Results for 'Michel Humbert'

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    Beauvoir et Sartre. Pour un matérialisme féministe, by Michel Kail.Héloïse Humbert - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 35 (1-2):287-293.
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    L'essence de la manifestation.Michel Henry - 1963 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La question du phénomène précède de beaucoup la phénoménologie, elle s'ouvre avec la philosophie et l'accompagne tout au long de son histoire. Mais ce préalable incontournable - car être veut dire apparaître - est surdéterminé par une présupposition irréfléchie. De la Grèce à Heidegger, dans les problématiques classiques de la conscience et de la représentation, dans leurs critiques, dans la phénoménologie de l'intentionnalité et dans ses prolongements, "phénomène" désigne ce qui se montre à l'intérieur d'un horizon de visihilisation, l'Ek-stase d'un (...)
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  3. Society must be defended: lectures at the Collège de France, 1975-76.Michel Foucault - 2003 - New York: Picador. Edited by Mauro Bertani, Alessandro Fontana, François Ewald & David Macey.
    An examination of the relation between war and politics, by one of the twentieth century’s most influential thinkers From 1971 until 1984 at the College de France, Michel Foucault gave a series of lectures ranging freely and conversationally over the range of his research. In Society Must Be Defended , Foucault deals with the emergence in the early seventeenth century of a new understanding of war as the permanent basis of all institutions of power, a hidden presence within society (...)
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  4. The Birth of the Clinic: An Archeology of Medical Perception.Michel Foucault - 1975 - Science and Society 39 (2):235-238.
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    Espacio, Saber y Poder.Michel Foucault - 1984 - In The Foucault Reader. Vintage.
    “ S pace, K no w l edge and P o w e r ” , en tr ev i s t a r ea l i z a d a en 1982 y pub li cada en P aul R ab i no w , The Foucau l t R eade r , N ueva Y o r k, 1984. A quí se pub li ca de acue r do a l a ve r s i ón f r (...)
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    C'est moi la vérité: pour une philosophie du christianisme.Michel Henry - 1996 - Seuil.
    Le christianisme bouleverse notre conception de l'homme parce qu'il refuse la manière dont celui-ci se comprend depuis toujours à partir du monde, de sa vérité et de ses lois. Selon le christianisme, l'homme ne procède pas du monde mais de Dieu: il est son " Fils ". Or Dieu est Vie, Vie qui ne se montre en aucun monde, qui s'éprouve elle-même dans son intériorité invisible. L'autorévélation de la Vie est l'essence de Dieu. Cette épreuve de soi de la Vie (...)
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  7. Les Mote et les Choses.Michel Foucault - 1969 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 74 (2):250-251.
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  8. Histoire de la folie à l''ge classique.Michel Foucault - 1961 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 155:111-113.
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  9. What Makes a Kind an Art-kind?Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (4):471-88.
    The premise that every work belongs to an art-kind has recently inspired a kind-centred approach to theories of art. Kind-centred analyses posit that we should abandon the project of giving a general theory of art and focus instead on giving theories of the arts. The main difficulty, however, is to explain what makes a given kind an art-kind in the first place. Kind-centred theorists have passed this buck on to appreciative practices, but this move proves unsatisfactory. I argue that the (...)
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  10. Failures of Intention and Failed-Art.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (7):905-917.
    This paper explores what happens when artists fail to execute their goals. I argue that taxonomies of failure in general, and of failed-art in particular, should focus on the attempts which generate the failed-entity, and that to do this they must be sensitive to an attempt’s orientation. This account of failed-attempts delivers three important new insights into artistic practice: there can be no accidental art, only deliberate and incidental art; art’s intention-dependence entails the possibility of performative failure, but not of (...)
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  11. Exploding stories and the limits of fiction.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (3):675-692.
    It is widely agreed that fiction is necessarily incomplete, but some recent work postulates the existence of universal fictions—stories according to which everything is true. Building such a story is supposedly straightforward: authors can either assert that everything is true in their story, define a complement function that does the assertoric work for them, or, most compellingly, write a story combining a contradiction with the principle of explosion. The case for universal fictions thus turns on the intuitive priority we assign (...)
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    Symbolism, Its Meaning and Effect: The Universal Algebra of Culture.Michel Weber - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):350-377.
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    La pratique des possibles: une lecture pragmatiste et modale de la mécanique quantique.Michel Bitbol - 2015 - Paris: Hermann.
    Le sens de la mécanique quantique doit être interrogé en revenant au plus près de l'expérience incertaine, à partir de laquelle les possibilités futures sont évaluées. L'idée même d'une pluralité de mondes est reconduite aux situations élémentaires de la vie humaine où s'opposent l'actualité collectivement reconnue et les possibilités intellectuellement envisagées.
