Results for 'Michelle Power'

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  1. Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977.Michel Foucault - 1980 - Vintage.
    Michel Foucault has become famous for a series of books that have permanently altered our understanding of many institutions of Western society. He analyzed mental institutions in the remarkable Madness and Civilization; hospitals in The Birth of the Clinic; prisons in Discipline and Punish; and schools and families in The History of Sexuality. But the general reader as well as the specialist is apt to miss the consistent purposes that lay behind these difficult individual studies, thus losing sight of the (...)
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    Mother–Infant Skin-to-Skin Contact: Short‐ and Long-Term Effects for Mothers and Their Children Born Full-Term.Ann E. Bigelow & Michelle Power - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  3. Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy.Michel Foucault - 1979 - Sydney: Feral Publication.
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  4. The Subject and Power.Michel Foucault - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (4):777-795.
    I would like to suggest another way to go further toward a new economy of power relations, a way which is more empirical, more directly related to our present situation, and which implies more relations between theory and practice. It consists of taking the forms of resistance against different forms of power as a starting point. To use another metaphor, t consists of using this resistance as a chemical catalyst so as to bring to light power relations, (...)
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  5. Power and Sex: An Interview with Michel Foucault.Michel Foucault - 1977 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 32.
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  6. Teleological powers.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 62 (4):336-358.
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    Silencing the past: Power and the Production of History.Michel-Rolph Trouillot - 1995 - Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press. Edited by Hazel V. Carby.
    In this provocative analysis of historical narrative, Michel-Rolph Trouillot demonstrates how power operates, often invisibly, at all stages in the making of history to silence certain voices. From the West's failure to acknowledge the Haitian Revolution, the most successful slave revolt in history, to the continued debate over denials of the Holocaust, and the meaning of Columbus's arrival in the Americas, Trouillot shows us that history is not simply the recording of facts and events, but a process of actively (...)
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  8. Psychiatric Power.Michel Foucault - 2007 - Foucault Studies:3-6.
    Lectures at the Collège de France, 1973-1974. Ed. Jacques Lagrange, trans. Graham Burchell, intro. Arnold I. Davidson,. Extract from Chapter One, 7 November 1973.
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    Power.Michel Foucault - 2002 - Penguin Books, Limited (UK).
    Volume 3 in the ESSENTIAL WORKS OF FOUCAULT series, a collection of articles, interviews and seminars on the subject of Western political culture, written by the twentieth century French philosopher, Michel Foucault and translated into English. It includes issues such as sexuality, psychiatry, discrimination and exclusion in human society.
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  10. Considerations on Marxism, Phenomenology and Power. Interview with Michel Foucault; Recorded on April 3rd, 1978.Michel Foucault, Colin Gordon & Paul Patton - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:98-114.
  11. Emergent Powers.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2020 - Topoi 39 (5):1031-1044.
    I shall introduce at the beginning of the paper a characterization of strong ontological emergence. According to it, roughly, something strongly emerges from some other thing iff the former depends in some respect on the latter and it some independent of it in some other respect. Afterwards, I shall present my own formulation of strong emergence, which is based on the distinction between the mere possession and the activation of a causal power. Causal powers are the entities to be (...)
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  12. Feminist critical discourse analysis: gender, power, and ideology in discourse.Michelle M. Lazar (ed.) - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is the first collection to bring together well-known scholars writing from feminist perspectives within critical discourse analysis. The theoretical structure of CDA is illustrated with empirical research in Eastern and Western Europe, New Zealand, Asia, South America and the US, demonstrating the complex workings of power and ideology in discourse in sustaining particular gender(ed) orders. These studies deal with texts and talk in domains ranging from parliamentary settings, news and advertising media, the classroom, community literacy programs and the (...)
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    The power of Babel: a study of logophilia.Michel Pierssens - 1980 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Mallarmes madness * You think I'm mad? Someday I'll explain to you that my madness lies elsewhere. Mallarme to H. Cazalis, Mallarme inaugurates: the first ...
