Results for 'Mohammad Sabri'

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  1.  45
    The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Financial Performance: Evidence from the GCC Islamic Banking Sector.Elena Platonova, Mehmet Asutay, Rob Dixon & Sabri Mohammad - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):451-471.
    This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance for Islamic banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council region over the period 2000–2014 by generating CSR-related data through disclosure analysis of the annual reports of the sampled banks. The findings of this study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between CSR disclosure and the financial performance of Islamic banks in the GCC countries. The results also show a positive relationship between CSR disclosure and the future financial (...)
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    Three-Dimensional (3D) Printing of Organs according to the Perspective of Islamic Law.Anir Mursyida Sabri, Mohd Anuar Ramli, Noor Naemah Abdul Rahman & Mohammad Naqib Hamdan - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (1):69-80.
    The outburst of the fourth Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on many aspects of life. The discovery of new technologies in medicine has resulted in innovations: organ transplants. The introduction of three-dimensional (3D) organ printing technology promises improvements to the field. Organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart and others are printed to meet the needs of the actual organs. However, the production of prototype organs to replace the original organs is associated with the issue of changing the creation (...)
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    Does Viral Communication Context Increase the Harmfulness of Controversial Taboo Advertising?Ouidade Sabri - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (2):235-247.
    Controversial taboo appeals as an executional cue in viral advertising have commonly been used by advertisers. In this context, the study investigates the role of medium context on the effectiveness of controversial taboo ads. By implementing a tightly controlled experiment which deals with controversial taboo ads embedded in a press article and in a viral context, the study finds that the viral medium context does not lead to a more positive attitude toward the embedded brand or to more positive purchase (...)
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    A Bio-Bibliography for Biruni: Abu Raihan Mohammad Ibn Ahmad.Mohammad Kamiar - 2006 - Scarecrow Press.
    Divided into five parts, the book provides general background information on Biruni's time, his world, and his life. It includes the full names of the 183 books written by Biruni. The titles of these books are given in Arabic, Persian, transliteration of the Arabic title, and English, and they are all annotated and if available the number of folios is given for each one. A list of available references in English on Biruni, including articles, bibliographies, books, internet sites, a dissertation, (...)
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    Tensions between politico‐institutional factors and accounting regulation in a developing economy: insights from institutional theory.Mohammad Nurunnabi - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):398-424.
    The study contributes to building an understanding of the impact of political forces on the information environment of listed firms in a developing economy. Specifically, it investigates the tensions between politico-institutional factors and accounting regulation on the prolonged and incomplete implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards in Bangladesh from 1998 to 2010. Two phases of interviews were conducted in 2010–2011 and IFRS-related enforcement documents from 1998 to 2010 were evaluated. The study contributes that IFRSs are being diffused to developing (...)
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  6.  49
    John Dewey's impact on Turkish education.Sabrİ Büyükdüvencİ - 1994 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 13 (3):393-400.
    The cultural characteristics of any country generally give shape to the educational system. However, no country can assert its own educational system to be wholly indigenous. All the systems come into being as a synthesis of various ingredients of the home country and other countries. And it is quite natural to make use of the experiences and stock of knowledge of the others. This fact is indispensable especially when education is concerned. The curicial problem is to what extent the “borrowing (...)
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  7.  12
    Makaleler.Sabri F. Ülgener - 2006 - İstanbul: Derin Yayınları. Edited by Ahmed Güner Sayar.
  8.  18
    Balkan Savaşlarının 100. Yılında Bolayır.Ihsan Sabri Balkaya - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):91-100.
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    Continuities and changes: The early dynamics of the ottoman madrasa.Ahmad Sabri, Meirison Meirison & Jhoni Warmansyah - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):23-38.
    This article discusses continuities and changes of educational institutions during the political transition from the Seljuq dynasty to the Ottoman sultanate. It diachronically examines elements of education which were transformed and adapted into a new political structure under the political regime, the Ottoman. This article will closely look at institutional transformation and educational curricula as to which the changing political regime affected contents and management of Islamic education. This article further argues that the political transformation from the Seljuq to the (...)