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    Varieties of Religious Experience: Centenary Essays.Michel Ferrari (ed.) - 2002 - Imprint Academic.
    William James published his classic work on the psychology of religion, "The Varieties of Religious Experience", in 1902. To mark the centenary, leading contemporary scholars reflect on changes in our understanding of the questions James addressed.
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    La fracture de l'histoire: douze essais sur Heidegger.Michel Haar - 1994 - Editions Jérôme Millon.
    L'Histoire occidentale, devenue planétaire, donne aujourd'hui des signes d'épuisement. Elle semble incapable d'imaginer son avenir. Sera-t-il un crépuscule interminable, ou verra-t-il une nouvelle aurore? Depuis longtemps déjà, au-dessus de la " Terre du Soir ", le soleil des grands principes qui firent époque, décline. Sommes-nous sur le point d'entrer dans une longue " nuit du monde ", où seuls nous guideront quelques feux clignotants et nos divers écrans allumés en permanence? Les utopies sur la " fin de l'Histoire " se (...)
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  16. Affekt und Subjektivität. Lebensphänomenologische Beiträge zur Psychologie und zum Wesen des Menschen.Michel Henry - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (1):206-207.
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    Compte rendu de M. Laignel-Lavastine, Les Rythmes et la Vie – 1934.Eugène-Humbert Guitard - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce compte rendu a déjà paru dans la Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie, 1934, vol. 22, n° 85, p. 316-317. - Biologie – Nouvel article.
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  18. Imagining fictional contradictions.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3169-3188.
    It is widely believed, among philosophers of literature, that imagining contradictions is as easy as telling or reading a story with contradictory content. Italo Calvino’s The Nonexistent Knight, for instance, concerns a knight who performs many brave deeds, but who does not exist. Anything at all, they argue, can be true in a story, including contradictions and other impossibilia. While most will readily concede that we cannot objectually imagine contradictions, they nevertheless insist that we can propositionally imagine them, and regularly (...)
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    Whitehead's Pancreativism: The Basics.Michel Weber - 2006 - De Gruyter.
    There is one question that any potential reader who suspects that Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) might be important for past, contemporary, and future philosophy inevitably raises: how should I read Whitehead? How can I make sense of this incredibly dense tissue of imaginative systematizing, spread over decades of work in disciplines so different and specialized as algebra, geometry, logic, relativistic physics and philosophy of science? Accordingly, this monograph has two main complementary objectives. The first one is to propose a set (...)
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    Autopoiesis and Justice: A Critique of Luhmann's Conception of Law.Michel Rosenfeld - 1991 - Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.
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    Alexandre Correia, Ensaios políticos e filosáficos.Michel Schooyans - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (64):529-530.
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    The Trouble with Poetic Licence.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2016 - British Journal of Aesthetics 56 (2):149-161.
    It is commonly thought that authors can make anything whatsoever true in their fictions by artistic fiat. Harry Deutsch originally called this position the Principle of Poetic License. If true, PPL sets an important constraint on accounts of fictional truth: they must be such as to allow that, for any x, one can write a story in which it is true that x. I argue that PPL is far too strong: it requires us to abandon the law of non-contradiction and (...)
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  23. Epistemic Tit for Tat.Michel J. Blais - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (7):363.
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    18. ethical-philosophical implications of a globalization process.Michel Renaud - 2000 - In Guillaume de Stexhe & Johan Verstraeten, Matter of breath: foundations for professional ethics. Leuven: Peeters. pp. 3--291.
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    Histoire et religion.Michel Kaplan, Jean École, Sylvie Ranc-Puech, Sophie Houdard, Alain Tallon, Anne Lagny, André Charrak & Nicolas Piqué - 1998 - Revue de Synthèse 119 (2-3):396-415.
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  26. Schopenhauer’s Perceptive Invective.Michel-Antoine Xhignesse - 2020 - In Jens Lemanski, Language, Logic, and Mathematics in Schopenhauer. Basel, Schweiz: Birkhäuser. pp. 95-107.
    Schopenhauer’s invective is legendary among philosophers, and is unmatched in the historical canon. But these complaints are themselves worthy of careful consideration: they are rooted in Schopenhauer’s philosophy of language, which itself reflects the structure of his metaphysics. This short chapter argues that Schopenhauer’s vitriol rewards philosophical attention; not because it expresses his critical take on Fichte, Hegel, Herbart, Schelling, and Schleiermacher, but because it neatly illustrates his philosophy of language. Schopenhauer’s epithets are not merely spiteful slurs; instead, they reflect (...)
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    La morale effective.Michel Anselme - 1980 - Paris: Copernic.