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  14. (1 other version)Truth and Power (1977).Michel Foucault - 2007 - In Craig J. Calhoun, Contemporary sociological theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 201--208.
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    Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews.Michel Foucault - 1977 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Because of their range, brilliance, and singularity, the ideas of the philosopher-critic-historian Michel Foucault have gained extraordinary currency throughout the Western intellectual community. This book offers a selection of seven of Foucault's most important published essays, translated from the French, with an introductory essay and notes by Donald F. Bouchard. Also included are a summary of a course given by Foucault at College de France; the transcript of a conversation between Foucault and Gilles Deleuze; and an interview with Foucault that (...)
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    Psychiatric power: lectures at the Collège de France, 1973-74.Michel Foucault - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Jacques Lagrange.
    In this new addition to the Collège de France lecture series, Michel Foucault's historical enquiry into the uses and techniques of power and knowledge finds itself directed towards a study of the birth of psychiatry. Psychiatric Power shows not only how Western society's division of the "mad" from the "sane" began, but also how society, medicine, and law and their treatment of the "mad" developed into what we now recognize as modern psychiatry, and how modern social and political (...)
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    A hedonist manifesto: the power to exist.Michel Onfray - 2015 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The provocative French intellectual promotes a radical body politics that shows us how we must think and act to live well.
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    Scientific Realism and Laws of Nature: A Metaphysics of Causal Powers.Michel Ghins - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses central issues in the philosophy and metaphysics of science, namely the nature of scientific theories, their partial truth, and the necessity of scientific laws within a moderate realist and empiricist perspective. Accordingly, good arguments in favour of the existence of unobservable entities postulated by our best theories, such as electrons, must be inductively grounded on perceptual experience and not their explanatory power as most defenders of scientific realism claim. Similarly, belief in the reality of dispositions such (...)
  19. The power of passion on Heartbreak Hill.Michelle Maiese - 2007 - In Michael W. Austin, Running and Philosophy: A Marathon for the Mind. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Espacio, Saber y Poder.Michel Foucault - 1984 - In The Foucault Reader. Vintage.
    “ S pace, K no w l edge and P o w e r ” , en tr ev i s t a r ea l i z a d a en 1982 y pub li cada en P aul R ab i no w , The Foucau l t R eade r , N ueva Y o r k, 1984. A quí se pub li ca de acue r do a l a ve r s i ón f r (...)
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  21.  28
    Developing Global Leaders: Insights From African Case Studies.Michel Foucault - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    “What characterizes the act of justice is not resort to a court and to judges; it is not the intervention of magistrates (even if they had to be simple mediators or arbitrators). What characterizes the juridical act, the process or the procedure in the broad sense, is the regulated development of a dispute. And the intervention of judges, their opinion or decision, is only ever an episode in this development. What defines the juridical order is the way in which one (...)
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  22. How Powers Emerge from Relations.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2016 - Axiomathes 26 (2):187-204.
    I shall explore in this article the metaphysical possibility of powers’ strongly emerging from relations. After having provided a definition of emergent powers that is also based on the distinction between the possession and the activation of a power, I shall introduce different sorts of Relations that Ground Emergence, both external and internal. Later on, I shall discuss some examples of powers that are grounded on their instantiation. Finally, I shall examine the consequences of accepting such relations within a (...)
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  23.  25
    The Literary Field and the Field of Power: The Case of Modern China.Michel Hockx - 2012 - Paragraph 35 (1):49-65.
    This article discusses ways in which Pierre Bourdieu's literary sociology has inspired scholarship on modern Chinese literature, helping it to move away from overly politicized paradigms of literary historiography. The article also asks the question to what extent the use of a Bourdieusian model has resulted in an overemphasis on the ‘relative autonomy’ of a literary field that, at various times during the twentieth century, has been operating under conditions of strong direct state interference. After giving a general overview of (...)
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    Site-Worship and the Iconopoietic Power of Kinetic Devotions.Michele Bacci - 2019 - Convivium 6 (1):20-47.
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  25. Social Structures and the Power of the State.Michel Collinet & James H. Labadie - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (23):64-78.
