Results for 'Miriam Valdés'

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  1.  20
    The Social and Cultural Background of Hoplite Development in Archaic Athens: Peasants, Debts, zeugitai and Hoplethes.Miriam Valdés Guía - 2019 - História 68 (4):388-412.
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    La constitución de la religión cívica en Atenas arcaica.Miriam Valdés Guía - 2005 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 10:261-326.
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    Las Cecrópidas como imagen representativa de las madres en Atenas arcaica y clásica.Miriam Valdés Guía - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e80612.
    Generalmente se ha pensado en las Cecrópidas, las hijas del Rey serpiente Cécrope, estrechamente vinculadas a la acrópolis, como imagen de las niñas y de las jóvenes (parthenoi) en sus procesos de iniciación y de tránsito hacia la madurez (Burkert, Brulé), y ésta es, quizás, la imagen más visible de las jóvenes heroínas en Atenas. Sin embargo, no se ha tenido, quizás, tan presente su importancia, al mismo tiempo, como icono de las madres ciudadanas en esta polis en varios aspectos (...)
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    The Social and Cultural Background of Hoplite Development in Archaic Athens: Peasants, Debts, zeugitai and Hoplethes.Miriam A. Valdés Guía - 2019 - História 68 (4):388.
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    El sacrificio a las Semnai Theai en Atenas: autoridad y silencio (hesychia) en el Areópago y revitalización del culto en el s. IV.Miriam Valdés, Domingo Plácido & César Fornis - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    Los Pequeños Misterios de Agras.Miriam Valdés Guía & Martínez Nieto - 2005 - Kernos 18:43-68.
    Les Petits Mystères d’Agra : des mystères orphiques à l’époque de Pisistrate. La possibilité de reconnaître dans les Petites Mystères d’Agra des mystères orphiques dès le vie siècle peut s’appuyer sur des sources littéraires et iconographiques, et faire référence au contexte historique. Cette hypothèse correspond bien à la situation socio-culturelle de l’époque des Pisistratides où l’on voit se développer les cultes de Dionysos, Déméter/Gaia/Meter et Perséphone, ainsi que des textes comme ceux que la tradition attribue à Onomacrite.The Little Mysteries of (...)
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    New perspectives on slavery in ancient greece - (s.) forsdyke slaves and slavery in ancient greece. Pp. XVIII + 277, b/w & colour ills, colour maps. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2021. Paper, £18.99, us$24.99 (cased, £74.99, us$99.99). Isbn: 978-1-107-65889-9 (978-1-107-03234-7 hbk). [REVIEW]Miriam A. Valdés Guía - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):203-205.
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    Athenian Zeugitai and the Solonian Census Classes: New Reflections and Perspectives.Miriam Valdés Guía & Julián Gallego - 2010 - História 59 (3):257-281.
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    Female citizen festivals, deliberation and feminine justice on the Areopagus (Athens, 5th century BC).Miriam Valdés Guía - 2017 - Clio 45:279-307.
    Thesmophories à Athènes, une fête exclusivement féminine. Cette analyse permet de montrer comment les femmes interviennent, en contexte rituel, dans le domaine de la délibération politique. Il s’agit d’abord de discuter – à partir de l’analyse comparée de quelques passages des Thesmophories d’Aristophane et des Euménides d’Euripide – les hypothèses formulées par les archéologues sur la localisation de la fête des Thesmophories. Cette fête a en effet été associée à la Pnyx ou à l’Eleusinion ; nous proposons de la placer (...)
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  10.  21
    War in Archaic Athens: polis, Elites and Military power.Miriam Valdés Guía - 2019 - História 68 (2):126.
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    Miriam Valdés Guía, Prácticas rituales y discursos femeninos en Atenas.Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet - 2021 - Clio 53:278-281.
    Miriam Valdés Guía, qui est professeure à l’université Complutense de Madrid et spécialiste de l’histoire de l’Athènes archaïque et de la religion grecque, situe parfaitement son ouvrage dans le contexte de la recherche actuelle. Y sont présentés les débats contemporains sur l’agency des Athéniennes et intégré, dès l’introduction, le questionnement historiographique concernant leur participation politique à la cité. L’objectif principal de l’ouvrage est d’analyser la manière dont se construit...
