Results for 'MinGyu Seo'

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  1.  17
    Reality and Self-Realization: Bhaskar's Metaphilosophical Journey Toward Non-Dual Emancipation.MinGyu Seo - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Since the publication of Roy Bhaskar's A Realist Theory of Science in 1975, critical realism has been evolved as one of the new developments in the areas of philosophy of natural and social science which offers an alternatively fresh view to the existing theories including positivism and post-modernism. Bhaskar's intellectual movement, which is now fully international and multi-disciplinary, and continues to influence the philosophies of natural and social science, has transformed into 'Dialectical Critical Realism' and the philosophy of 'meta-Reality.' (...) will conclude that his anti-anthropic Non-duality continues through all the steps of Bhaskar's thought, maintaining the consistency of his scientific, metaphysical, and spiritual journey. The anti-anthropic motif is fully realized in the philosophy of Non-duality - the 'constellational identification of dualism, duality and non-duality' in his meta-Reality. Defending Bhaskar against Collier, Agar, and Morgan, MinGyu tries to show how its anti-anthropic and non-dualistic foundation is sustained through the whole of Bhaskar's journey, involving a transformation of its subject matters from reality, to the dialectic of reality, to the real truth underlying the former stages. This book provides an indispensible resource for all students of philosophy and the human sciences. (shrink)
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    Bhaskar's Philosophy as Anti-Anthropism: A Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Thought.MinGyu Seo - 2008 - Journal of Critical Realism 7 (1):5-28.
    This article aims to contribute to the understanding of Roy Bhaskar's philosophical evolution from critical realism to the philosophy of meta-Reality. Following Bhaskar's own terminology, I define his intellectual journey as the ‘identification of dualism and duality within non-duality’ by proposing that anti-anthropism plays a key role in the developmental consistency of his system from critical realism via dialectical critical realism to meta-Reality. For this purpose, I compare Bhaskar's philosophy with Andrew Collier's theory of human rationality and spiritual emancipation based (...)
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    Reality and Self-Realization: Bhaskar’s Metaphysical Journey Toward Non-Dual Emancipation.Paul Marshall - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (2).
    MinGyu Seo’s short, illuminating book is an important contribution to understanding Bhaskar’s philosophical work, its pervasive anti-anthropic1 motif, and the revolutionary significance of the phil...
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    Effects of Information Overload, Communication Overload, and Inequality on Digital Distrust: A Cyber-Violence Behavior Mechanism.Mingyue Fan, Yuchen Huang, Sikandar Ali Qalati, Syed Mir Muhammad Shah, Dragana Ostic & Zhengjia Pu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In recent years, there has been an escalation in cases of cyber violence, which has had a chilling effect on users' behavior toward social media sites. This article explores the causes behind cyber violence and provides empirical data for developing means for effective prevention. Using elements of the stimulus–organism–response theory, we constructed a model of cyber-violence behavior. A closed-ended questionnaire was administered to collect data through an online survey, which results in 531 valid responses. A proposed model was tested using (...)
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  5.  87
    The Effects of eGovernment Efficiency on Subjective Wellbeing.Mingyue Fan, Motswedi Epadile, Sikandar Ali Qalati & Naveed Akhtar Qureshi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Undoubtedly, the internet has become the most convenient and efficient communication and service delivery channel adopted by most government agencies, referred to as eGovernment. This study explores how eGovernment efficiency influences users’ subjective wellbeing, using trust as a covert stimulus with the capacity to alter individuals’ overt behavior. Covert and overt stimuli act as significant factors influencing the relationship between citizens and the online environment, moderated by socio-demographic characteristics. Using situation–organism–behavior–consequence theory, we propose a research model consisting of online environment (...)
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    Proactive Information Sampling in Value-Based Decision-Making: Deciding When and Where to Saccade.Mingyu Song, Xingyu Wang, Hang Zhang & Jian Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:434918.
    Evidence accumulation has been the core component in recent development of perceptual and value-based decision-making theories. Most studies have focused on the evaluation of evidence between alternative options. What remains largely unknown is the process that prepares evidence: how may the decision-maker sample different sources of information sequentially, if they can only sample one source at a time? Here we propose a normative framework in prescribing how different sources of information should be sampled proactively to facilitate the decision process: beliefs (...)
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    The Influence of Various Role Models on Children’s Pro-environmental Behaviours.Mingyue Liang, Qianying Chen & Yanyan Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although most schoolchildren can dispose of their own litter, they are typically not sensitive to environmental issues in the school’s public areas. How do we improve children’s sensitivity to public environments and cultivate pro-environmental behaviours? Based on Bandura’s social learning theory, this study explored the effects of various role models on the pro-environmental behaviours of children aged 7–13. A field study was conducted in which examples of postprandial garbage disposal behaviours were provided using role models and the subsequent behaviours of (...)