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    Lewis E. Hahn, ed., The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne.Mohammad Valady - 1994 - International Studies in Philosophy 26 (4):133-135.
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  11.  36
    Human dignity in religion-embedded cross-cultural nursing.Mohammad A. Cheraghi, Arpi Manookian & Alireza N. Nasrabadi - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (8):916-928.
    Background: Although human dignity is an unconditional value of every human being, it can be shattered by extrinsic factors. It is necessary to discover the authentic meaning of patients’ dignity preservation from different religious perspectives to provide professional cross-cultural care in a diverse setting. Research objective: This article identifies common experiences of Iranian Muslim and Armenian Christian patients regarding dignified care at the bedside. Research design: This is a qualitative study of participants’ experiences of dignified care elicited by individual in-depth (...)
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  12.  34
    Control of non-integer-order dynamical systems using sliding mode scheme.Mohammad Pourmahmood Aghababa - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):224-233.
  13.  78
    Ethical cognition of business students individually and in groups.Mohammad J. Abdolmohammadi, David R. L. Gabhart & M. Francis Reeves - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (16):1717-1725.
    This study provides evidence regarding the level of ethical cognition of business students at the entry to college as compared to a national norm. It also provides comparative evidence on the effects of group versus individual ethical cognition upon completion of a business ethics course. The Principled Score (P-score) from the Defining Issues Test (DIT) was used to measure the ethical cognition of a total sample of 301 business students (273 entering students plus 28 students in a business ethics course). (...)
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  14.  47
    Barriers to ethical decision-making for pre-hospital care professionals.Mohammad Torabi, Fariba Borhani, Abbas Abbaszadeh & Foroozan Atashzadeh-Shoorideh - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):407-418.
    Background: Emergency care providers are frequently faces with situations in which they have to make decisions quickly in stressful situations. They face barriers to ethical decision-making and recognizing and finding solutions to these barriers helps them to make ethical decision. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify barriers of ethical decision-making in Iranian Emergency Medical Service personnel. Methods: In this qualitative research, the participants (n = 15) were selected using the purposive sampling method, and the data were collected (...)
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  15.  5
    Usulcülere Göre Hükümde Tefvîz.Sabri Erturhan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):746-772.
    Tefvîz meselesi ictihada başvurmaksızın ilkten hüküm koyma esasına dayanan girift bir meseledir. Şer’î ahkâmın kaynağı ya vahiy veya vahyin ışığında ictihaddır. Tefvîzde ise hüküm herhangi bir vahiy veya ictihada dayanmayıp, Allah tarafından daha önce verilen yetkiye dayanmaktadır. Tefvîzde ilkten ve re’sen bir hüküm koyma söz konusudur. Usulcüler arasında böyle bir yetkinin imkanı tartışılmış, mesele etrafında kabul ve red şeklinde temel iki görüş ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu ihtilafın temelinde hüsün ve kubuh etrafındaki kelamî tartışmaların önemli rol oynadığı anlaşılmaktadır. Tefvîzi kabul eden usulcüler (...)
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    Spiritual well-being and moral distress among Iranian nurses.Mohammad Ali Soleimani, Saeed Pahlevan Sharif, Ameneh Yaghoobzadeh, Mohammad Reza Sheikhi, Bianca Panarello & Ma Thin Mar Win - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1101-1113.
    Background: Moral distress is increasingly recognized as a problem affecting healthcare professionals, especially nurses. If not addressed, it may create job dissatisfaction, withdrawal from the moral dimensions of patient care, or even encourage one to leave the profession. Spiritual well-being is a concept which is considered when dealing with problems and stress relating to a variety of issues. Objective: This research aimed to examine the relationship between spiritual well-being and moral distress among a sample of Iranian nurses and also to (...)
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  17.  29
    The Detrimental Effect of Cause-Related Marketing Parodies.Ouidade Sabri - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):517-537.
    Cause-related marketing, defined as a firm’s communication activities designed to promote a consumer good or service by including an offer to contribute a specified amount to a designated nonprofit cause, has become a preponderant practice. In tandem with the development of CrM activities, criticism of CrM has increased; critics note that some CrM claims mislead consumers regarding their purchases’ donative impact. Critics such as consumers and nonprofit advocates are using ad parodies, noncommercial messages that mimic an actual advertisement. In this (...)