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    Miriam Valdés Guía, El nacimiento de la autoctonía ateniense : cultos, mitos cívicos y sociedad de la Atenas del s. VI a. C. [REVIEW]Claudine Leduc - 2011 - Kernos 24:325-328.
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    Valdés Miriam, El papel de Afrodita en el alto arcaísmo griego. Política, guerra, matrimonio e iniciación.Gabriella Pironti - 2007 - Kernos 20:414-416.
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    A Problem with Societal Desirability as a Component of Responsible Research and Innovation: the “If we don’t somebody else will” Argument.John Weckert, Hector Rodriguez Valdes & Sadjad Soltanzadeh - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (2):215-225.
    The implementation of Responsible Research and Innovation is not without its challenges, and one of these is raised when societal desirability is included amongst the RRI principles. We will argue that societal desirability is problematic even though it appears to fit well with the overall ideal. This discord occurs partly because the idea of societal desirability is inherently ambiguous, but more importantly because its scope is unclear. This paper asks: is societal desirability in the spirit of RRI? On von Schomberg’s (...)
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  15. Hilary Putnam," Meaning and the moral Sciences".Luis Manuel Valdés Villanueva - 1979 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):223.
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  16. Analytische Philosophie.Eike von Savigny & Versión Castellana de Ernesto Garzón Valdés - 1975 - Critica 7 (20):121-128.
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    Erratum to: A Problem with Societal Desirability as a Component of Responsible Research and Innovation: the “If we don’t somebody else will” Argument.John Weckert, Hector Rodriguez Valdes & Sadjad Soltanzadeh - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (2):227-227.
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  18. Why I Am Not a Boltzmann Brain.Sinan Dogramaci & Miriam Schoenfield - 2025 - Philosophical Review 134 (1):1-33.
    This article gives a Bayesian argument showing that, even if your total empirical evidence confirms that you have zillions of duplicate Boltzmann Brains, that evidence does not confirm that you are a Boltzmann Brain. The article also attempts to explain what goes wrong with several of the sources of the temptation for thinking that such evidence does have skeptical implications.
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  19. Jonathan Harrison," Hume's moral epistemology".Luis Manuel Valdés Villanueva - 1979 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):101.
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  20. JR Searle: una teoría general de los actos de habla.Luis Manuel Valdés Villanueva - 1975 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):501-514.
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  21.  20
    Comments on Artūrs Logins, Normative Reasons: Between Reasons and Explanation.Miriam Schleifer McCormick - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (4):995-1000.
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    Finding autonomy in birth.Rebecca Kukla, Miriam Kuppermann, Margaret Little, Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Lisa M. Mitchell, Elizabeth M. Armstrong & Lisa Harris - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (1):1-8.
    Over the last several years, as cesarean deliveries have grown increasingly common, there has been a great deal of public and professional interest in the phenomenon of women 'choosing' to deliver by cesarean section in the absence of any specific medical indication. The issue has sparked intense conversation, as it raises questions about the nature of autonomy in birth. Whereas mainstream bioethical discourse is used to associating autonomy with having a large array of choices, this conception of autonomy does not (...)
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    Exploring Individual Differences: A Case for Measuring Children's Spontaneous Gesture Production as a Predictor of Learning From Gesture Instruction.Eliza L. Congdon, Miriam A. Novack & Elizabeth M. Wakefield - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Decades of research have established that learners benefit when instruction includes hand gestures. This benefit is seen when learners watch an instructor gesture, as well as when they are taught or encouraged to gesture themselves. However, there is substantial individual variability with respect to this phenomenon—not all individuals benefit equally from gesture instruction. In the current paper, we explore the sources of this variability. First, we review the existing research on individual differences that do or do not predict learning from (...)
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  24. Angry Men, Sad Women: Large Language Models Reflect Gendered Stereotypes in Emotion Attribution.Flor Miriam Plaza-del Arco, Amanda Cercas Curry & Alba Curry - 2024 - Arxiv.
