Results for 'Mish Grigor'

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  1.  16
    On Care-fulness: Critical Creative Expressions of Care in a Feminist Theatre Research Project.Stacy Holman Jones, Daniel X. Harris, Alyson Campbell, Misha Myers, Peta Murray, Mish Grigor & Ripley Stevens - 2021 - Research in Arts and Education 4.
    In early 2020, as the first of many COVID lockdowns began across Australia, a collective of feminist and queer performance scholars and artists embarked on the research project Staging Australian Women’s Lives: Theatre, Feminism and Socially Engaged Art. Our aim was to document contributions of womxn theatre makers, while conducting a feminist analysis of strategies used to deal with gender inequality and oppression, on stage and off. While pivoting to the digital and the virtual, we recognised a need to support (...)
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    (1 other version)ADmathbbRAD_{mathbb {R}} A D R implies that all sets of reals are ThetaTheta Θ universally Baire.Grigor Sargsyan - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (1-2):1-15.
    We show that assuming the determinacy of all games on reals, every set of reals is \ universally baire.
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    Essais sur les logiques non chrysippiennes.Grigore C. Moisil - 1972 - Bucarest,: Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie.
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    Thought and object.James K. Mish'alani - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (2):185-201.
  5.  46
    Kafka: Text's Body, Body's Text.James K. Mish'alani - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):56-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:James K. Mish'alani KAFKA: TEXT'S BODY, BODY'S TEXT LONG BEFORE it appears in its own life as a bio-anatomical object, the body itself is integrally lived; and after it makes its appearance, lying or standing there ready for scrutiny, dissection, examination, it yields itself thus in its objectivity only to kindred bodily probing, wherein the hands that search, press, palpate and die roving eyes, the patient, closeheld ear, (...)
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    On Why There is a Problem of Supererogation.Nora Grigore - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):1141-1163.
    How can it be that some acts of very high moral value are not morally required? This is the problem of supererogation. I do not argue in favor of a particular answer. Instead, I analyze two opposing moral intuitions the problem involves. First, that one should always do one’s best. Second, that sometimes we are morally allowed not to do our best. To think that one always has to do one’s best is less plausible, as it makes every morally best (...)
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    Nontame mouse from the failure of square at a singular strong limit cardinal.Grigor Sargsyan - 2014 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 14 (1):1450003.
    Building on the work of Schimmerling [Coherent sequences and threads, Adv. Math.216 89–117] and Steel [PFA implies AD L, J. Symbolic Logic70 1255–1296], we show that the failure of square principle at a singular strong limit cardinal implies that there is a nontame mouse. The proof presented is the first inductive step beyond L of the core model induction that is aimed at getting a model of ADℝ + "Θ is regular" from the failure of square at a singular strong (...)
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    The limits of moral community and the limits of moral thought.James K. Mish'alani - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (2):131-141.
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    Existență și adevăr la Sören Kierkegaard.Grigore Popa - 1998 - Cluj: Ed. Dacia.
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    Lecturi filosofice.Grigore Traian Pop - 1991 - [București]: Scrisul Românesc.
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    Reviste de filosofie și sociologie.Grigore Traian Pop - 1979 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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    From sensorium hominis to sensorium Dei.Grigore Vida - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (2):139-149.
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  13. Kognitivnyĭ aspekt issledovanii︠a︡ drevneĭ kartiny mira: na materiale kont︠s︡eptosfery "voinstvennostʹ" anglosaksonskoĭ geroicheskoĭ kartiny mira.I︠U︡. S. Grigorʹeva - 2008 - Vladivostok: Izd-vo Dalʹnevostochnogo universiteta.
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    Muzyka i kategorii︠a︡ vremeni: sbornik materialov 5-ĭ konferent︠s︡ii iz t︠s︡ikla "Grigorʹevskikh chteniĭ".Vladimir I︠U︡rʹevich Grigorʹev & M. S. Skrebkova-Filatova (eds.) - 2003 - Moskva: ASM.