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  18.  29
    Replies to Cory, El-Bizri, Mou and Pessin.Mohammad Azadpur - 2012 - Comparative Philosophy 3 (2):47.
  19.  27
    Philosophical conceptions of identity and culture.Sabri Büyükdüvenci - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (1-2):25-26.
    Identity and culture as the main concepts of INPE '94 were analyzed from philosophical perspectives that questioned their implications for our era of globalization. The formation of identities in a cultural context and their relationships with education gave focus to discussion. In other words, the effects of culture upon the individual and the role of education in strengthening or degrading these effects afforded the main concerns of our topical group.
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  20.  18
    Towards actualizing Islamic ethical and educational principles in Malaysian society: some critical observations.Mohammad Kamal Hassan - 1996 - Petaling Jaya, Selangor: Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia.
  21.  15
    Al-Ghazâlî on justice and social justice.Sabri Orman - 2020 - Istanbul: Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.
  22.  8
    De l'humanisme au rationalisme.J. B. Sabrié - 1970 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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    What is cinéma vérité?Mohammad Ali Issari - 1979 - Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press. Edited by Doris Atkinson Paul.
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  24.  21
    Mistisisme dan Hal-hal Tak Tercakapkan : Menimbang Epistemologi Hudhūrī.Muhammad Sabri - 2012 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 2 (1):71.
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  25.  12
    Islam the ultimate faith.Mohammad Salim - 1995 - Srinagar: Rebus Pub. House.
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  26.  65
    RuleRS: a rule-based architecture for decision support systems.Mohammad Badiul Islam & Guido Governatori - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (4):315-344.
    Decision-makers in governments, enterprises, businesses and agencies or individuals, typically, make decisions according to various regulations, guidelines and policies based on existing records stored in various databases, in particular, relational databases. To assist decision-makers, an expert system, encompasses interactive computer-based systems or subsystems to support the decision-making process. Typically, most expert systems are built on top of transaction systems, databases, and data models and restricted in decision-making to the analysis, processing and presenting data and information, and they do not provide (...)
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  27.  32
    Does Group Reasoning Improve Ethical Reasoning?Mohammad J. Abdolmohammadi & M. Francis Reeves - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (1):127-137.
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  28.  37
    Multinational state building: considering and continuing the work of Juan Linz.Mohammad-Saïd Darviche & William Genieys (eds.) - 2008 - Montpellier: Pôle Sud.
    INTRODUCTION: BUILDING DEMOCRATIC STATES ON NATIONAL DIVERSITY Mohammad-Saïd Darviche & William Genieys Juan J. Linz is one of the most famous scholars in ...
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  29. Divine simplicity.Mohammad Saeedimehr - 2007 - Topoi 26 (2):191-199.
    According to a doctrine widely held by most medieval philosophers and theologians, whether in the Muslim or Christian world, there are no metaphysical distinctions in God whatsoever. As a result of the compendious theorizing that has been done on this issue, the doctrine, usually called the doctrine of divine simplicity, has been bestowed a prominent status in both Islamic and Christian philosophical theology. In Islamic philosophy some well-known philosophers, such as Ibn Sina (980–1037) and Mulla Sadra (1571–1640), developed this doctrine (...)
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    Basic Propositional Calculus I.Mohammad Ardeshir & Wim Ruitenburg - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (3):317-343.
    We present an axiomatization for Basic Propositional Calculus BPC and give a completeness theorem for the class of transitive Kripke structures. We present several refinements, including a completeness theorem for irreflexive trees. The class of intermediate logics includes two maximal nodes, one being Classical Propositional Calculus CPC, the other being E1, a theory axiomatized by T → ⊥. The intersection CPC ∩ E1 is axiomatizable by the Principle of the Excluded Middle A V ∨ ⌝A. If B is a formula (...)
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  31.  27
    Ownership is (likely to be) a moral foundation.Mohammad Atari & Jonathan Haidt - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e326.
