Results for 'Miklós Moser'

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  1.  8
    Körforgások a természetben és társadalomban: korunk világképének alapjai = Circulations in nature and society: the world concept our age.Miklós Moser - 1997 - Budapest: Környezetvédelmi és Területfejlesztési Minisztérium.
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    The evidence for God: religious knowledge reexamined.Paul K. Moser - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    If God exists, where can we find adequate evidence for God's existence? In this book, Paul Moser offers a new perspective on the evidence for God that centers on a morally robust version of theism that is cognitively resilient. The resulting evidence for God is not speculative, abstract, or casual. Rather, it is morally and existentially challenging to humans, as they themselves responsively and willingly become evidence of God's reality in receiving and reflecting God's moral character for others. (...) calls this 'personifying evidence of God,' because it requires the evidence to be personified in an intentional agent - such as a human - and thereby to be inherent evidence of an intentional agent. Contrasting this approach with skepticism, scientific naturalism, fideism, and natural theology, Moser also grapples with the potential problems of divine hiddenness, religious diversity, and vast evil. (shrink)
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  3. Kreativitási gyakorlatok, fafej, indigo: Erdély Miklós művészetpedagógiai tevékenysége, 1975-1986.Miklós Erdélyi, Sándor Hornyik & Annamária Szőke (eds.) - 2008 - Budapest: MTA Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet.
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    Simon Moser.Simon Moser - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:491-492.
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  5. [Comment] A brief note on the ambiguity of ‘ought’. Reply to Moti Mizrahi’s ‘Ought, Can and Presupposition: An Experimental Study’.Miklos Kurthy & Holly Lawford-Smith - 2015 - Methode: Analytic Perspectives 4 (6):244-249.
    Moti Mizrahi provides experimental evidence according to which subjects judge that a person ought to ? even when she cannot ?. He takes his results to constitute a falsification of the alleged intuitiveness of the ‘Ought Implies Can’ principle. We point out that in the light of the fact that (a) ‘ought’ is multiply ambiguous, that (b) only a restricted set of readings of ‘ought’ will be relevant to the principle, and that (c) he did not instruct his subjects appropriately (...)
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    John von Neumann on mathematical and axiomatic physics.Miklós Rédei - 2005 - In Giovanni Boniolo, Paolo Budinich & Majda Trobok (eds.), The Role of Mathematics in Physical Sciences: Interdisciplinary and Philosophical Aspects. Springer. pp. 43-54.
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  7. Causal Completeness of Probability Theories-results and Open Problems.Miklos Redei & Balazs Gyenis - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo (ed.), Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press.
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    Reichenbach’s common cause principle and quantum correlations.Miklós Rédei - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 259-270.
    Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle is the claim that if two events are correlated, then either there is a causal connection between the correlated events that is responsible for the correlation or there is a third event, a so called (Reichenbachian) common cause, which brings about the correlation. The paper reviews some results concerning Reichenbach’s notion of common cause, results that are directly relevant to the problem of how one can falsify Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle. Special emphasis will be put on (...)
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  9. Die Philosophie Und Die Wissenschaften Simon Moser Zum 65. Geburtstag.Ernst Oldemeyer & Simon Moser - 1967 - Hain.
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    Phänomenologie des Scheins: Die Seinsweise der gesellschaftlichen Scheinformen.Miklós Almási - 1977 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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  11. ST Le problème des relations entre la dialectique et les mathématiques contemporaines.J. Miklo - 1986 - Filozofia 41 (1):48-56.
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    Reply to Quinn and Audi on philosophy after objectivity.Review author[S.]: Paul K. Moser - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (2):401-406.
  13.  13
    Unveräusserliche Rechte.Elias Moser - 2018 - Enzyklopädie Zur Rechtsphilosophie 1.
    Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dem in der politischen Theorie aber auch in der Rechtsphilosophie zentralen Konzept eines unveräußerlichen Rechtes. Ein Recht ist unveräußerlich, wenn eine Rechtsträgerin oder ein Rechtsträger ihr oder sein eigenes Recht nicht aufgeben kann oder übertragen kann. Eine Unveräußerlichkeit ist eine rechtliche 'Unmöglichkeit', den eigenen rechtlichen Status zu verändern. Die rechtstragende Person kann die Pflichten die ihr gegenüber aufgrund des Rechtes geschuldet sind, nicht auflösen (vgl. Meyers 1985, S. 28) und sie kann den Rechtsadressierten keine Befugnisse (...)