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    Troichnostʹ v myshlenii: sbornik materialov 6-ĭ konferent︠s︡ii iz t︠s︡ikla "Grigorʹevskikh chteniĭ".Vladimir I︠U︡rʹevich Grigorʹev (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: ASM.
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    Manchu Books in London; A Union Catalogue.John L. Mish, W. Simon & H. G. H. Nelson - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):510.
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  17. Sur l'emploi des mathématiques dans les sciences de l'homme: conferenza tenuta il 5 giugno 1972.Grigore C. Moisil - 1976 - Roma: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei.
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  18. Interdependența valorilor în literatură.Grigore Smeu - 1987 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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  19.  34
    Descartes’ Theory of Abstraction in the Regulæ.Grigore Vida - 2018 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 7 (1):105-121.
    I analyze in this article the different ways in which Descartes uses abstraction in the Regulæ, discussing his project of a mathematical physics, the role of the imagination, and the status of numbers. I also try to show that the doctrine of simple natures cannot be well accommodated with the theory of abstraction developed in Rule 14, having instead a greater affinity with Descartes’ later theory of abstraction and exclusion, in which imagination plays no role and everything happens at a (...)
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    The mouse set conjecture for sets of reals.Grigor Sargsyan & John Steel - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (2):671-683.
  21.  61
    On the indestructibility aspects of identity crisis.Grigor Sargsyan - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (6):493-513.
    We investigate the indestructibility properties of strongly compact cardinals in universes where strong compactness suffers from identity crisis. We construct an iterative poset that can be used to establish Kimchi–Magidor theorem from (in The independence between the concepts of compactness and supercompactness, circulated manuscript), i.e., that the first n strongly compact cardinals can be the first n measurable cardinals. As an application, we show that the first n strongly compact cardinals can be the first n measurable cardinals while the strong (...)
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    Metodologii︠a︡ v iskusstve i nauke: sbornik materialov 12-ĭ konferent︠s︡ii iz t︠s︡ikla "Grigorʹevskikh chteniĭ".V. E. Eremeev, I. D. Grigorʹeva & E. B. Vitelʹ (eds.) - 2010 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gumanitarnyĭ universitet.
    Предназначено для студентов художественных вузов и факультетов, а также для учащихся профессиональных учебных заведений художественного профиля.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility in Liquid Times: The Case of Romania.Georgiana Grigore, Mike Molesworth, Andreea Vontea, Abdullah Hasan Basnawi, Ogeday Celep & Sylvian Patrick Jesudoss - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (4):763-782.
    Existing scholarly work on corporate social responsibility frequently emphasizes either normative/ethical claims about social progress or instrumental/strategic claims about corporate effectiveness, yet less often acknowledges the moral conditions of those undertaking CSR within a specific cultural context. In this paper, we draw attention to the social conditions in which CSR takes place and the related ethics of the subjects that must enact it. Our approach is to document the lived experiences of practitioners in Romania, a post-communist society. Drawing from fifty-three (...)
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  24. Lecții despre logica raționamentului nuanțat.Grigore C. Moisil - 1975 - București: Editura științifică și enciclopedică.
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    Etica spiritului revolutionar.Grigore Zanc - 1975 - București: Editura politică.
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    On HOD-supercompactness.Grigor Sargsyan - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (7-8):765-768.
    During his Fall 2005 set theory seminar, Woodin asked whether V-supercompactness implies HOD-supercompactness. We show, as he predicted, that that the answer is no.
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    Descriptive inner model theory.Grigor Sargsyan - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (1):1-55.
    The purpose of this paper is to outline some recent progress in descriptive inner model theory, a branch of set theory which studies descriptive set theoretic and inner model theoretic objects using tools from both areas. There are several interlaced problems that lie on the border of these two areas of set theory, but one that has been rather central for almost two decades is the conjecture known as the Mouse Set Conjecture. One particular motivation for resolving MSC is that (...)