    The simplest and no doubt the most persistent of the ideas held on the relationship between society and power, from Menenius Agrippa to Auguste Comte, is that of an analogy between the social body and the human body. Both these men deduced that power is nothing other than the supreme regulating function of all functional activities, as harmoniously integrated in society as they are in human physiology. Ethnographic study often strengthened this organicist conception through description of the various (...)
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    Functional Powers.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2021 - In Ludger Jansen & Petter Sandstad, Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Formal Causation. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    I introduce functional powers, i.e., causal powers that play the role of functions. In the first section, I characterize functions and present some desiderata for a good theory of functions. In the second section, I make some assumptions about the ontology of powers, teleology and structures-that will be helpful in order to ground my account of functional powers. In the third section, sixteen different types of functional powers are examined. All such types of functional powers will exhaustively contribute to performing (...)
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    Functional Powers.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2021 - In Ludger Jansen & Petter Sandstad, Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Formal Causation. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 124-148.
    I introduce functional powers, i.e., causal powers that play the role of functions. In the first section, I characterize functions and present some desiderata for a good theory of functions. In the second section, I make some assumptions about the ontology of powers, teleology and structures-that will be helpful in order to ground my account of functional powers. In the third section, sixteen different types of functional powers are examined. All such types of functional powers will exhaustively contribute to performing (...)
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    Michel Foucault, Philosopher: Essays.Michel Foucault & T. J. Armstrong - 1992
    This collection of essays on the philosophy of Foucault assesses his various work from a variety of perspectives: his place in the history of philosophy; his style and method of philosophical expression; his notions of political power; his ethical thought; and his attitude to psychoanalysis.
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    Powers of Renunciation.Jean-Michel Hirt - 2020 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 47:73-82.
    En prenant en compte l’article de Freud sur le Moïse de Michel-Ange et son dernier ouvrage L’homme Moïse et le monothéisme, il est possible de montrer comment le renoncement pulsionnel ouvre la voie à la sublimation et à la réalité spirituelle.
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    Powers, Probabilities, and Tendencies.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (4):2035-2067.
    In this article, I aim at showing how powers may ground different types of probability in the universe. In Section 1 I single out several dimensions along which the probability of something can be determined. Each of such dimensions can be further specified at the type-level or at the token-level. In Section 2 I introduce some metaphysical assumptions about powers. In Section 3 I show how powers can ground single-case probabilities and frequency-probabilities in a deterministic setting. Later on, in Section (...)
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  31. Potentiality in process. Putting action and power in perspective according to AN Whitehead.Michel Weber - 2006 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 60 (236):223-241.
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  32. You're not alone : discovering the power of sharing life narratives as academic women.Michelle Barker, Ann Webster-Wright, Deanne Gannaway & Wendy Green - 2018 - In Alison L. Black & Susanne Garvis, Women activating agency in academia: metaphors, manifestos and memoir. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Religion: Rereading What is Bound Together.Michel Serres - 2022 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Edited by M. B. DeBevoise.
    With this profound final work, completed in the days leading up to his death, Michel Serres presents a vivid picture of his thinking about religion—a constant preoccupation since childhood—thereby completing Le Grand Récit, the comprehensive explanation of the world and of humanity to which he devoted the last twenty years of his life. Themes from Serres's earlier writings—energy and information, the role of the media in modern society, the anthropological function of sacrifice, the role of scientific knowledge, the problem of (...)
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    Using Art Media in Psychotherapy: Bringing the Power of Creativity to Practice.Michelle L. Dean - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Using Art Media in Psychotherapy_ makes a thoughtful and contextual argument for using graphic art materials in psychotherapy, providing historical context for art materials and their uses and incorporating them with contemporary practices and theories. Written with an analytic focus, many of the psychological references nod to Jung and post-Jungian thought with keen attention to image and to symbolic function. This book jettisons the idea of reductionist, cookbook approaches and instead provides an integrated and contextual understanding of the origins of (...)
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    Towards Rawlsian ‘property-owning democracy’ through personal data platform cooperatives.Michele Loi, Paul-Olivier Dehaye & Ernst Hafen - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):769-787.