    Boyer presents a compelling account of ownership as the outcome of interaction between two evolved cognitive systems. We integrate this model into current discussions of moral pluralism, suggesting that ownership meets the criteria to be a moral foundation. We caution against ignoring cultural variation in ownership norms and against explaining complex, contested moral phenomena using a monist approach.
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  32. Teologiska föreställningar för och emot yttrandefrihet i muslimsk kontext.Mohammad Fazlhashemi - 2018 - In Bo Lindberg (ed.), Opinionsfrihet och religion. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien.
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    Ibn Taymiyyah on Reason and Revelation in Ethics.Mohammad Hassan Khalil - 2006 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 2 (1):103-132.
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    Basic Propositional Calculus II. Interpolation: II. Interpolation.Mohammad Ardeshir & Wim Ruitenburg - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (5):349-364.
    Let ℒ and ? be propositional languages over Basic Propositional Calculus, and ℳ = ℒ∩?. Weprove two different but interrelated interpolation theorems. First, suppose that Π is a sequent theory over ℒ, and Σ∪ {C⇒C′} is a set of sequents over ?, such that Π,Σ⊢C⇒C′. Then there is a sequent theory Φ over ℳ such that Π⊢Φ and Φ, Σ⊢C⇒C′. Second, let A be a formula over ℒ, and C 1, C 2 be formulas over ?, such that A∧C 1⊢C (...)
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  35.  77
    Islamic philosophy and the challenge of cloning.Mohammad Motahari Farimani - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):145-152.
    Abstract.Scientific achievements, especially in contemporary biology, have led and continue to lead to uncertainties for some believers with regard to their understanding of the role of God as the creator. This essay, avoiding philosophical jargon, expounds the stance of Islamic philosophy on this matter and argues that such anxiety and doubt are unfounded. Drawing upon the thousand‐year‐old distinction between two types of cause, real and preparatory, as formulated by Muslim philosophers, the argument demonstrates that seeing biological advances as rivaling God's (...)
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  36.  36
    An exact feature selection algorithm based on rough set theory.Mohammad Taghi Rezvan, Ali Zeinal Hamadani & Seyed Reza Hejazi - 2015 - Complexity 20 (5):50-62.
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  37. The Impact of Communication Skills Training on Social Empowerment and Social Adjustment of Slow-paced Adolescents.Mohammad Tahan - 2020 - Journal of Educational Cultural and Psychological Studies 1 (1).
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    Interactive perception for amplification of intended behavior in complex noisy environments.Yasser Mohammad & Toyoaki Nishida - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (2):167-186.
    The detection of a human’s intended behavior is one of the most important skills that a social robot should have in order to become acceptable as a part of human society, because humans are used to understand the actions of other humans in a goal-directed manner and they will expect the social robot to behave similarly. A breakthrough in this area can advance several research branches related to social intelligence such as learning by imitation and mutual adaptation. To achieve this (...)
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  39.  28
    Revisiting the association between corporate governance and environmental performance: does the level of boardroom orientation matter.Sabri Boubaker, Rizwan Mushtaq, Ramsha Basharat & Asif Saeed - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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    Interpretation of ambiguous emotional information in clinically anxious children and adolescents.Mohammad R. Taghavi, Ali R. Moradi, Hamid T. Neshat-Doost, William Yule & Tim Dalgleish - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (6):809-822.
  41.  23
    C-XAI: A conceptual framework for designing XAI tools that support trust calibration.Mohammad Naiseh, Auste Simkute, Baraa Zieni, Nan Jiang & Raian Ali - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 17 (C):100076.
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    Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: Theories, Practices and Cases.Sabri Boubaker & Duc Khuong Nguyen (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Imprint: Springer.
    This book fills the gap between theories and practices of corporate governance in emerging markets by providing the reader with an in-depth understanding of governance mechanisms, practices and cases in these markets. It is an invaluable resource not only for academic researchers and graduate students in law, economics, management and finance, but also for people practicing governance such as lawmakers, policymakers and international organizations promoting best governance practices in emerging countries. Investors can benefit from this book to better understand of (...)
