monique Moultrie - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (2):314-336.
    Journal of Religious Ethics, Volume 49, Issue 2, Page 314-336, June 2021.
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  17. Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-led Social Movements.Monique Deveaux - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book, now open-access from OUP, develops a normative theory of political responsibility for solidarity with poor populations by engaging closely with empirical studies of poor-led social movements in the Global South. Monique Deveaux rejects familiar ethical framings of problems of poverty and inequality by arguing that normative thinking about antipoverty remedies needs to engage closely with the aims, insights, and actions of “pro-poor,” poor-led social movements. Defending the idea of a political responsibility for solidarity, nonpoor outsiders—individuals, institutions, and (...)
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  18.  23
    Arts of address: being alive to language and the world.Monique Roelofs - 2020 - New York City: Columbia University Press.
    Monique Roelofs offers a pathbreaking systematic model of the field of address and puts it to work in the arts, critical theory, and social life. She shows how address props up finely hewn modalities of relationality, agency, and normativity. Address exceeds a one-on-one pairing of cultural productions with their audiences. As ardently energizing tiny slippages and snippets as fueling larger impulses in the society, it activates and reaestheticizes registers of race, gender, class, coloniality, and cosmopolitanism. In readings of writers (...)
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    Privacy and Health Practices in the Digital Age.Monique Pyrrho, Leonardo Cambraia & Viviane Ferreira de Vasconcelos - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):50-59.
    Increasing privacy concerns are arising from expanding use of aggregated personal information in health practices. Conversely, in light of the promising benefits of data driven healthcare, privacy...
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  20. Genealogy of Masculinity.Monique Schneider - 2004 - In Kelly Oliver & Lisa Mae-Helen Walsh, Contemporary French Feminism. Oxford University Press. pp. 128.
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    How the TRPA1 receptor transmits painful stimuli: Inner workings revealed by electron cryomicroscopy.Monique S. J. Brewster & Rachelle Gaudet - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (11):1184-1192.
    A new high‐resolution structure of a pain‐sensing ion channel, TRPA1, provides a molecular scaffold to understand channel function. Unexpected structural features include a TRP‐domain helix similar to TRPV1, a novel ligand‐binding site, and an unusual C‐terminal coiled coil stabilized by inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6). TRP‐domain helices, which structurally act as a nexus for communication between the channel gates and its other domains, may thus be a feature conserved across the entire TRP family and, possibly, other allosterically‐gated channels. Similarly, the TRPA1 antagonist‐binding (...)
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    Depuis que je vous ai adoptés.Monique Brillaux - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 177 (3):75-80.
    L’adoption en Polynésie repose encore sur des fondements culturels, même si la procédure de celle-ci s’inscrit dans la loi française. Sans mystère des origines, l’enfant se sait faa’amu dans la tradition polynésienne. Il sait qu’il est donné, confié à une autre famille et le système de parenté détermine sa place. Cette parenté sociale apparaît comme une règle fondatrice. L’adoption en Polynésie s’inscrit également dans un accord des volontés privées, de ce fait elle se nomme pour deux années « délégation d’autorité (...)
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    Labor as Embodied Practice: The Lessons of Care Work.Monique Lanoix - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (1):85-100.
    In post-Fordist economies, the nature of laboring activities can no longer be subsumed under a Taylorized model of labor, and the service sector now constitutes a larger share of the market. For Maurizio Lazzarato, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, and other theorists in the post-Marxist tradition, labor has changed from a commodity-producing activity to one that does not produce a material object. For these authors, this new type of labor is immaterial labor and entails communicative acts as well as added worker (...)
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  24.  46
    Entre refus de l'assignation et norme de genre?: regards anthropologiques.Monique Selim & Pascale Absi - 2010 - Multitudes 42 (3):67.
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  25. Astral Plantations.Monique Allewaert - 2021 - In Branka Arsic? & Vesna Kuiken, Dispersion: Thoreau and vegetal thought. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  26.  31
    Heterarchies of Value in Manhattan-Based New Media Firms.Monique Girard & David Stark - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (3):77-105.
    This article develops a sociology of worth that blurs the traditional disciplinary divide between economic value and social values. Through ethnographic study of a new media startup in Manhattan's Silicon Alley, we examine how a new firm in an emerging industry negotiates an uncertain environment where metrics gauging performance remain illusive as the industry itself gropes toward a clearer definition of its content and contours. Faced with complex foresight horizons, new media firms must develop an organizational capacity for learning, innovation, (...)