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  14. Wissenschaft und Zukunft.Simon Moser - 1964 - Philosophia Naturalis 8 (1/2):117-133.
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  15. On the attempts made by Leibniz to justify his calculus.Miklos Horvath - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18 (1):60-71.
    In diesem Aufsatz erläutere ich Leibniz' Versuche, seinen Infinitesimalkalkül zu rechtfertigen. Die Untersuchung zielt ab auf ein klareres Verständnis, wie tief Leibniz die Begriffe, Ziele und Methoden im Hinblick auf das fragliche Problem faßte. Mein Überblick ist in zwei Teile gegliedert. Der erste stellt die Definition und den Gebrauch einiger Leibnizscher Begriffe dar, die bei der Rechtfertigung des Calculus eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im zweiten skizziere ich, auf welche Weise Leibniz die Infinitesimalrechnung zu rechtfertigen versuchte.
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    Phasic affective signals by themselves do not regulate cognitive control.Miklos Bognar, Mate Gyurkovics, Henk van Steenbergen & Balazs Aczel - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):650-665.
    Cognitive control is a set of mechanisms that help us process conflicting stimuli and maintain goal-relevant behaviour. According to the Affective Signalling Hypothesis, conflicting stimuli are aversive and thus elicit (negative) affect, moreover – to avoid aversive signals – affective and cognitive systems work together by increasing control and thus, drive conflict adaptation. Several studies have found that affective stimuli can indeed modulate conflict adaptation, however, there is currently no evidence that phasic affective states not triggered by conflict also trigger (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas, Esse Intentionale, and the Cognitive as Such.Robbie Moser - 2011 - Review of Metaphysics 64 (4):763-788.
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    Reachability is harder for directed than for undirected finite graphs.Miklos Ajtai & Ronald Fagin - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):113-150.
    Although it is known that reachability in undirected finite graphs can be expressed by an existential monadic second-order sentence, our main result is that this is not the case for directed finite graphs (even in the presence of certain "built-in" relations, such as the successor relation). The proof makes use of Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games, along with probabilistic arguments. However, we show that for directed finite graphs with degree at most k, reachability is expressible by an existential monadic second-order sentence.
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    Gabriel Marcel: les grands thèmes de sa philosophie.Miklós Vetö - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Gabriel Marcel a été l'un des plus grands penseurs du XXe siècle. Antérieurement et parallèlement à la Phénoménologie, il a élaboré une philosophie concrète où il traite avec une grande rigueur conceptuelle des notions que la métaphysique de l'Occident n'a pas su ou voulu thématiser. Opposant être et avoir, problème et mystère, dénonçant les erreurs et les travers de l'objectivation, il pense et repense, grâce à une seconde réflexion, la philosophie morale aussi bien que l'univers de l'intersubjectivité. Il soumet à (...)
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    Observation and Objectivity.Paul K. Moser - 1991 - Noûs 25 (2):248-250.
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    Impossible puzzle films: a cognitive approach to contemporary complex cinema.Miklós Kiss - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Steven Willemsen.
    Contemporary Complex Cinema. Complex conditions: the resurgence of narrative complexity ; Complex cinema as brain-candy for the empowered viewer ; Narrative taxonomies: simple, complex, puzzle plots -- Cognitive Approach to Contemporary Complex Cinema. Why an (embodied-)cognitive approach? ; Various forms of complexity and their effects on sense making ; Problematizing narrative linearity ; Complicating narrative structures and ontologies ; Under-stimulation and cognitive overload ; Contradictions and unreliabilities ; A cognitive approach to classifying complexity ; Deceptive unreliability and the twist film (...)
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  22. Film narrative and embodied cognition: the impact of image schemas on narrative form.Miklós Kiss - 2015 - In Maarten Coëgnarts & Peter Kravanja (eds.), Embodied cognition and cinema. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    Can Bayesian agents always be rational? A principled analysis of consistency of an Abstract Principal Principle.Miklós Rédei & Zalán Gyenis - unknown
    The paper takes thePrincipal Principle to be a norm demanding that subjective degrees of belief of a Bayesian agent be equal to the objective probabilities once the agent has conditionalized his subjective degrees of beliefs on the values of the objective probabilities, where the objective probabilities can be not only chances but any other quantities determined objectively. Weak and strong consistency of the Abstract Principal Principle are defined in terms of classical probability measure spaces. It is proved that the Abstract (...)