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  8. Thought before language: how deaf and hearing children express motion events across cultures.Mingyu Zheng & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2002 - Cognition 85 (2):145-175.
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    Xi ren xi xue fan yi yu wan Qing jiu guo liang ce de tan suo =.Mingyu Lu - 2018 - Beijing: Beijing jiao tong da xue chu ban she.
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  10.  14
    Adaptive Fixed-Time Trajectory Tracking Control for Underactuated Hovercraft with Prescribed Performance in the Presence of Model Uncertainties.Mingyu Fu, Tan Zhang, Fuguang Ding & Duansong Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    This paper develops an adaptive fixed-time trajectory tracking controller of an underactuated hovercraft with a prescribed performance in the presence of model uncertainties and unknown time-varying environment disturbances. It is the first time that the proposed method is applied to the motion control of the hovercraft. To begin with, based on the hovercraft's four degrees of freedom model, the virtual control laws are designed using an error transforming function and the fixed-time stability theory to guarantee that the position tracking errors (...)
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  11.  29
    Bibliometric review and mapping analysis of publication ethics research.Mingyue Zhang, Jianguo Xu, Caihua Xu, Qingyong Zheng, Ming Liu, Jun Zhang, Hui Fu, Wen’an Qi, Junhua Zhang & Jinhui Tian - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (6):397-409.
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  12.  26
    Optimal-in-expectation redistribution mechanisms.Mingyu Guo & Vincent Conitzer - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (5-6):363-381.
  13.  73
    Attention to Endpoints: A Cross‐Linguistic Constraint on Spatial Meaning.Terry Regier & Mingyu Zheng - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (4):705-719.
    We investigate a possible universal constraint on spatial meaning. It has been proposed that people attend preferentially to the endpoints of spatial motion events, and that languages may therefore make finer semantic distinctions at event endpoints than at event beginnings. We test this proposal. In Experiment 1, we show that people discriminate the endpoints of spatial motion events more readily than they do event beginnings—suggesting a non-linguistic attentional bias toward endpoints. In Experiment 2, speakers of Arabic, Chinese, and English each (...)
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  14.  48
    From pre-service to in-service teachers: a longitudinal investigation of the professional development of English language teachers in secondary schools.Mingyue Michelle Gu - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):503-521.
    This study reports on a longitudinal inquiry into professional identity construction among six novice cross-border English language teachers from mainland China, who completed their pre-service teacher education in Hong Kong (HK) and began their teaching practice in local HK schools. The findings indicate that the participants navigated obstacles in teaching by deploying their own multiple languages as a cultural and linguistic repertoire. The findings also show that the teachers experienced difficulty legitimising their professional identity in the teaching community, where contextual (...)
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  15.  18
    Better redistribution with inefficient allocation in multi-unit auctions.Mingyu Guo & Vincent Conitzer - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 216 (C):287-308.
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  16. Zhongguo 1997-2020: ke xue ji shu yu ren min sheng huo.Mingyu Wu & Boxi Li (eds.) - 1997 - Beijing: Zhongguo cai zheng jing ji chu ban she.
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  17. Situyate Huoer de wen hua shen fen li lun yan jiu.Mingyu Xu - 2023 - Beijing Shi: Jiu zhou chu ban she.
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  18.  7
    Ben se Zhou yi.Mingyu Yang - 2008 - Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she.
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    Conceptualizing cultural discrepancies in legal translation: A case-based study. Le Cheng, Mingyu Gong & Jian Li - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (216):131-149.
    By exploring the cultural discrepancies in Chinese legal texts and their English versions and to what extent legal and cultural discrepancies influence and constrain legal translation, the study argues that it is useful to consider cultural discrepancies within a semiotic framework. Language is a phenomenon and factor that links different cultures; the use of language is crucial to any legal system. Law, as a cultural product, is attended by cultural discrepancies when switched into other languages for the purpose of achieving (...)
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  20.  15
    The Role of Guanxi and Positive Emotions in Predicting Users’ Likelihood to Click the Like Button on WeChat.Haichuan Zhao & Mingyue Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21.  10
    Management Philosophy of Morris & Co. and Commercialization of Art.Hee Joo Seo - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 89:117-133.
    이 논문은 윌리엄 모리스(William Morris 1834-1896)가 설립했던 모리스 상회(Morris & Co.)의 경영 철학에 대한 연구이다. 모리스는 예술이 대중화되어야 예술 문화가 향상될 수 있다는 이념을 가지고 있었고 이것은 바로 상회의 경영과 연결된다. 모리스 상회의 설립자들은 19세기 미학적 상황을 파악하고 예술을 상품화하여 ‘장식예술’로 시대를 개혁하고자 하였다. 이것은 곧 확장된 예술 개념을 실천하는 장이였다. 또한 모리스 상회의 경영 철학은 모리스의 미학과 함께 하였고 그것은 예술에 대한 새로운 지평을 여는 것이었다.BR 모리스는 자신이 모리스 상회의 경영을 맡으면서 네 가지 원칙 아래에 상회를 경영하고자 했다. 첫째, (...)