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    Habermas on Law and Democracy: Critical Exchanges.Michel Rosenfeld & Andrew Arato (eds.) - 1998 - Univ of California Press.
    A collection of provocative, in-depth debates between Jurgen Habermas and a wide range of his critics relating to the philosopher's contribution to legal and democratic theory as published in his book BETWEEN FACTS AND NORMS. Essential reading for philosophers, legal scholars, and political and social theorists concerned with understanding the work of one of the leading philosophers of our age.
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    Structuralist Poetics: Structuralism, Linguistics and the Study of Literature.Michel Grimaud - 1976 - Substance 5 (14):167.
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    Fields and settings: French il and ça impersonals in copular complement constructions.Michel Achard - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (3).
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  31. List of participants of Collocations and Idioms.Michel Achard, Christina Alm-Arvius, Goranka Antunovic, Marina Avdonina, Grazia Biorci, Genova Cnr-Isem, A. Olga, Cristina Cacciari, Teresa Cadierno & Bert Cappelle - 2007 - In Marja Nenonen & Sinikka Niemi, Collocations and idioms 1: papers from the First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes, Joensuu, May 19-20, 2006. Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto. pp. 398.
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    Lecture de Platon.Michel Alexandre - 1966 - Paris,: Bordas, Mouton.
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  33. Par la pensée.Michel Alexandre - 1973 - Lyon (3, rue Marius-Audin, 69003),: Audin. Edited by Gérard Granel.
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    Introduction and Acknowledgments.Michel Rene Barnes - 2008 - Augustinian Studies 39 (2):165-167.
  35. Esquisse d'une théorie de la substance comme forme en acte.Michel Bastit - 2008 - Revue Thomiste 108 (3):403-422.
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    Avant-propos.Michel Weber - 2006 - Chromatikon 2:5-14.
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    Creativity, Efficacy and Vision: Ethics and Psychology in an Open Universe.Michel Weber - 2006 - In Michel Weber Pierfrancesco Basile, Subjectivity, Process, and Rationality. Ontos Verlag. pp. 263-282.
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    O Pragmatismo De Whitehead.Michel Weber - 2009 - Redescrições 1 (1):1-12.
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    Rescher on Process Thought.Michel Weber - 2008 - In Robert Almeder, Rescher Studies: A Collection of Essays on the Philosophical Work of Nicholas Rescher. De Gruyter. pp. 429-444.
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    Eleven theses or hypotheses on the way out of the pandemic.Michel Wieviorka - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 177 (1):6-14.
    Written while the pandemic was still a key issue, this article tries to imagine the post-pandemic from different perspectives, and first of all in distinct temporalities. A question arises immediately: how can we consider the hypothesis of a deep cultural or anthropological mutation with intellectual or scientific tools that were forged before this mutation? What might new approaches for the social sciences look like? The article proceeds to analyse the more obvious social, technological and cultural changes that occurred with the (...)
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    (1 other version)Sociopedia.Michel Wieviorka - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):183.
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    Violencia Y crueldad.Michel Wieviorka - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:155-171.
    This w ork distinguishes bet w een violence used to attain a speci f ic purpose and violence intended or practice for itself. C r uelty is characterised as violence for violenc e' sa k e. Th e aim is to try to f ind an e xplanation for that c r uelty w hich can be described as absolute violence. F or that reason, reference is made to a series of books that h a v e dealt with the (...)
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  43. L'énigme du beau..Michel Kornfeld - 1942 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  44. Qu'est-ce qu'un métier d'art?Michel Melot - 2012 - In Nathalie Heinich, Roberta Shapiro & François Brunet, De l'artification: enquêtes sur le passage à l'art. [Paris]: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
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  45. Analyses et comptes rendus-Les nouvelLes traductions de la rhetorique d'aristote. Comment choisir la bonne?Michel Meyer - 2008 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 62 (243):119.
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    Descartes et la rhétorique de la modernité.Michel Meyer - 2021 - Bruxelles, Belgique: Académie royale de Belgique.
  47. G. Dispaux, "la Logique Et Le Quotidien".Michel Meyer - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 39 (1/2=152/153):188.
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  48. Jacques Maritain et Charles Maurras : correspondance et discordance.Florian Michel - 2022 - In Hubert Borde & Bernard Hubert, Actualité de Jacques Maritain. Paris: Pierre Téqui éditeur.
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  49. Vorträge Aus Dem Warburg-Haus, Band 6.Simone Michel - 2002 - Akademie Verlag.
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  50. La Ville Clarifiée. Essai d'analyse de quelques usage carto et iconographiques en oeuvre dans le projet urbain.Michel Lussault - 1994 - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 9:10.
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