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    Resources and Capabilities of Triple Bottom Line Firms: Going Over Old or Breaking New Ground?Ante Glavas & Jenny Mish - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (3):623-642.
    Supported by a qualitative study of triple bottom line firms—those that simultaneously prioritize economic, social, and environmental objectives—we investigated the market logic and practices of TBL firms to better understand how they fulfill their mission and achieve their goals. We explored if and how TBL firms may differ in their approach to stakeholders and the management of their resources, including dynamic capabilities. We employed a research design that emphasizes the iterative comparison of narrative data within themselves and with scholarly literature (...)
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    Negative results on precipitous ideals on.Grigor Sargsyan - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-28.
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    An inner model theoretic proof of Becker’s theorem.Grigor Sargsyan - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):999-1003.
    We re-prove Becker’s theorem from Becker :229–234, 1981) by showing that \}\) implies that \\vDash ``\omega _2\) is -supercompact”. Our proof uses inner model theoretic tools instead of Baire category. We also show that \ is \-strongly compact.
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    Tame failures of the unique branch hypothesis and models of ADℝ + Θ is regular.Grigor Sargsyan & Nam Trang - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 16 (2):1650007.
    In this paper, we show that the failure of the unique branch hypothesis for tame iteration trees implies that in some homogenous generic extension of [Formula: see text] there is a transitive model [Formula: see text] containing [Formula: see text] such that [Formula: see text] is regular. The results of this paper significantly extend earlier works from [Non-tame mice from tame failures of the unique branch bypothesis, Canadian J. Math. 66 903–923; Core models with more Woodin cardinals, J. Symbolic Logic (...)
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    An Inner Model Proof of the Strong Partition Property for $delta^{2}_{1}$.Grigor Sargsyan - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (4):563-568.
    Assuming $V=L+AD$, using methods from inner model theory, we give a new proof of the strong partition property for ${\sim}{ \delta }^{2}_{1}$. The result was originally proved by Kechris et al.
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  33. Esteticul în sfera culturii: studii de estetică și teoria artei.Grigore Smeu & Dumitru Matei (eds.) - 1976 - București: "Meridiane".
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    Istoria esteticii românești.Grigore Smeu - 2008 - București: Editura Academiei Române.
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  35. Interdependența valorilor în literatură.Grigore Smeu - 1987 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    Sensuri ale frumosului în estetica românească.Grigore Smeu - 1969 - Bucures̨ti,: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    Varsovian models I.Grigor Sargsyan & Ralf Schindler - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (2):496-528.
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    On the prewellorderings associated with the directed systems of mice.Grigor Sargsyan - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (3):735-763.
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    Being and infestation.J. Mish’Alani - 1993 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 16 (1):227-243.
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    Catalogue du fonds mandchou.John L. Mish & Jeanne-Marie Puyraimond - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):241.
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  41. Can Right Acts Be Voluntary?James K. Mish'alani - 1959 - Analysis 20 (3):67 - 72.
  42. 'Duty', 'Obligation' and 'Ought'.James K. Mish'alani - 1969 - Analysis 30 (2):33 - 40.
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    On moral imagination.James K. Mish'alani - 1980 - Man and World 13 (2):193-205.
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    Threats, laughter, and society.James K. Mish'alani - 1984 - Man and World 17 (2):143-156.
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    Esteticul cotidian în lumea de azi.Grigore Smeu - 1992 - București: Editura Academiei Române.
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  46. L'imprevedibile nella fantasia artistica.Grigore Smeu - 1971 - Rivista di Estetica 16:93.
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    Relația social-autonom în artă: [studiu].Grigore Smeu - 1976 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    Sensibilitatea estetică românească: ipostaze.Grigore Smeu - 1984 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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  49. Încercări vechi și noi de logică neclasică.Grigore C. Moisil - 1965 - București,: Editura, Științifică.
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  50. Logique, automatique, informatique.Grigore C. Moisil & Octavian C. Biscǎ (eds.) - 1971 - Bucarest,: Éditions de l'Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumanie.
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