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  43.  24
    On Investigating the Effectiveness of Biometric Readers in Thwarting Network Attacks: A Secure Architecture Design Proposal.Mohammad M. Masud, Mohamed Al Hemairy & Zouheir Trabelsi - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (2):199-213.
    Biometrics readers are deployed in many public sites and are used for user identification and verification. Nowadays, most biometrics readers can be connected to local area networks, and consequently, they are potential targets for network attacks. This article investigates the robustness of several fingerprint and iris readers against common denial of service attacks. This investigation has been conducted using a set of laboratory experiments and DoS attack generator tools. The experiments show clearly that the tested biometric readers are very vulnerable (...)
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  44.  9
    Revisiting the Philosophical Foundations of Trademarks in the Us and Uk.Mohammad Amin Naser - 2010 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book challenges the philosophical foundations of current trademark systems in the USA and the UK. It argues that the process of trademark creation should be transformed to the more practical and realistic proposition of "co-authorship" of trademarks by both the public and trademark owners. The book develops the "Economic-Social Planning justification", which departs from the economic argument that trademarks reduce consumer search costs, and then proposes that trademarks should be formulated in a manner which helps foster a just and (...)
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  45.  58
    Stakeholder Salience for Stakeholder Firms: An Attempt to Reframe an Important Heuristic Device.Mohammad A. Ali - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):153-168.
    This work underscores the importance of answering the question: who are organizational stakeholders? It argues that stakeholder theory is a normative management theory, and there is a need to differentiate between stakeholder and non-stakeholder firms. It further argues that the overall organizational stakeholder orientation indicates how narrowly or broadly organizations define their stakeholders. Therefore, this work attempts to provide a stakeholder salience scheme for stakeholder organizations, i.e., organizations with accommodative and proactive stakeholder orientations. In the process, this work reviews key (...)
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  46.  29
    Completeness of the Gödel–Löb Provability Logic for the Filter Sequence of Normal Measures.Mohammad Golshani & Reihane Zoghifard - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):163-174.
    Assuming the existence of suitable large cardinals, we show it is consistent that the Provability logic $\mathbf {GL}$ is complete with respect to the filter sequence of normal measures. This result answers a question of Andreas Blass from 1990 and a related question of Beklemishev and Joosten.
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  47.  10
    A Comparative Analysis Between Islamic Theism and Atheism.Mohammad Rahman - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):40-49.
    The world can be divided between atheism and theism, a division that also fuels its social conflicts, moral outlook, and social evolution. If not for the question of why God did not create everything in peace, harmony, and reconciliation, we might not have seen this division. Atheism thrives and lives on the consideration of a merciful God allowing suffering, hardship, and punishment while theism on the belief in divine tests practiced through higher values. However, the arguments for theism and atheism (...)
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    Semiotic ladder: the schema of producing meanings in narrative.Mohammad Ali Mahmoodi & Fatemeh Savab - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (253):51-70.
    A model called the “semiotic ladder,” which consists of “consecutive semiotic squares,” is proposed in this paper, through which the meanings of the deep structure of a narrative can be depicted as fluid and dynamic. It shows the stages of producing meanings in the narrative, from beginning to end. To see this, several narratives in the epic and mythological genres are analyzed in order to discover their abstract and deep structural meanings, and to prove the dynamic nature of meaning in (...)
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    The tree property at double successors of singular cardinals of uncountable cofinality.Mohammad Golshani & Rahman Mohammadpour - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (2):164-175.
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  50.  43
    Psychometric evaluation of the Moral Distress Scale–Revised among Iranian Nurses.Mohammad Ali Soleimani, Saeed Pahlevan Sharif, Ameneh Yaghoobzadeh & Bianca Panarello - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1226-1242.
    Background: Experiencing moral distress is traumatic for nurses. Ignoring moral distress can lead to job dissatisfaction, improper handling in the care of patients, or even leaving the job. Thus, it is crucial to use valid and reliable instruments to measure moral distress. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability and the validity of the Persian version of the Moral Distress Scale–Revised among a sample of Iranian nurses. Research design: In this methodological study, 310 nurses were recruited (...)
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