    This paper supports the personal data platform cooperative as a means of bringing about John Rawls’s favoured institutional realisation of a just society, the property-owning democracy. It describes personal data platform cooperatives and applies Rawls’s political philosophy to analyse the institutional forms of a just society in relation to the economic power deriving from aggregating personal data. It argues that a society involving a significant number of personal data platform cooperatives will be more suitable to realising Rawls’s principle of (...)
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  36. COI Stories: Explanation and Evidence in the History of Science.Michel Janssen - 2002 - Perspectives on Science 10 (4):457-522.
    This paper takes as its point of departure two striking incongruities between scientiªc practice and trends in modern history and philosophy of science. (1) Many modern historians of science are so preoccupied with local scientiªc practices that they fail to recognize important non-local elements. (2) Many modern philosophers of science make a sharp distinction between explanation and evidence, whereas in scientiªc practice explanatory power is routinely used as evidence for scientiªc claims. I draw attention to one speciªc way in..
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    Transformative and Educative Power of Critical Thinking.Jean Toner & Michele Rountree - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 23 (1-2):81-85.
    Critical theory and critical thinking emphasize the power of self-reflection and educative analysis where students in higher education become motivated to change their present societal reality by being strategic and action orientated. Central to these theories is the enlistment of strategies that utilize educational vehicles infused with critical thinking to engage students in the process of intensive evaluation of the theory, values, knowledge and skiIls of their respective fields with the often transformative impact upon a student’s worldviews. This article (...)
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    Intersectionalisation as meta-discursive practice: complicated power dynamics in Pink Dot’s movement-building.Michelle M. Lazar - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (5):573-590.
    This article adopts the combined perspectives of critical discourse studies and (critical) intersectionality studies to examine efforts at movement-building by Pink Dot SG, an LGBTQ group, which has developed within the illiberal geopolitical space of Singapore. The term ‘intersectionalisation’ is introduced to refer to a reflexive meta-discursive strategy which mobilizes the intersectionality of social identities (such as gender, sexuality, race, class, generation, and nationality) to advance particular sociopolitical objectives. The article illustrates three ways intersectionalisation operates in Pink Dot’s official videos: (...)
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    Linguistic Disobedience: Restoring Power to Civic Language.Yuliya Komska, Michelle Moyd & David Gramling - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book asks how we—as citizens, immigrants, activists, teachers—can counter the abuse of language in our midst. How can we take back the power of language from those who flaunt that power to silence or erase us and our fellows? In search of answers, Linguistic Disobedience recalls ages and situations that made critiquing, correcting, and caring for language essential for survival. From turn-of-the-twentieth-century Central Europe to the miseries of the Third Reich, from the Movement for Black Lives to (...)
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    A Power of Relative Importance: San Marco and the Holy Icons.Michele Bacci - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):126-147.
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  41. Society must be defended: lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-76.Michel Foucault - 2003 - New York: Picador. Edited by Mauro Bertani, Alessandro Fontana, François Ewald & David Macey.
    An examination of the relation between war and politics, by one of the twentieth century’s most influential thinkers From 1971 until 1984 at the College de France, Michel Foucault gave a series of lectures ranging freely and conversationally over the range of his research. In Society Must Be Defended , Foucault deals with the emergence in the early seventeenth century of a new understanding of war as the permanent basis of all institutions of power, a hidden presence within society (...)
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    The Mysterious Case of the Missing Perpetrators.Michelle Ciurria - 2020 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6 (2).
    When we focus on asymmetries of power in our society, we find that blame and praise are unfairly distributed, partly due to cultural narratives that favour and exonerate the privileged. This paper provides a partial explanation for this skewed distribution of blame and praise. I draw on three analyses of disappearance narratives that erase and exonerate privileged perpetrators and therefore skew the responsibility system in their favour. Then I defend an emancipatory theory of responsibility that treats blame and praise (...)
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  43. Mindshaping, Enactivism, and Ideological Oppression.Michelle Maiese - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):341-354.