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    Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art. [REVIEW]Monique Roelofs - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (4):399-401.
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    Empathic forecasting: How do we predict other people's feelings?Monique Mh Pollmann & Catrin Finkenauer - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (5):978-1001.
  29. Forgiving, Committing, and Un‐forgiving.Monique Wonderly - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (2):474-488.
    Theorists often conceive of forgiveness as “wiping the slate clean” or something of the sort with respect to the offender’s moral infraction. This raises a puzzle concerning how (or whether) the relevant wrongdoing can continue to play a role in the forgiver’s deliberations, attitudes, and practical orientation toward the offender once forgiveness has taken place. For example, consider an agent who forgives her offender for an act of wrongdoing only to later blame her again for that very same act. Is (...)
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  30. The Citizen in Question.Monique Lanoix - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (4):113-129.
    This essay examines the citizen's apparent agelessness that is foundational to liberal democratic theories. By engaging the notion of citizenship rights, Lanoix challenges this assumed perpetual adulthood and argues for a new way of conceptualizing the citizen. The broader notion of citizen as cohabitant allows for the changing relationship a citizen will have with her citizenship rights and accommodates individuals who are not self-governing but who, nonetheless, share a democratic space.
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    The C3 Conditional: A Variably Strict Ordinary-Language Conditional.Monique Whitaker - 2016 - Dissertation, Cuny
    In this dissertation I provide a novel logic of the ordinary-language conditional. First, however, I endeavor to make clearer and more precise just what the objects of the study of the conditional are, as a lack of clarity as to what counts as an instance of a given category of conditional has resulted in deep and significant confusions in subsequent analysis. I motivate for a factual/counterfactual distinction, though not at the level of particular instances of the conditional. Instead, I argue (...)
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    The Concept of Ambiguity. The Example of James.Monique A. Bilezikian & Shlomith Rimmon - 1978 - Substance 6 (20):140.
  33.  29
    Encadré : Un réseau scientifique francophone en sciences sociales.Monique Hirschhorn - 2004 - Hermes 40:176.
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    Die transzendentale Reflexion und der Begriff des Noumenon in negativer Bedeutung.Monique Hulshof - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 621-632.
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    From Individual Exile to Collective Exile, or How to Build a Civil Society.Monique Selz - 2020 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 47:55-71.
    Dans la Genèse, l’exil abrahamique, paradigme d’un mouvement qui constitue le premier pas de la réalisation de l’homme, est caractérisé par une séparation et une mise en route. C’est le début du temps historique. L’Exode fait le récit d’un exil collectif sous la houlette de Moïse : la sortie d’Égypte, le séjour dans le désert, avant d’atteindre la Terre promise. Ce séjour dans le désert est le temps d’initiation des Hébreux à la vie sociale. D’un assemblage de tribus, les Hébreux (...)
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    En quête d’une morale des sexes?Monique Selim - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):177-185.
    Le mot de « phallocratie » des années 1970 est remplacé par celui de « patriarcat » dans le mouvement des femmes des années 2010. Ce changement s’accompagne d’une dépolitisation du mouvement, aujourd’hui soucieux, avant tout, d’obtenir des actions gouvernementales efficaces, et ouvert à toutes les opinions politiques. Il s’ensuit une forte demande de moralisation des comportements comme en témoigne le travail de l’unité de « dépatriarcalisation » du ministère du tourisme en Bolivie.
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    La réislamisation de la société bengladeshi.Monique Selim - 2021 - Multitudes 83 (2):156-162.
    L’histoire politique du Bangladesh, complexe et contradictoire, démonte tous les fantasmes entretenus aujourd’hui sur l’islam, érigé en ennemi global prenant la suite du défunt communisme. Le pays est devenu indépendant en 1971 après une guerre de libération meurtrière qui a vu sa population musulmane s’affronter au Pakistan, créé par l’ex-colonisateur anglais de l’Inde comme nation musulmane. Son gouvernement s’affirme d’abord laïc avant de décréter l’islam religion d’État et d’entamer une profonde réislamisation de la société. Aujourd’hui cette dictature militaire islamique avec (...)
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    " Agents of Aggressive Order": Letters, Hands, and the Grasping Power of Teeth in the Early Canadian Torture Narrative.Monique Tschofen - 2007 - Mediatropes 1 (1):19-41.