    Large language models (LLMs) reflect societal norms and biases, especially about gender. While societal biases and stereotypes have been extensively researched in various NLP applications, there is a surprising gap for emotion analysis. However, emotion and gender are closely linked in societal discourse. E.g., women are often thought of as more empathetic, while men's anger is more socially accepted. To fill this gap, we present the first comprehensive study of gendered emotion attribution in five state-of-the-art LLMs (open- and closed-source). We (...)
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  25. Emotion Analysis in NLP: Trends, Gaps and Roadmap for Future Directions.Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco, Alba Curry & Amanda Cercas Curry - forthcoming - Arxiv.
    Emotions are a central aspect of communication. Consequently, emotion analysis (EA) is a rapidly growing field in natural language processing (NLP). However, there is no consensus on scope, direction, or methods. In this paper, we conduct a thorough review of 154 relevant NLP publications from the last decade. Based on this review, we address four different questions: (1) How are EA tasks defined in NLP? (2) What are the most prominent emotion frameworks and which emotions are modeled? (3) Is the (...)
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  26.  15
    Practices of Resistance and Nursing.Dave Holmes & Miriam Bender - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70010.
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    Thomas Fink entrevista Lakshmi Bandlamudi: Difference, Dialogue and Development: a Bakhtinian World.Anselmo Lima & Miriam Ruffini - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (1):180-197.
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  28. Anderson-Shaw, Lisa, meadow, William with policy?Wendy Austin, Gillian Lemermeyer, Miriam Brouillet & Leigh Turner - 2005 - HEC Forum 17 (4):327-329.
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    Actitudes, consumo de agua y sistema de tarifas del servicio de abastecimiento de agua potable.Cruz García Lirios, Javier Carreón Guillén, Jorge Hernández Valdés, María Montero López Lena & José Marcos Bustos Aguayo - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    La Psicología de la Sustentabilidad (PS) estudia las problemáticas hídricas considerando la relación entre disponibilidad per cápita y consumo de agua. A partir de conceptos tales como; densidad poblacional, infraestructura hídrica y provisión de agua plantea tres estilos de vida relativos al almacenamiento de agua, la reparación de fugas y el consumo hídrico. La PS advierte que las relaciones causales entre las problemáticas hídricas y los estilos de vida son relevantes si se considera el Desarrollo Local Sustentable más que regional (...)
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  30. The Book of Direction to the Duties of the Heart.Bahya ben Joseph, Menahem Mansoor, Gerald Blidstein, Irving J. Rosenbaum, Léon Poliakov & Miriam Kochan - 1977 - Religious Studies 13 (3):349-353.
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    The Short History of the Kings of Siam by Jeremias van Vliet.Ludwik Sternbach, Leonard Andaya, Miriam J. Verkuijl-van den Berg & David K. Wyatt - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):364.
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  32. Significado, verdad y comprensión.Alfonso García Suárez & Luis Manuel Valdés Villanueva - 1982 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):27-42.
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    Effects of Intensity of Facial Expressions on Amygdalar Activation Independently of Valence.Huiyan Lin, Miriam Mueller-Bardorff, Martin Mothes-Lasch, Christine Buff, Leonie Brinkmann, Wolfgang H. R. Miltner & Thomas Straube - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  34.  17
    Products of Classes of Finite Structures.Vince Guingona, Miriam Parnes & Lynn Scow - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (4):441-469.
    We study the preservation of certain properties under products of classes of finite structures. In particular, we examine indivisibility, definable self-similarity, the amalgamation property, and the disjoint n-amalgamation property. We explore how each of these properties interacts with the lexicographic product, full product, and free superposition of classes of structures. Additionally, we consider the classes of theories which admit configurations indexed by these products. In particular, we show that, under mild assumptions, the products considered in this article do not yield (...)
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    Continuity in Claims of Exception in Biomedical Technologies.Jacob D. Moses, Miriam Rich, Callie Terris & Emma Tumilty - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):89-92.
    “Ethical exceptionalism” is often used as a pejorative shrouded in a superlative. The charge of wrongly treating similar things differently—for varying motives—has been leveled against exceptional...