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  24. Ausgewählte Kapitel der abendländischen Philosophie.Richard Moser - 1974 - [Hegnau: Richard Moser].
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    Gottesbilder heute: zur Gottesproblematik in d. säkularisierten Gesellschaft d. Gegenwart.Simon Moser & Eckhart Pilick (eds.) - 1979 - Königstein/Ts.: Hanstein.
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    Picturing the Prehistoric.Stephanie Moser - 1993 - Metascience 4:58-67.
  27. "Walking and Falling." Language as Media Embodiment.S. Moser - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (3):260-268.
    Purpose: This paper aims to mediate Josef Mitterer's non-dualistic philosophy with the claim that speaking is a process of embodied experience. Approach: Key assumptions of enactive cognitive science, such as the crossmodal integration of speech and gesture and the perceptual grounding of linguistic concepts are illustrated through selected performance pieces of multimedia artist Laurie Anderson. Findings: The analysis of Anderson's artistic work questions a number of dualisms that guide truth-oriented models of language. Her performance pieces demonstrate that language is both (...)
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  28.  20
    Aus dem Kitāb Aḥkām al-Qurʿān des Mālikiten Ibn Ḫawāz Mandād.Miklos Muranyi - 2014 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 91 (2):360-373.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 91 Heft: 2 Seiten: 360-373.
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    Az erkölcsi belátás előrehaladása a "lex naturalis"-ra vonatkozóan.Miklós Papp - 2003 - Budapest: Márton Áron.
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  30. Le trois images de l'absolu.'.Miklos Veto - 1992 - Archives de Philosophie 55.
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    Correction to: Justice and the EU: Productive or Relational Reciprocity?Miklós Zala - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (4):653-653.
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    A defense of epistemic intuitionism.Paul K. Moser - 1984 - Metaphilosophy 15 (3-4):196-209.
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    Soft Axiomatisation: John von Neumann on Method and von Neumann's Method in the Physical Sciences.Miklós Rédei & Michael Stöltzner - 2006 - In Emily Carson & Renate Huber (eds.), Intuition and the Axiomatic Method. Springer. pp. 235--249.
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    Die Araber Und Die Antike Wissenschaftstheorie: [Übersetzung Aus Dem Ungarischen von Johanna Till Und Gábor Kerekes].Miklos Maróth, Johanna Till & Gábor Kerekes - 1990 - Brill.
    The book then discusses another group of issues ("whether it is, what it is, how and why it is"), which determined the argumentation, the axiomatic ordering of the sciences, and concludes with a demonstration on the basis of concrete ...
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    The principle of the common cause.Miklós Redei, Gabor Hofer-Szabo & Laszlo Szabo - 2013 - Cambridge, U.K: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Miklós Rédei & László E. Szabó.
    The common cause principle says that every correlation is either due to a direct causal effect linking the correlated entities or is brought about by a third factor, a so-called common cause. The principle is of central importance in the philosophy of science, especially in causal explanation, causal modeling and in the foundations of quantum physics. Written for philosophers of science, physicists and statisticians, this book contributes to the debate over the validity of the common cause principle, by proving results (...)
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    Probabilities defined on standard and non-standard cylindric set algebras.Miklós Ferenczi - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):2025-2033.
    Cylindric set algebras are algebraizations of certain logical semantics. The topic surveyed here, i.e. probabilities defined on cylindric set algebras, is closely related, on the one hand, to probability logic (to probabilities defined on logical formulas), on the other hand, to measure theory. The set algebras occuring here are associated, in particular, with the semantics of first order logic and with non-standard analysis. The probabilities introduced are partially continous, they are continous with respect to so-called cylindric sums.
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    Sociotechnical Practices and Difference: On the Interferences between Disability, Gender, and Class.Ingunn Moser - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (5):537-564.
    In feminist and cultural studies, there is a growing body of work concerned with how people’s lives are subjected to multiple, intersecting axes of differentiation and power. There is growing concern that we seem unable to address more than one difference at a time, thus failing to interrogate enactments of class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality in science, technology, and medicine. This article aims to contribute to the effort to conceptualize the making of and interactions between differences. It explores how (...)