    This paper brings together a most fascinating and under-examined body of early New World writing that belong to a genre of writing I call “the torture narrative” with the insights of Marshall McLuhan in order to offer a way of thinking about body parts, especially hands, teeth, tongues, and eyeballs, and their extensions through technologies such as alphabets, manuscripts, books, and weapons. At its core are questions about the nature and effects of the changes wrought by the early-Gutenberg era—a period (...)
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    Poor-Led Social Movements and Global Justice.Monique Deveaux - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (5):698-725.
    Political philosophers’ prescriptions for poverty alleviation have overlooked the importance of social movements led by, and for, the poor in the global South. I argue that these movements are normatively and politically significant for poverty reduction strategies and global justice generally. While often excluded from formal political processes, organized poor communities nonetheless lay the groundwork for more radical, pro-poor forms of change through their grassroots resistance and organizing. Poor-led social movements politicize poverty by insisting that, fundamentally, it is caused by (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Global Poor as Agents of Justice.Monique Deveaux - 2013 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (4):125-150.
    “Agent-centered” approaches to global poverty insist that effective arguments for poverty reduction must specify the concrete duties of particular duty-bearers. This article takes up a recent, influential, version of this view, Thomas Pogge’s human rights-based argument for global economic reforms to reduce chronic deprivation. While signaling a welcome shift from the diffuse allocation of responsibilities common to much philosophical writing on poverty, I argue that Pogge’s approach too readily assigns to powerful institutions in the global North the role of devising (...)
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  41.  16
    Lacan, Mencius: la route chinoise de la psychanalyse.Monique Lauret - 2022 - Paris: CampagnePremière.
    Dans cet ouvrage, Monique Lauret retrace l'histoire du mouvement psychanalytique en Chine qui ne cesse de croître depuis les années 1980, analyse l'influence de la pensée chinoise sur la théorisation de Lacan, et établit des passerelles entre pensée chinoise et psychanalyse. Il existe un passage inattendu entre pensée chinoise et psychanalyse autour de la question de l'humanisation et du rêve. Lacan s'intéressa en particulier à trois notions de la philosophie chinoise: la nature, le désir et la sagesse (discernement). Il (...)
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  42. Can We Un-forgive?Monique Wonderly - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (6).
    Despite the recent explosion of philosophical literature on forgiveness, relatively few theorists have addressed the possibility of un-forgiving someone for a moral violation. And among those who have addressed the question, “Can we un-forgive?” we find little consensus. In this paper, I consider whether and in what sense forgiveness is rescindable, retractable, or otherwise reversible. In other words, I consider what it might mean to say that a victim who forgave her offender for a particular act of wrongdoing later un-forgave (...)
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    Regards d'Émile Poulat sur la crise moderniste. A propos de deux livres récents.Monique Foket - 1987 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 18 (1):57-69.
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    O estatuto da álgebra E da geometria nos textos metodológicos de Descartes.Monique Vivian Guedes - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 42:273-295.
    O caráter protocolar desempenhado pelas matemáticas na formulação do conceito cartesiano de ciência é amplamente difundido e frequentemente reinvocado na literatura especializada quando se trata de abordar a exigência apodítica inerente a este conceito. No entanto, pouco se explora o que a diversidade das disciplinas matemáticas bem como a relação entretida por elas permite trazer de elucidação à noção cartesiana de ciência. Nosso propósito consiste, aqui, em tomar posição quanto a um debate acerca do estatuto da álgebra e da geometria (...)
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    Proêmio à Filosofia prática universal, de Immanuel Kant.Monique Hulshof - 2014 - Discurso 44:285-294.
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  46. Shaping a culture of safety and security in researhc on emerging technologies : time to move beyond "simple compliance" ethics.Monique Ischi & Johannes Rath - 2019 - In Zvonimir Koporc, Ethics and integrity in health and life sciences research. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.
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    Onderzoek naar kiesstelselhervormingen doorgelicht.Monique Leyenaar & Reuven Y. Hazan - 2011 - Res Publica 53 (3):369-371.
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    Hommage à : Pierre SCHAEFFER.Monique Sicard - 1995 - Hermes 17:393.
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    Response to Marie‐Françoise Collière: using anthropology to analyse healthcare situations.Monique Skidmore - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (4):279-281.
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    Au nom des femmes.Monique Selim - 2016 - Multitudes 63 (2):9-14.
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