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    The Study of Geographical Distribution in the Analysis of Domestication as an Evolutionary Process: Tensions in Alphonse de Candolle’s Approach.Miriam Álvarez-Tostado, Alfredo Bueno-Hernández, Ana Barahona & Fabiola Juárez-Barrera - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (3):445-475.
    Interest in the study of domesticated plants increased near the end of the 18th century, mainly because of their economic potential. In the 19th century, there was a new focus on the historical understanding of species, their origin, changes in their distribution, and their evolutionary history. Charles Darwin developed an extended interpretation of species domestication, considering variations, reproduction, inheritance, and modification as standard processes between wild and domesticated organisms. In this context, one relatively neglected aspect was the geographical distribution of (...)
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  37.  25
    Charity and Gift Giving in Medieval Islam.Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel - 2009 - In Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel, Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 235-264.
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    Charity and Piety as Episcopal and Imperial Virtues in Late Antiquity.Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel - 2009 - In Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel, Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 75-88.
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    Markets, Governance and Human Development.P. B. Anand & Miriam des GasperTeschl - 2010 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 11 (1):3.
  40.  29
    Records of Practice and the Development of Collective Professional Knowledge.Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Miriam Ben-Peretz & Rhonda B. Cohen - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (3):317-335.
    Although recent years have seen an increase in professional learning communities, use of video and lesson study groups, most teachers still work and learn in isolation. What they know is personal and remains private; little opportunity exists for most teachers to develop shared knowledge or language. The scale of the teaching force, and the rapid turnover of new teachers, makes this lack of shared knowledge an acute problem. This paper explores the potential of records of practice for developing collective professional (...)
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    Vom Objekt Zum Bild: Piktorale Prozesse in Kunst Und Wissenschaft, 1600 - 2000.Bettina Gockel, Julia Häcki & Miriam Volmert (eds.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Bilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft sind Orte des Denkens und Forschens.
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  42.  19
    Healing the world with righteousness? The language of social justice in early Christian homilies.Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel - 2009 - In Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel, Healing the world with righteousness? The language of social justice in early Christian homilies. pp. 89-110.
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    Espacio-tiempo en transformación: las estructuras de narrar y mostrar en Sevilla a comienzos de la Edad Moderna.Miriam Lay Brander - 2017 - Kassel: Edition Reichenberger. Edited by Lemke Duque & Carl Antonius.
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    Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions.Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel (eds.) - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Review text: "A specialist collection, but fascinating in its sociological insights."John Turnbull in: New Directions 3/2010.
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    Charity in Jewish Society of the Medieval Mediterranean World.Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel - 2009 - In Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel, Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 343-364.
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    Charitable Ministrations , Monasticism, and the Social Aesthetic of Sixth-Century Byzantium.Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel - 2009 - In Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel, Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 45-74.
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    Forms and Functions of Charity in Al-Andalus.Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel - 2009 - In Yaacov Lev & Miriam Frenkel, Charity and Giving in Monotheistic Religions. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 203-216.
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    Disruption, Diversity, and Global Biobanking.Edwina Light, Miriam Wiersma, Lisa Dive, Ian Kerridge, Christine Critchley & Wendy Lipworth - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):45-47.
    Volume 19, Issue 5, May 2019, Page 45-47.
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    Adjustment to Higher Education: A Comparison of Students With and Without Disabilities.Orly Lipka, Miriam Sarid, Inbar Aharoni Zorach, Adi Bufman, Adi Anna Hagag & Hila Peretz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study examined adjustment to higher education among students with disabilities immediately following their first year of study and onwards, with three primary objectives. First, we examined whether students with no disabilities adjust better to higher education than students with disabilities (mental health, physical, sensory, ADHD/LD). Second, we examined differences among the specific disability groups in adjustment to higher education overall and in specific subscales. Finally, we examined the unique pattern of adjustment in each disability group, and sought to (...)
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  50.  11
    Neuroplastic Changes in Older Adults Performing Cooperative Hand Movements.Lars Michels, Volker Dietz, Alexandra Schättin & Miriam Schrafl-Altermatt - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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