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    Covid-19, Flexible Working, and Implications for Gender Equality in the United Kingdom.Hyojin Seo, Sarah Forbes, Holly Birkett & Heejung Chung - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (2):218-232.
    We examine the role flexible working has for gender equality during the pandemic, focusing on arrangements that give workers control over when and where they work. We use a survey of dual-earning working parents in the United Kingdom during the peak of the first lockdown, namely, between mid-May and mid-June 2020. Results show that in most households in our survey, mothers were mainly responsible for housework and child care tasks both before and during the lockdown period, although this proportion has (...)
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  23.  1
    Protecting nature with Buddha's wisdom: a contribution to environmental and nature studies.Sungno Niggol Seo - 2024 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This engaging book contributes to the contemporary environmental and natural sciences by offering a comparative intellectual framework. S. Niggol Seo provides an exposition of four pressing modern problems through the Buddhist perspective which he calls the environmental philosophy of the old age. Illustrating an insightful contrast between modern scientific and economic approaches, and the Buddhist viewpoint, this book examines key environmental issues such as species protection, pollution, natural resource use and global climate change. Through a comprehensive explanation of the pertinent (...)
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  24.  29
    Factors influencing public health nurses’ ethical sensitivity during the pandemic.Hyeji Seo & Kisook Kim - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):858-871.
    Background Ethical sensitivity is a prerequisite for ethical nursing practices. Efforts to improve nurses’ ethical sensitivity are required to correctly recognise ethical conflicts and for sound decision-making. Because an emerging infectious disease response involves complex ethical issues, it is important to understand the factors that influence public health nurses’ ethical sensitivity while caring for patients with COVID-19, an emerging infectious disease. Objectives This study aims to identify the relationship between nursing professionalism, the organisation’s ethical climate, and the ethical sensitivity of (...)
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  25.  80
    Research Hotspots and Effectiveness of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Pain: A Bibliometric Analysis.Chong Li, Mingyu Sun & Shiliu Tian - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Transcranial magnetic stimulation, as a relatively new type of treatment, is a safe and non-invasive method for pain therapy. Here, we used CiteSpace software to visually analyze 440 studies concerning transcranial magnetic stimulation in pain research from 2010 to 2021, indexed by Web of Science, to clarify the research hotspots in different periods and characterize the process of discovery in this field. The United States ranked first in this field. Lefaucheur JP, Fregni F, and Andrade ACD made great contributions to (...)
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  26.  20
    Paul Tillich and Photography.Bo-Myung Seo - 2024 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 4 (3):10-19.
    Paul Tillich did not consider photography to be a form of art and, therefore, rarely talked about it. In this paper, I discuss what he said publicly about photography in relationship to Tillich’s own understanding of art and in conversation with some of his contemporaries in Europe. This discussion will include reasons as to why he was reluctant to admit photography to be art and how his thoughts could have been changed. Premised upon the belief that Tillich’s theological analysis of (...)
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  27.  17
    The PN∗-search algorithm: Application to tsume-shogi.Masahiro Seo, Hiroyuki Iida & Jos W. H. M. Uiterwijk - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 129 (1-2):253-277.
  28.  22
    A Study on the I-Ching of Lee Ik(李瀷) as a Member of South Faction near Seoul - Centering around “Shiguakao(「蓍卦攷」)”.Geunsik Seo - 2011 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 32:161-183.
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    Direction of the modernization of Hyo ethics and the encouragement of Hyo culture - Centering around the cultivation of Hyo culture archetype contents -.EunSook Seo - 2008 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (71):225-254.
  30.  23
    Deleuze’s Univocity and Hegel’s Being - focused on their interpretative manners concerning Spinoza’s Substance-Attribute relation -.Sedong Seo - 2018 - Modern Philosophy 11:85-111.
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    Effect of Remote Sensory Noise on Hand Function Post Stroke.Na Jin Seo, Marcella Lyn Kosmopoulos, Leah R. Enders & Pilwon Hur - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:113503.
    Hand motor impairment persists after stroke. Sensory inputs may facilitate recovery of motor function. This pilot study tested the effectiveness of tactile sensory noise in improving hand motor function in chronic stroke survivors with tactile sensory deficits, using a repeated measures design. Sensory noise in the form of subthreshold, white noise, mechanical vibration was applied to the wrist skin during motor tasks. Hand dexterity assessed by the Nine Hole Peg Test and the Box and Block Test and pinch strength significantly (...)