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  38. Does ought imply can?Miklos Kurthy - 2017 - PLoS ONE 12 (4):e0175206.
    Most philosophers believe that a person can have an obligation only insofar as she is able to fulfil it, a principle generally referred to as “Ought Implies Can”. Arguably, this principle reflects something basic about the ordinary concept of obligation. However, in a paper published recently in this journal, Wesley Buckwalter and John Turri presented evidence for the conclusion that ordinary people in fact reject that principle. With a series of studies, they claimed to have demonstrated that, in people’s judgements, (...)
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  39. Philosophie Und Kybernetik. Hrsg. Von Karl Steinbuch Und Simon Moser.Karl Steinbuch & Simon Moser - 1970 - Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung.
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    Probability in rational decision-making.Paul K. Moser & D. Hudson Mulder - 1994 - Philosophical Papers 23 (2):109-128.
  41.  45
    Non-standard Stochastics with a First Order Algebraization.Miklós Ferenczi - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (3):345-354.
    Internal sets and the Boolean algebras of the collection of the internal sets are of central importance in non-standard analysis. Boolean algebras are the algebraization of propositional logic while the logic applied in non-standard analysis (in non-standard stochastics) is the first order or the higher order logic (type theory). We present here a first order logic algebraization for the collection of internal sets rather than the Boolean one. Further, we define an unusual probability on this algebraization.
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  42. György Lukács nel '56.Mikloś Vásárhelyi E. Antonino Infranca - 1949 - In Lelio La Porta & György Lukács (eds.), Lukács chi?: dicono di lui. [Rome]: Bordeaux.
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  43. Greek Logic and Arabic Stylistics.Miklós Maróth - 2003 - In Miklós Maróth (ed.), Problems in Arabic philosophy. Piliscsaba: Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies. pp. 87--107.
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    Rorty on Politics, Culture, and Philosophy: A Defence of his Romanticism.Miklós Nyírő - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (1):60-67.
    Rorty on Politics, Culture, and Philosophy: A Defence of his Romanticism Rorty's historicist romanticism is a peculiar and oft criticized feature of his neopragmatism. I attempt to show that it should be regarded not so much as a more or less exceptionable philosophical approach, but rather, as a practice in ‘cultural politics’—which is his ultimate definition for philosophy—prompted by his acute political concerns and his views on the nature of moral progress.
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    ‘At Journey’s End, in Darkness’: a reticent redemption in The Lord of the Rings.Miklós Vassányi - 2015 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 76 (3):232-240.
    In this paper, the author is trying to disentangle and analyse the principles of Tolkien’s implicit soteriology in The Lord of the Rings. The paper argues that Tokien’s novel is a metaphysical statement about redemption which only adumbrates, and does not clarify, how mankind is saved by divine grace. At the same time, The Lord of the Rings is unambiguous about the Fall. Hence it seems reasonable to say that Tolkien’s work is a reticent soteriology. In order to find an (...)
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    From divine omnipotence to the omnipotence of matter.Miklós Vassányi - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (2):172-196.
    This paper wishes to offer a historical derivation of the mature Diderot’s fully materialistic, physiological theory of the soul, and to show the conflict between the theological concept of the soul as a principle of freedom, and the materialistic-deterministic concept of the soul, in his philosophical and literary oeuvre. In historical respect, Diderot formulated his mature position on the basis of Locke’s theory of ‘thinking matter’, of Toland’s idea that ‘action is essential to matter’, of Maupertuis’s theory of ‘spontaneous creative (...)
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  47. Finitude et élargissement de la raison.: La premièere philosophie de Fichte.Miklós Vető - 1991 - Existentia 1 (1-2):91-109.
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  48. KÜHN, ROLF: Deuten als Entwerden. Eine Synthese des Werkes Simone Weils in hermeneutisch-religionsphilosophischer Sicht.Miklos Vetö - 1995 - Pensamiento 51 (199/201):343-345.
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    Le centaure et l’étalon: une variante sur le thème de la synthèse a priori.Miklos Vetö - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (1):397-408.
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  50. Publications, instruments de travail.Miklos VetÖ - 1989 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:277.
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