    One of humans’ distinctive cognitive abilities is that they develop an array of capacities through an enculturation process. In “Cognition as a Social Skill,” Sally points to one of the dangers associated with enculturation: ideological oppression. To conceptualize how such oppression takes root, Haslanager appeals to notions of mindshaping and social coordination, whereby people participate in oppressive social practices unthinkingly or even willingly. Arguably, an appeal to mindshaping provides a new kind of argument, grounded in philosophy of mind, which supports (...)
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    Abnormal: lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975.Michel Foucault - 2003 - New York: Picador. Edited by Valerio Marchetti, Antonella Salomoni & Arnold I. Davidson.
    The second volume in an unprecedented publishing event: the complete College de France lectures of one of the most influential thinkers of the last century Michel Foucault remains among the towering intellectual figures of postmodern philosophy. His works on sexuality, madness, the prison, and medicine are classics his example continues to challenge and inspire. From 1971 until his death in 1984, Foucault gave public lectures at the world-famous College de France. These lectures were seminal events. Attended by thousands, they created (...)
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    Making Heteronormative Reconciliations: The Story of Romantic Love, Sexuality, and Gender in Mixed-Orientation Marriages.Michelle Wolkomir - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (4):494-519.
    As a central organizing institution in society, marriage presents an idealized package for sociosexual relations that reproduces and intertwines gender power dynamics and heterosexual desire. This package is sustained, in part, by the ideology of romantic love—a set of beliefs that constructs only a particular configuration of sexual and gender practices as natural, normal, and right. Drawing on interviews with 45 people, this study examines how people negotiate marital relationships that do not fit into this normative configuration— mixed-orientation marriages. (...)
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    The Ethics of Ordinary Technology.Michel Puech - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Technology is even more than our world, our form of life, our civilization. Technology interacts with the world to change it. Philosophers need to seriously address the fluidity of a smartphone interface, the efficiency of a Dyson vacuum cleaner, or the familiar noise of an antique vacuum cleaner. Beyond their phenomenological description, the emotional experience acquires moral significance and in some cases even supplies ethical resources for the self. If we leave this dimension of modern experience unaddressed, we may miss (...)
  47. Politics, philosophy, culture: interviews and other writings, 1977-1984.Michel Foucault - 1988 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Lawrence D. Kritzman.
    Politics, Philosophy, Culture contains a rich selection of interviews and other writings by the late Michel Foucault. Drawing upon his revolutionary concept of power as well as his critique of the institutions that organize social life, Foucault discusses literature, music, and the power of art while also examining concrete issues such as the Left in contemporary France, the social security system, the penal system, homosexuality, madness, and the Iranian Revolution.
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    About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self: Lectures at Dartmouth College, 1980.Michel Foucault - 2015 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, Laura Cremonesi, Arnold I. Davidson, Orazio Irrera & Martina Tazzioli.
    In 1980, Michel Foucault began a vast project of research on the relationship between subjectivity and truth, an examination of conscience, confession, and truth-telling that would become a crucial feature of his life-long work on the relationship between knowledge, power, and the self. The lectures published here offer one of the clearest pathways into this project, contrasting Greco-Roman techniques of the self with those of early Christian monastic culture in order to uncover, in the latter, the historical origin of (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Archaeology of knowledge.Michel Foucault - 1972 - New York: Routledge.
    "Next to Sartre's Search for a Method and in direct opposition to it, Foucault's work is the most noteworthy effort at a theory of history in the last 50 years." -- Library Journal.
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    The hermeneutics of the subject: lectures at the Collège de France, 1981-1982.Michel Foucault - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Frédéric Gros, François Ewald & Alessandro Fontana.
    The Hermeneutics of the Subject is the third volume in the collection of Michel Foucault's lectures at the College de France, one of the world's most prestigious institutions. Faculty at the college give public lectures, in which they can present works-in-progress on any subject of their choosing. Foucault's were more speculative and free-ranging than the arguments of such groundbreaking works as The History of Sexuality or Madness and Civilization . In the lectures comprising this volume, Foucault focuses upon the ways (...)
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