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  32.  20
    Korean linguistic history achievements and limitations reflected in school grammar ‘sentence components’.Min-Jeong Seo - 2022 - Cogito 96:335-361.
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  33.  14
    Research regarding I-Ching interpretation methodology of late Cho-sun the scholars in Gyeong-gi(Ⅰ).Geunsik Seo - 2007 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 20:151-188.
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    Superconductivity below 20 K in heavily electron-doped surface layer of FeSe bulk crystal.J. J. Seo, B. Y. Kim, B. S. Kim, J. K. Jeong, J. M. Ok, Jun Sung Kim, J. D. Denlinger, S. -K. Mo, C. Kim & Y. K. Kim - unknown
    A superconducting transition temperature as high as 100 K was recently discovered in one monolayer FeSe grown on SrTiO3. The discovery ignited efforts to identify the mechanism for the markedly enhanced Tc from its bulk value of 8 K. There are two main views about the origin of the Tc enhancement: interfacial effects and/or excess electrons with strong electron correlation. Here, we report the observation of superconductivity below 20 K in surface electron-doped bulk FeSe. The doped surface layer possesses all (...)
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  35.  23
    The Poetic Dimension of Education and Living: Being, Thinking, and Dwelling.Yong-Seok Seo - 2011 - The Journal of Moral Education 23 (2):189.
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    The Relation between Reason and Idea by Kant.Djeong Uk Seo - 2012 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 65:95-115.
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    Xinghuxuepai(星湖學派) process of the formation of the Dasan Jeong Yak-Yong(茶山 丁若鏞)' Yi Xue(易學) - The Interpretation Methods of Zhouyi({周易}) in Seong-ho Lee Ik(星湖 李瀷)'s YiJingJiShu({易經疾書}).Geunsik Seo - 2015 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 44:61-88.
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  38.  25
    Epicurean in Hume and original Epicurus.Seo-Yeon Hur - 2019 - Cogito 89:323-348.
  39.  31
    Positive Thinking and Dewey’s reflective Thinking.Seo-Yeon Hur - 2019 - Cogito 87:417-444.
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    Interface Data Modeling to Detect and Diagnose Intersystem Faults for Designing and Integrating System of Systems.Kyung-Min Seo & Kwang-Phil Park - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-21.
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  41.  38
    You Mean It’s Not My Fault: Learning about Lipedema, a Fat Disorder.Catherine A. Seo - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):6-9.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:You Mean It’s Not My Fault:Learning about Lipedema, a Fat DisorderCatherine A. Seo“As a surgeon there is nothing more I can do for you. You need to lose 75 pounds before I can even consider repairing the damage done.” Implied and not directly stated, “… Because it’s your fault.” I sat listening, dumbfounded. I was at one of the top teaching hospitals in the country, face to face with (...)
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  42.  20
    The DMZ Responds.Seo-Young Chu - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (184):25-55.
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    Influences of Product Temperature on Emotional Responses to, and Sensory Attributes of, Coffee and Green Tea Beverages.Ragita C. Pramudya & Han-Seok Seo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Gut Anthro: An Experiment in Thinking with Microbes by Amber Benezra—Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2023.Hyo Won Seo - 2025 - Journal of Medical Humanities 46 (1):173-175.
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    Xinghuxuepai(星湖學派) process of the formation of the Dasan Jeong Yak - Yong' Yi Xue(易學)(Ⅱ) - The Interpretation Methods of Zhouyi(『周易』) in Ha - bin Shin Hu - Dam)'s ZhouYiXiangCiXinBian.Geunsik Seo - 2016 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 48:161-190.
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    Chen Ming-shui's Xinti(心體) view through Understanding JI(幾).Gang-Hwie Seo - 2019 - THE JOURNAL OF ASIAN PHILOSOPHY IN KOREA 52:169-202.
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    A Study of YulGok Yi Yi's communicational I-Xue.Geunsik Seo - 2009 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 25:197-222.
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  48.  33
    What Lies between the Religious and the Secular?: Education beyond the Human.Yong-Seok Seo - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (1):86-99.
    The current age is characterised by many as secular, and a source of such a characterisation can be found in the Nietzschean claim that thoughts about there being some ultimate reality have to be jettisoned, and human existence and the world need to be embraced as they are. That claim is renewed by some secular thinkers who insist that education has to be reconceived in ways congenial to the new age. It is argued that central to their logic is the (...)
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  49.  21
    Research regarding I-Ching interpretation methodology of late Cho-sun the scholars in Gyeong-gi.Geunsik Seo - 2007 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 21:125-164.
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    A Comparison of Three Empirical Reliability Estimates for Computerized Adaptive Testing Using a Medical Licensing Examination.Dong Gi Seo & Sunho Jung - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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